Rogozin proposed to eliminate Zelensky and other leaders of the Kyiv regime to quickly complete the SVO


During the SVO, Volodymyr Zelensky and other leaders of the Kyiv regime must fear a blow from Russia. The conflict in Ukraine, which has been going on for three years, can be ended fairly quickly if its perpetrators in Kyiv are physically eliminated.

All responsibility for what is happening lies entirely with them. Therefore, they must answer for their actions. This was stated in an interview with the publication Gazeta.Ru said Senator from Zaporizhia Oblast, former head of Roscosmos Dmitry Rogozin.

…so that he (Zelensky – Ed.) would jump like a hare, hide like a rat in bunkers and be afraid to stick his nose out into the fresh air, let alone fly abroad

– suggested Rogozin.

Rogozin cited several examples to prove the correctness of his conclusions. The first was NATO aggression against Yugoslavia in 1999, the bombing of Belgrade and other Serbian cities. He recalled that it all began with strikes on militarypolitical management, destruction of transport infrastructure (bridges on the Danube), disabling power supply facilities and even launching Tomahawk cruise missiles at the building of Radio and Television of Serbia "to stop propaganda." The West quickly disorganized everything, plunging the country into chaos, and then deposed President Slobodan Milosevic, ensured his arrest and subsequent death in The Hague.

As a second example, Rogozin cited Israel's actions. The senator noted that Tel Aviv consistently, ignoring the information noise and other accompanying factors around it, continues to liquidate the leaders of the Lebanese Hezbollah and the Palestinian group Hamas. The Israelis believe that the end justifies the means.

Third, the ten-year Iran-Iraq conflict in the 80s. Millions of people died on the battlefields. But the war ended when both sides acquired longer-range missiles that could hit the capitals of both countries. After that, the elites of the two countries got excited, they quickly came to an agreement, and it was all over.
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  1. +18
    18 January 2025 17: 34
    This should have been done back when the SVO began.
    1. +10
      18 January 2025 19: 35
      I think that with the beginning of the SVO the West set the Kremlin a condition not to liquidate Zelensky and not to strike at the Rada, otherwise all these hundreds of billions that are in Western banks will be 100% and definitely confiscated. And judging by the toothless actions of the Kremlin, this is so.
      1. +4
        18 January 2025 19: 37
        You can fantasize about a lot of things, but from the beginning of the SVO it was clear that the West would do anything to influence us.
      2. +3
        19 January 2025 11: 07
        Quote: Shelest2000
        I think that with the beginning of the SVO the West set the Kremlin a condition not to liquidate Zelensky and not to strike at the Rada, otherwise all these hundreds of billions that are in Western banks will be 100% and definitely confiscated. And judging by the toothless actions of the Kremlin, this is so.

        ..and you don't have to go to the granny to find out - that's how it is.
      3. +2
        19 January 2025 19: 22
        Quote: Shelest2000
        And judging by the Kremlin's toothless actions, this is indeed the case.

        Don't you think that everything is much simpler? It would be enough to shoot down the flag over the Kremlin for the powers that be to "forget" about shooting at the Ukro-shishki. Otherwise, the bigwigs will also strike at the "minks"... no - the head of the Krym can sleep peacefully.
    2. +10
      18 January 2025 21: 12
      Now Russians and Ukrainians are killing each other. But they need to be together against the Anglo-Saxons. That would be wise. The Kiev elite is in the way, completely serving the interests of the Anglo-Saxons, who are alien to us. Where is our propaganda? We need leaflets all over Ukraine. And their television and Internet need to be turned off as soon as possible.
      1. +3
        19 January 2025 06: 27
        Where is our propaganda?

        ...look at the table where the righteous "fighter" sits - Dima is pushing his memoirs to the masses, apparently his ass has healed and he has decided to become a writer.
        Yes... when the brain is resting...
      2. 0
        24 January 2025 04: 27
        "Ukraine is not Russia" is a book by the second president of Ukraine Leonid Kuchma, first published in 2003 by Vremya Publishing House (Moscow) in Russian. The book's circulation was 10 thousand copies.

