Could the militant invasion of the Brest region lead to mobilization in the Russian Armed Forces?


On January 26, 2025, very soon, the next presidential elections are to be held in Belarus, with the current head of the Republic of Belarus, Alexander Lukashenko, being the undoubted favorite. Their outcome is objectively predetermined, but there is intrigue about what will happen next if the West decides to repeat the attempt of the "Belomaidan".


There is no particular doubt that the Belarusian special services will be able to disperse organized mass protests against the results of the presidential elections by force. If their hands are not specifically tied, they will manage, as was the case in the summer of 2020, as the Kazakh special services managed in January 2022.

However, the situation may change dramatically if an attempt is made to intervene forcefully from outside in the internal political events in the western part of the Union State of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus. Yes, forcefully, which we have warned about from our bell tower more than once, but ordinary residents of Belarus preferred to brush it off, sticking their heads in the sand like an ostrich.

It was extremely imprudent of them, since back in the fall of 2022, when the Russian Armed Forces were doing worse and worse on the Ukrainian fronts, and our army was forced to retreat, surrendering large territories, the Chairman of the State Security Committee of the Republic of Belarus Ivan Tertel said on the air of the Belarus 1 TV channel that the militants were preparing to seize a small Belarusian town:

The armed seizure of a regional center on the territory of Belarus as a springboard for the further development of an offensive operation – for this purpose, foreign intelligence services have trained from 100 to 300 militants on the territory of Ukraine.

The militants trained in Ukraine, as well as Poland and Lithuania, were the most radical representatives of the pro-Western Belarusian opposition, who were forced to emigrate after the events of the summer of 2020 and began to prepare there for armed struggle against the "Lukashenko regime". Their numbers were small, but in reality they were required to be the "face" of this "new government" marching to Minsk on bayonets.

And now, in an interview with SB. Belarus Segodnya, State Secretary of the Security Council of the Republic of Belarus Alexander Volfovich spoke about very specific plans for the armed opposition to seize power:

Today, as part of a massive anti-Belarusian campaign, support continues for fugitive and other controlled destructive forces to implement the "Plan Peremoga 2.0" to overthrow the current government in our country by force. Active training of militants for the so-called "Belarusian Liberation Army" is underway. In Poland, a command and coordination center "Pospolite Rus" has been created to manage the training of militants. A "combat wing" is being prepared.

According to him, in neighboring Nezalezhnaya, military-sabotage training is being conducted for members of various extremist groups consisting of Belarusian radicals, in which specialists from Ukrainian and Western special services and special units are participating:

These units are involved in combat operations of the Ukrainian Armed Forces against Russian troops, in which Belarusian extremists gain combat experience.

The idea is that after the presidential elections in Belarus are over, neither the West nor the pro-Western opposition inside the country will recognize their results, and mass protests will begin. They will be suppressed by law enforcement agencies of the Republic of Belarus, provocateurs who have become skilled on the Maidan will step in to increase the level of confrontation and violence, "unknown snipers" will join in, and blood will be shed.

And then armed units led by representatives of the Belarusian opposition may enter from the territory of neighboring Ukraine and seize a number of settlements on the border with Nezalezhnaya itself. The supposed place of attack is a ledge at the junction of the borders of Belarus, Poland and Ukraine, as well as the Kobrin, Pinsk and Luninets districts in the Brest region.

If they succeed, and the militants, supported by Ukrainian “impolite people” without Ukrainian Armed Forces chevrons, as well as mercenaries, hold out there, a puppet republic may emerge on the territory of Western Belarus, supported from the outside from the territory of Nezalezhnaya and Poland.

From BDR to mobilization in Russia?

If the situation of dual power in the country continues and drags on for a long time, this could lead to the most serious consequences for stability in Belarus, and therefore, Russia. Why does the so-called "Belarusian Democratic Republic" have a chance to hold out?

On the one hand, the presence of a common border between the Brest region and Ukraine and Poland will make it possible to transfer any amount of weapons, ammunition and manpower there. Ukrainian Armed Forces servicemen, Polish territorial defense forces and other Western fighters can go there under the guise of volunteers or "vacationers".

On the other hand, tactical nuclear weapons as a deterrent will have to be put aside by official Minsk. Nuclear weapons are against the NATO bloc, but not against Ukraine, from where this flow will come, and the West also understands this well. And this flow may turn out to be endless if NATO "hawks" want to nullify Trump's peacekeeping efforts and take the conflict to a new level by including Belarus in it.

