Signs of Israeli arms supplies to Ukraine emerge


Tel Aviv regularly vehemently denies "any insinuations" related to possible arms supplies from Israel to Ukraine via third countries. However, some signs of such supplies have now appeared. This is evidenced by data from monitoring resources that closely monitor the situation in the airspace.

Indirect signs proving arms trafficking were the actual flight routes of American military transport aircraft. As for the weapons themselves, these were Soviet, Russian and Iranian-made trophies that the Israelis had captured in the Gaza Strip, Lebanon and Syria in recent months.

Recently, several US Air Force transport aircraft flew from Ramstein Air Base in Germany to Hatzerim Air Base in southern Israel. After that, the aircraft went to Rzeszow, Poland, where the hub for providing military aid to Kyiv is located. The Israelis probably decided that since the threat of Russian S-300 and S-400 air defense systems being used against their fighters in the skies over Syria had passed, they could now supply weapons to Ukraine.

Signs of Israeli arms supplies to Ukraine emerge

There is no official confirmation of this yet. But Moscow has had suspicions about this for some time, despite denials from the Israeli Foreign Ministry and assurances from Tel Aviv of neutrality in the Ukrainian conflict.

It should be noted that on January 21, the Ukrainian Ambassador to Israel Yevhen Korniychuk held a meeting with Deputy Foreign Minister of Israel Sharen Haskel. During the meeting, the Ukrainian diplomat expressed gratitude to Ms. Haskel for her earlier initiative in the Israeli parliament to transfer to Kyiv Russian-made weapons captured by the Israel Defense Forces in Lebanon or on other fronts.
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  1. +20
    26 January 2025 20: 54
    The union of Jews and Banderites...everything has been clear for a long time...
    1. +5
      26 January 2025 21: 45
      As one of my friends from Kiev said:

      When the crest was born, the Jew cried.
    2. The comment was deleted.
    3. KNF
      28 January 2025 11: 16
      Union of Jews and Banderites...
  2. +15
    26 January 2025 20: 58
    Israel has always acted against the Russian Federation, remember the weapons of Israel and instructors in Georgia in 2008, the planned provocation and the death of the Il-20 in Syria with 16 Russian officers on board, etc. There is nothing surprising in the secret supplies of devices, night sights and other weapons to the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Now, through American allies, the supply of weapons to the Armed Forces of Ukraine. They have no shortage of duplicity and meanness...
    1. -20
      26 January 2025 21: 21
      Israel has always acted against the Russian Federation, remember the weapons of Israel and instructors in Georgia in 2008,

      And if you remember all those Arab-Israeli wars, the USSR didn’t send military specialists to the Arabs and didn’t slip them various pieces of hardware for free?
      1. +17
        26 January 2025 23: 03
        Quote: Trampoline area instructor
        And if you remember all these Arab-Israeli wars

        The USSR has been gone for 30+ years, are you seriously trying to justify Israel's actions against Russia, with which the former supposedly has peace and friendship, by blaming the USSR? You won't be offended if the flow goes in the opposite direction, will you? We will have a lot of Western trophies left. Why not put them to good use?
        1. -18
          26 January 2025 23: 29
          Then you won't take offense if the flow goes in the opposite direction

          And it never stopped. If Russia supplies weapons to the Arabs, then why shouldn't Israel sell weapons to Ukraine?
          Western trophies are sometimes used, but not on a massive scale.
          I cannot be offended by definition... the "offended" (contacted) in MLS are... unlike me.
          1. +6
            26 January 2025 23: 33
            Quote: Trampoline area instructor
            And it never stopped. If Russia supplies weapons to the Arabs, then why shouldn't Israel sell weapons to Ukraine?

