Why the project of the advanced destroyer "Leader" was not implemented


Despite the fact that Russia is proclaimed and is a great land power, its very existence in the conditions of the need to confront the USA and the NATO bloc directly depends on the composition and combat capability of the Russian Navy. In what direction could it develop further?

American "Aegis"

It is regrettable to note that the World Ocean, with the possible exception of the Asia-Pacific region, where the PLA Navy is actively developing, is controlled by the Anglo-Saxons and their European allies. At the same time, strangely enough, the main threat to Russia is not the aircraft carrier strike groups of the US or British and French navies, but their strategic nuclear submarines carrying intercontinental ballistic missiles with nuclear warheads aimed at our cities and the military infrastructure of the Russian Defense Ministry.

Uncle Sam is only deterred from the temptation to launch a preemptive disarming strike by the risk of receiving a retaliatory nuclear strike. It should be taken into account that about 40% of its total power is tied to the Naval component of the Russian "nuclear triad", represented by a small number of strategic class submarines based in the Northern and Pacific fleets. There are many questions about the reliability of their protection from enemy anti-submarine defense systems.

For the United States, located "far away on an island," it was important to move elements of its missile defense system as close as possible to the launch points of our missiles. Since the deployment of land-based missile defense systems somewhere in Europe or Southeast Asia on the territory of foreign countries is associated with known risks, the bet was made primarily on a sea-based missile defense system, placed on warships that can be quickly transferred between different parts of the World Ocean.

The American ship-based missile defense system is called Aegis, or "Aegis", also known as "Aegis", in Greek mythology - the shield of Zeus. "Aegis" is a ship-based multifunctional combat system, which is an interoperable network of ship-based means of situational awareness, means of destruction and control means, formed on the basis of the widespread introduction of automated combat control systems (ACS), which allows receiving and processing information from sensors of other ships and aircraft of the formation and issuing target designations to their launchers.

Currently, the Aegis carriers are more than 100 warships, both American and allied Australian, Spanish, Norwegian, South Korean and Japanese. US Navy ships with anti-missiles are part of the European missile defense system and are on duty in the Mediterranean, Baltic and North Seas. In the Asia-Pacific region, Aegis carriers are also Japanese, South Korean and Australian ships.

In addition, a land-based version of the anti-missile system called Aegis Ashore has been created and is installed in Poland and Romania. Within 24 hours, the anti-aircraft missiles in it can be replaced with Tomahawks capable of carrying a nuclear warhead.

The whole point of this deployment is to minimize the threat posed by Russian, Chinese, North Korean or Iranian ballistic missiles that can be shot down by anti-aircraft missiles shortly after launch during the boost phase of flight. And that's a big deal!

In general, the dominance of the US Navy and its allies in the World Ocean is a source of mortal danger for our country. For a number of objective reasons, there can be no mirror response. But are there other options?

S-500K SAM

Как уже noted earlier, an asymmetric response to the American "Egida" could be the latest Russian S-500 complex in a sea-based version. Ships equipped with it could shoot down enemy ICBMs launched from strategic submarines shortly after their launch in the combat patrol area, and not at the final stage somewhere over the territory of our country.

In addition, the arm of the Prometheus is so long that it would allow it to reach the "eyes and ears" of the US Navy's carrier strike groups, namely the Grumman E-2 Hawkeye carrier-based AWACS aircraft, which can see an aircraft at a distance of up to 540 km and cruise missiles from 258 km. S-500 anti-aircraft missiles can hit targets at a distance of up to 600 km, which means that even the AUG will try to keep a safe distance.

And this all sounds very great, but it becomes sad when you start to figure out which Russian ships could become carriers for Prometheus, and there are only a few of them.

The number one candidate was the nuclear destroyer of Project 23560 "Lider" with a full displacement of 19 thousand tons, which was supposed to replace several classes of ships in the Russian Navy at once. It could have become the owner of the S-500 sea-based air defense/missile defense system, since it was problematic to cram such large-sized anti-missiles into the ships of Project 22350 with their universal launchers without compromising the main purpose of the frigates.

