"The Planet Enters an Era of Mega-Droughts": Scientists Warn of Natural Disasters That Will Become the Norm in Just 50 Years


In 50 years, the Earth will be declared in an emergency level due to the lack of sufficient rainfall. This was reported by the journal Science, citing a study by Swiss scientists. The publication notes that the number of debilitating dry periods is already increasing every year.

According to statistics, droughts affect about five million hectares of land every year, which is associated with dangerous consequences for ecosystems and human lives. A team of scientists from the Swiss Institute predicted the development of so-called megadroughts on Earth

- notes the publication.

In providing details, the journal emphasizes that the scientific work is based on mapping megadroughts that occurred from 1980 to 2018.

To do this, scientists used innovative methods of collecting and processing data, which allowed them not only to record the facts of droughts, but also to assess their severity.

– Science emphasizes.

It is worth noting that scientists from different countries have been talking about serious climate changes caused by human activity for quite some time now. However, clear time frames for the onset of the so-called emergency level have been named for perhaps the first time. At the same time, scientists note that the duration of droughts is also increasing in parallel with the increase in the number of dry periods.

Changes in the hydrological cycle and continued warming as a result of climate change are causing droughts to become more intense and longer lasting

- emphasizes the publication.
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  1. +3
    19 January 2025 13: 23
    What to do. In Africa and China, green belts have been built. But in the US and Russia, there are fires every summer.
    It's a fact of life. Billionaires go to Heaven, and the rest will die?
    1. 0
      20 January 2025 21: 09
      And Zelensky will help Israel if he expels the Ukrainians, the pro-Russian ones. And perhaps all of them, to the last one. Yes
  2. +3
    19 January 2025 14: 05
    In 50 years, either an emir or a donkey, and today's scientists - for sure. Money - today, not in 50 years. Although they can't predict anything for 50 days.

    But just curious, where could the water from the Earth's oceans go? The water cycle should only speed up. More evaporation, more rain.
  3. -2
    19 January 2025 14: 35
    Back in the 60-70s, astronauts saw that the color of the earth in our country changed from black to red. This indicates that there was a change in the structure of the earth. And the new color is easier to dry out. It is difficult to say what influenced this process. Most likely, a combination of acid rain and chemicals introduced into the soil.
  4. +2
    19 January 2025 15: 55
    According to paleontology and paleogeography research, palm trees grew and warm swamps were found in the polar regions of the planet during the time of dinosaurs. Therefore, there is no need to look for a rigid connection between human activity and climate. The "English scientists" are simply jealous that warm forests will soon appear on the southern coast of the Arctic Ocean in Siberia, while they only have hot deserts...
  5. +1
    19 January 2025 20: 17
    The temperature chart for the history of the Earth is on the Internet, look and there will be fewer questions. Temperature, droughts, floods are all connected with the Sun and astronomical reasons, the human contribution is at the level of measurement error. We have not yet grown up to the influence of man on the climate of the Earth. Do not confuse weather with climate.
    1. 0
      19 January 2025 23: 06
      Not only with these external causes, but also with the state of the earth's interior: the earth's crust, mantle, core. But we actually know nothing about the earth's interior, there are only a few different hypotheses...
  6. 0
    20 January 2025 20: 59
    In this case, the collusion between Israel and Zelensky with the company is quite logical. laughing
  7. 0
    20 January 2025 21: 48
    It is not because of human activity. Remember 20.000 years ago there was the last ice age.. We do not rotate the Earth around the Sun. Everything is like the navel of the universe - because of man! No, there are completely different geophysical quantities that influence the weather on the planet.
  8. 0
    1 February 2025 20: 34
    The proximity to the Sun depends on the weight of the planet of the system. Billions of tons of energy resources are extracted on Earth every year, which are then burned, causing a greenhouse effect. And one more thing. At the same time, the mass of the Earth decreases and it is attracted closer to the Sun. Like a magnet attracts iron objects of different mass. Well, the closer to the Sun, the hotter