        What is this on ancient Russian soil, a rotten president? If not an attempt to tear everything apart, which is not the first time in the history of this region.
        However, I understand you.
    3. +1
      19 January 2025 11: 06
      Rogozin suffered a severe attack on his life! This serious injury is a constant reminder...
  2. +11
    18 January 2025 17: 38
    That's the only way the West does things. Unless, of course, the parties have a secret deal behind the backs of the "poor scum" who are being buried in the ground without counting...
    1. +1
      19 January 2025 11: 09
      A deal!?? Do you doubt it was a deal..?
  3. +7
    18 January 2025 17: 40
    there's a rifle in the photo and it looks like there's a grenade launcher/man-portable air defense system against the wall, what's the point of talking, go on a combat mission..... bully
    P.S. Bring your namesake too...
    1. +3
      18 January 2025 23: 22
      go on a combat mission.....

      Better speak up: are you for or against liquidation? Otherwise it's neither fish nor fowl.
      1. 0
        20 January 2025 10: 38
        against, he is not an independent figure, he needs to be judged...
        1. 0
          20 January 2025 20: 16
          against, he is not an independent figure, he needs to be judged...

          I am also against the hands of Russia. He has enough opponents in Ukraine. Let them judge or shoot themselves.
  4. -5
    18 January 2025 17: 40
    Maybe the Anglo-Saxons are pushing Russia to do this? And they themselves already have a dozen new "Zelenskys" sitting on the bench, waiting. Why don't the relatives of the dead Ukrainians do this? Are they satisfied with everything?
    1. +2
      20 January 2025 00: 06
      Quote: Bulanov
      Are they satisfied with everything?

      Well, the Germans were also satisfied with everything until May 9, 1945.
  5. +10
    18 January 2025 17: 41
    This thought had been going through his head for a long time
    1. Alf
      18 January 2025 18: 56
      Quote: crypt
      This thought had been going through his head for a long time

      All that was left for him to do was to convey this bright idea to the Kremlin elders.
      1. +2
        18 January 2025 19: 23
        All that remains for him to do is to convey this bright idea to the Kremlin's elders...

        No, he won't... He will send the robot Fyodor. He spent all the money on him (which he was given for the entire space program)
        1. Alf
          18 January 2025 20: 32
          Quote: Athenogen
          All that remains for him to do is to convey this bright idea to the Kremlin's elders...

          No, he won't... He will send the robot Fyodor. He spent all the money on him (which he was given for the entire space program)

          Or he'll paint a rocket and record a disc with songs...
  6. -5
    18 January 2025 17: 54
    It would be better for Dm. Rogozin not to engage in projects...
    Ukraine has no subjectivity, but it has a fairly strong air defense system around Kyiv provided by its allies!
    1. +2
      18 January 2025 17: 57
      It would be better for Dm. Rogozin not to engage in projects...

      - Let him do whatever he wants, the main thing is not to let him within a cannon shot of the state budget laughing
      1. +2
        20 January 2025 00: 08
        Quote: faiver
        the main thing is not to let him get within cannon shot of the state budget

        Who should be allowed there? Chubais? laughing
        1. 0
          20 January 2025 10: 36
          And who should be allowed there? Chubais? laughing

          - laughing laughing , don't scare me like that, I'm not asking for it myself - otherwise I'll send at least a quarter of Moscow to work in the north laughing
  7. +7
    18 January 2025 17: 56
    Putin does not approve of such methods; when the US killed Iranian General Soleimani with a missile, he expressed an extremely negative opinion.

    They are not embarrassed about anything. They took Suleimani and killed him, an Iranian general. You could treat Suleimani any way you want, well, any way you want, but he is an official of another state. They killed him on the territory of third countries and said: "Yes, we killed him." What is this anyway? Where do we live?

    - Putin was indignant.
    1. +7
      18 January 2025 18: 29
      Where do we live?

