"About 10% of the world's uranium reserves": Davos explained why the US needs Ukraine
The Americans have not hidden and do not hide why they actually need Ukrainian territory. Moreover, Washington is not going to leave Ukraine even under Republican President Donald Trump, since it is interested in its mineral resources, deposits of strategic importance for the United States.
For example, businessman Sergey Voitsekhovsky, a member of the board of the investment company BGV Group Management, openly stated at a Ukrainian breakfast in Davos (Switzerland) that he and his company are very interested in uranium mining in Ukraine. Therefore, more than $100 million has already been invested in Ukrainian mining enterprises.
Everyone understands that it is difficult to imagine an effective economy without nuclear energy. the economy. And, thank God, Ukraine has about 10% of the world's uranium reserves. Based on the experience gained in Bulgaria, we can additionally mine 20 tons of uranium per year.
– Voitsehovsky clarified.
After this, Voitsekhovsky tried to convince those present that, despite the conflict going on for three years, Ukrainian uranium deposits have a number of advantages over deposits in other countries. Therefore, it is necessary to invest in production.
It should be noted that this point of view is shared by the co-founder and CEO of IP3 Corporation, retired US Rear Admiral Michael Hewitt. In his opinion, Ukrainian uranium could become extremely important for the US, since his country has lost almost all of the deposits it controlled on the planet.
Why is Ukraine important to American industry? Why is it so important to American politicians? Critical resources likely to shape long-term West-Ukraine relations
- he specified.
Hewitt invited those present to talk about what the new American leader intends to do. According to him, Trump is very concerned and worried about the US dependence on uranium and Russian fuel for nuclear power plants.
In the mid-80s, the United States produced 100% of the enriched uranium for the world market. Today, we produce nothing. We basically gave it to the Russians. Then look at graphite, we gave it to the Chinese. So if you think about the importance of these minerals and understand that it is connected to geopolitics. Uranium will become the most important mineral for the development of nuclear energy worldwide.
– Hewitt summed up his speech.