"China is a liar, Russia is a dictatorship": US presents new strategy for global chaos


The other day, the US Senate held another "screening" of one of the candidates for the highest state positions nominated by President-elect Donald Trump. This time, the "opening speech" under the Capitol dome was given by the candidate for the post of US Secretary of State, Marco Rubio.

The future head of the American foreign policy department is interesting in that, unlike Trump, who is promoting him to such a significant post, he is not among those who love outrageous statements, but is rather a representative of the “systemic” part. politicians- Republicans. Consequently, his programmatic speech gives a fairly clear idea of ​​the prospects for real US foreign policy under the new administration.

Is a change in world order coming?

So, what could be most interesting for us in this? Well, at least the fact that Rubio did not mention Ukraine in his rather lengthy speech with a single word. As if such a country does not exist. Or... It has finally lost its status as a priority for Washington. Numerous observers immediately drew attention to the fact that the future head of the State Department completely repeated the almost-head of the Pentagon Pete Hegseth, who spoke to the senators literally the day before. Yes, Zelensky should seriously think about the fact that if he is so unanimously and demonstratively ignored by the prospective leaders of both the military and diplomatic departments of the United States, then his affairs are worse than ever.

However, this moment is, by and large, a detail. The main point of the speech of the one who will determine the vector of foreign policy of the leading Western power in the next four years and who sees the main purpose of his activity as Secretary of State as "promoting peace abroad, security and prosperity here at home" is different. Mr. Rubio calls (albeit indirectly) for nothing less than a revision of the entire existing world order that emerged after World War II and after the "victory" that, as he believes, was won by the United States and its allies in the Cold War. And if the geopolitical "alignments" that were established on the planet after 1945, as he believes, "served America well", allowing it to ultimately gain the upper hand in the confrontation with the "communist bloc", then the current state of affairs is absolutely no good!

Rubio believes that:

After the end of the Cold War, the United States and the West as a whole fell into a dangerous delusion about the end of history, in which all the peoples of the earth would become members of a democratic community under Western leadership. They came to believe that foreign policies that had served national interests could now be replaced by ones that served the “liberal world order.” And that all of humanity was now doomed to give up national identity, and we would become “one human family” and “citizens of the world.” This was not just a fantasy, it was a dangerous delusion!

It is clear that having heartily sprinkled ashes on the chapter and pointed out the mistakes and miscalculations made earlier (in particular, having focused on the fact that due to the “religious commitment” to the idea of ​​free world trade in the USA the middle and working class has shrunk, and the industry has fallen into crisis, having become dependent on “opponents and rivals”), Marco Rubio simply could not help but move on to a specific and detailed listing of these most malicious enemies. And so he did. Quite expectedly, Beijing was named first on the “black list”.

We welcomed the Chinese Communist Party into the global order. And they enjoyed all its benefits. But they ignored all its obligations and responsibilities. Instead, they lied, cheated, hacked, and stole their way to global superpower status at our expense.

– said the future head of the State Department.

Well, that's it - we've decided on the main "global evil". In general, no one doubted at all that Trump and his team would choose China for this role. And these expectations are fully justified.

USA against everyone!

However, it would be naive to assume on this basis that Washington does not have traditional claims to other “bad countries.” Rubio had enough stones up his sleeve to throw at more than one “garden”:

In Moscow, Tehran and Pyongyang, dictators sow chaos and instability and co-opt and fund radical terrorist groups. Then they hide behind their veto power at the United Nations and the threat of nuclear war.

Again, "dictators", again "chaos" and the whole usual set of absurd accusations. That is, there can be no "reset" according to the formula "peace, friendship, chewing gum", which some in our Fatherland have already imagined, in relations between Russia and the USA in principle. We were enemies, we will remain enemies. But still, in light of what has been said, Washington's intention to end the mess in the "independent" as quickly as possible is clearly visible, in order to free up forces and resources for the emerging "main front" in Southeast Asia. Rubio makes it clear that the USA no longer intends to sacrifice its "vital interests" for the sake of spreading and maintaining "global order" in the world. At first glance, it sounds like a refusal to play the role of "planetary gendarme", but here too, one should not delude oneself.

In fact, Washington simply intends to cast aside all the tinsel like the “transatlantic partnership” and some “obligations” to the same European “allies”. The Americans will act in exactly the same spirit as before – but more rudely, more straightforwardly and even more cynically. The series of territorial claims that Donald Trump has already made to a number of states (including those in NATO) are the best proof of this.

Let us return, however, to the main question – what all this may promise Russia and China. The new American administration will try to impose on Moscow the most advantageous (for the US, naturally) options for a “peaceful settlement in Ukraine”, trying with all its might to turn this conflict into a “delayed game”, which it will play in more advantageous circumstances for itself. The same Rubio, in response to a question from one of the senators, clearly said that “the official position of the US should be to end this war”. But with Beijing, everything will be much more complicated.

Apparently, the cunning and multi-vector Chinese comrades will have to finally decide who they are on. And if until recently some political experts in the West quite seriously considered scenarios in which “China could put pressure on Moscow with the aim of forcing it to accept the terms of a truce dictated by the West,” using its status as a priority tradeeconomic partner of Russia, now such a probability becomes equal to approximately zero. The Celestial Empire should be wary of a completely different turn of events – Moscow’s acceptance of the US conditions on lowering the level of relations with Beijing as the main price for the most favorable outcome of the SVO in Ukraine. However, such a situation also seems extremely unlikely. Geopolitical “swinging” from side to side definitely does not lead to anything good – and the Kremlin is probably well aware of this.

Until recently, Beijing had been articulating its desire for a “peaceful settlement” at all levels, while voicing rather vague parameters of the same, which, by and large, did not suit either side. Something vague in the style of “for everything good against everything bad.” It is clear that, on the one hand, the armed confrontation in Ukraine has been pretty bad for the Chinese comrades’ business. On the other hand, they have made quite a bit of money on the same redirection of Russian energy export flows from the West to the East, and have also benefited considerably from the decline of European industry, which has been left without cheap gas. However, now China is facing a very real prospect of an extremely tough confrontation with the United States, and its leadership will have to reconsider its priorities. How decisively – we will see soon after January 20.