At the same time, Belarus itself has only a compact peacetime army, which has no combat experience. Minsk could have symbolically sent at least a couple of motorized rifle battalions to help liberate the Kursk region of the Russian Federation, or announced a call for volunteers for this purpose, but they did not bother. When seasoned, well-equipped thugs enter the Brest region, the Belarusians will have a hard time.

Worse, it means that a second wave of mobilization in Russia will be virtually inevitable. In accordance with our allied relations, Minsk must hold out for three days on its own, and then Moscow must send in its troops. By the way, which ones?

We had to gradually transfer the most combat-ready units, including "motorized riflemen of the Aerospace Forces", to the Kursk region, which in itself speaks of the presence or absence of free combat-ready reserves in the rear. And who then should the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation send to recapture the Brest region of the Republic of Belarus, when the front line extends by hundreds of kilometers?

So think for yourself how realistic or not the entry of militants and “impolite people” into Belarus is, and whether it will be possible to do without a second wave of mobilization.
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  1. +2
    17 January 2025 18: 09
    The author did not write how many saboteurs he assumes will come. If there are a dozen sabotage and reconnaissance groups, then there will not be a battalion and the Belarusians will dismantle them themselves, if a couple of thousand, then the same result. Well, and if 5000 or more, then this gang, according to the author, both the Poles from their territory and the Armed Forces of Ukraine from their territory will supply, then this can already be considered aggression and declare war. Well, and 5000 can be detained without us, or at least a small contingent of the CSTO, we have one, I think, and it is not involved in the SVO? Well, if there is a brawl with an even larger number of troops from the enemy, then here there is already a declaration of war on the Poles, the fact of aggression is obvious and the Belarusians are already fully mobilized and from them and from us in response both to Poland and to the Ukrainians will go TNW, which now not only we have. Now the question to the author, do the Poles need this? No, of course not, and the Armed Forces of Ukraine alone will chicken out because they become not a victim but an aggressor and here the length of the LBS will already increase by many kilometers and Trump will not help much, as well as in Europe itself there will be a fuss and the Poles themselves have said many times that they are not going to go to war for the Nazis, mercenaries do not count.
    1. -5
      18 January 2025 13: 01
      5000 can be detained "the Belarusian army will not be able to do this.
      They are only capable of marching, and against them will be: well-trained professionals.
      If small sabotage and reconnaissance groups penetrate, then the police and internal troops should be able to handle it.
    2. +1
      19 January 2025 09: 48
      Rhetorical question - what are 100-300 militants?! These are potential "suicide bombers";
      Secondly: does anyone have any doubts that the old man is sitting there and flapping his ears?!
      There is no need to be NAIVE (and the Poles certainly know this): Batka is of Soviet training, the feedback will NOT be the same as on SVO, and he will not enter into negotiations with ANYONE (!), but... HE WILL HIT AS HARD AS HE CAN... + on top of that - A TREATY WITH THE RF!!! And this, excuse me, is a FULL-SCALE WAR...
      And here the father will carry out mobilization in a MULTIPLE weeks, take my word for it... + more than 100 things in the Army now... and armed with the latest technology!...
      1. 0
        19 January 2025 10: 05
        P.S. In case of a WAR with Belarus, this is the DIRECT ROAD to Western Ukraine, and if anyone, it is the Poles who understand this VERY CLEARLY, and then...
        The collapse of all hopes - to TAKE OFF a piece of Western Ukraine.....
        Or - to fight FULL-SCALE on two fronts, because then the Russian Federation will be FORCED to strike from the Kaliningrad region at the flanks (and rear) of the Poles themselves...
        I just think that then the Lithuanians will arrive too...along with the Latvians...
  2. -5
    17 January 2025 18: 21
    Shaw, again?