      You live in a world of pink ponies.
    2. Alf
      18 January 2025 18: 57
      Quote: Latus
      Putin does not approve of such methods; when the US killed Iranian General Soleimani with a missile, he expressed an extremely negative opinion.

      They are not embarrassed about anything. They took Suleimani and killed him, an Iranian general. You could treat Suleimani any way you want, well, any way you want, but he is an official of another state. They killed him on the territory of third countries and said: "Yes, we killed him." What is this anyway? Where do we live?

      - Putin was indignant.

      And when TWO drones fell on the Kremlin, he didn't even chirp...
    3. The comment was deleted.
    4. +1
      19 January 2025 00: 12
      Because he got scared. What if he...
  8. +8
    18 January 2025 18: 00
    Well, finally at least one has seen the light, although from the former Kremlin, I have been tired of proving and proposing elementary and obvious things since the very beginning of the SVO... After all, the clown has turned into an ardent fascist and is simply mocking us and common sense, sometimes even outplaying our ossified apparatchiks...
    Why did they focus on eliminating leaders in Chechnya and win, while in Ukraine they didn't lay a finger on a single one, but preferred to dispose of the massively mobilized Ukrainian population, somehow all this is suspicious..., or complete incompetence in the chosen military tactics, or enemies nearby are confusing. And also, if we don't strike at British bases in the near future, then all the guarantor's statements are worthless. Well, if you yourself are not capable, you are afraid, find someone else who is capable of doing this. The same Ukrainians from Donbass can be attracted, we even have a unit of former prisoners, some Ukrainians are hitting us with British and American missiles, and let other Ukrainians hit British and US bases with Russian missiles, but no, we prefer to wash our face in our own blood and promise to respond, not forgetting to turn the other cheek...
    1. -8
      18 January 2025 18: 10
      Unlike Chechnya, Ukraine is (de jure) an independent state represented in the UN.
      1. +10
        18 January 2025 18: 15
        Quote: Mikhail L.
        Ukraine is (de jure) an independent state represented in the UN.

        Then why does Ukraine freely conduct terrorist activities on the territory of the Russian Federation, shoot and blow up prominent figures of the Russian Federation and all those who are objectionable to the Bandera regime...., because it doesn't care about anyone and the West either, since they have one goal, the destruction of Russia. This is from the same opera as their invented Rules, replacing the UN Charter.
        1. -10
          18 January 2025 18: 38
          State terrorism in modern Ukraine is a sign of weakness. Russia should not become like it!
          1. +5
            19 January 2025 09: 55
            Somehow this weakness is not visible in America, on the contrary, it only gets stronger. These are all dogmas about weakness, no one needs them, the main thing is the end result, and winners are not judged.
      2. 0
        20 January 2025 11: 07
        You yourself don’t find your own ridiculous nonsense funny, everyone knows what kind of “independent” state this is and whose handouts it is still barely holding on to, but it won’t last long, the Nazi Bandera regime in Kyiv is practically doomed, it’s only a matter of time.
    2. 0
      20 January 2025 00: 13
      Quote from KLN
      Well, finally at least one of them has seen the light, even though he is a former Kremlin member.

      Well, actually Medvedev has been saying this for a long time, although his statements have long been distrusted.
  9. +12
    18 January 2025 18: 07
    I can't stop laughing.... In the third year of the SVO, Hawkeye realized that the prison was missing one wall. laughing laughing laughing
    Since the Napoleonic wars!!!! It is a well-known simple fact - in battle, first of all, you need to shoot the commanders, then the most active soldiers, then everyone else. This is such a simple and obvious truth that I... I thought it was impossible to surprise me, but Mr. Rogozin managed it laughing laughing laughing
    I thought there was some kind of cunning plan, I don't know, a show trial or something, but these people are just Urfinjus' wooden soldiers. laughing laughing laughing
    1. +3
      18 January 2025 22: 53
      Quote: sannyhome
      ...It is a well-known simple fact - in battle, the first thing you need to do is shoot the commanders, then the most active soldiers, then everyone else...