            And of course you have confirmation, right? That it is Russian weapons and not Chinese, Bulgarian and other clones that are supplied to groups fighting against Israel, right?
            1. -9
              27 January 2025 05: 03
              Human rights activists note that collecting data on arms deliveries to Syria is complicated by the fact that “only a few governments officially acknowledge the fact of arms trade with Syria.” At the same time, the largest arms exporter to Syria is Russia. According to a report by Amnesty International, about 10% of all Russian arms exports go to this country. In August 2011, the head of Rosoboronexport, Anatoly Isaikin, explained that Russia would fulfill its obligations under contracts until UN sanctions were imposed, although he did not disclose what types of weapons Russia was supplying to Damascus. Last year, it was announced that Russia intended to supply MiG-29 combat aircraft and the Pantsir-S1 self-propelled anti-aircraft missile and gun system, as well as Yak-130 training aircraft. There was also information that Moscow could sell Damascus S-300 and Iskander systems, but these plans were never officially confirmed.
              1. +4
                27 January 2025 14: 28
                And what did you post here? Official deliveries to the official authorities of Syria, who are NOT AT FIGHT with Israel?))) Are you serious. Do you think that this is equivalent to secret and not so secret deliveries of weapons to Ukraine, which is in conflict with Russia?))) So maybe Russia should start equivalent deliveries of heavy weapons to the Gaza Strip and to various groups participating in the shelling of Israeli territory? Or is this something else?))) Personally, I am for it))) But in the Kremlin, unlike your inadequates, there are more reasonable people. Otherwise, the history of Israel would have ended long ago. Although... everything is ahead, you are simply asking for it. The reliability of the only "ally" located overseas has already become a household word))
                1. -4
                  27 January 2025 14: 43
                  So what you posted it to me here? Official deliveries to the official authorities of Syria, who are NOT FIGHTING with Israel?))) You Really. You Do you think that this is equivalent to secret and not so secret arms deliveries to Ukraine, which is in conflict with Russia?))) So maybe Russia should start equivalent deliveries of heavy weapons to the Gaza Strip and to various groups participating in the shelling of Israeli territory? Or is this something else?))) Personally я for))) But in the Kremlin, unlike your inadequate more reasonable people are sitting here. Otherwise, the history of Israel would have ended long ago. Although... everything is ahead, you you're just asking for it. The reliability of the only "ally" located overseas has already become a household word))

                  The presence of so many pronouns in such a small text indicates the authorship of a hysterical and tongue-tied troll...
                  I'm afraid to even ask what kind of "our inadequates" are there... now the Railways will flood me with drool lol
                  1. 0
                    27 January 2025 19: 34
                    You are not, by any chance, one of the "Palestinian Cossacks"?
      2. +7
        26 January 2025 23: 45
        Isn't it time to wash your sidelocks???
    2. 0
      27 January 2025 08: 07
      your arguments are ridiculous, honestly... but why wouldn't Israel actually supply weapons to Georgia? especially for money...

      Do they have some kind of agreement with Russia about not supplying weapons?

      by this logic, Russia itself is acting against Russia... do you remember who supplied Azerbaijan with weapons that were used against its CSTO ally and let me remind you that the Azerbaijani military shot down a helicopter of the Russian Armed Forces...

      We can recall the supply of anti-aircraft systems to "friend" Erdogan...

      this is politics and business...and we need to be realistic, and not whine and get hysterical...
      1. 0
        27 January 2025 14: 23
        (N. Volkov) Note. Have you understood the meaning of your statement? It seems no. If yes, then you have the morality of a bandit selling drugs - they pay, so it's okay... It's possible to analyze your statements according to such criteria, but is it necessary?
  3. +11
    26 January 2025 21: 06
    One thing is not clear: why don’t we supply anything serious to Hezbollah, Hamas and the Houthis?
    1. -12
      26 January 2025 21: 19
      Oh, come on! They're running around with slingshots and shooting homemade rockets.
      1. -3
        27 January 2025 17: 08
        And the Houthis will run around with an anti-ship missile system, from which they will accurately fire at the ships of the Zionists and their Anglo-Saxon patrons.
    2. -9
      26 January 2025 21: 41
      Obviously, there are tacit agreements, for example, Israel, due to a long-standing conflict with the Arabs, buys Russian oil, although now it is of course disguised as Kazakh or Azerbaijani. In addition, our Forpost drones are licensed Israeli IAI Searcher. In general, in reality, Iran does not buy Russian military aircraft and other heavy weapons not because it does not have money, but because Russia does not want problems in relations with Israel.
    3. +2
      27 January 2025 03: 59
      It’s not democratic, they will kill Jews, our Jews Miller, Gref, Vekselberg and the rest don’t agree.
    4. +1
      27 January 2025 08: 09
      because Russia doesn't know how to do geopolitics at ALL...