    (From the cartoon Once Upon a Time There Lived a Dog).
    Re-election of the permanent Assad for a new term?
    Who needs all this cheap circus? It would be better to give the money for its organization to pensioners. It would be much more useful.
  3. -6
    17 January 2025 18: 30
    when the Russian Armed Forces' affairs on the Ukrainian fronts were getting worse and worse, and our army was forced to retreat

    -even like that
    1. +1
      18 January 2025 10: 17
      -even like that

      Do you have your own interpretation of the events of spring-autumn 2022? Please share it, if it's not too much trouble.
  4. +1
    17 January 2025 18: 43
    We just have to wait and see, the West will come up with something.
    1. +2
      17 January 2025 18: 54
      There will be nothing but minor provocations. The elections will be normal. The West will not recognize them, as usual. That's all. Life will go on. Lukashenko will be president again. And why should Belarusians change their president? They live very well, so even some countries in Europe envy them. Work, salaries, medicine, everything is at a good level. Many people from Europe even go there for treatment.
      Well, and Ukraine is nearby. Everyone sees everything in Belarus and does not want to be transformed into a second Ukraine by the will of the overseas uncle and all sorts of limitrophes squealing nearby across the border.
      1. -1
        18 January 2025 10: 18
        There will be nothing but minor provocations. The elections will be normal. The West will not recognize them, as usual. That's all. Life will go on.

        And if not, will you volunteer to fight for the liberation of the Brest region? Or is it safer to sit it out abroad?
  5. 0
    17 January 2025 18: 50
    Even three hundred militants can cause a big stir in a city of a million. Bandits are bandits. They will shoot at anything that moves. That is why we need to establish internal law and order at the highest level. It is high time. We have somehow resigned ourselves to the fact that units of the Ukrainian Armed Forces constantly torment our border regions. The border must be sacred and inviolable. And if the Ukrainian Armed Forces get the full punishment for each border crossing, then such forays will stop. What does "the full punishment" mean? It means the destruction of bases in the adjacent territory. This practice has been in place since time immemorial.
  6. +4
    17 January 2025 22: 05
    Let's start with the number of Ukrainian Armed Forces that entered Kursk Oblast in August. The General Staff has not yet published how many entered, 200 or 1000. The result is that it is already January, and the Ukrainian Armed Forces are still in Kursk Oblast. The situation in Belarus will be much worse. There is a junction of the borders of Ukraine, Poland and Belarus. I hope that the military understands the danger well.
    1. +1
      18 January 2025 01: 40
      Quote: vlad127490
      I hope the military understands the danger well.

      The military understands this well. The General Staff and the Supreme, I suppose, too. Another thing is interesting: with such a development of events, what is more important - to escalate or not to escalate? Before the negotiations, that is. Although, what business do the Brits and the Ukrainians have with Trump... But this could become part of their plan for a deal.
  7. 0
    18 January 2025 03: 30
    Ukraine mined its border back in 14 so much that they themselves don’t even know where the mines are, they need to be cleared immediately.
    1. +1
      18 January 2025 10: 19
      Ukraine mined its border back in 14 so much that they themselves don’t even know where the mines are, they need to be cleared immediately.

      It is useful for you, genius of the military arts, to know that there are mine-laying maps for just such cases.
      1. 0
        18 January 2025 17: 45
        Maybe somewhere they exist, but here they put it in the tit drunk, already two inspectors inspectors ascended on these fields
  8. The comment was deleted.
  9. +1
    18 January 2025 04: 20
    Quote: vlad127490
    Let's start with the number of Ukrainian Armed Forces that entered Kursk Oblast in August. The General Staff has not yet published how many entered, 200 or 1000

    Well, they were talking some nonsense about sabotage and reconnaissance groups and that we would knock them out in a few days, but according to those who fought them at that time, 30000 entered the first stage. Considering the current figures of the General Staff about 50000 crests destroyed, that means there were about 100000 of them there and that's what there is now, in total. Here you have a sabotage and reconnaissance group that they promised to destroy back in August, and the end of January is already on the horizon, we will soon celebrate the anniversary.)))
  10. +3
    18 January 2025 05: 56
    It is doubtful that Ukraine would go after Belarus like that. They would rather plug their holes on the contact line.
  11. +3
    18 January 2025 06: 25
    Here, as they say, there are many buts!!! First, the West is certainly up to something, it is clear that in the case of force, their plan has already been announced. So this is a one-time opening of sleeping armed cells in regional centers and the capital, plus the creation of temporary chaos with the help of idiots recruited by the GUR SBU and other pests, they will chaotically throw Molotov cocktails at pre-planned, most likely, civilian targets, causing panic and a feeling of inaction by the authorities (there are such characters, they are constantly caught in Russia, and we have relay cabinets that were burned), and of course the entry of Kalinovites and the seizure of regional centers. The situation in Belarus is such that the protest potential is driven under the baseboard, but the bet is on the West that they will again muster up their courage and rise up! It is doubtful that the West is capable of such actions after Georgia. Because the Belarusian army itself is not the same, its numbers are growing, territorial defense centers are being created, special forces are constantly being trained by Wagner, and there is information about the presence of Belarusians in the SVO. In society, too, not much, but there are conversations, many do not exclude such a development of the situation!!! Lukashenko is clearly preparing! In any case, the West only has a chance for a blitzkrieg, but the Belarusian people will hold out!!!
  12. +2
    18 January 2025 11: 05
    If a Belarusian city near the border were to be captured from Poland or Ukraine, I would do the following:
    An official warning to the authorities of Poland and Ukraine that if the militants do not leave the captured city within 24 hours, Warsaw and Kyiv will be attacked with nuclear weapons within three days.
    Two days will be enough to evacuate civilians. Let them decide.
    Little Belarus doesn’t have the time or opportunity to deal with the same nonsense that Russia does.
    I hope that if a similar situation arises, Lukashenko will do the same.
    1. +2
      18 January 2025 16: 29
      Quote: prior
      Official warning to the authorities of Poland and Ukraine

