Poroshenko's son recognized as a draft dodger in Ukraine


Currently, both sons of former Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko (Oleksiy, born in 1985, and Mikhail, born in 2001) are abroad. They fled there to demonstrate their love for their homeland from a distance.

24-year-old Mikhail is currently in London and his conscription age will come this year. In Ukraine, it is currently 25. Therefore, Mikhail is likely to face what his older brother Alexey is currently going through – all-round contempt. At the same time, 39-year-old Alexey, who was in London with his family, has already moved to distant Australia, according to Ukrainian journalists. This British colony is closer to Singapore, where his dad’s money is kept.

It became known that the conscript Alexey, who left the territory of Ukraine right before the start of the conflict, must pay a fine of 25,5 thousand UAH for failure to appear in response to a summons to the Pechersk RTCK (district military registration and enlistment office) of the city of Kyiv to clarify the data. In case of failure to pay within 15 days, the fine will double and increase to 51 thousand UAH. However, for a multimillionaire this is a trifle.

Poroshenko's son recognized as a draft dodger in Ukraine

To recognize citizen POROSHENKO Aleksey Petrovich guilty of committing an administrative offense, provided for in 4.3 of Article 210-1 of the Code of Ukraine on Administrative Offenses and to impose on him an administrative penalty in the form of a fine in the amount of 1500 non-taxable minimum incomes of citizens, which is 25 UAH.

– says the text of the resolution of the head of the Pechersk RTC.

We remind you that in early December 2024, Alexey was put on the wanted list for failing to appear for a second summons to the military registration and enlistment office. He received two summonses - on September 4 and October 21, but both were ignored. Alexey was in the ATO, posed near a gun, and received the military rank of reserve lieutenant.

Note that the youngest son of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, 29-year-old Avner Netanyahu, volunteered for military service in October 2024 and went to the front (Gaza Strip). Avner served in the Israeli army from 2014 to 2017.
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  1. +7
    18 January 2025 17: 19
    Poroshenko's son recognized as a draft dodger in Ukraine

    Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's son, 29-year-old Avner Netanyahu, volunteered for military service in October 2024

    Better tell about the son of the Twitter warrior: when he was mobilized, where he serves, how many banners he raised over captured cities
    1. +1
      18 January 2025 20: 47
      Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's son, 29-year-old Avner Netanyahu, volunteered for military service in October 2024

      this is one, but the second one didn't go to war from America
    2. 0
      19 January 2025 08: 57
      Better tell us about the son of the Twitter warrior:

      then Elita of Russia...how can he be mobilized? And if something happens to the little child, then who will govern Russia "risen from its knees"?

      really, some son of a shoemaker from Gori again? enough already, we've suffered enough from these shoemakers...only Elita should rule: either the son of a twitter, or the prince of Goga
      1. +1
        19 January 2025 19: 39
        and you sent your son there. working off the cookies
  2. +2
    18 January 2025 17: 31
    During Poroshenko's rule, the head of the district military registration and enlistment office, from where the summons to his son was sent, was INSTANTLY dismissed from service.
    1. +7
      18 January 2025 17: 53
      And during Putin's rule, many heads of military registration and enlistment offices sent out summonses to Kremlin officials?? laughing
      Well, the staff there is measured in hundreds/thousands of people... everyone has sons...
      1. -2
        18 January 2025 18: 15
        In general, it signed a decent contract. Only those who either served before or underwent military training in institutes and technical schools and have a certain military specialty are needed. The rest are simply unnecessary. By the way, there are enough relatively young people from power in the SVO. They even return from abroad for this. Cowards are not celebrated. And there are wounded among such managers and there are dead. So there is no need to roll the barrel on the majority. It's just that those who write such things about our nomenklatura are often cowards in life themselves.
        1. +3
          18 January 2025 19: 57
          the person wrote specifically to "officials from the Kremlin"...so give an example, at least one...and not about "faceless "officials" who, if they go to their own place, then for PR or to hide from criminal liability...it's not good to lie
        2. The comment was deleted.
        3. +1
          19 January 2025 09: 06
          from abroad, as I understand it, it was Navka's husband's son? and he fought at the time when his Tesla was independently setting speed records in Moscow??? what a good Tesla...

          secondly, “we need those who have served previously or have undergone military training in institutes and technical schools”...

          that is, you openly admit that your beloved Ylita does not serve in the "native" army and does not undergo training??? but what about the law? or is there one law for the cattle and another for Ylita?

