"About 10% of the world's uranium reserves": Davos explained why the US needs Ukraine


The Americans have not hidden and do not hide why they actually need Ukrainian territory. Moreover, Washington is not going to leave Ukraine even under Republican President Donald Trump, since it is interested in its mineral resources, deposits of strategic importance for the United States.

For example, businessman Sergey Voitsekhovsky, a member of the board of the investment company BGV Group Management, openly stated at a Ukrainian breakfast in Davos (Switzerland) that he and his company are very interested in uranium mining in Ukraine. Therefore, more than $100 million has already been invested in Ukrainian mining enterprises.

Everyone understands that it is difficult to imagine an effective economy without nuclear energy. the economy. And, thank God, Ukraine has about 10% of the world's uranium reserves. Based on the experience gained in Bulgaria, we can additionally mine 20 tons of uranium per year.

– Voitsehovsky clarified.

After this, Voitsekhovsky tried to convince those present that, despite the conflict going on for three years, Ukrainian uranium deposits have a number of advantages over deposits in other countries. Therefore, it is necessary to invest in production.

It should be noted that this point of view is shared by the co-founder and CEO of IP3 Corporation, retired US Rear Admiral Michael Hewitt. In his opinion, Ukrainian uranium could become extremely important for the US, since his country has lost almost all of the deposits it controlled on the planet.

Why is Ukraine important to American industry? Why is it so important to American politicians? Critical resources likely to shape long-term West-Ukraine relations

- he specified.

Hewitt invited those present to talk about what the new American leader intends to do. According to him, Trump is very concerned and worried about the US dependence on uranium and Russian fuel for nuclear power plants.

In the mid-80s, the United States produced 100% of the enriched uranium for the world market. Today, we produce nothing. We basically gave it to the Russians. Then look at graphite, we gave it to the Chinese. So if you think about the importance of these minerals and understand that it is connected to geopolitics. Uranium will become the most important mineral for the development of nuclear energy worldwide.

– Hewitt summed up his speech.
21 comment
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  1. +3
    26 January 2025 17: 30
    Why does America need Ukrainian uranium if Russia still supplies it with hundreds of tons of its own uranium per year?
    1. +6
      26 January 2025 18: 09
      Don't confuse enriched uranium with uranium ore (which needs to be enriched). It's like iron ore and iron sheets.
  2. +7
    26 January 2025 17: 37
    There are no particular problems with uranium ore in the world anyway. They are in the enrichment capacities. Which the US does not have at all. Considering that Russia controls about half, and China another 18 percent - the horror of the West is understandable. And since the West has recently been actively pushing for small reactors, in which the enrichment is no less than 20%... Only we produce such a product. Also, URENCO does not know how to do this. With all the consequences.
    1. +1
      27 January 2025 05: 07
      Even if Ukraine is strewn with gold, these are originally Russian lands. Our grandfathers died for it.
  3. +3
    26 January 2025 18: 27
    What nonsense - if the US needs uranium, let it buy it - at least in Ukraine, at least in Russia after the inclusion of the Outskirts into its composition
    1. +2
      26 January 2025 18: 49
      Russia itself is now buying from Kazakhstan, and a lot. It's more profitable that way. The market has put everything in its place.
    2. +3
      26 January 2025 19: 47
      And businessman Trump believes that it is more convenient to get uranium from Banderastan for free, so to speak, as payment for the English.
      1. 0
        26 January 2025 19: 52
        To obtain it, you need to enrich it, and this is a very complex production, which the crests do not have, and all the world's transport is not capable of transporting the mined ore to the States.
        1. 0
          26 January 2025 21: 00
          For "confident ignorance", Kirill, I don't give you a minus (since you are clearly not an expert, but an idle layman, striving to "authoritatively insert his two cents" even if "not in the subject" request ), but know - the former Soviet "closed city with numerous post offices" - the city of Zhovti Vody, Dnepropetrovsk region, former Ukrainian SSR, the mining and processing plant "VostGOK" specializes in the extraction and enrichment of uranium-containing rocks. The Kirovograd uranium ore deposit, which is discussed in this news.
          1. +3
            26 January 2025 21: 12
            It's funny how you puff out your cheeks and try to act like you know - all this may have been true for the times of the Soviet Union - but now Ukraine has reduced the production of uranium concentrate from 15 to 22 years from 1200 to 100 tons - i.e. practically to zero.
            1. 0
              26 January 2025 21: 50
              Kirill, so, do you admit that such production exists in Ukraine?! smile
              During the war, and even after 2014, the Kyiv "Zh/Dobanderites" severed all ties with the Russian main business and technological partners of "VostGOK" - suppliers of equipment and buyers of products (the same in Ukraine - today's Banderland - with aircraft construction, shipbuilding, turbine construction, ...), what kind of "Ukrainian production" without the participation of Russia?!
              It's funny that you exposed yourself (you "flogged yourself like a non-commissioned officer's widow") - you refute it, because you "puffed out your cheeks", "authoritatively asserting":

