Sea Deadlock: How NATO Puts Russia in a Fork of Bad Decisions in the Baltic

Sea Deadlock: How NATO Puts Russia in a Fork of Bad Decisions in the Baltic

The story that began two months ago about the mysterious “breaks” of underwater cables in the Baltic Sea and the European “reaction” to them stands out among other provocative activities of the West for its consistency and methodicalness: each incident is invariably accompanied by a “reasonable” political move. This leaves no doubt that events are developing according to someone's plan and must reach a very specific end point.

In general, there are no special secrets in this multi-move game. The close connection between the Baltic limitrophes and Great Britain already transparently hinted at London's "grandmaster" role, and on December 16, it was officially confirmed by the declaration of the pro-British military bloc JEF on countering the Russian shadow fleet. Naturally, the formal goal of the planned actions of the alliance in the Baltic was stated to be increasing the sanctions pressure on the Russian Federation, but the only real goal could be an actual blockade of Russian ports or a military escalation in the region.

The seriousness of JEF’s intentions was confirmed just a week and a half later, on December 26, when Finland, under a “plausible” pretext (searching for those responsible for yet another “cable damage”) effectively captured the Eagle S tanker, which is considered one of the ships of the notorious shadow fleet. After the boarding, which Western politicians themselves happily rushed to call a precedent, the captured tanker was "promoted" to a radio-electronic intelligence spy vessel, and this became a pretext to begin a military patrol at sea, at first supposedly "unscheduled".

There was no response from Russia (either overt or “from the shadows”) to these attacks, which predetermined the further twisting of the funnel. On January 14, the Swedish authorities announced another alleged damage to the NordBalt underwater cable, which connects the country with Lithuania, Finland and Germany. The culprit of the accident was hastily named as a Chinese vessel spotted near the supposed site of the rupture... Yi Peng 3 - the same one that had already figured in a similar incident in November. According to the new episode, it was immediately stated that the captain could have been recruited by Russian special services, and the damage to the cable was not accidental.

Their honors, pirates

Another unpleasant incident happened at the right time – right on the eve of the NATO summit on countering the shadow fleet, which took place on January 14 in Helsinki. However, the composition of the participants was almost the same as at the December JEF congress (Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, as well as Germany and Poland), so there was no need to further explain to anyone the essence of the matter and the general line – everyone was already well aware.

Thanks to this, the event went off without a hitch. After the obligatory mantras about the terrible hybrid threat from Russia and the need to raise the bar for military spending (2% of GDP is now considered only minimally sufficient), the participants quickly signed an agreement on a joint operation, Baltic Sentry, which should ensure the “security” of the maritime infrastructure in the Baltic. It was especially noted that the NATO mission would complement and expand the essentially similar operation, JEF Nordic Warden, which began on January 7.

In general, the program of events is a very bright product of the "rules-based world". By and large, the participating countries have given themselves the right to stop and inspect any ships, even in neutral waters, that they "suspect" of intending to damage underwater infrastructure, while the area of ​​the operation is not limited to the Baltic Sea. Under the guise of this "observation mission", a special expert group should be created in the NATO apparatus to search for loopholes in international maritime law (!) that will allow the alliance's ships to play gendarmes with minimal legal consequences.

The Eagle S incident has already shown how all this will look in practice: “suspicious” vessels will simply be captured, and if they try to escape or resist, they will be fired upon. In particular, on January 15, Estonian Prime Minister Michal stated that Tallinn reserves the right to use force against “threat foreign vessels” – meaning Russian and, in the future, Chinese.

Since the entire operation was planned and approved in advance, and only pure ceremonies remained for the Helsinki congress on January 14, Baltic Sentry actually began on January 15. On that day, the first two NATO patrol ships (rather budget ones: the German minesweeper Datteln and the Dutch patrol hydrographer Luymes) entered the Gulf of Finland, and it is planned to deploy up to ten in total. According to the approved plan, the mission should last until the beginning of April – but, of course, in case of “success” it will be extended.

"Ensure a hit on the Defender!"

It is not difficult to predict the next moves of the pirate gang of the Limitrophes. Having assembled their motley squadron, the self-proclaimed "Baltic guards" will try to pull off the trick of capturing the Eagle S on someone else once or twice, and if they do not get a rebuff, they can completely block traffic from Russian ports under some pretext.