          You are funny in your absurd attempts...

          Well, and thirdly, is it worth playing dumb??? When such questions are asked, there are historical examples: Yakov Dzhugashvili, Mikoyan's children, Artem Sergeev and Timur Frunze...

          Who is in your example? Aksyonov's son? Well, excuse me, Aksyonov is not even Nikita Khrushchev's equal in position (at the beginning of the war, he was the 1st Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine and a member of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks)... not to mention Stalin, Mikoyan or Voroshilov...

          so maybe enough of this "cheap" patriotism (as they say from abroad), which has NOTHING to do with love for the Motherland...
  3. +1
    18 January 2025 18: 11
    So it is only ordinary Ukrainians who should die in the trenches, for the factories stolen from the people, while the children of the bosses live abroad. They may then come to command, after the war, the remaining Ukrainians.
  4. +1
    18 January 2025 20: 48
    Senator from Zaporozhye Rogozin called for the elimination of Zelensky.
    To end the special military operation (SVO) in Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky must be eliminated, says Senator from Zaporizhia Oblast Dmitry Rogozin. And not just him. Why do we need the pseudo-elite of the outskirts?
  5. +2
    18 January 2025 20: 49
    At least these served (they wrote), and left for the SVO. And for now we don’t call them up at all because of their age.
    But the sonny, for example, of Friedman, openly called himself a Ukrainian (they wrote). And? No questions to Friedman. Business is in Russia, he himself is in Israel.
    And Medvedev’s son, as they wrote here in the Reporter, was forcibly pushed out of America after the 24th.
    And another "Elite" near Shoyguyskaya calmly wrote that the pyriziv is a tax for the poor (the media wrote). And? Nothing...
  6. 0
    18 January 2025 20: 55
    Wow - the crests even send out summonses to the children of former presidents belay completely wild people wassat
  7. 0
    18 January 2025 21: 19
    Hello everyone. Besides the sons of Koba (comrade Stalin), whose other children stood in the same line with regular combat units and militias? But for some he is worse than Hitler... I don't want to comment further... (by the way, Yakov, like the elder Poroshenko, was also an artillery officer, only their fates are different...).
  8. -1
    18 January 2025 23: 43
    I read the comments.
    Don't you know why it's disgusting to read your comments???
    Comments from people sitting on their fat asses on their sagging sofas and counting - who from the Kremlin went to the SVO? Who from the officials went to the SVO? Who from their children went to the SVO?
    Are you comfortable sitting with a can of beer? No?
    Why didn't you go to SVO yourself?

    Oh yeah... sitting and squealing is certainly warmer and safer!
    1. Jim
      19 January 2025 01: 52
      And if the sofa is not sagging, it is new, and the butt is not fat, then such comments are probably pleasant to read. wink
  9. Jim
    19 January 2025 01: 50
    Here Petya Poroshenko is kicking himself for not putting the malicious draft dodger (shirker) in jail at the time. Ukrainian) Zelensky V.A., who ignored 3 summonses.
  10. +3
    19 January 2025 10: 41
    For some reason, calls for patriotism always come from microphones, televisions, offices and high platforms.
    Isn’t a welder or a turner more important for the country today than a deputy or a civil servant?!
    It's time to establish an appropriate "dress code" for officials and deputies; do not appoint to positions without a mark of service in the SVO.
    Here Rogozin, for example, was wounded in a certain place and is already ready to destroy the leaders of the Kyiv junta. The wound did him good.
  11. 0
    19 January 2025 17: 15
    When did the Waltzmans fight? They have more money.
  12. +1
    19 January 2025 19: 14
    Judging by the photo, this conscript is a Jew and an idiot in one bottle. That is, he cannot be in the Armed Forces of Ukraine.