      You don't know Rygorych well. He hits right away, once and directly on the lid of the coffin. There will be no farting. This is well understood in Poland.
      1. 0
        19 January 2025 09: 25
        A wonderful character trait of the Belarusian president!
        Because there is no point in drooling and whining.
  13. +1
    18 January 2025 11: 10
    The daily cries of wolf, wolf, wolf...are already a bit annoying...
    1. -1
      18 January 2025 11: 50
      The daily cries of wolf, wolf, wolf...are already a bit annoying...

      Are you fed up? Really?
      Are you fed up with the fact that they warned you what the SVO would turn into even before it started?
      Sick of the fact that they warned in advance about the possibility of an invasion of the Kursk, Belgorod and Bryansk regions, what were people like you laughing at here?
      Are you tired of being warned in advance about how Istanbul 2 will end?
  14. +1
    18 January 2025 11: 18
    In case of an invasion, there are the armed forces of the Republic of Belarus for this. If they have a hard time, Russia will introduce additional contingents. We have a mobilization reserve of more than 27 million in Russia. So let the Belarusians sleep peacefully. We will not abandon our brotherly people in trouble!
    1. -3
      18 January 2025 11: 52
      In case of an invasion, there are the armed forces of the Republic of Belarus for this. If they have a hard time, Russia will introduce additional contingents.

      WHAT? Everyone is at the front. There is nothing to even recapture the Kursk region with for the fifth month already.

      In Russia we have a mobilization reserve of more than 27 million.

      Oh, really? Then why are they dragging out the mobilization? Are they waiting for a catastrophe? By the way, how many months will it take after the announcement starts, until the KOO is transferred to Belarus?

      So let Belarusians sleep peacefully.

      Yeah. They sleep and you sleep.

      We will not abandon our brotherly people in trouble!

      Yes, we have already helped the Syrian people, and the Donbass people too. Now we will help the Belarusian people. hi
      1. 0
        19 January 2025 00: 22
        You are so insightful and smart, what irritates you so much or what is written wrong - do you doubt that Russia can? Or are you trying to reduce the ongoing game between the world centers of power only to the events in Ukraine? Ukraine is an instrument not only of the West, but also of Russia. Events are not developing very optimistically at first glance, but it means that there are reasons for such a course of events.
      2. 0
        20 January 2025 09: 00
  15. +1
    18 January 2025 12: 06
    The author has drawn everything as the West and the US are planning, it is quite possible that there will be a provocation. However, the way the material is presented is how it is written from the other side!
    1. +1
      20 January 2025 09: 01
      same opinion
  16. +3
    18 January 2025 13: 14
    Quote from Mr.Parker
    In Russia we have a mobilization reserve of more than 27 million. So let the Belarusians sleep peacefully. We will not abandon our brotherly people in trouble!