      our "trump cards" are eternal concern and "partnership" that turns into cuckoldry
      1. -3
        27 January 2025 17: 09
        Your klaklyak trump cards consist of begging for help from the US and the EU. No need to act as klaklyak provocateurs on behalf of Mother Russia
  4. +7
    26 January 2025 21: 07
    How much do you have to dislike us to supply weapons to Banderites, who were in the forefront of the extermination of Jews... nothing is sacred...
    1. +8
      26 January 2025 21: 12
      In fact, the Israelis say: "It's not us."
      Sounds familiar?
    2. -9
      26 January 2025 21: 17
      to supply weapons to Banderites,

      On the right bank of the Dniester there is a wonderful town called Bendery. That's where the "Benderites" live, although they call themselves Bendery residents.
    3. +7
      27 January 2025 03: 05
      Israeli Zionists and Ukrobanderites are, de jure and de facto, one and the same.
    4. +5
      27 January 2025 05: 11
      For them, money is sacred. By any means necessary, but money.
    5. 0
      27 January 2025 08: 12
      Arguments of the hurray-patriots:

      The USSR has been gone for 30 years, what does the USSR supply weapons to the Arabs have to do with it?

      supply weapons to Banderovites who participated in the Holocaust...

      The USSR is 30 years old - so it doesn't count... The Holocaust is 80 years old - that counts... L-logic

      Citizens, maybe we should start living by the realities of the 21st century, and not by the maps of Louis XIV???
      1. -4
        27 January 2025 17: 12
        Zionist Jews are like the crests, just as disgusting
    6. 0
      27 January 2025 14: 29
      One fascist helps another fascist!
  5. -1
    26 January 2025 21: 11
    Quote from Paul3390
    One thing is not clear: why don’t we supply anything serious to Hezbollah, Hamas and the Houthis?

    No steel balls. Just a long tongue.
    1. -2
      27 January 2025 17: 13
      The crests have a long tongue. They use it to work under the ami
  6. -15
    26 January 2025 21: 14
    So what? Russia doesn't supply weapons to various Palestinian "freedom fighters"?
    They probably attacked the Jews there with sticks and spears in October of the year before last.
    1. +6
      27 January 2025 00: 47
      Did someone attack you? And you're still here? Stop talking nonsense!!!
      1. -9
        27 January 2025 05: 06
        How are you submitting a petition to the Tsar? Ooo... smepg!
      2. -1
        27 January 2025 08: 14
        comfortable position...

        that is, based on your logic, there were no attacks on Engels and Ryazan now only because it’s quiet in Serpukhov???

        you said it right, don't talk nonsense...
  7. 0
    26 January 2025 21: 44
    Start deliveries to Iran, the Houthis and the new Syrian authorities.
    1. +2
      26 January 2025 22: 23
      What to supply? Syria has already been supplied, by the way, why would the Syrians be for the Russian Federation?
    2. +2
      26 January 2025 23: 07
      Quote: Alex
      Start the new Syrian authorities.

      Are you serious now? To supply those who are now committing total genocide against civilians and especially Christians, destroying monuments and shrines. Cutting off heads and executing soldiers of the Syrian army. Have you seen a doctor lately?
      There is a lot left there from the Syrian army that was supplied by Russia. And I would not be surprised at all if a significant part of it ends up in Ukraine. Do you still want to supply it there?
    3. +6
      27 January 2025 03: 16
      Who will do this???
      Why has the Jewish Fuhrer of the entire Ukrainian Reich, Zelensky, still not been punished for war crimes against Russian citizens?
      One call to Russian President V. Putin from the Jewish Reich, and V.V. Putin’s words about the inevitability of punishment of the lousy Bandera fascists, turned out to be empty.
    4. -1
      27 January 2025 08: 17
      What will you start supplying to Iran???

      Sorry, but for now Iran has supplied Russia with Shaheds (which you renamed into geraniums) and, as some said, classes of missiles...

