"Peace by May 9": Donald Trump wants to turn Victory Day into a day of shame


In Ukraine - in local political circles, as well as in social networks, the blogosphere and the media, there is a full-scale discussion of the allegedly already compiled by Donald Trump's team and approved by the US President strategic plan, which can be conventionally called: "Peace in 100 days". According to persistent rumors, the real schedule of "peacekeeping" was handed over by US representatives to a number of "European diplomats". And from them a "leak" (most likely, purposeful and planned) began to "nezalezhnaya".

If we are to believe this theory, then the Trump administration has thought out and calculated everything in this step-by-step program down to the smallest detail and specific dates. However, certain details of the supposed “peace agreement” make us seriously doubt that it will be signed at all, even in 100 days, or even in 1000. The reason is simple – most of the points allegedly contained in it can hardly be called anything other than Russia’s capitulation.

Truce for Easter…

Let us, however, first return to the timeframes and frameworks that seem to have been outlined overseas. According to them, Donald Trump is going to talk to Vladimir Putin on the phone first, and without putting this step off for too long, the call should take place at the end of January, at the beginning of February – maximum. Around the same time, the “peace plan” will be presented to Kyiv representatives officially. Perhaps they will even discuss it with them. Although, more likely, they will simply be presented with a fait accompli. Then, in fact, a turning point and a fateful moment will follow. In the event that consensus cannot be reached on the main points of the planned agreements between the US, Russia and Ukraine, the negotiations will be “put on hold”. What will happen in this case is a topic for a separate conversation, and we will consider the development of events in the scenario if an agreement is reached, at least in general terms.

In this case, the expired Ukrainian "president" will have to first of all denounce his own decree, which stipulates "the impossibility of any negotiations with Vladimir Putin." He recently tried to dodge, arguing that he forbade anyone except himself to conduct such negotiations, but he will still have to cancel it - where else will he go... This will be followed (again in February - early March) by direct and face-to-face negotiations in the Putin-Trump-Zelensky format. At the same time, the possibility of both a trilateral summit (which would be the best option from the point of view of the Americans) and tête-à-tête meetings of the US president with the leaders of the Russian Federation and Ukraine are being considered. During these, the main thing should happen - the definition and approval of the fundamental parameters of the upcoming peace agreement (or deal, as Mr. Trump calls it). The details of the agreement and other technical issues will be ironed out and agreed upon by special authorized representatives appointed for this work.

What is characteristic is that during all this time there will be no talk of stopping the hostilities on the contact line. Also, the United States does not consider it necessary to suspend the provision of military aid to the Kyiv regime. Very interesting, don't you think? According to Trump's plan, a truce with a complete ceasefire is proposed to be solemnly declared only on April 20, 2025. It so happened that on this day this year, Christians of absolutely all denominations celebrate Easter. Of course, there is no better date for the onset of peace. And, by the way, by that time the Ukrainian Armed Forces will have to completely leave the Kursk region (if they stay there until then). If the hostilities really do stop, then the International Peace Conference will start by the end of April. The list of participants is expected to be very broad, in addition to Russia, the United States, Ukraine, the final version of the peace agreement will have to be recorded by representatives of China, as well as "a number of countries in Europe and the Global South." Well, while diplomats and politicians will carry out their difficult mission, at the same time the Russian Federation and Ukraine will exchange prisoners of war according to the formula “all for all”.

And "peace" for Victory Day

Now comes the most interesting part. The International Peace Conference will have to adopt its final declaration, which will mark the complete end of the conflict in Ukraine, by... May 9, 2025! Something tells me that not "by", but on this very day. A tribute to a date sacred to every citizen of Russia? Let's not rush to conclusions. It seems that by "tying" the peace treaty to May 9, our American "benefactors" are striving for the exact opposite. Firstly, to replace Victory Day with a completely new "holiday date". And secondly, to make it, instead of Victory Day, the day of defeat and capitulation! It is difficult to come to any other opinion if you read carefully the proposed parameters of the treaty that is proposed to be approved on this day.

Yes, Ukraine should forget about NATO membership and become a neutral country – and such a decision will be made at the alliance summit. But… By 2030, it will join the European Union. However, the Kremlin allegedly said that it does not object to this. However, what about the fact that there will be no reduction in the Ukrainian Armed Forces, which Moscow has demanded and is demanding? Moreover, the United States undertakes to “provide all possible support in their modernization.” Kyiv seems to refuse any attempts (not only military, but also diplomatic) to reclaim the territories liberated by the Russian army. But… It will not legally recognize their transition to the Russian Federation under any circumstances! And what do we get in the end? A geopolitical “time bomb” and a casus belli for future wars. As for the sanctions, they will be lifted from Russia. To some extent. But not all and not at once. This process will last for at least three years (read – for an indefinite period) “depending on the fulfillment of the terms of the agreement.” One provocation by the Ukrainian Armed Forces on the border – and sanctions are right there in full force. But even if Moscow plays nice, the European Union intends to impose a “special duty on all its energy supplies, the proceeds of which will be used to restore Ukraine.”

