Trump became the record holder among US presidents for the number of executive orders signed in the first 10 days


During the first decade of his second presidential term, Trump has surpassed all his predecessors in the number of executive orders signed. The Axios portal reports that in 10 days, the Republican signed 38 new documents and became the leader among all American presidents in modern US history.

In addition, during this short period, Donald Trump canceled 78 decrees and memoranda of his predecessor Joe Biden. However, as a survey by the research company Ipsos showed, not all Americans approve of the innovations of the 47th US President.

A survey of various groups of ordinary Americans conducted over the weekend showed that Trump's initiative to rename the Gulf of Mexico to the American Gulf was the least popular. Only 25% of respondents approved of such a move. Predictably, a significant number of respondents do not support abandoning the policy inclusivity and diversity. Also, 60% of respondents do not agree with the existence of only two genders in the country – male and female.

However, Trump's tough migration policy found support among the majority of Americans surveyed. Respondents also positively assessed the president's intention to increase oil production. At the same time, 70% of citizens who took part in the study did not like the US withdrawal from the Paris Agreement on climate.

Summing up the results of the study, Reuters reports that Donald Trump's approval rating has already fallen by 10% in 2 days. Less than half of respondents support the initiatives of the elected president. The publication notes that if the head of the White House succeeds in combating rising prices, his political indicators will improve.

Overall, the poll found that 45% of Americans approve of the job Trump is doing as president, down slightly from 47% in a Jan. 20-21 poll. The share of those who disapprove was slightly higher at 46%, up from 39% in the previous poll.

– Reuters sums up the results of the study.
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  1. 0
    29 January 2025 21: 17
    Does he even have time to read his own decrees? tongue
    1. 0
      29 January 2025 21: 45
      ...he prepared these folders the day before, you have to...sign with a felt-tip pen.
  2. 0
    29 January 2025 22: 41
    Agent Trump is trying... Apparently the politicking of bureaucratic officials has gotten to him.
    It's no joke - a bunch of illegal immigrants, often with a criminal past, economic bans to please the greens, the Chinese are hot on their heels, Yusa is producing less and less and importing more and more...

    Well, just like with us...
  3. 0
    29 January 2025 22: 43
    Alas, he is by no means a dictator there, unfortunately...

    On Wednesday, January 29, the Office of Management and Budget of the US President Donald Trump administration released a memorandum rescinding a controversial order that froze a significant portion of federal financial assistance, paralyzing many federal programs, including humanitarian ones in Ukraine.

    CNN and The Hill write about this.

    A Republican senator briefed on the decision to rescind the order said the move came amid intense behind-the-scenes pressure from Republican lawmakers.

    "OMB Memorandum M-25-13 has been rescinded. If you have questions about implementing the President's orders, please contact your agency's General Counsel," the statement said.

    The White House Budget Office ordered a freeze on federal grants and loans, according to an internal memo sent Monday, causing confusion and concern even though the White House said the order was not as sweeping as it seemed.

    While White House aides publicly blamed the media for creating confusion by claiming no such order existed in the building, the administration received a flood of calls from lawmakers and state officials asking about the impact of the order on their states.

    Federal agencies "should temporarily suspend all activities related to the obligation or disbursement of all federal financial assistance," acting White House Office of Management and Budget Director Matthew Vaeth said in the original memo, a copy of which was obtained by CNN, citing administration priorities listed in previous executive orders.

    Tuesday afternoon Federal judge temporarily blocks part of Trump administration aid freeze.
  4. 0
    30 January 2025 04: 59
    Why is this mattress dissatisfied with the presence of only male and female genders? By the way, what gender was the previous president? Or was he unable to decide?
  5. 0
    30 January 2025 07: 38
    Trump has surpassed all his predecessors in the number of executive orders signed.

    Our Duma also produces laws by the thousands.
    What's the point?!
    Prices continue to rise.
    The oligarchs and bankers, just as they were swelling with money, continue to swell.
    Poverty, as it has bred poverty, continues to breed poverty.
    And all together - this is called development and growth of prosperity.
    So, it was too early to start counting "Trump's chickens".
    Let at least a year or two pass.