      What do you personally propose to supply to Iran that they don’t have?

      maybe your own legendary "Nut"? laughing
  8. -12
    26 January 2025 21: 51
    Why does Tel Aviv need these old weapons? What to do with them? And the Soviet Union and Russia supplied them to kill Jews with them. To be honest.
    1. +12
      26 January 2025 22: 07
      Yes, it is well known about the friendship of Banderovites and Jews, even right in Ukraine, Jews are instructors. from Israel. So forget the Holocaust, friends of Banderovites. History is a strange thing, Banderovites are Jews in Ukraine in the governance of the country. And what, it goes well together... .
      1. +1
        27 January 2025 08: 26
        There is no need to equate Jews and Zionists...

        Zionism was condemned by the UN General Assembly in 1975 as a form of racism and racial discrimination...

        True, in 1991, with the consent of Mikhail Sergeyevich, who is so loved by the current "rulers" of Russia, this resolution was cancelled...

        but the essence of Zionism has not changed...
    2. +5
      27 January 2025 08: 22
      frankly speaking, the Jews have killed far more Palestinians and Lebanese...

      and if the Russians used the same methods as the Israelis, there would be an outcry throughout the world about the genocide of Ukrainians (or Georgians)... but here everything is fine...

      this is if I'm being completely honest...

      if Russia supplied something to Palestine to kill Jews, Hamas probably wouldn't be using primitive and useless Qassams...
  9. +6
    26 January 2025 22: 34
    Yes, for about ten years now there has been such a symbiosis between the Israelis and their fellow tribesmen who seized power in Ukraine, opportunistically (in order to please their anti-Semitic Bander-Nazi "infantry") calling themselves "women's Dobanderites"!
    And the Kremlin's "eager-eyed falcons" have only now "noticed" this Israeli comprehensive assistance (including treatment and rehabilitation of the most inveterate Banderonazis of "Azov", in which the "white leader", many commanders and "a good half" of the personnel are of Jewish origin, many former and current IDF military personnel "on vacation/business trips", in Israeli hospitals and resorts on the Dead Sea) to the enemy "pre-Bandera Maidan regime", the supply of weapons (and the participation of Nazi Zionists) in the war against the Russian World and Russia?!
    At the arms factory "Fort" (has at least one missile or "Geran" ever flown through it?!), under its brand, as supposedly "Ukrainian", Israeli sets of "Tavor" rifles are assembled for the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
    So in Moscow, in the "Kremlin towers", there is a powerful pro-Israeli lobby (from Jewish oligarchs and the rabbinate), which constantly restrains its subordinate VVP from "retaliating" for vile Israeli provocations (such as with the military "IL-20" in Syria).
    1. -9
      27 January 2025 00: 12
      Israel has greatly helped Russia by selling first the drones themselves, and then the technologies for producing the Forpost (IAI Searcher) and Zastava (Bird-Eye 400) drones, so it is stupid to quarrel with such a useful ally. And the production of Israeli machine guns in Ukraine was closed in 2021.
  10. +11
    26 January 2025 22: 48
    It is not clear why Israel was invited to take part in the Victory Parade on May 9.
    1. -8
      26 January 2025 22: 54
      Well, like Fico
    2. 0
      27 January 2025 08: 31
      why is it not clear?

      cuckolds who dream of becoming one of their own again for their "respected Western partners"...

      or do you seriously believe their tales about the decaying West???

      give them just the slightest opportunity and their children and mistresses will immediately end up in London, Paris and other decaying estates and lakes...
      1. -2
        27 January 2025 17: 15
        The Khokhlobanderites are the cuckolds of the Americans
  11. -7
    27 January 2025 01: 15
    It would be much easier for Israel and Russia to argue against the liberal monkeys who support Banderovites and Hamasites if both countries simply adhered to the truth. That is, we fight off the bandits on our borders as best we can. Everything else is mutual hypocritical opportunistic hypocrisy.
    1. -3
      27 January 2025 17: 18
      Banderites are truly monkeys, and Hamas is a restraining force in the Gaza Strip against Israel. Until the war in Israel began, 2000 Jewish instructors trained the Ukrainian Armed Forces in Ukraine. With the start of the war in the Gaza Strip, that is exactly the number of men who bought plane tickets from Kyiv to Tel Aviv. All Israeli instructors returned to their homeland
  12. +1
    27 January 2025 02: 13
    It's time for us to supply any weapons we can to Israel's enemies.
    1. +1
      27 January 2025 08: 29
      Doesn't it bother you that Russia is currently waging a very serious war within the country (Kursk, Kherson, Zaporozhye regions, DPR and LPR - subjects of the Russian Federation) and on the Kharkov border???

      or do you think that the supply situation at the front is such that it's high time to supply some Houthis with unclear goals???

