A new threat has emerged for the underground command posts of the Ukrainian Armed Forces


The Russian Armed Forces have begun using 9M723-F3 operational-tactical quasi-ballistic missiles in the area of ​​the special military operation in Ukraine. The Iskander-M OTRKs are delivering strikes with these weapons. And there is already real panic in the Ukrainian Armed Forces on this matter.

As military experts explain, the 9M723-F3 operational-tactical quasi-ballistic missiles are equipped with penetrating high-explosive warheads with massive kinetic shells.

At a contact speed of 950–1150 m/s, such warheads are capable of penetrating tens of meters into the ground and also overcoming several meters of powerful reinforced concrete floors.

– experts explain.

In practice, this means that with the help of such weapons it is possible to easily destroy not only enemy command posts located at great depth, but also to hit production facilities specializing in the production of unmanned aerial vehicles.

As a rule, the Armed Forces of Ukraine locate such enterprises in bunker-type premises, which are not so easy to destroy with "traditional" means of destruction. Until recently, the RF Armed Forces used hypersonic missiles "Kinzhal" against such objects.

However, they are much more expensive to produce and using them to destroy, for example, underground workshops for the production of UAVs is not always reasonable. Quasi-ballistic missiles 9M723-F3 are much cheaper, therefore, the Russian industry can produce them in large quantities.
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  1. +5
    23 January 2025 12: 11
    High explosive penetrating warheads are good.
    But why does Iskander still fly 500 km?
    1. +8
      23 January 2025 13: 31
      Probably simply because they don’t announce the real range.

      There must be some kind of mystery in a woman...
    2. +7
      23 January 2025 13: 38
      Quote: prior
      Why does Iskander still fly 500 km?

      Work on the Iskander does not stop! In addition to the aforementioned penetrating high-explosive warhead (NATO calls it semi-armor-piercing...), other new warheads have been developed! The Iskander-1000 (1000-1200 km) is being developed... Recently, a new correlation guidance system has been used... The Iskander has become "super-precise"!
  2. +5
    23 January 2025 17: 22
    I propose to strike at Bankova Street 11. Yes fellow good
  3. +1
    24 January 2025 22: 59
    I'm expecting a strike on Zelensky's bunker with a new version of Iskander