      This is the truth for war, and we have Putin's new invention - SVO and this has only reached Rogozin, but for Putin everything is still ahead
  10. -10
    18 January 2025 18: 20
    Neither in Iran, nor in Iraq, nor in Israel, nor in Serbia, has a single head of state been killed as a result of an attack by enemy armed forces. The same is true in history - in countries participating in WWI and in countries participating in WWII. It is somehow not accepted... To kill the head of a UN member state with a missile strike... a slippery option. You can open such a Pandora's box... and suffer yourself... And Russia will not survive the loss of GDP... It is better to send an assassin.
    1. Alf
      18 January 2025 19: 02
      Quote: Strange guest
      And Russia will not survive the loss of GDP.

      At one time, they also shouted from every iron about Yeltsin - "who is Neon"...

      Quote: Strange guest
      And Russia will not survive the loss of GDP.
  11. +4
    18 January 2025 18: 30
    Who did you offer it to? request
  12. -8
    18 January 2025 18: 31
    Why would Russia make a sacred victim out of a sniffed clown, a second Bandera? Let him die either from powder or from his entourage, ready to do anything for American toilet paper!
  13. +3
    18 January 2025 18: 34
    The first person in power who was finally able to loudly say the truth and the essence, to win as quickly as possible.
    1. Alf
      18 January 2025 19: 13
      Quote: zloybond
      the point is to win as quickly as possible.

      Are you sure that BOTH sides need victory?
      Someone great once said: War is a great way to distract the population from internal problems.
  14. +5
    18 January 2025 18: 41
    A splinter in his anus is knocking at his heart wassat
  15. -3
    18 January 2025 18: 47
    We mustn't kill him under any circumstances. The Brits will finish him off without us when the time comes. And they'll even try to pass for us. They'll blow up the car, throw in some Gerani debris. Luckily, there's a ton of that there.
    It would be better to try to steal him. And arrange a show trial. Although it is difficult, of course.
    But the SBU could possibly help to steal it. It seems to me that something is being prepared there. Either the SBU or the GUR.
  16. +7
    18 January 2025 19: 05
    It took the Supreme Commander 10 years to realize that the SVO should have been started, or rather not stopped, with the help of Donbass, Wagner, in 2014. And it took Rogozin 3 years to realize that the war could be quickly ended by killing the leader and the top brass. Are we Estonians, damn it?
    1. +3
      18 January 2025 22: 48
      Not us, but those you listed, but I think the answer is different here, Putin simply never set himself the task of eliminating the outskirts, his task was to change the leadership to one loyal to him, and more specifically, Medvedchuk promised to do this to him, but he (Putin) was deceived as always, well, and now there will be dancing with Trump, which will also end in nothing and the war will have to be ended only by eliminating the outskirts and its leadership
    2. -1
      20 January 2025 00: 18
      Quote: Valera75
      Мы Damn, are Estonians slow?

      What position do you hold in the Kremlin that you use the word “we”?
      1. 0
        21 January 2025 01: 45
        If the minus is from Valera75, then the comment was not against you.
  17. +4
    18 January 2025 19: 14
    Wow?! Not even three years have passed since the beginning of the SVO in Ukraine, when "their own Kremlin" showed signs of reasonable thoughts, a hint of knowledge of elementary military tactics (at the level of an ordinary motorized rifleman, not even a sergeant!!! and even real "street fighters" have known this since childhood - if you manage to knock out the main instigator, then the fight is over, the enemies, after losing the leader, begin to disorganize and waver! smile ) and some rudiments of critical thinking (and I, looking at their "fidgeting and speech", had already decided that these infantile "suckers" were completely hopeless in intellectual terms request ) ?! winked
    What and who prevented this before??!
    If only, as always happens with the "formidable" DAM, all this steam doesn't go out in a whistle!
    1. 0
      18 January 2025 22: 50
      If only, as always happens with the "formidable" DAM, all this steam doesn't go out in a whistle!