      Well, well, listen to Solovyov further...
      1. -1
        27 January 2025 15: 07
        Quote: Nikolai Volkov
        supply to some Houthis for unclear purposes?

        Their goals are clear and at the moment we have a common enemy. The weapons that I propose to supply to the SVO are not used anyway. I am not talking about nuclear weapons of course.
      2. -3
        27 January 2025 17: 20
        And it is useful for the Houthis to supply anti-ship systems. You are not embarrassed by the fact that some kaklyak instructors helped the militants in Syria fight with drones, are you?
  13. 0
    27 January 2025 02: 57
    And, again, Turkish friends of one great schemer thought about lifting sanctions against Israel. Apparently, common themes emerged both in Rus' and in Persia.
  14. +2
    27 January 2025 08: 02
    The Israelis probably thought that since the threat of Russian S-300 and S-400 air defense systems being used against their fighters in the skies over Syria had passed,

    what? ahahaha...when have Russian systems been used against Israeli aircraft???

    these systems sat and flowed around while the Jews pounded the positions of the Iranians and Hezbollah... pretending that nothing was happening...

    where could threats from cuckolds come from...
    1. -3
      27 January 2025 17: 21
      I repeat that the hohols are the primary cuckolds of the EU and the USA
  15. -3
    27 January 2025 08: 33
    I read the comments and an interesting picture emerged.
    - Israel is the main enemy, second only to Ukraine.
    - Israelis are Banderovites.
    - Russia does not supply Israel's enemies with weapons, but the Arabs themselves are churning out Russian cornets on their knees.
    - It’s a pity that Russia doesn’t supply heavy weapons to the Houthis, Hezbollah and Hamas (terrorist organizations permitted in the Russian Federation), because they are friends.
    - There are enemies and fascists all around, except for our friends the ayatollahs and kims, who are good. There is also Batka, he is a son of a bitch, but ours... There was also friend Assad, who is not a butcher and whom the people loved about as much as the Belarusians loved Batka.
    - Not all Jews are bad, but all are bad Jews! And the Russified Germans Gref and Miller are the main Jews.
    + + + + +
    It seems that logic and reality have been abolished for people and they live in a looking glass world.
    1. +3
      27 January 2025 08: 57
      What bad did the Kims do to you?

      Well, of course, apart from the squealing of the "whole world" that this is a horror-horror, a complete lack of democracy and other nonsense... "democratic" Saudi Arabia is a different matter...

      you are right about logic... yours is also lame...

      By the way, is Cuba a sponsor of terrorism?? You forgot to include it in the list with the ayatollahs and kim...

      Trump has included it in this list again. So don't lag behind the "developed" world...

      P.S. Gref has become Russified??? Seriously???

      well, only if there is an entry in the passport in Cyrillic lol and even then, whether he has only one passport is a big question...
      1. -4
        27 January 2025 09: 12
        Was it about democracy? Does anyone call Saudi Arabia a friend? Is anyone proud of their friendship with it? The world is diverse and we have to build relationships with such countries too. Note that Y, and not only... It is worth remembering that SA citizens have an order of magnitude more freedoms than North Koreans, and the high standard of living smooths out the shortcomings.
        The Kim regime violates all conceivable human rights and freedoms. Haven't you noticed this? It's stupid to discuss this at the level of -

        What bad did the Kims do to you?
        1. 0
          27 January 2025 15: 12
          Quote: AlexZN
          The Kim regime violates all conceivable human rights and freedoms.

          Well, Ukraine also violates and the West only praises and rewards it for it.
          1. -3
            27 January 2025 15: 53
            Hardly comparable parameters. We can say that in Ukraine they violate, but the Kims simply do not have them.
            1. 0
              27 January 2025 16: 09
              Quote: AlexZN
              that in Ukraine violate

              Stop mangling the Russian language, it is written correctly in Ukraine.
    2. +1
      27 January 2025 12: 00
      It seems that logic and reality have been abolished for people and they live in a looking glass world.