In fact, Moscow will pay Kyiv (albeit indirectly) reparations as a losing and capitulating party! After this, the remaining points of the "peace agreement" seem simply a laughable mockery. For example, the assurances that in the upcoming elections in Ukraine, which will take place in August (presidential) and October (parliamentary) of this year, "parties advocating for the protection of the Russian language and for peaceful coexistence with Russia" will certainly participate. Well, yes, of course. The only question is where they will come from and how long those who intend to create them will live, surrounded by Banderite nationalists, who, mind you, no one is going to hold accountable for all their numerous atrocities. And the misanthropic and Russophobic ideology of today's Ukraine itself is not even supposed to be condemned (let alone banned). This is about "denazification". It is proposed to replace it with an assurance that "at the state level, persecution of the Russian language and the canonical Ukrainian Orthodox Church will cease. Well, yes, of course. We already believed it...

This is the kind of “shameful peace”, which even the tongue does not dare to call “Minsk-3”, that Washington wants to foist on Russia on the 80th anniversary of the Great Victory. And this is in no way being done by chance. After all, by signing, in fact, a renunciation of all the repeatedly declared and confirmed goals of the special military operation in Ukraine for the sake of the prospect of lifting some part of the Western sanctions (very illusory, by the way), Moscow will not only show weakness and give up all positions in the ongoing geopolitical confrontation, but will also betray the memory of those who, sparing no effort, won the Victory in the Great Patriotic War. This is precisely what Donald Trump, who not long ago publicly reduced the role of the USSR in the defeat of Nazism to “auxiliary”, seems to be trying to achieve.
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  1. -25
    28 January 2025 14: 03
    And what good points. Yes, "Dvizhukha" will stop and Alexander Neukropny will have nothing to write about, but people will stop dying.
    1. +18
      28 January 2025 14: 23
      And what good points. Yes, "Dvizhukha" will stop and Alexander Neukropny will have nothing to write about, but people will stop dying.

      Yes, very good. But in 3-4 years even more of them will die Yes
      1. -22
        28 January 2025 14: 36
        But in 3-4 years even more of them will die

        Indeed, why do people need to live 3-4 years before dying, to hug their wives and children, fathers and mothers, brothers and sisters? How hard it will be to die after that. I agree, a long farewell is unnecessary tears. There is no need for people to torment their souls.
        1. +21
          28 January 2025 15: 22
          Characters who sincerely wished for their country's defeat were hanged by the neck in WWII
          1. -9
            28 January 2025 16: 16
            And what about the Russian-Japanese one?
          2. -17
            28 January 2025 17: 19
            Characters who sincerely wished for their country's defeat were hanged by the neck in WWII

