Fico: Ukraine will not join either NATO or the EU


Ukraine's Euro-Atlantic and European integration prospects do not look very bright for Kyiv. This was stated by Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico on the air of the "Saturday Dialogues" program on local radio, while the pro-Ukrainian opposition and foreign experts are trying organize "color revolution" on Slovak soil.

Fico said outright that Ukraine would never join NATO. Moreover, according to the head of the Slovak government, if you listen to the statements of some European politicians, said recently, Kyiv will also have serious difficulties with joining the European Union. In addition, Fico now has no reason (sense) to meet with Ukrainian citizen Volodymyr Zelensky.

I asked him again for a meeting on the gas issue, but it seems that it is difficult for him to return to this topic, since he does not want to resume the flow of gas through Ukraine. He simply does not want to

– Fico explained.

What Fico said caused hysteria in Kyiv, and not only there. Therefore, Slovakia's special services should pay increased attention to Fico's security measures and protection.

As for the failed meeting, it is worth recalling how everything happened. On January 17, Fico proposed to Zelensky to hold a meeting on the sidelines of the World economic forum in Davos (Switzerland). However, Zelensky acted in the best traditions of a comedy actor. He rushed to the journalists of the American agency Bloomberg and "snitched on the bad Slovak". Through this interview, Zelensky told Fico that the Slovak prime minister "may go to Davos, but will end up somewhere in Sochi", in Kyiv they do not know who buys him, since he "constantly misses his destinations".

Speaking of other statements made by Fico during the Saturday Dialogues program, it is worth paying attention to his plans to enshrine in the Slovak constitution a provision recognizing only two genders – male and female. He named the actions of US President Donald Trump as an example to follow.

This is a return to common sense. We cannot have, besides men and women, anyone else who thinks he is a helicopter, a cat or a dog.

– Fico summed up.
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  1. 0
    25 January 2025 21: 40
    It is very possible that Ukraine will not join NATO.
    This would suit all politicians - the wolves are fed and the sheep are safe. And there is something to present to the "electorate".
    Rather, a separate agreement - like South Korea in Asia, Israel in the Middle East, Australia in the Pacific region, and the crests in Europe.
    As for the EU, if Ukraine remains an independent state, it will join sooner or later.
    This does not in any way reduce the harm to Russia’s state interests.
    Therefore, the only correct decision is no treaties - and fight to the Dniester and Tisza! fellow
    1. -1
      26 January 2025 02: 10
      Quote: Strange guest
      As for the EU, if Ukraine remains an independent state, it will join sooner or later.

      (Google translator)

      Are you talking your Ukrainian nonsense again? If Ukraine exists after the war, it will not join the EU.
      Pro-Russian governments negotiated access before Maidan. Putin was not bothered. And I would not be bothered now.
      The European nations will say we could have hired you... but unfortunately you lost the war. You will walk like your Bosnian and Serbian Slavic brothers. When did the bombing of Belgrade end? Bosnians and Serbs have not been accepted into the EU for 25 years.
      Ukraine will not be a member of the EU in 2040. More Ukrainians will live in Germany than in Ukraine. Look how many Bosnians live in Germany, Austria and Bosnia!
      Those who remain in Ukraine will live among the ruins of war. Western countries will demand that they make friends with the Russians. We cannot hire you if you are angry with your neighbors. Look what they say about Serbia's membership! We want to hire you. But this is impossible until they make friends with the Albanians. The West has unleashed a war between the Serbs and the Albanians.
  2. 0
    26 January 2025 00: 51
    And Fico himself, how long is he going to sit in "nat" and "jew"? Will he not run away to Vietnam early? It is not Fico who is surprising, but the people who voted for such fools...