Expert: Russia has no other way to stop piracy in the Baltics except by striking Estonia and Finland


The seizure of the Russian tanker Eagle S by Finnish security forces on suspicion of cutting an underwater cable can be fully qualified as piracy. According to the president of the Association of Baltic Studies, Professor Nikolai Mezhevich, only radical actions by the Russian Federation can put an end to this.

The expert recalled cases of ships being captured off the coast of Somalia by bearded men. This is quite rightly called piracy. In the case of the arrest of a Russian tanker, even if it was sailing under the flag of another country, they do not talk about piracy. It is interesting to note that the Finnish side sold gasoline from the captured ship.

Mazhevich believes that in this case we can note the revival of piracy on the part of NATO. In such a situation, it is necessary to protect ships from the Russian Federation with the possibility of striking. This was the case in 1923-1926, when Russian ships went on a voyage accompanied by the Red Banner Baltic Fleet.

And when the battleship Marat is sailing alongside you, and two of its "ladies" with six 12-inch barrels are turned towards Helsinki, and two towards Tallinn, the state Finno-Ugric pirate begins to think very hard. There were no diapers in those years. Apparently, some other improvised objects were used

– Nikolai Mazhevich said on the air of the Crimea 24 TV channel.
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  1. +1
    17 January 2025 09: 15
    This expert definitely gets paid not only by the TV channel...
    1. -2
      18 January 2025 01: 45
      Where do such "experts" come from?
      The Finns' actions are NOT piracy even under Russian law. They can only be considered an unfriendly or even hostile act... but against whom? Neither the tanker, nor its crew, nor the cargo are formally Russian. So the fight against the enemy must be fought by other methods...
      1. +2
        18 January 2025 17: 32
        Regarding experts. Why can't we send a submarine at periscope depth after a merchant ship and, in the event of the capture of the merchant ship, launch a torpedo into the side of the "Pirate"? It would be very effective and instructive. After that, claims to Russian cargo will surely end!
        1. 0
          5 February 2025 23: 23
          Quote: Bulanov
          Why can't a submarine be sent after a merchant ship?

          Are you suggesting to "launch" a submarine after EVERY merchant ship?

          Quote: Bulanov
          at periscope depth

          And why at periscope depth? For the sake of the beauty of the phrase itself?

          Quote: Bulanov
          fire a torpedo into the side of the Pirate

          The Finns' actions are NOT piracy at all. I wrote about this above. The act is unfriendly, but formally within the law, since there is a formal reason, which, it is possible, was invented precisely for this purpose...
  2. +10
    17 January 2025 09: 20
    It's too late to "sing songs" about the Eagle S tanker when your Nord Stream has fallen off.
    A spoon is good for dinner, but the response is immediate.
    An attempt to jump on the footboard of a departing train failed.
    The retreat behind the "red lines" turned into a disorderly flight...
    1. +3
      17 January 2025 09: 30
      ... hello, yes, I agree: it's too late to drink Borjomi...
      and there is no shame at the top. Where is the world heading?
      1. +8
        17 January 2025 09: 36
        hi The top brass cannot be ashamed in principle.
        The shy don't get there a priori.
        The shy are eliminated at the very first stages of a political career.
        The world is slowly but surely heading towards a world war.
        Alas. Man has not yet come up with anything "better" to satisfy his ambitions.
        1. -1
          17 January 2025 09: 42
          come on, let's listen to "songs about the main thing" after the 20th..
          1. 0
            17 January 2025 15: 13
            What will happen on the 20th? The coming of a new messiah? I haven't heard...
            1. 0
              17 January 2025 16: 30
     let's see, aren't you interested in how "ours" will lie down under the shaggy one?
              ...or not, ...that's what we'll see
              1. 0
                18 January 2025 11: 17
                Shaggy and with a bullet hole in the ear.
        2. 0
          18 January 2025 21: 35
          Ah, there’s nothing more to expect from the cannibalistic oligarchic regime.
      2. 0
        21 January 2025 08: 29
        If you haven't noticed, the world is confidently moving along the path of worldwide globalization, with the construction of a global transnational corporation. In which the principle of social construction will be in the form of a "feudal ladder".
    2. +1
      17 January 2025 09: 36
      He lies like he breathes. The Finnish prosecutor's office refused to open a criminal case against the tanker, since there was no malicious intent. Cargo belonging to a third party cannot be sold under the same Finnish laws, unless the owner of the cargo agrees to it. In any case, Russia received its money in the same way as the owner of the cargo will receive it after the Finns sell this cargo, if of course the owner agreed to the sale.
      Well, and in addition, a counterclaim has been filed with the Finnish prosecutor's office regarding the illegal seizure (piracy) of a civilian cargo ship in neutral waters by Finnish military personnel.
      Someone will fly out of service without a pension and with other “joys”, up to and including criminal cases, and NATO will not help.
      1. +1
        17 January 2025 09: 44
        ...we'll live to see.
      2. +2
        17 January 2025 15: 17
        Is it really going to happen like that? It's a good fable, but hard to believe. Before the seizure of the ship, the highest officials were sitting there and they gave the go-ahead for the seizure, which means they made up their own justifications...
  3. +5
    17 January 2025 10: 08
    And what has been done to counteract (there are no plans to do so)? - or like Gurulev, "we'll bang someday"? - too much indignation and not a single action.
    1. +2
      17 January 2025 11: 19
      nothing! the bourgeois thinks that if you don't talk about a problem, then it doesn't exist... and if anything: "it drowned"
  4. +10
    17 January 2025 12: 10
    We feel sorry for them, but they are getting insolent. They should have started by overthrowing the Nazi regime. In fact, the collective West has appropriated huge territories and resources. They were counting on the entire Ukrainian SSR. Now they have 20 regions. They are going to protect them (from us). The insolence is boundless. Russia is surrounded by enemies from the North to Moldova. We have practically no one to trade with in Europe. Hungary and Slovakia are NATO members. Don't flatter yourself. They (the enemies) are working with the Caucasus and Central Asia. They are driving us out of Syria. Trump is going to deal with Iran (our last ally in the south). Can we sign a truce with the West? We can. Will they calm down at this? No! The West will continue its work of strangling the Russian Orthodox civilization. All this chatter about negotiations and a peace agreement is worthless. The West understands only brute force. Only Victory is needed in Ukraine! Russia forward!
    1. +1
      17 January 2025 15: 16
      Quote: Sergey Prutkov55
      Ukraine only needs Victory