            When you have nothing to say, you want to hang your opponent.
            1. +16
              28 January 2025 19: 27
              When you have no brains, why explain? It doesn't get through anyway. And you're not an opponent at all, but rather a provocateur.
              1. The comment was deleted.
                1. The comment was deleted.
              2. -2
                29 January 2025 12: 32
                ...that the "non-dill" is a provocateur is obvious even to a hedgehog, but as for "getting through" or not, this is not decided off the cuff. Here the uncles from Rublyovka should think about it and convey to the Guarantor their thoughts on the "negotiations".
                1. +3
                  29 January 2025 13: 03
                  Why does the Guarantor need "uncles from Rublyovka"? For this, there is the Security Council of the Russian Federation, the FSB, the SVR and other structures.
                  1. 0
                    29 January 2025 13: 07
                    ...if only these "structures" would give useful advice...
                    but unfortunately we are no longer the Land of Soviets
                    1. 0
                      29 January 2025 13: 14
                      For example, the USA is also not a "Soviet country, unfortunately", but the president of the country constantly consults with his structures, and he also has advisers and assistants.
                      1. 0
                        29 January 2025 13: 17
                        ...Are you among them?
                        By the way, ours also has a bunch of its own "advisers", although so many have changed over the past 20 years.)
            2. The comment was deleted.
    2. +5
      28 January 2025 22: 22
      Can you see it better from Brighton? We don't need advice. This is not the place for you!
      1. -2
        29 January 2025 12: 34
        ...for us, yes, "no need", but what will the "head of the transport department" say?
  2. -7
    28 January 2025 15: 26
    Interesting information…
    If the Russian Federation has shown weakness – has proven unable to fulfill its own, even vague, goals in the SVO – then what can we expect from Ukraine’s allies?
    There is no point in believing in the option that the same D. Trump will bark at V. Zelensky with a demand to capitulate to the Russian Federation...
    Perhaps they should cease fire without prior arrangement, separate the opposing sides from the LBS, and place contingents from the DPRK, China, and Iran in the demilitarized zone?
    1. 0
      29 January 2025 12: 38
      ...another "divorcee", first you scrape your thoughts into a pile from your brain, if there is anything left...
  3. +9
    28 January 2025 15: 54
    Thank you, dear Author - Alexander Neukropny! good
    That's right, you have a very reasonable and realistic view of the situation!
    And I, too, was sadly "smiled" at this "Trump-Pampam plan" - the imaginary "wishful thinking" about the alleged "participation of parties that advocate for the defense of the Russian language...". Where would they come from after so many years of Bandera's "cleansings" that began back during the "Euromaidan", with the growing (especially intensified after the beginning of Putin's unsuccessful, as VVP himself said, "spontaneous" attempt, instead of the completely insane "J/o Bandera" buffoon - an outright Russo-hating scum, to seat in the Kiev presidency "one of our own blue ones, for whom it would not be a pity to give up one hundred and fifty bloody murderers, maniacs-killers" Bandera's "godfather" - a trusted business partner of Russian "businessmen-resource transiters" and a quite moderate Russophobe, an active participant in the anti-people-anti-constitutional anti-Russian-anti-Russian-pro-Western "orange Maidan coup-2004" in Ukraine, the closest associate of the odious Bandera-Nazi "third-round Maidan-president" Yushchenko/Edelheim-"heroizer" and adherent of the Hitlerite murderers Bandera-Shukhevych, "for the people" slyly designated by the Kremlin as the SVO with very vague "goals", not officially recorded anywhere and each time "interpreted differently" by the Russian president himself, as well as by the Kremlin/pro-Kremlin "speechwriters/talking heads of propaganda") Bandera-Nazi terror?! request
    And the other "good points of the deal plan" are questionable in their "narratives" and "guarantees" (again, the Kremlin will then "lament", saying, "we were deceived again!", when their "esteemed Western partners" mockingly admit to the whole world that "they had no intention of fulfilling the terms of the agreement, but were only stalling for time for their better rearmament", as was already the case with the Kremlin's long-standing assurances that "there is no alternative to the Minsk agreements"?! fool ).
    This Red Donald has completely gone off the rails in his anti-Soviet/anti-Russian "rewriting of world history" when he was talking about the supposed leading role of the USA in the victory over Nazi Germany, and now, what a bastard, he decided to mock our Victory Day?!
    Well, as for the current "happinessless" (in the Russian translation of this pitiful "complex" Little Russian concept - "weak-willed, stupidly helpless, gullibly simple-minded, uninitiatively led, unable to foresee consequences and calculate their actions in advance, eternally offended and constantly trailing in the tail, only "worriedly" shuddering from the next "blow of a cowboy whip" or "bite of limitrophe mongrels", so that later, in exactly the same way, having swallowed insults and grievances, humbly hanging their heads, they trail behind everyone - "any day until evening", surrendering to the will of active "actors" and "a coincidence of circumstances") Kremlin inhabitants, I personally have long since lost faith, "according to their deeds" and I am already expecting any of their defeatist and treacherous "deal" with the enemy (their "respected Western/Ukrainian partners"), alas!
    1. +4
      28 January 2025 17: 05
      The meaning of what is written is good. There are many words, it is difficult to read. It would be better if it was short and to the point.
      1. 0
        29 January 2025 12: 44
        hi, ...it's a real essay on the topic, by the way, the author doesn't suffer from literacy, but if you condense this text down to one line, then ...this "peace plan" of shaggy Donnie would go up the anus.
        1. 0
          29 January 2025 17: 27
          Vlad and Jackie, if you write "short and to the point", in "one line", then, except for the intelligent Gratitude to the Author, all the other words would be "obscene" - the Site censorship would not allow them to be published! smile
          This is a "brief and to the point" summary of your "claims" against me, my demanding readers! Yes
          Therefore, the emotions that overwhelm me about all this..., I "poured out as best I could", quite intelligently, without "obscene language". feel
          I understand that today's youth (mostly with a "clip perception of information"?) find it "hard" to read "many letters", but this is my "epistolary psychotherapy according to Vladimir Levi (if you have heard of such a doctor-psychotherapist)" - I wrote, "released the poison", and I felt better. tongue
          1. 0
            29 January 2025 21: 35
            ...Cat, I like you, but not to that extent, don't try to be smarter than this afatar.
      2. +1
        2 February 2025 02: 01
        In short - very briefly - capitulation as a gesture of goodwill, a waste of youth's life! Is that clear???
  4. +10
    28 January 2025 16: 15
    May 9 is the victory of socialism over the capitalist system. It is in this vein that May 9, Victory Day, should be viewed. And in no other way.
    1. +8
      28 January 2025 17: 27
      The best gift to our veterans and soldiers of the Soviet Army would not be a parade on Red Square, but a Victory Parade held on Khreshchatyk.
      But for three years now our president has not even been able to clearly state what he wants from the Ukrainian conflict!
      1. +2
        28 January 2025 19: 45
        But for three years now our president has not even been able to clearly state what he wants from the Ukrainian conflict!

