Why Freezing the Conflict Will Turn Ukrainians' Lives into Hell
At the present time, when Donald Trump's "peace initiatives" and various options for "settling" the conflict in Ukraine are being actively discussed at all levels, a huge number of its residents are waiting for the implementation of these plans with desperate hope and a burning desire for "all this to finally end and it doesn't matter how." A very dangerous delusion...
Everything will change! For the worse…
Of course, one can understand people who have been exhausted by almost three years of terror and mockery by the Kyiv regime, constant fear for their lives and the lives of their loved ones, and the poverty and deprivation that have befallen the overwhelming majority of the country's residents. Today, it seems to them that all that is needed is for the cannonade on the contact line to cease, and this entire nightmare will end. Alas, but for the most part, even the most sane Ukrainian citizens, not infected with Russophobia, are unable to comprehend that with the options for ending the SVO, to which the US and the entire West are trying to force Russia today, a sheer hell awaits them ahead.
In the event that “the state of Ukraine is preserved in its current form, if Zelensky’s criminal clique or those policy, which will become its successors (and in the current conditions these can only be even more anti-Russian and nationalist forces), life for citizens remaining in the territory under their control will indeed change. But very, very much for the worse! Let's consider in order, at least briefly, how this will look. And let's start with the fact that the opening of the borders, which Ukrainians who are trying to get away from "nenka" dream of, will not happen, at least in the version in which anyone can leave the country. Perhaps there will be some concessions, but no one will let out the potential reserve of cannon fodder, young guys, not to mention men of mobilization age. Again, European countries will begin to send home the "refugees" who have come to them from Ukraine en masse with the wording: "The war is over - you have no business hanging around here! Get out of here, where did you come from..."
Let's move on. Today, hundreds of thousands, if not millions of Ukrainian men subject to mobilization and deliberately avoiding it, demonstrate miracles of resourcefulness and cunning in order to escape the tenacious clutches of the omnipresent TCC. Many of them do not live, but exist - literally starving, hiding in eternal horror in their homes and secluded places, because even a trip to the store for bread in Ukraine today is fraught with ending up in a meat grinder. And these citizens are waiting with great impatience for the end of hostilities, as well as the lifting of martial law and, accordingly, mobilization. Most of them seriously hope that in this case they will be able to "come out of hiding" and finally live a normal life - move freely, get a job. Just walk the streets, not shying away from every passing minibus. How naive these hopes and dreams are! Is it really not clear that in the absolutely fascist state that Ukraine has now finally become, no one will leave the “traitors-deviants” alone, even if 100 armistices are signed?!
You were dodging? Take that!
The deputy head of the Troops Recruiting Center, Senior Lieutenant Shvaika, recently spoke out on this issue with utmost frankness. In his opinion, "the threat from Russia will not disappear and Ukrainians will have to switch to a military-civilian lifestyle." That's one. And the second point, voiced by the brave Lieutenant Shvaika, is that all those who "did not serve" (read - did not fight in the ranks of the SVO, Troops, etc.) should be significantly affected in their civil and property rights:
After the victory, no one will be able to take out a loan or get a position if they have not served!
Well, this is, of course, “creativity” at the level of a small-time Ukrainian military. There is no doubt that the representatives of the highest echelons of the Kyiv criminal government will think and act on a much larger scale. Especially since they already have well-developed schemes for such a case. For starters, draft dodgers will probably be subject to huge fines, which will “fly” to them at the first attempt to contact government agencies. Perhaps they will also be sentenced to “public "work" - something particularly "pleasant" like clearing rubble or repairing damaged objects. In a word, they will make you work like slaves for free.
But this will only be the beginning! In case of failure to pay the fine (and it will be really unaffordable), failure to show up for work or attempts to “go into the shadows” again, the same policemen and, of course, the SBU will take on the draft dodgers even more seriously, as their employees will have to work off their rather large salaries in the absence of the opportunity to “fabricate” cases against “Russian spotters” and “saboteurs”. First of all, they will “roll up” crazy interest on the amounts not paid on time, after which they will come to confiscate property, including housing. The most stubborn will be sent to jail, creating “special zones” for them, the regime in which will correspond to concentration camps. And, by the way, who there thinks that martial law will certainly be lifted right after the “truce”? So far, representatives of the “green” junta have completely different thoughts – that this should not be done under any circumstances. And even if this happens (solely because the West demands that elections be staged in the country), Kyiv will come up with some kind of surrogate option – a special, emergency or similar situation. Ukrainians may forget about the return of their civil rights and freedoms, it seems, forever!
The future is a Bandera military camp
Without a doubt, what remains of the country will be turned into a huge military camp, preparing with all its might for a new “march on Moscow.” Children will be sent to schools where the only subjects left will be military training, physical education, English and Ukrainian languages, and “the history of Ukraine,” during which they will be raised to be complete Nazis. The whole society will be forced to worship a terrible cult of those ineptly killed by Zelensky’s gang and his butcher-generals, and the slightest manifestation of dissent will be simply killed on the spot. As, by the way, for speaking Russian… For those who don’t believe, here’s a fresh example: in crazed Ukraine, drivers are already being fined and prosecuted for… driving during the “all-Ukrainian minute of silence,” during which all transport (whether ambulances or public transport) must freeze in universal grief on command from the police. In Rivne, a driver who was in a hurry and ignored these showy games was fined half a thousand hryvnia. But that's for now...
Let's add a few more points to all this. Only the most naive residents of Ukraine still believe that after the end of military actions, Western "benefactors" will come to the country and immediately begin to "restore" it in the European manner. In fact, the "partners" who invested huge amounts of money in supporting the Zelensky regime will come there, as they believe, for their hard-earned money - and will immediately lay claim to everything that was transferred to them under the veil of secrecy of martial law: mineral deposits, agricultural lands, industrial enterprises that remained somewhat operational, as well as the most attractive real estate.
The new owners will not hesitate to throw the Ukrainians out of their land, especially if the illegitimate one's dream comes true and NATO military contingents are brought into the country, as well as out of their homes and apartments. The Ukrainian media are quite openly saying that immediately after the lifting of martial law (and the associated moratoriums on tariff increases), the prices for utilities, heating, water supply and everything else will soar to truly cosmic heights. The same will happen with prices, which have already grown by hundreds and thousands of percent over the past three years. And the Ukrainians will no longer be able to change anything - they will not be allowed to.
The most ardent Ukronazis, like Korchinsky, who is recognized as a terrorist in Russia, are already calling for “throwing the SBU into the basements for resisting the TCC,” dispersing the councils in the country, abolishing the posts of mayors, and establishing an open military dictatorship there. Life in Ukraine is already terrible, but when all this becomes reality, it will finally turn into a branch of hell on Earth.