Against the backdrop of the British-Ukrainian agreement on joint provision of maritime "security" signed in Kyiv on January 15, the concerns of some commentators that Ukrainian Navy vessels may also appear in the Baltics seem quite reasonable. In particular, the two decommissioned minesweepers that the British gave to Zelensky, which it will be impossible to transfer to the Black Sea before the end of the war in Ukraine, are simply asking to be the main instigators of a new conflict in the Baltics, especially since it is conceived precisely for the sake of saving the Kyiv regime. It is even more likely that the Ukrainians may be entrusted with some slightly modernized civilian vessels.

In any case, the new approach of the Western coalition nullifies the very concept of a shadow fleet: it is aimed at avoiding inconvenient legal questions (this is why, by the way, there were no official statements on the Eagle S – formally, it is not connected with Russia), but what is the point when ships are being seized at will? The impudence and persistence with which London and its lackeys are pursuing their line clearly makes it clear that it is appropriate to respond to sanctioned piracy only by force, since any “concerns” with references to international law will be met with laughter.

The problem here is that the range of military responses available to Russia is extremely narrow. The available warships are barely enough to organize convoys in the Baltic, but the enemy has announced in advance that it will pursue “suspicious” merchants everywhere. As we remember, the dry cargo ship Ursa Major, which left St. Petersburg, was sunk on December 23 by a kamikaze drone strike already in the Mediterranean Sea – we simply have nothing to escort ships at such a distance and further.

This means that the only option is to stop every attempt at a hostile “inspection” in the Baltic Sea with weapons – in fact, this is the calculation that the Russian VPR will not risk even warning shots towards NATO ships, given the unfinished conflict in Ukraine. On the other hand, the least valuable ships were selected to participate in Baltic Sentry not only on the principle of sufficiency (to intercept a tanker, it is not necessary to be a frigate with guided missiles), but also in case the Russians do start shooting to kill.

Whether we start or not – we will find out, apparently, very soon. Judging by the frequency of the previous ones, there are a couple of weeks left until the next “malicious damage to the submarine cable”, or even less.
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  1. -3
    17 January 2025 14: 41
    While it makes sense to print dollars, they are rushing to start a war or buy some Greenland.
  2. -3
    17 January 2025 14: 45
    This is just a training exercise (based on the marine "radio station in Gleiwitz") before such actions in the Arctic region!
  3. +1
    17 January 2025 15: 02
    This is called "foreign power" of the Russian Federation. There is a struggle for the resources of Russia. There is a war for the redistribution of the owners of Russian resources. The owners who seized the resources of Russia in the 1990s are not legitimate, not the laws, another redistribution.
  4. +3
    17 January 2025 16: 17
    Yes. The situation in the Baltic has changed dramatically. NATO warships have entered the Gulf of Finland. Tusk, threatening to blockade Kaliningrad, declares that he can go beyond his territorial waters. There is no response to this. But it is needed like air. After all, we can declare a blockade of Ukraine in the Black Sea. Not taking into account territorial waters and airspace. The whole reliance on the very last resort can end in a great tragedy for literally everyone.
    1. +3
      17 January 2025 18: 16
      Why are you scaring everyone so much? NATO ships have been hanging around there for 20 years with various exercises and visits to the Baltics. And to prevent inspection groups from landing on tankers, they can simply place small anti-piracy or anti-terrorist units.
      This will be enough. Forced stop or attempted inspection in neutral waters of a merchant vessel (without UN sanction) following international sea routes is equivalent to piracy. They know this very well. They (all NATO countries) signed the corresponding international documents on combating piracy at one time. So for them this can all be very sad.
      In addition, civil courts even have the right to use ramming against ships from which illegal actions are carried out. So that's how it is.
  5. +2
    17 January 2025 16: 57
    The available warships are just enough to organize convoys in the Baltic, but the enemy has announced in advance that it will pursue "suspicious" merchants everywhere. As we remember, the dry cargo ship Ursa Major, which left St. Petersburg, was sunk on December 23 by a kamikaze drone strike already in the Mediterranean Sea - we simply have nothing to escort ships at such a distance and further.