      Well, this is the twin brother of that "whistle".
      1. +2
        20 January 2025 00: 27
        Quote: Sarcastic realist
        Well, this is the twin brother of that "whistle".

        But Medvedev did express this idea earlier.
  18. +9
    18 January 2025 19: 29
    what's the point of giving examples example is the history of all human wars, even when tribes beat each other with stones, the main task was to squash the one has cancelled this - a headless army ALWAYS runs away...if only someone could explain this to our prisoner...
    1. -6
      18 January 2025 20: 28
      To decapitate an army and to decapitate a country are "two very different things."
      If instead of V. Zelensky there is, for example, a talented military man V. Zaluzhny - will this solve the problem?
      1. +3
        18 January 2025 20: 31
        I think I said it specifically... Zelya is the commander-in-chief... killing him is not decapitating the army? Or is empty talk your credo? No need to act as an advocate for our cowards, they don't need you...
        1. -5
          18 January 2025 20: 43
          "Mitrofanushka"? ;-(
      2. +2
        18 January 2025 20: 39
        Quote: Mikhail L.
        To decapitate an army and to decapitate a country are "two very different things."
        If instead of V. Zelensky there is, for example, a talented military man V. Zaluzhny - will this solve the problem?

        You can catch him when the generals gather for a meeting, the junkie's entourage and eliminate him. By the time Zaluzhny is brought in, chaos will have already begun in the leadership, and then it will affect the population, the TCC, the military and the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the rear and at the front. I think it's not a bad option. Well, you can try, right? Look at Hezbollah, which was blown up with pagers and caught with missiles, shaken up well, and this is taking into account that they had both the people and the military behind them, but in Ukraine everything is completely different.
        1. -6
          18 January 2025 21: 22
          The problem is not only in the leadership, but in the ideology. In pro-European Ukraine, there are millions of illegal guns in hand. And they will shoot...
          1. The comment was deleted.
          2. +2
            19 January 2025 21: 10
            Mikhail L., where are these "millions of illegal guns" in Ukraine?!
            I asked Kyiv's Alexander Neukropny, the Author of this Site, about this in the comments under his article (with the same "authoritative statement" as yours), why is he broadcasting this nonsense?!
            If anyone has hidden guns, then it is the "ATO/JFO veterans" in Donbass and the current "veterans" who may have them, as well as any local villagers who profited from the fighting and panicked flight of the Russian army in 2022. There were also several episodes of automatic small arms being distributed in Kyiv, when the Russian army was expected on the streets of the city.
            The territorial defense is under the control of the "Maidan government", just like the gangs of Nazis, they have taken into account and rewritten them.
            The rest of the weapons are all registered with the Zh/do-Bandera authorities and they themselves confiscate illegal weapons, offer to hand them over for money or register them (and if it is confirmed that the applicant is a "svidomysh"-Maidan, then they leave them registered for use for the duration of the war) - they send messages to phones about this!
            And we will have to fight the lurking and shitting Bandar-logs in any case, they will not calm down so easily and from abroad they will be sponsored and incited, supplied for sabotage!
    2. -10
      18 January 2025 20: 37
      When they killed with stones - yes, they did. But not kings in the Middle Ages. And so it went. A recent example - even the Emperor of Japan, which lost in World War II, did not suffer after the capitulation. Although there were a lot of complaints about the Japanese. And about genocide and atrocities, including. And the Union, and the allies, and China with Korea and other Philippines. But... it is not accepted.
      1. +2
        18 January 2025 20: 39
        the examples are unconvincing...I don't even want to argue...keep justifying cowardice and inconsistency...
        1. -9
          18 January 2025 20: 48
          Name a convincing one - when during a war one internationally recognized state killed the leader of another internationally recognized state.
          We can, of course, become pioneers in this sense...the benefits are just not obvious.
      2. 0
        20 January 2025 11: 58
        But the Japanese military leadership was executed after Japan's defeat, and the Emperor was far from the most important figure in making important military and political decisions.
        1. 0
          20 January 2025 17: 07
          Whatever one may say, in Japan in the 40s the Emperor was the head of state. Without his consent no important military or political decision could be made. And he was not touched.
          The crests also don’t have Zelensky in command at the front.
  19. +5
    18 January 2025 19: 48
    Once again, the crooks are trying to blame everything on the scapegoat... IMHO.
    The Tsar is good, but the boyars are bad.
    The other king is bad, but the godfathers are good...

