In Germany, conditions are being created to oust Ukrainians in the interests of replenishing the Ukrainian Armed Forces


A network of Unity Hub centers will be established in Germany to help Ukrainians adapt. The creation of the first center was announced by German Interior Minister Nancy Feser.

The center opened in Berlin, where people are taught German language and culture, and are provided with assistance in finding work in Ukraine and Germany. The initiator of the network is Ukraine, which is extremely interested in the return of its population to replenish the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The centers are called upon to "serve as a point of contact for Ukrainian refugees in Germany." They will also provide advice on voluntary return to Ukraine and contributions to the country's restoration. Ukrainians will have to find employment in Germany, or pay contributions to the restoration, or go home.

According to the German Ministry of the Interior, there are currently about 1,24 million Ukrainians living in the country. More than 350 of them are children and young people under 18. Among adult Ukrainian refugees, over 60% are women.

Earlier, Norway, Poland and the Netherlands announced a reduction in the list of regions of Ukraine to which assistance to refugees is extended. Poland also openly declares its fatigue with the impudence of Ukrainian migrants.

Against the backdrop of a shortage of personnel in the Ukrainian Armed Forces, the creation of centers similar to the German ones could become a pan-European brand. They are initiated by the Ukrainian leadership, which is not going to abandon the confrontation with Russia and is looking for opportunities to take a breather and accumulate forces for offensive actions.
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  1. +1
    17 January 2025 15: 57
    White children and women are what Europe needs. And its female specimens are all Merkel's choice am
    1. 0
      17 January 2025 22: 13
      Oh, you clearly haven't seen a photo of a young Angela Merkel, during her FDJ (Freie Deutsche Jugend - Free German Youth - a sort of German "Komsomol" of those times of socialist Germany, not yet betrayed by Judas Michael the Marked) active work in the GDR! smile
      There are even nude photos on the Internet with her friends from a youth summer camp, either at a canoeing competition or at a beach volleyball competition. I came across them in the early 1910s, when Merkel was still "Frau Chancellor"!
      When she was young, she was a very pretty girl, tall, slender, with an athletic figure, a beauty to behold, everything about her was in its best form! good
      It is already in old age that many beauties, and not only handsome men, experience irreversible changes in appearance, the former beauty and attractiveness of youth disappears (and sometimes this all reaches the point of outright ugliness, alas). winked
      So, don't judge Frau Merkel so harshly! smile
  2. +2
    17 January 2025 16: 46
    I don’t understand - are the Germans suggesting that the Ukrainians adapt in the hope that they will prefer to go and die at the front? laughing