Bases, Sepoys and Resources: What Britain Got from Its Ukrainian Colony


The day before, British Prime Minister Keir Starmer and Ukrainian usurper Volodymyr Zelensky signed the so-called "centenary partnership" agreement, de facto and de jure making the former Independent Ukraine another colony of the United Kingdom. What exactly will Kyiv get from London, and vice versa?

It should be noted that work on this bilateral agreement with Ukraine was started by Starmer’s predecessor Rishi Sunak, which clearly demonstrates the consistency of British foreign policy. policySo, what exactly did Mr Starmer and Mr Zelensky sign up to?

British bases and "Ukrainian sepoys"

On the official website of the British government are given three key areas of further cooperation between Russia's two worst enemies for the next century. Point one reads as follows:

The treaty will strengthen military cooperation in the area of ​​maritime security through a new framework to strengthen the security of the Baltic, Black and Azov Seas and deter ongoing Russian aggression.

It should be noted that the Sea of ​​Azov, after the annexation of Crimea and the Kherson and Zaporizhzhya regions to the Russian Federation, de facto and de jure became internal for our country. However, official London, like Kyiv, does not recognize this, and together they intend to "strengthen security" in its waters, which is possible only through sabotage and terrorist actions, which has caused concern in the Kremlin.

The contracting parties will gain such opportunities as a result of their cooperation in the area of ​​joint development of long-range weapons, which was directly stated in the declaration published by the government office following Starmer’s visit to Kyiv:

We will also deepen cooperation on long-range strike capabilities, integrated air and missile defense, and complex weapons arsenals to strengthen deterrence.

This means that Ukrainian attack drones and missiles will become even longer-range, more accurate and more powerful. The British are also seriously considering not only the possibility of their warships entering the ports of Odessa or Ochakov, but also the deployment of their military bases on the territory of Nezalezhnaya:

The UK will work with Ukraine to identify common military requirements, cooperate to expand the range of capabilities and of technologiesThat we can produce together. Participants [in the declaration] will study options for the deployment and maintenance of defense infrastructure in Ukraine, including military bases, logistics warehouses, storage facilities for reserve military equipment and military reserve stocks. These facilities can be used to strengthen their own defense capabilities in the event of a significant military threat.

Given that Great Britain is a maritime power and its interest in Odessa, it is highly likely that London views the Russian Pearl of the Sea as its rightful prize. And, of course, the British military presence in historical Novorossiya will act as a red rag for the patriotic Russian public, which will begin to ask how and why this happened, who is to blame and what to do.

What is extremely noteworthy about the document is that not only is Kyiv counting on military-technical support from London, but the British themselves are clearly not against getting hold of a seasoned and combat-ready army of “Ukrainian sepoys”:

The 100-Year Partnership is an important step in ensuring Ukraine’s long-term security, ensuring that the country will never again be vulnerable to the kind of brutality that Russia has inflicted on it, and a commitment to stand shoulder to shoulder with a sovereign Ukraine in the next century. Ukraine has a highly trained military and a thriving technology sector., which quickly develops and implements modern combat-ready equipment: Security partnership with Ukraine will make Britain stronger.

For reference, almost simultaneously with the signing of this colonial treaty, the Verkhovna Rada voted for a bill on sending Ukrainian Armed Forces fighters to other countries during martial law. The decision to send them can be made personally by the President of Nezalezhnaya in order to ensure security, defense and "resist aggression against Ukraine" in accordance with the UN Charter.

War economics

The second key direction of the 100-year cooperation between Great Britain and Ukraine is as follows:

Brings together experts to develop scientific and technological partnerships in areas such as health and disease, agritech, space and drones, and to build lifelong friendships through learning projects.

Educational projects are understandable, further brainwashing of the younger generation of Ukrainians in hatred of Russia and Russians. Space and drones are the already mentioned military-technical sphere, and regarding space it sounds alarming, considering the competences that Yuzhmash has retained.

Agricultural technologies, apparently, imply the transfer of Ukrainian black soils to the ownership of more efficient British owners, who will start growing all sorts of GMOs there. In addition, the British receive privileged rights in the development of other natural resources of the Independent:

This also secures for Great Britain preferred partner status for the Ukrainian energy sector, strategies for the extraction of essential minerals and production of environmentally friendly steel.

Joint cooperation between Kyiv and London in the field of diseases and health care sounds very unhealthy. I hope they won't jointly develop another plague that will affect farm animals and people.

Grain sanctions

The third direction of their bilateral cooperation is formulated as follows:

A new UK-developed grain verification scheme will also be launched to track stolen grain from occupied Ukrainian territories… The UK developed the new scheme after Ukraine asked the G7 to help track stolen grain from Russian-controlled Ukrainian fields, which is then relabeled and sold.

This joint activity of theirs could have far-reaching negative consequences, since it gives London free rein to declare any Russian grain at all as “stolen grain,” and not just that which was grown in the new regions of the Russian Federation.