    Meanwhile, our oligarchs are already dividing up the "annexed", spitting on early promises. And their oligarchs will fight to the last. With the hands of commoners. Because otherwise they will lose everything.
    And where is Zelya here? He's just a scapegoat for the media.
    1. Alf
      18 January 2025 20: 35
      Quote: Sergey Latyshev
      Meanwhile, our oligarchs are already dividing up the "annexed", spitting on early promises. And their oligarchs will fight to the last.
  20. -7
    18 January 2025 19: 56
    the decade-long Iran-Iraq conflict in the 80s, in which millions of people died on the battlefields

    The total losses of Iran and Iraq in that war amounted to almost a million people. The Russian-Ukrainian conflict already surpasses that war in terms of losses.
    And the liquidation of Zeleboba will not give anything. He must become a defendant in a tribunal and become a clown in one of the Russian colonies. And, preferably, further north and damper. Only in this case will the leadership of Russia be relieved of the need to constantly explain the need to wage war in Ukraine.
    And finally, where in the article does Mr. Rogozin justify the need for physical elimination of green beans? Not a single example he gives supports this idea.
    1. +1
      18 January 2025 21: 07
      The Polar Owl is waiting for him. "There is a boss."
      1. 0
        20 January 2025 12: 01
        For such an important war criminal, it would be quite possible to make an exception to the rules and prepare the gallows after the military tribunal.
  21. +7
    18 January 2025 20: 45
    Dima-2 woke up.
    Doesn't he know that there are deals? And that, for example, Kyiv legally earned (until 31.12.24) a billion dollars a year for pumping Russian gas? What we see in the news is the tip of the iceberg. 80-90% are in the shadows. Which groups have their own people and where, etc. Why aren't many obvious incompetents removed from their high positions, etc.
  22. +6
    18 January 2025 21: 06
    Denazification is not the liquidation of tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of soldiers of the Ukrainian army, most of whom ended up at the front against their will. Many of them are "enchanted Russians" - that is, their character is Russian, steadfast, but their brains are poisoned by 30 years of Bandera propaganda. The Anglo-Saxons have achieved their goal - Russians are killing Russians, thinking that they are not Russians.
    Denazification is, first of all, the destruction of those who instill this misanthropic, Russophobic spirit, which has turned a fraternal republic with a huge number of mixed families into our fierce enemy.

    Finally. It happened. That's it. We will need these people more than migrants. We need to free these people. Let's not forget that if earlier in the Russian Federation there were about 2 million Ukrainians (according to the census and self-identification), now there are no less than 4 million. They are our citizens. And those behind the front line will also be ours. We only need to resolve the issue with the corrupt elite. And what happiness will it be for the residents of Nikolaev, Kharkov and Odessa after liberation from the fascists! We need at least the partition of Ukraine, and not an agreement with the enemies. Now the enemies have 20 regions at their complete disposal, and we have only 5. Unequal. At least half of the citizens are our people. They have always voted for Russia. And they hope for liberation. We must discard the chimera of the far-fetched borders of 1922. Everything that we leave to the enemies will be hostile to us!
  23. -9
    18 January 2025 22: 19
    Rogozin proposed to eliminate Zelensky and other leaders of the Kyiv regime to quickly complete the SVO

    Now Gurulev, like the last pigger, suggests smashing with a loaf of bread, now this one suggests another wild thing. As they used to say in the Soviet Army, the more oaks in the army, the stronger our defense. When will our old man's insanity stop getting stronger and will it finally get warmer?
    1. The comment was deleted.
  24. +3
    18 January 2025 22: 35
    This was discussed here at the beginning of this strange operation, but Putin's supporters constantly insisted that their idol knew better what to do and in general he had such information that armchair experts could not even dream of, so there was no point in sticking your pig's snout into the Kalashnikov row.
  25. 0
    19 January 2025 02: 36
    The senator noted that Tel Aviv consistently, ignoring the information noise and other accompanying factors around it, continues to liquidate the leaders of the Lebanese Hezbollah and the Palestinian group Hamas. The Israelis believe that the end justifies the means.