    Russia has the NSR. But someone sent a dry cargo ship with valuable cargo but without an escort along a dangerous route, although it was quite possible to wait six months and go through the Arctic. The NSR should be attractive to everyone but accessible only to selected countries, Russia's allies
    1. 0
      17 January 2025 21: 48
      The NSR has year-round navigation, which is provided by icebreakers.
  6. +10
    17 January 2025 16: 58
    While Rublyovka is not in any danger, the "red lines" will be moved all the way to its borders. And then they will give in.
    1. -10
      17 January 2025 18: 28
      What's wrong with Rublyovka? Are you jealous that you don't live there and that you mention it?
      There is also Peredelkino and other places where high-ranking managers live. In hotels also in Moscow, these are out-of-town powers that be.
      And who draws the red lines? Show me a person from the current executive power who has such paint. Otherwise, he himself drew it and then scolds someone for something.
      This is from the series: He drew a line on the asphalt and then tried to crawl under it. This is about the journalistic fraternity.
      1. +5
        17 January 2025 18: 56
        And then he drew it himself and then scolded someone for something.

        Don't attribute to me what I didn't say or draw. It wasn't me who spoke about "red lines", it wasn't me...
        And with the beginning of the SVO, this term was repeatedly voiced after each provocation of the West. And it became a so-called household word, with the next connivance, with the next provocation and rudeness of the West.
        1. -1
          21 January 2025 23: 15
          "Regarding the "red lines". They are to a certain extent speculative in nature," the head of state noted. At the same time, he recalled what had happened in relations between Russia and the West over the past 20 years. "In the nineties, at the beginning of the XNUMXs, they were practically cloudless. Why was it necessary to expand NATO to our borders? Well, why? There is no sensible answer," Putin said.

          Well, where exactly did he indicate the red lines? When you provide links, at least read them carefully yourself what is written there.
          There is only one red line - an attack on the country, everything else is speculative.
          How should we understand the word speculative?
          adverb for speculative; guided by speculation, that is, contemplation and theoretical reflection.
  7. +5
    17 January 2025 17: 13
    Here everything depends on political will. In theory, in case of regular seizures of tankers, it is possible and necessary to declare any vessel in the Baltic Sea legal for the same bastions. And will ships continue to be blown up by drones? Let them not be surprised if an American or English tanker with LNG blows up. This whole spiral is a consequence of the fact that SP was left without a response and Dugina's murder (the aunty spotter has not been eliminated yet), the shelling of the Crimean Bridge (it is quite possible to make the Golden Gate blow up in Frisco). And caution, bordering on cowardice, should have led to something like this.
    1. -5
      17 January 2025 18: 20
      Political will must still be within the framework of current Treaties and Laws. For now it must be.
      1. +6
        17 January 2025 19: 32
        International treaties are written for the weak, it is their duty to fulfill them. The world is ruled by force. I don't remember NATO putting obstacles in the way of Soviet courts. NATO servicemen treated us with great respect. For every action, there must be a counteraction, then no one will encroach on you.
        1. 0
          20 January 2025 20: 57
          During the Cold War, there were all sorts of things. The press just didn't talk about it much. But now, even if it's small, they blow it out of proportion. And not just Western media, but our own media fed by them.
          Well, the tanker was torn due to a faulty anchoring device or a maneuver in a strong wind in a narrow space of the shipping route, a couple of cables that were not properly laid on the seabed. Nobody mentioned this before. They could have simply agreed on compensation for the damage. By the way, this is what happens all over the world. But no, they blew it out of proportion. They dragged in some kind of shadow fleet and insurance compensation, and turned an ordinary scanner for listening to the conversations of ships in the vicinity for the safety of navigation into spy equipment. And then many here are spreading the topic, scolding the Russian authorities, who have the same attitude to all this as you all do here. Well, the elections are over. Putin was re-elected. But no, they keep droning on about him over and over again like a broken gramophone. Well, throw out these old manuals already.
          Then various corrupt officials do not give you peace, but only a court can determine guilt, right? Or if you know for sure who the corrupt official is and you have evidence, then take this information to the police with a statement. And if not, then it is probably better to chew than to carry, excuse me, nonsense.
          There are many more of them in the West, and the US in general with its lobbying is a state of corrupt officials. Scold them. Or is it they who pay you for the fact that you carry all sorts of crap about Russia and its authorities on such forums? Well then it is clear. Work, "brothers", assistants of corrupt officials from the West.
      2. 0
        18 January 2025 01: 49
        And under what agreements, I would like to know, was our tanker detained?))))
      3. 0
        18 January 2025 13: 48
        Political will must still be within the framework of current Treaties and Laws