      Who needs it? It seems our top brass needs a shameful deal.
    2. 0
      19 January 2025 04: 38
      Unfortunately, those "at the top" are permanent snot-nosed and cowards...
  5. 0
    17 January 2025 13: 11
    "Piracy" - it sounds romantic. There is no time for romance here, another word is appropriate here...
  6. -4
    17 January 2025 13: 45
    The competition for inappropriate and provocative statements continues?! The political scientist professor probably knows that the Eagle S tanker is under the flag of the Cook Islands, not Russia. And yes, Estonia and Finland are in NATO, hasn't he forgotten?!
    Some of our media figures and Internet commentators have previously repeatedly called for sabotage at Western facilities, tearing up cables, etc., etc., supposedly we have nothing to lose, and if you're not caught, you're not a thief. Now that there's been a response with the detention of ships flying exotic flags, hysteria is starting...
  7. +1
    17 January 2025 16: 44
    I think we should start with hazelnuts right away, otherwise red lines will appear.
  8. DO
    17 January 2025 17: 12
    In such a situation, protection of the ships by the Russian Federation is necessary, with the possibility of carrying out strikes.

    In the near future this will probably be the case.
    But it is possible that sooner or later, fire will be opened on Russian minesweepers and escort ships from NATO shores, which surround the Baltic on all sides. And then Russia will have no choice but to take action by the Russian Armed Forces on land, which will make it impossible to fire on our ships from the shores.
  9. +1
    17 January 2025 18: 46
    The Black and Baltic Seas are NATO's internal seas, which means NATO can impose duties on the Russian Federation or block them for shipping.
    If the Russian Federation had won at the front, it would at least have been able to talk to Natasha on equal terms, but it would be unreasonable not to use its capabilities during the war.
  10. 0
    17 January 2025 19: 54
    In fact, the Somali pirates received their ransom and released the captured
  11. -2
    17 January 2025 23: 14
    Plow a ship in half once with a tanker, going to board, and they will not touch it anymore. You can fend off helicopters with landing troops with cranes
  12. GN
    18 January 2025 06: 48
    The answer will be the same as for SP 2! That is, none!
  13. -1
    18 January 2025 11: 09
    Only a daily serious security threat will stop the hot Chukhonsk guys from moving towards nuclear Armageddon...
  14. 0
    18 January 2025 11: 38
    Russia has no other way to stop piracy in the Baltics other than by attacking Estonia and Finland

    Well, how could it not? You could create a private military company, whose employees would receive salaries from these very companies, they would be armed and stationed on all civilian ships, protecting them from capture and escorting them to NATO ports. In case of problems, then the Russian armed forces would be involved. Well, let them try to take some tanker if the guys from the same former "Wagner" are sitting there. We have a huge number of people with combat experience in the country now. A lot of guys really need money now. So what's the matter? Why hit some Estonians and Finns. They are all the same puppets as the Ukrainians are now. If we are going to hit? Then immediately hit the impudent red-haired British mugs! Whose ears are constantly sticking out behind all the provocations against Russia.
  15. -1
    18 January 2025 12: 49
    We must act like Iran. After the seizure of an Iranian ship by the Greek Navy, the Iranian Navy seized two Greek ships in response. An eye for an eye
  16. 0
    18 January 2025 22: 14
    In my opinion, the previous entry of the Scandinavian countries into NATO was due to the fact that even then there were plans to increase tensions in the Baltics and in the North. The Scandinavians insured themselves against Russia's actions, they hid under the wing of NATO, but things may come to the point where the feathers may fly off these wings. It is dangerous to put pressure on Russia endlessly, because given the war in Ukraine, Russia, in accordance with the doctrine, may use nuclear weapons.
  17. 0
    19 January 2025 17: 34
    It's high time to resolve the issues. We shouldn't be offended!
  18. 0
    22 January 2025 14: 15
    We've come to this! Russia is being oppressed in the Baltic Sea and the Gulf of Finland! A little more, and we'll be meeting NATO cruisers in the Moscow River? Yes, in vain, Petrusha, you started this business with the window...