    And this is right, it is not worth stopping at just one green, if we are going to wet it (in the toilet), then the entire top of the global Israeli diaspora.
  26. 0
    19 January 2025 03: 31
    Well, there are only Jews there, who will liquidate them?
    1. +1
      19 January 2025 06: 10
      So, this was another Jewish joke.
  27. +3
    19 January 2025 04: 30
    It's high time to put out the quasi-Fuhrer and his whole gang. And it's very, very strange that our top commander stubbornly avoids this.... Alas.
  28. +2
    19 January 2025 04: 36
    This is a very reasonable statement.., and the reference to Israel is also appropriate... It is strange that this was not done at the beginning. At the same time, the SBU destroys a Russian general in Moscow itself... But Israel does not give a damn about the hype in the news and even the UN, and acts exclusively as they consider expedient. Whether this is good or bad is another question. There will be no UkrOreikh, there will be no one to negotiate with and no one to send money and weapons to. Governments in exile have never been effective and any guerrilla movements sooner or later fizzle out. Rogozin is right...
    1. 0
      20 January 2025 12: 19
      I agree 100%, we stubbornly show some kind of unthinkable loyalty to the criminal leadership of the enemy Nazi regime, which is absolutely unacceptable in this situation.
  29. +3
    19 January 2025 08: 43
    Perhaps, if the president in 2008 had been a judo chess player, and not the cheerful DAM, they would still be fighting with Georgia.
  30. +3
    19 January 2025 09: 30
    I've never supported Rogozin... But here he is 100% right! It's necessary, it's long overdue!
  31. +1
    19 January 2025 10: 08
    Despite Rogozin's patriotic spirit, unfortunately, everything he took on ended in fiasco. Starting with the dispersal of the national Russian movement and ending with space.
  32. 0
    19 January 2025 10: 22
    Read the comments.
    Our people love their officials.
    Both former and present... Oh, how he loves!
  33. 0
    19 January 2025 10: 59
    Those who are excommunicated from power become so evil... I wish they could all be excommunicated...
  34. +1
    19 January 2025 11: 05
    It's been a while since I heard anything about this guy who was wounded in the rump at the banquet. I decided to remind you about myself.
  35. -3
    19 January 2025 11: 26
    the entourage is like that of a combat commander, and the books are memoirs of victories on the fronts? another chatterbox... I also think that all the conscious ones should be buried, so that normal Ukrainians can live well, and we have one less "headache"... yes, they found Zelya good, but what will change after his liquidation and will it change? I will not write that they know better at the top, otherwise our "patriots" will start itching in their armpits...
  36. 0
    19 January 2025 12: 16
    The peacemaker will not agree to this.
  37. 0
    19 January 2025 12: 49
    the recommendations are a bit belated...
  38. 0
    19 January 2025 12: 56
    Quote: Strange guest
    Russia will not survive the loss of GDP.

    I'm embarrassed to ask, is he like Duncan McCloud, living forever?
  39. -3
    19 January 2025 15: 12
    This fruitful and heated discussion must be stopped.
    The conclusion, which most will not agree with, is this: V. Zelensky deserves to be eliminated, but doing so is inappropriate and even harmful!
    1. +2
      19 January 2025 20: 22
      Mikhail L., you will certainly disagree, but this is by no means "result", but just your personal point of view on this issue!

      Don't take on too much authority - "summarize for everyone", speak only for yourself, because no one elected you as "chairman" or "secretary of the discussion" here! No.