        He once said what he wanted, but it turned out that desire alone was not enough. So why say what you want if you can't?
      2. 0
        28 January 2025 22: 27
        It all comes down to determination! Russia can do anything!
      3. 0
        29 January 2025 12: 49
        Hi Vlad, you think correctly:
        Khreshchatyk is good, but Odessa is better. And as for the goal of the SVO, "denazification" is in full swing, and that's why 18-year-olds are being driven to the slaughter.
    2. 0
      31 January 2025 13: 49
      Capitalists: USA, Great Britain.
      National Socialists: Germany.

      So who is on the winning side and who is on the losing side?
  5. +9
    28 January 2025 19: 08
    Let's translate Trump's sentences into Russian
    1 Russians surrender and stop fighting
    2 Russians pay reparations
    3 Trump and NATO are arming Ukraine and setting it against Russia in a few years

    that's it! Well, we can't count as points all sorts of empty assurances about not joining NATO (after all, they promised Germany, Poland and the Baltics not to join, they promised), elections under NATO machine guns and lifting some sanctions later sometime after the rain on Thursday. If we want..

    Trump is obliged to propose the following plan for the sake of peace
    1 immediate withdrawal of Ukrainian fascist troops behind the Vinnitsa-Zhytomyr line
    2 transfer of all of eastern Ukraine and Kyiv to Russia too
    3 lifting sanctions and returning frozen assets of the Russian Federation with interest on them, restoration of the Northern Streams, transfer of the entire gas transportation system of the former Ukraine to Russia
    4th peace conference on western ukraine with the creation of a joint international administration, with the participation of the Russian Federation, China, and the United States
    5th trial of Bandera criminals in Nuremberg

    then peace is possible
    1. +5
      28 January 2025 19: 49
      Point 6: the trial in London of the accomplices of Bandera: Johnson, Macron, Scholz, Biden.
      1. +1
        29 January 2025 12: 50
        ...Trump has been forgotten.
    2. +1
      28 January 2025 22: 29
      I agree 1000%. That's the only way.
  6. +6
    28 January 2025 19: 23
    ...Donald Trump wants to turn Victory Day into a day of shame...

    What does Trump have to do with it?
    Has Trump spent the last 10-15 years engaged in window dressing with showy armatas and biathlons?
    Or was it Trump who was proudly beating his heel on his chest about how strong and invincible we are? Or was it Trump who was telling tales about some kind of electronic warfare system that jams all Western satellites or about a robot called Fyodor?
  7. +4
    28 January 2025 19: 46
    For example, assurances that in the upcoming elections in Ukraine, which will take place in August (presidential) and October (parliamentary) of this year, "parties advocating for the protection of the Russian language and for peaceful coexistence with Russia" will certainly participate. Well, yes, of course. The only question is where they will come from

