Trump to Bill EU for US Troops in Europe


The new US President Donald Trump has apparently decided to finally ruin the European Union with his initiatives. Today, the head of the White House announced his intention to impose on the EU the costs of maintaining the American military contingent in Europe.

To optimize expenses, Donald Trump plans to reduce the American military presence in Europe by 20%, to 80 thousand servicemen. At the same time, he intends to demand financial investments from European countries to support the remaining US military.

The Italian news agency ANSA writes that the discussion is still in its early stages, and the new US president is trying to determine the amount to be paid. Donald Trump explains his demands on Europe by the fact that American troops are in the EU to contain Russia and ensure the security of Europeans.

It is too early to say how much the invoice will amount to, the conversation is still at an early stage.

– writes ANSA.

It should be noted that Donald Trump is optimizing spending not only in Europe, but also in the United States. Today, the president deprived former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, former Special Envoy for Iran Brian Hook, and his former National Security Advisor John Bolton of 24-hour state security. The New York Times reports that these individuals are at risk of assassination by Iran, but this did not influence the White House's decision.
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  1. +2
    23 January 2025 19: 39
    Cool! They introduced it themselves without asking, and now they have to pay the bill from the occupied countries. If they pay, then this is idiocy on the march. This is the Western world of greedy people, cowards and madmen.
  2. +1
    23 January 2025 20: 07
    Well done, if he does it, let Europe pay for security. laughing
  3. +2
    23 January 2025 20: 24
    Well, Japan pays...
  4. +2
    23 January 2025 21: 46
    Starting right from 1945, issue an invoice! And interest.
    And look, they defended Germany from the Russians for free all these years.
  5. GN
    23 January 2025 21: 50
    Trump is a smart guy. Want security? Pay! The store hires security, who pays for security? The buyer! The person wants a personal security guard, who pays? Etc., etc. Everything is very honest and correct! Nothing personal, just business.
    1. +1
      24 January 2025 00: 43
      And what if this security guard is a gangster? You don't hire him, he comes and dictates the terms. That's how the US is in Europe. They forced themselves into security and you pay.
    2. 0
      24 January 2025 09: 53
      This is not security and defense, this is racketeering, protection with elements of extortion in its purest form.
      I would like to congratulate Europe!
      By messing up relations with Russia and China, she achieved what she wanted.
      When the Americans came for her, there was no one left to stand up for her.