      Well, how should our dear Russians perceive this world if the main reformers are running away to Israel? Why to Israel? Probably because they will be supported there. Therefore, wipe your glasses well and throw this cross of yours on your shoulder.
      1. -5
        27 January 2025 13: 42
        You have described your country well!
        Not only are your reformers lousy, they also fled! And not just fled, but to Israel. Disgraceful.
        1. 0
          28 January 2025 02: 08
          Yes, it's a disgrace, and the most characteristic thing is that there is no way to get rid of it. That Ksyushka Sobchak, I remember, ran away with an Israeli passport when she ran into Chemezov, her hair back, smoke coming out from under her heels. But her mother, apparently also with your passport, decided everything and Ksyushka, having returned, is flourishing as if nothing had happened. It is difficult to get rid of them, practically impossible.
    3. 0
      27 January 2025 12: 36
      Russian cornets are being forged by the Jordanians, vassals of the US and friends of Israel. Hamas was supplied by the Ukrainians. And suddenly Russia is to blame.
      1. -4
        27 January 2025 13: 39
        Russian weapons on an industrial scale were seized from Hezbollah warehouses.
        Jordan doesn't know how to produce cornet-level weapons.
        The nonsense about Ukrainian supplies to Hamas is not worth a damn.
        1. 0
          28 January 2025 11: 22
          Nonsense is when you write something you don't understand. The Jordanians received a license to produce Kornet-E back in 2021. And the Israeli press wrote about Western weapons supplied by the Ukrainians to Hamas at the end of 2023.
          1. -2
            28 January 2025 13: 58
            The decision was made back in 2021, but production was never launched...
            It was mentioned about Ukrainian weapons that Russian sources claim...
      2. +1
        27 January 2025 15: 13
        Quote: Dima
        And suddenly Russia is to blame.

        They always blame Russia for everything.
    4. -4
      27 January 2025 17: 22
      Ukroreikh with Banderovites and fascists from Israel are enemies of Russia
  16. 0
    27 January 2025 09: 04
    Everything, alas, is logical. Capitalism is in the yard.
    Russia/USSR needs money? Sold weapons to Arabs. They resold them to Gaza, etc. Jews seized them. Although old, they are worth a lot. Where to put them? Not throw them away, right? Sold them to Americans. Americans transported to Ukraine.
    Business, nothing personal?
  17. +1
    27 January 2025 12: 32
    It is strange how one can deny what has long been confirmed in Washington. At the end of 2022, the United States delivered about 300 thousand 155-millimeter shells from warehouses in Israel to the Ukrainian Armed Forces. Moreover, with the consent of the Israeli cabinet.
    1. -3
      27 January 2025 13: 34
      It is strange not to know that the Americans supplied THEIR shells, from THEIR warehouses located on the territory of Israel. No consent from Israel is needed for this, notification is enough.
      1. 0
        28 January 2025 11: 29
        It is strange not to know that there are no foreign military bases on the territory of Israel, respectively, the entire territory of the country is controlled by the Israelis. The transportation of 300 shells, which is about 000 tons, requires special security measures. The US received the consent of the Israeli government to supply the shells. The Americans themselves wrote about this in 15.

        There is no need to try to pull the wool over Israel's eyes about its non-involvement in such deliveries.
        1. -1
          28 January 2025 13: 49
          In 1990, Israel signed an agreement with the United States to participate in the program "to store military reserves for U.S. allies," according to which six warehouses for storing weapons, armored vehicles, and ammunition were set up on the country's territory. The weapons do not belong to Israel, and according to the agreement, the IDF can access the warehouses and use the stored weapons "with U.S. permission" or "in an emergency."
          It is Israel that should receive permission from the US to access the warehouses, not the other way around.
  18. +1
    27 January 2025 14: 24
    In a word - a fascist trio: psycho Trump + impudent Netanyahuy + drug addict Zelensky wink
    1. -2
      27 January 2025 15: 54
      Powerful arguments!