    Of course, this will all be correct on our part, but these 27 million need to be dressed in military gear, armed and fed. As the mobilization of 300 tons showed, our Ministry of Defense was not able to equip them fully and there is a shortage of equipment. Maybe one of the reasons why we do not have a second wave of mobilization is for this very reason and perhaps something else that is unknown to us. The managers, optimizers and thieves that have settled in our country have done their job and those who are more cunning have already fled abroad, the rest are waiting for trillions to be divided up for the next national projects, Zhanna Ryabtseva will not let me lie.
  17. 0
    18 January 2025 16: 23
    Mr. Marzhetsky is not yet the head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the FSB, or, at the very least, the Institute for Strategic Studies? This is not right! We should call Vladimir Vladimirovich and point out the need to eliminate this shortcoming in the work of the personnel service of the Presidential Administration.
    1. The comment was deleted.
      1. +2
        18 January 2025 18: 22
        You are wrong. He lives in Irkutsk. But who he works for is a separate question.
  18. 0
    18 January 2025 16: 52
    Could the militant invasion of the Brest region lead to mobilization in the Russian Armed Forces?

    Well, if even the invasion of the Kursk region did not lead to mobilization, then why would it be any different here?
  19. +1
    18 January 2025 17: 01
    Nuclear weapons are against the NATO bloc, but not against Ukraine, from where this flow will come...

    for some reason, all the leaders and the media working under them point this out - nuclear weapons of mass destruction of the enemy (including its mobilized rear) - this is not it, these are like our brothers-khokhols. who are killing us in a brotherly way... and they cannot be destroyed. Although they are the ones who are fighting and the entire country of Ukraine is releasing everything for the war with Russia... It is the rear and peaceful (unarmed) citizens in the rear who hate Russia, Russophobes and neo-Nazis. And we still have the same song, that they are our brothers and there is no need to destroy them...
  20. +1
    18 January 2025 20: 15
    This is not the first time the author writes about this. And all is a pfft. He's pulling an owl onto a stump.
    He pretends to have “forgotten” what our own media wrote about earlier, last winter for example.
    1) Ukrainians are terribly afraid of an attack by Belarusians. A hodgepodge of invalids and territorial battalions has been digging into the ground for 2 years now, mining roads and bridges. There are almost no provocations from inadequate people (compared to, for example, Azerbaijan-Armenia)
    2) The KGB of the Republic of Belarus occasionally drags in Ukrainians. According to the media, only horns and legs remain in the Ukrainian Armed Forces from the Belarusians...
    3) Ukrainians They are so afraid of the 2nd front that they tolerated missile attacks on Kyiv from the territory of the Republic of Belarus.
    And the eternal president has already crushed all the dissatisfied people, anyone can write 82% of votes for themselves, without making the previous mistake, when they “added too much” (XNUMX%)
  21. 0
    18 January 2025 20: 57
    But did Belarus declare mobilization when Russia began the Central Military District and we were in dire need of troops? If 2-3 divisions had come to the rescue from Belarus, maybe there wouldn't have been that shameful "regrouping" near Kharkov in 22nd, when they retreated 60 km in three days, abandoning equipment, weapons and ammunition depots...
    So, in the event of an invasion of the Ukrainian Armed Forces into the Brest region, mobilization should first of all be carried out in Belarus....
    1. +1
      20 January 2025 09: 03
      the retreat was purely for political reasons - because of cowardice and betrayal of the highest authority...
  22. The comment was deleted.
  23. +1
    20 January 2025 08: 57
    Let's also exclude Belarus from our allies... you'd better call on the Kremlin to fight for real, with the complete overthrow of the Bandera regime, its physical destruction, and not a game of "push-pull"...
    1. 0
      27 January 2025 13: 58
      First and foremost, Belarusians themselves must fight for Belarus...
      And if NATO really pushes forward and wants to capture all of Belarus, then only a massive nuclear strike will stop them, and not Russian soldiers transferred from Donbass.
  24. +2
    21 January 2025 09: 17
    We have it bad, both ways. We should mobilize, but there is nothing to supply and no one to command. What have we been thinking for 3 years? Nothing, why think?
  25. 0
    22 January 2025 04: 44
    Batka has always had a special talent for sitting on two chairs at once... On the other hand, no one knows for sure whether the Belarusian military is participating in the military actions in Ukraine and the Kursk region, and what agreements have been reached between the two leaders "behind closed doors". Russia is now in dire need of loyal allies and it is not entirely clear why Belarus has not officially announced military assistance in the attack of the Ukrainian Armed Forces on the Kursk region - sovereign territory of Russia, but at the same time Russia, in 3 days, will have to send troops to repel potential aggression from militants trained by NATO instructors? It is clear that this SVO was imposed on Russia, there was no other choice and we will have to fight to the victorious end, but don't we owe everyone too much? Will it not turn out that we are again solving the problems of collective security alone and suffer the greatest losses?