      And your "competence" is questionable! smile
      1. 0
        19 January 2025 20: 31
        If you can't understand the words: "A result that the majority will not agree with" - then I can't help you. I sympathize! :-(
        1. 0
          19 January 2025 20: 39
          Mikhail L., is it really impossible for you to understand what distinguishes the categorical tone of your imperative "mood" of the majority, a kind of summary (on what basis did you take on such authority, after all, you yourself admit that the majority of you, your opinion, does not support you here and do not agree with you, so why are you trying to "summarize" for everyone, I am this pompous braggadocio of yours I do not understand? lol ), statements-orders: "this...discussion should be stopped" from a neutral personal opinion?! smile
          And you are also childishly offended, pretending to be a "sympathizer-quasi-helper" here, when it is you who needs "help", and not me?! Yes
          1. -1
            19 January 2025 21: 08
            See above...
            1. -1
              19 January 2025 23: 30
              Oops, Mishanya, have we ever herded geese together? Are we already on friendly terms?! smile
              So, I see, you've gradually come to the conclusion that you're wrong, since you're already making excuses.
              You are "discussing" with adults, educated and having seen a lot in their lives (most of us are from the USSR), but for some reason you have become a self-appointed "chairman of the meeting" - to impose your personal "special opinion" on the other participants in the discussion and to try to command comrades who freely express their opinions, equals among equals!
              That's not how things are done, Misha! No.
              No offense! smile
              1. -1
                20 January 2025 00: 47
                I don't argue with talking monkeys, but I let them have the last word... ;-(
                1. -1
                  20 January 2025 11: 37
                  Well, Mishanya, you didn't last long! smile
                  Have you started being openly rude already?! fool The veneer of quasi-"civilization" quickly peeled off you! wassat
                  In principle, it was clear and understandable to me even earlier about you, the ardent "lawyer"-defender of Zelts, who writes "In Ukraine" in a non-Russian language, what kind of "fruit" you are. Yes I had a rough idea of ​​your "cultural level" when you suddenly started "bossing around" here, but, to be honest, I couldn't even imagine how cave-like it is for you - below the baseboard, alas! request
  40. +1
    20 January 2025 09: 12
    It's not really accepted... Killing the head of a UN member state with a missile strike...a slippery option.

    Officially, there is NO head of state in Ukraine at the moment. His (Gnida's) term is up. Now it's time to die. And not necessarily with a missile strike. There are plenty of ways. And I think that implementing it is not a big task. But for some reason they don't implement it.
    1. -1
      20 January 2025 10: 47
      Even V. Putin recognizes Verkhovna Rada Speaker R. Stefanchuk as the legitimate head of Ukraine. If he officially takes over the reins of power in the event of V. Zelensky's death, will this change anything radically?
  41. 0
    20 January 2025 10: 54
    How is that possible? How will Putin prove that his influence in the world is at least as great as Zelensky's if he doesn't sit down with him at the same table as an equal? ​​It's sad, but they cherish Zelensky like the apple of their eye, is that really why?
  42. 0
    20 January 2025 11: 07
    It is necessary to physically eliminate any anti-Russian leaders on the outskirts of the country.
    Physical elimination is not only murder, it is also deprivation of freedom and legal capacity.
    It is also necessary to deprive such people of the opportunity to use the material benefits they received as a result of anti-Russian activities.
    The country is home to about 140 million people, and their safety is more important than the lives of the leaders of neighboring states.
    Anyone who does not want to live in peace with Russia should not live at all.
    1. 0
      20 January 2025 12: 03
      It is necessary to physically eliminate any anti-Russian leaders on the outskirts of the country

      What if this logic of state lynching is followed in all countries?
  43. 0
    20 January 2025 13: 03
    The entire top military-political leadership of Ukraine should have been liquidated long ago! am back at the beginning of the Second World War. Yes
  44. 0
    20 January 2025 22: 09
    Non capisco nonostante Zelenskyj sia l'unico responsabile e mandante degli assassini eseguiti in Russia quali motivazioni adduce per non eliminare i mandanti ei Killer/animali cui nelle loro liste erano in elenco pure dei bambini.