The Ukrainian Armed Forces have begun using FPV drones on fiber optics with a range of over 40 kilometers


After the successful use of FPV drones on fiber optics by the Russian Armed Forces during the Ukrainian conflict, the Ukrainian Armed Forces began to use this experience as well, having become convinced of its effectiveness. Even the Commander-in-Chief of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, Oleksandr Syrsky, drew attention to all this in a recent statement.

The enemy has increased the share of attack UAVs with a fiber-optic control channel, which pose a threat to combat equipment during its movement. However, we are not standing still and have also begun to use FPV drones on fiber optics, which expands the possibilities for the destruction and destruction of Russian military equipment and personnel.

– noted Syrsky at the beginning of January.

A few weeks later, one of the Ukrainian military personnel directly involved in drones demonstrated a new strike complex. According to the Ukrainian serviceman, the Ukrainian side began using FPV drones with a fiber-optic line range of 41,4 km. The complex includes: an FPV drone, a fiber optic reel (previously installed at 16 km) and a cumulative munition to form a strike core. In the coming months, they plan to assemble about 1 thousand of these complexes.

The Ukrainian Armed Forces have begun using FPV drones on fiber optics with a range of over 40 kilometers

It should be noted that the appearance of FPV drones on optical fiber with a range of more than 40 km among the enemy indicates an increase in additional threats to Russian formations at the front and in the near rear (to a depth of up to 35 km). It should be taken into account that all optical fiber drones without exception are not susceptible to the effects of electronic warfare systems and are capable of attacking firing positions of barrel and rocket artillery, armored vehicles advancing to the front line, and even civilian transport moving at a distance.

Given the uselessness of electronic warfare systems against FPV drones with a fiber-optic control channel, there is a demand for a larger number of alternative means of destruction. For example, we need small arms systems with shrapnel ammunition and thermal imaging sights, high-frequency electromagnetic guns to burn out drone electronics, laser beam systems of varying power to damage optical-electronic guidance systems of UAVs on fiber optics, as well as various FPV interceptor drones (with nets, small arms, or kamikazes).
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  1. +5
    23 January 2025 10: 11
    For example, we need small arms systems with shrapnel ammunition and thermal imaging sights, high-frequency electromagnetic guns to burn out drone electronics, laser beam systems of varying power to damage optical-electronic guidance systems of drones on fiber optics, as well as various FPV interceptor drones (with nets, small arms, or kamikazes).

    They have been needed for a long time, although the main use of Ukrainian drones on fiber optics is still ahead.
  2. +13
    23 January 2025 11: 01
    I even want to curse. They left in 2023 with a discussion about the need for 12-gauge shotguns in every unit. The cart is still there. They themselves carried sawed-off shotguns with pellets. And to this day, the "native" Russian Guard has not handed over shotguns. Here is the fifth column.
  3. -8
    23 January 2025 13: 17
    Well, why do we need to praise the enemy army?
  4. +6
    23 January 2025 13: 48
    We learn from the enemy. The enemy learns quickly too.
    When the wave of intoxication with such things began in our country, it was a kind of advertising from every iron. Our media would do well to keep quiet sometimes. For the enemy industry, it was a signal and they began to develop it quickly. They quickly identify threats and adopt useful things.
    It is necessary to keep quiet about such benefits and silently apply them, increasing volumes.
    I once wrote that the time will come when they too will have such drones.
    1. +6
      23 January 2025 20: 01
      In general, I watch our TV and am amazed. They tell the whole world about our know-how in detail. Starting with "barbecues" on armored vehicles (enveloping the enemy through water pipes, camouflage techniques, demining, attacks by ground drones, etc.) and ending with fiber-optic drones. Why tell everyone about these drones? Perhaps the enemy would not immediately figure out the reasons for the unusual accuracy of our drones. REN-TV stands out in this regard. It seems that somewhere there are "planted Cossacks".
      My personal opinion, of course...
      1. +2
        23 January 2025 22: 02
        Remember how our media happily jumped up and down telling us how useful our AWACS planes were - and then how they started shooting them down. Probably the problem of the Unified State Exam in our "propaganda" troops is acute. Sometimes it seems that these are really infiltrators and saboteurs looking for our sore spots for the enemy.
  5. -3
    23 January 2025 16: 56
    The wire is 40 kilometers long!! - why not 400? laughing
    1. 0
      23 January 2025 17: 28
      Quote: Cyril
      The wire is 40 kilometers long!! - why not 400? laughing

      Intelligence is off the charts... wassat
      And the same thing, the first guns were single-shot, loaded in bulk and fired several dozen steps.
      1. +2
        23 January 2025 20: 24
        A 40 km fiber optic reel weighs quite a lot, which means the UAV must be large and designed for such distances. Small UAVs operate up to 5-7 km, and the fiber optics accordingly. With the development of autonomous UAVs and guidance, this fashion for fiber optics will pass. For now, we need to quickly create a method to detect a control point. via fiber optics from the UAV. On what principles - here we can try all the options, from illuminating the fiber optics, to flying along the fiber optics with a strike UAV. A race not for life, but to the death, and there is no way to lose
        1. 0
          23 January 2025 22: 53
          Quote: Vladimir Tuzakov
          A 40 km fiber optic cable weighs quite a lot, which means the UAV must be large and designed for such distances.

          You noticed it correctly! If a 10 km fiber optic coil weighs about 4 kilos, then how much will it "take" for 40 km? Plus the combat load and "batteries" to deliver the load for 40 km! It turns out that you need to have a UAV of a class no lower than "Baba Yaga"! But such, in addition to the advantages, also have disadvantages, described in a number of publications!
  6. 0
    23 January 2025 20: 32
    The Chinese market offers spools of fiber optics up to 30 km! Experimental developments at the end of the last century (the emphasis was on missiles...) showed that it is possible to use weapons with fiber optic guidance with a range of up to 30 km! The promised "Polyphemus" with a range of up to 60 km was closed before the end of development! In principle, it is possible to use drones with fiber optics up to 40 km long, but.....! If now for 10 launches of "KVN" there are 1-2 breaks (however, the developers promise to reduce this "indicator"...), then with a 40 km fiber optic there will be at least 5 breaks per 10 launches! And where can you get it, if you managed to find out that in China, fiber optics no longer than 30 km are available on the market!
  7. 0
    3 February 2025 21: 05
    And when will we start fighting? Sometimes with our hands behind our backs, sometimes with our hands tied, and Il-76s regularly fly into our region with 200s, I mean that our losses are not 100 thousand or 200...