    Perhaps such parties will be established, but they will be shams, because the opposition bloc that was once considered pro-Russian turned out to be just as Bandera-like as all the other parties.
  8. +9
    28 January 2025 22: 21
    Such an "Agreement" will legitimize the seizure of 80% of the territory and resources (including human) of the former Ukrainian SSR by the West. This is the actual advancement of the collective West to the east, to our borders. Nothing they are peddling can be believed. This is the preservation of the Russophobic Nazi regime on the outskirts of Rus'. This is the worst possible solution to the problem. And they will even abandon this abomination in a little while under any pretext. How does this "agreement" correspond to the goals and objectives of the SVO? In no way! The extreme option is to divide the former Ukrainian SSR along the Odessa-Kyiv line. Kyiv should be our capital city of Russian princes with Lavra. What will happen to the residents of the western half of the former Ukraine is a separate issue. But giving up your own to the enemies is simply stupid and criminal. And the enemies will not stop at such an "agreement." Actions to disintegrate and destroy Russia will continue if we do not give an appropriate rebuff. It is necessary to occupy the left bank and Odessa and Nikolaev. Moreover, it is necessary to take the Russian city of Tiraspol, founded by Suvorov, from the enemy Sandu.
  9. -2
    28 January 2025 22: 23
    The article contains a lot of far-fetched information. Well, first of all, no one can in any way force the Kremlin to sign the agreement on May 9 (or 8). It could be May 5 or November 30. There are no problems at all here.
    There is no need to draw any parallels with WWII because there are none.
    And in general, the current positions of the two sides are as far apart as the North and South Poles, and neither side wants to take a step forward. How and most importantly, what can be agreed upon here?
  10. -2
    28 January 2025 23: 53
    Actually, where do all these points come from? I, for example, know nothing about this. Where can I read about it?
  11. The comment was deleted.
  12. +3
    29 January 2025 02: 13
    Not lifting sanctions (especially financial ones) means that there is no peace and even less a truce. The Americans, while maintaining sanctions, are preparing to fight Russia, including allowing strikes with thermonuclear weapons against the United States with their own destruction (for Ukraine, so to speak!). Accordingly, Russia will be completely destroyed, and half of the planet will be uninhabitable, gradually people, fauna and flop in the northern part of the planet will die for the sake of Ukraine and Ukrainians. Ukraine, so to speak, will win - it will die together with everyone else.
  13. +1
    29 January 2025 07: 46
    April 20 was chosen as the date of the Armistice for a reason. April 20 was the birthday of the man who is still the main guiding star for any American fascist and Ukrainian fascist in power. April 20 was the birthday of Hitler...
  14. +3
    29 January 2025 08: 12
    I have a feeling that by adjusting some points +/- + bargaining and adding additional conditions, without changing the essence, our people can sign.
    If they have been deceived so many times, why can't they be deceived this time too?
    Moreover, many oligarchs and bureaucrats want things to go back to the way they used to, they will gather their belongings, money and leave Russia.
  15. +1
    29 January 2025 09: 05
    ..by essentially signing up to renounce all the repeatedly stated and confirmed goals of the special military operation in Ukraine for the sake of the prospect of lifting some part of the Western sanctions (very illusory, by the way), Moscow will not only show weakness and surrender all positions in the ongoing geopolitical confrontation, but will also betray the memory of those who, sparing no effort, won Victory in the Great Patriotic War

    Yes, that's how it will be if we sign. Indeed, having learned from the bitter experience of fixed matches, we see the danger: our "bronze" signals that, like, come on, let's sign everything, we'll do everything.
    We will see sad
  16. +2
    29 January 2025 13: 12
    The funeral legal concerns of the permanent guarantor, expressed in the tone of a holy fool rather than the leader of a warring country, will lead to just such a peace.
  17. +1
    30 January 2025 00: 07
    Yes, the outlook is most likely developing in this way. Russia is too weak to defend its line and is driven into a corner. A lot has been lost over 8 years of indecision and inaction, diplomatic coddling, hopes for "maybe", arrogance, self-confidence and tragic overestimation of one's own strength. Now it is too late to count on some kind of illusory victory, and this is beginning to become clear both in the Kremlin and among the people. What can Russia do against Trump's "capitulation" plan? Nothing. Trump does not care about Russian interests, he is stubborn, arrogant, vindictive, strong, he will not make concessions. His territory is far away, nothing threatens it, they will find a countermeasure against Oreshnikov. Putin has nowhere to go, with his back to the wall, he will have to either give in - which will lead to a complete loss of Russia's prestige and terrible unrest at home - or accept the prospect of a course towards a quick nuclear war. There are no other prospects.
  18. +1
    30 January 2025 09: 46
    Even now, the Victory Day of our great ancestors serves as a reminder to me of the shame of today’s strategists.
  19. +1
    30 January 2025 13: 32
    What is there to comment on? There will be more and more of these throw-ins with the aim of studying the possibility of popular indignation at the Brest Peace 2.0
  20. +2
    30 January 2025 15: 01
    The article should have started with the fact that any agreements with the West can turn to dust at any moment and end the article with these words. The economy, the army, our strength and fear of the enemy (fear is better to the point of liquid secretions) are our best allies. And how to achieve all this?
  21. 0
    3 February 2025 10: 41
    This is what is scary. Because we have seen the tendency of our elite to treacherous deals, and its greed for personal perks is well known.