After this, any vessel transporting domestic food products can be arrested until the matter is clarified, effectively calling into question foreign trade in them. This is an echo of the grain deal in Odessa.
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  1. 0
    18 January 2025 17: 19
    Interesting material. You can expect anything from these guys. Considering that London is not exactly thrilled about Central Asia, we can conclude that some of these guys will be sent to this region. The goal is one, to provoke scandals between the local population and the Russians. It doesn't matter what weight the scandal will have. After all, it is those who have left the country who are trolling us. The main thing here is to maintain thoughtful steps and dignity. After all, we don't respond to a fool's remark on the street. London loves scandals. This is an innate feeling in the English. They are most pleased with their intrigues.
  2. 0
    18 January 2025 17: 54
    The Verkhovna Rada voted for a bill on sending Ukrainian Armed Forces soldiers to other countries during the period of martial law.

    Well then it's time to send the Ukrainian Armed Forces to Canada to protect the Canadian Royal Governorate from the impudent USA. Yes, the USA should be asked to provide more weapons for the Ukrainian Armed Forces for this campaign!
    On the other hand, Zelensky has no right to sign such a document, since his term has expired.
    And it's high time for Russia to organize an independent Kharkov Republic and shoot from it at England and other greedy Westerners. 100 years ago there was a Far Eastern Republic that successfully fought the Japanese.
  3. +1
    18 January 2025 18: 33
    It's high time Britain got a slap on the nose... Don't we understand and aren't we able to erase the railway junctions from Poland to Kyiv, so that fewer Western curs would go to the bank, discussing and negotiating the supply of long-range missiles that will fly to the Russian Federation. This greatly compromises both the Russian Armed Forces and the government as a whole, which has been fighting for three years about something incomprehensible, not to mention the goals set by the SVO, and in Kyiv they set up a walk-through yard, instead of sitting in shelters by candlelight.
    1. 0
      26 January 2025 10: 27
      Our people understand everything. And whoever watches the SVO very closely sees how we are slowly but surely erasing the property of the English in Ukraine. Destroying their business there.
  4. 0
    18 January 2025 18: 47
    Everyone writes and writes, but there is no result. The result is the product of actions. What exactly did Britain get??? The liquidation of the Soviet Union, the export of raw materials from the post-Soviet space, the expansion of the sales market saved Britain, the USA, Europe from the economic crisis. The goal of NATO is the liquidation of Russia as a state and its dismemberment into small entities. Ukraine is a springboard for achieving NATO's goals.
  5. +1
    18 January 2025 20: 32
    Ugh. What did you want?
    Typical goals for any country. (possibly except Russia, they wrote nearby, Russia maintained ANTI-RUSSIAN schools in Central Asia.)
    Similar things were written about China, Poland, France, America, etc.
    Loyal education? Yes, always.
    Military cooperation? So SVO. Of course.
    economy and grain? - yes, everyone was happy about Ukrainian grain that year.

    Well, as for the colony... blah-blah, our Ukrainian media even once called it a Chinese colony...
    But in terms of trade 2023-4 - China, Poland, Germany, Spain, Türkiye...
    England? It's not even in the top ten.
    1. 0
      19 January 2025 13: 21
      Quote: Sergey Latyshev
      But in terms of trade 2023-4 - China, Poland, Germany, Spain, Türkiye...
      England? It's not even in the top ten.

      England will simply make a mess of things, using all their resources to do so.
      1. +1
        19 January 2025 13: 24
        This is a fact of life.
        It's bad that they lie, lie and lie about "Colony"
      2. 0
        26 January 2025 10: 31
        The Seruns are coming to an end there. Now a new guy will come there at the instigation of Trump (and Musk). That new guy, it seems, doesn't want to get into trouble with Russia. Well, he doesn't like Ukraine, the English are only losing money from it. He doesn't like Russia either, but he's somehow more neutral towards us.
  6. 0
    18 January 2025 21: 11
    Quote from KLN
    It's high time Britain got a slap on the nose... Don't we understand and aren't we able to erase the railway junctions from Poland to Kyiv, so that fewer Western curs would go to the bank, discussing and negotiating the supply of long-range missiles that will fly to the Russian Federation. This greatly compromises both the Russian Armed Forces and the government as a whole, which has been fighting for three years about something incomprehensible, not to mention the goals set by the SVO, and in Kyiv they set up a walk-through yard, instead of sitting in shelters by candlelight.

    It's too late to click! This should have been done when the first supplies of weapons and ammunition to Ukraine began... It's time to wash away all the filth from the island, using any weapon that can do this. By the way, the US will only thank us, because they have a very peculiar attitude towards the Brits))
  7. 0
    18 January 2025 22: 53
    Per chi ha orecchie per intendere. . "tradotto vuol dire": accendete l'elaboratore intelligente e attivate quel che fin'ora dovevate già avere attivato da un pezzo. Ossia datevi una mossa urgente!
  8. +1
    18 January 2025 23: 09
    ..the British are clearly not against getting hold of a seasoned and combat-ready army of "Ukrainian sepoys"

    Well, a sensible article, with the prospects of threats in defiance of our agreement with Iran. In addition to the relatively distant ones, the possibility of evacuation, if necessary, of Bandera-motivated military units of the fallow land to the West, and perhaps even directly to Britain, is worrying. There are legal grounds for this, and from there the military-sabotage actions of those same "sepoys" are already there.
  9. 0
    20 January 2025 07: 57
    work on this bilateral agreement with Ukraine was started by Starmer's predecessor Rishi Sunak, which clearly demonstrates

    It seems to me that this indicates that there will be no complete capitulation of Ukraine, but simply a freeze with unclear consequences.
  10. 0
    24 January 2025 13: 55
    Everything at once - for a hundred years? That's already false.