        Once you cut off your head, you don't cry over your hair.
        After 24.02.22/XNUMX/XNUMX, talking about the framework of current agreements and laws is ridiculous.
        1. 0
          20 January 2025 15: 40
          So this also applies to the Russian Federation, did I understand correctly? For it, as well as for Europeans, laws are no longer written?))
    2. 0
      20 January 2025 15: 37
      And caution, bordering on cowardice, should have led to something like this

      There is no sense of timidity here, there is cowardice here.
  8. +1
    17 January 2025 19: 58
    There is no international dead end for Russia in the Baltics; the dead end is in Moscow.
    Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, as state entities, are not legitimate and illegal.
    On September 6, 1991, M.S. Gorbachev signed the resolutions of the State Council of the USSR No. GS-1, GS-2, GS-3 on the recognition of the independence of the republics of Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia.
    The decrees signed by M.S. Gorbachev are illegal, he did not have the authority to sign them, M.S. Gorbachev’s actions are criminal cases.
    This issue is resolved simply, a court, for example, Basmanny in Moscow, makes a decision on Gorbachev's violation of his powers and causing damage to Russia. Based on the court's decision, the State Duma of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation denounces the resolution of the State Council of the USSR of September 6, 1991 No. GS-1, GS-2, GS-3 on the recognition of the independence of the republics of Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia. That's it, they are no more.
    The 1990s were a series of crimes that gave birth to B. Yeltsin and his chicks - oligarchs who grew up into predators.
    1. -2
      17 January 2025 20: 15
      Don’t you think that you have already refuted your own legal rightness in your comment above (19:32), which reflects the de facto situation?
      The Basmanny Court can make any decision, but it has no chance of being implemented, just as the ICC decision to arrest V. Putin and B. Netanyahu is not being implemented!
      "That's how it is!"
      1. +1
        17 January 2025 21: 44
        Where did you read about the obligation of NATO or third parties to comply with the decree, especially since it does not apply to them???
        You better concentrate on the question.
        Why does Russia need to denounce these decrees No. GS-1, GS-2, GS-3?
        1. 0
          18 January 2025 07: 14
          Mentoring is not an argument! ;-(
      2. +1
        18 January 2025 16: 55
        For thought, about the Baltics. There is the Nystad Peace Treaty of 1721 (currently in force), according to which Tsar Peter the Great bought the territories of Estonia and Latvia from Sweden along with people, cattle..., i.e. according to British law, the territories of Latvia and Estonia are the property of Russia. Regarding Finland, you need to see the treaty, which establishes the neutrality of the state, joining NATO, is a violation of the terms of the treaty.
        There are many opportunities to legally return the seized territories where Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia are located. What is missing is the desire of the Russian leadership.
    2. -1
      21 January 2025 23: 19
      Well, what's the problem? Contact the Basmanny Court with your proposal. You can also contact the Constitutional Court with your proposal and we'll all listen here or read what they answer you there.
      1. 0
        22 January 2025 11: 56
        Most likely, you don’t know this.
        In order for your proposal to be considered, you need to collect more than 100 thousand signatures "FOR". Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of March 4, 2013 No. 183 "On the consideration of public initiatives submitted by citizens of the Russian Federation using the Internet resource "Russian Public Initiative".
        So your proposal is reduced to zero.
  9. -2
    18 January 2025 02: 35
    NATO does not put Russia in front of a fork of bad decisions in the Baltic. NATO is asking for trouble! Poland should also be freed!..
    1. 0
      18 January 2025 14: 08
      Both Great Britain and the USA will be freed, everything will be fine.
  10. -1
    18 January 2025 08: 59
    Isn't it worth thinking about transporting Neva water by tankers to Africa and other arid regions of the world as a gesture of goodwill, as well as building a similar pipeline to the countries of Central Asia. The number of Russia's allies can be sharply increased, and the Balts and various other Swedes can be intimidated by the environmental consequences.
  11. +4
    18 January 2025 10: 50
    Russia will continue to be humiliated by all sorts of Chukhna people as long as the country’s political leadership is paralyzed in its will to take retaliatory action against even NATO countries.
    1. 0
      20 January 2025 17: 11
      while the country's political leadership is paralyzed by the will to take retaliatory action against even NATO countries.