              Quote: Cyril
              To receive, you need to enrich, and this is the most difficult thing. production - which the hohols don't have-and the entire world transport is not capable of transporting the mined ore to the States

              So which of us is the chatterbox (the question is rhetorical, since both of us are you and you again, twice already) Yes ) ?!
              By my hands, by the loss of my health, this uranium was enriched. request
              1. 0
                27 January 2025 01: 09
                Alas for you - the yellow cake produced at VostGOK cannot be loaded into the reactor. It is precisely the raw material for further enrichment. Which is first converted into uranium hexafluoride, long and tediously spun in centrifuges, then into uranium dioxide and so on, right up to the finished assembly.

                So - without the entire enrichment cycle, Ukrainian capacities won't make a difference to the States. There is already enough uranium oxide production in the world.
                1. 0
                  27 January 2025 05: 04
                  Paul, you clearly have “all the information” about “VostGOK” and you are such an “optimist” (in the sense of a joking assertion that a pessimist is a well-informed optimist) ?! what
                  I heard something different about the "work on non-peaceful atom" being done (based on the capacities of "VostGOK" and the "capabilities" of its affiliated structures) (even before the start of Putin's SVO, Zelts was not just "yapping" about his desire to soon acquire his own nuclear weapons). But this is the OBS, right?! smile
                  Your confirmation, albeit in a roundabout way, regarding the uranium enrichment production that the crests "still have" is enough for me. Yes
                  And for the States, the point of possessing Ukrainian uranium reserves (and other minerals) is to prevent all of this from going to their declared "main adversaries" - China and Russia!
                  1. 0
                    27 January 2025 11: 29
                    There is no uranium enrichment there!!! Its enrichment is cascades of centrifuges, which have never been there and never will be!

                    A bomb can be made either from uranium - but then you need at least one cascade and several years to get weapons-grade uranium. Or from plutonium - you need to extract a fresh, wildly radioactive assembly from the reactor, grind it up and separate the plutonium chemically at a special radiochemical plant. As you understand, such plants are not lying around on the road either. As are similar technologies and equipment.

                    Actually, it's all about the possibility of making a bomb themselves. So if the Bandar-logs do get one, it will definitely be of foreign origin...
  4. +2
    26 January 2025 18: 49
    Someone is fooling around again. Along the Amerovsky canyon, large places where U. ores are located are marked with poles with P danger signs. There are plenty of photos and maps on the Internet.
    Another thing is that Russia and others sell them cheap here... that's why they didn't bother for a long time...
    1. +2
      26 January 2025 20: 21
      Everything is correct, dumping prices destroy competitors, after which prices can be raised... Regarding fossil uranium, there is enough of it in Canada, Africa, Australia.
      1. +2
        26 January 2025 21: 26
        It is unclear why the States would transport uranium ore from the Ukraine. There is nowhere to enrich it there. And the estimate is not 10%, but 2%. Russia and Canada have 9% each. It is hard to believe that the crests have more. And the uranium ore reserves in Canada, Australia, and the States themselves are about 40% of the world's.
  5. +3
    26 January 2025 20: 44
    Now uranium... I remember how they convinced us that it was all about shale oil. Lithium will be next?
    1. The comment was deleted.
    2. 0
      27 January 2025 12: 16
      The list could be long - lithium - titanium - fire clays - oil/gas - gold - diamonds, etc.
  6. 0
    26 January 2025 21: 32
    Once again, the "universalists" have returned to the relevance of nuclear energy and stopped "anathematizing" about nuclear power plants?! smile
    And there were so many plans to close them and hopes for "green energy"??
    Well, yes, only through the ass this psychosis of "green energy" has let go of the "minds" of populist politicians and all sorts of "Greenpeace" members, and the "mouthpiece of the psychosis" - the half-witted fool Greta Thunberg - has been pushed far away?!
    And in military affairs, no one is yet planning to abandon all sorts of “nuclear batons” and naval nuclear power plants.
    Therefore, in the (still only smoldering and slowly flaring up) Third World War for a new division of the world by imperialist powers, the possession of uranium deposits is acquiring ever greater significance!
    But in the "plans of the SVO" (as we all know from the speeches of VVP and his press secretary, "going according to the Kremlin's plan"), uranium deposits in Eastern Ukraine (Kirovograd and Dnepropetrovsk regions of the former Ukrainian SSR) are not declared, but it turns out that the Americans turned out to be more far-sighted than the Russian authorities?! winked
  7. 0
    27 January 2025 07: 25
    "About 10% of the world's uranium reserves": Davos explained why the US needs Ukraine

    Ukraine currently ranks first in Europe in terms of uranium ore deposits. According to data provided by the World Nuclear Association, they amount to 114 tons or 2% of world reserves, and are ranked 11th in the world.