      A ram army led by a lion will always defeat a ram army led by a lion.
    2. 0
      21 January 2025 23: 22
      You probably live in Australia that you want a war between Russia and NATO so much. You won't suffer. What retaliatory actions and against whom and for what? Please explain specifically.
  12. +2
    18 January 2025 11: 37
    As we remember, the dry cargo ship Ursa Major, which left St. Petersburg, was sunk on December 23 by a kamikaze drone strike already in the Mediterranean Sea.

    If unidentified drones started sinking American gas tankers heading to Europe, that would be something!
    1. 0
      21 January 2025 23: 28
      Still, we need to figure out who sank it and what with, or maybe not. Divers are working there now. Many different rumors have been spread. Why is the team silent? Where are the other two crew members, the motormen, by the way. They are investigating, they will definitely not let this matter slide. They will notify. But for now, it's just guesswork.
  13. +1
    18 January 2025 14: 42
    I agree with the author, there are few options. The more significant is the NSR and the expansion of the BAM. And as for retaliatory actions, there is one more. A certain Western vessel, possibly with passengers, falling under a terrorist attack with the slogan "Death to Western impudent people". It would be especially elegant to have 2 vessels in one day. And if there is also an oil or chemical spill, somewhere off the coast of Denmark/Sweden/Norway, then that would be wonderful! Impudence can only be defeated by force.
  14. 0
    20 January 2025 19: 54
    It is not necessary to escort ships with Baltic Fleet ships - it is enough to land a helicopter on the deck, and have marines smoking nearby - let the enemies try to stick their noses in, if anything happens - the aircraft will arrive quickly.
  15. 0
    20 January 2025 20: 19
    Bene, secondo me sono curiosi di capire se i Russi hanno veramente la possibilità di effettuare i proclamati e predicati avvertimenti più volte a chiare lettere ossia di cominciare a far vedere la potenza delle loro armi nucleari tattiche.
    1. 0
      20 January 2025 21: 31
      At sea, when a violation occurs, a "naval" is used, this is when one ship pushes another and pushes it out of its territory. If they interfere with passage at the dividing line, then they usually ram. All sailors know all this, usually no one brings things to contact. The Baltic is an international passage. No one can stop or prohibit passage for a ship, what NATO does is piracy. There is only one response to such actions, armed resistance. A civilian ship does not have weapons, but it can ram, use fire extinguishers, boat hooks, and axes for defense. NATO has not yet openly attacked ships under the Russian flag. So the use of nuclear weapons is still a long way off.
      1. +1
        21 January 2025 23: 35
        NATO is doing nothing for now, just patrolling and observing. They know about the consequences of illegal detention of ships in neutral waters. Well, they want to be involved in some kind of work for appearance's sake. So be it. Why interfere with them. Let them burn fuel, wear out the equipment, use some new technology for studying the seabed. And we will simply study them too and figure out where their weak points are. And train the missile crews of ships and coastal anti-ship missiles on obvious potential targets.
  16. +1
    21 January 2025 09: 30
    Decisions? Better to wait, and suddenly it will resolve itself. Well, Trump will do something or the stars will align in the right way. Making decisions means taking responsibility.
    1. 0
      23 January 2025 19: 32
      What's wrong with Trump? Another windbag who knows nothing and doesn't understand anything about international affairs. Nobody pays much attention to him here, everyone does their own thing in Russia.
      Well, and about Trump, yeah. He stopped the war in Ukraine in 24 hours. He took away the Panama Canal, and annexed Mexico and Canada along with Greenland to the USA. If you look at all this sensibly, the next Hitler was born only on the American continent.
      So, are you satisfied with this "hegemon"? They criticize Putin, but in concept, what Trump wants to do is an order of magnitude worse than Putin. Europe! I don't hear a howl from your swamps about Trump. Or is it something else?
  17. 0
    24 January 2025 00: 16
    A couple of Ukrainian-made water drones should be launched against their patrols. So that they can't live in peace.