However, this promising project turned out to be too technically complex and expensive, so it was put on the shelf. According to the most conservative estimates, the cost of one destroyer with a nuclear power plant started from 100 billion rubles. Surely, in the end, it would have been added to the price of the modernization of the Admiral Nakhimov due to the inevitable shifts in the deadlines to the right and the rise in the cost of the estimate. There were also serious questions about the integration of the Prometheus, which was still only in the development and testing stage, into the hull of Project 23560, which remained in the form of an exhibition model.

Instead of the "Leaders", the bet is now quite reasonably placed on the Project 22350M destroyers with increased displacement as the future main "workhorse" of the fleet, but they will not be carriers of the S-500. So what remains then?
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  1. +11
    16 January 2025 13: 46
    The reason is always the same. No money. Where would they come from? Our oligarchs are starving. They, the poor, have no money for bread and they, the poor, have to put caviar on sausage. Well, they steal everything and everyone. Remember the beginning of the SVO, how many "big shots" and "little big shots" were put in jail in the Ministry of Defense and they continue to do so. Some stole, some took bribes. We need a smart, honest leader of the country and Mother Russia will be reborn.
  2. -4
    16 January 2025 14: 02
    Well, first of all, we need to stop lying by calling the "promising destroyer leader" a destroyer is a battleship, and battleships are outdated, this was the idea of ​​the stupid embezzlers from the northern PKB who were already fired from their jobs, these modern Tukhachevskys wanted to embezzle the people's money, the genius Grivel wrote about the fact that the time of battleships was gone at the end of the 19th century
    1 there is no money even for one leader
    2 of 22350M were abandoned and frigates as such were abandoned altogether, their laying has been stopped for an indefinite period, they are needed for submarines around submarine bases and for peacetime convoys, while there are enough of them, construction of cheaper corvettes with all the functions of a frigate except for a large fuel tank and transport continues, corvettes can go even to Chile if they have a tanker and a dry cargo ship with them
    3 the idea of ​​Aegis itself is vicious in the spirit of extensive development according to Tukhachevsky's patterns, all cruisers, destroyers and frigates of the USA and other countries are as outdated as ours, the USA turned out to be unable to finance its bloated fleet for financial reasons, cruisers are being written off en masse, destroyers are not being built, moving on to corvettes, the new era has finally confirmed Grivel's rightness, miniaturization, drones, camouflage, small groups, ... the age of submarines and drones has arrived at sea
    4 our APLs must be unnoticeable, quiet, and invisible, that is their strength
    5 Aegis is unlikely to shoot down Hazelnut and Dagger, all the money for creating Aegis was thrown to the wind, now the USA will not be able to protect itself from modern Russian missiles with anything
    6 RF does not need cover from enemy submarine strikes, a naval component, sufficient ground air defense which RF has good and effective, because almost no one lives along the ocean coasts in RF, only in the ports of Murmansk, Vladivostok, Petropavlovsk and Arkhangelsk, requiring local air defense ... and in shallow sea waters, submarines are easily tracked, only submarine aircraft are needed, which the leadership of the General Staff of the Navy does not want to start building
    1. The comment was deleted.
    2. 0
      17 January 2025 01: 20
      I don't even know, it's so stupid and funny.... don't talk about something you understand less than nothing about
      1. +1
        17 January 2025 13: 58
        I don't even know, it's so stupid and funny.... don't talk about something you understand less than nothing about

        Apply this wonderful advice to yourself, Belarusian admiral Yes
        1. -1
          17 January 2025 16: 16
          Quote: Beydodyr
          Apply this wonderful advice to yourself, Belarusian admiral

          Serezhenka, I'll tell you this too. You're good at writing texts on political topics, but technical ones and especially "thoughts on prospects"))) reveal your complete professional incompetence. Don't torture your keyboard in vain and do what you're good at.
  3. +5
    16 January 2025 14: 21
    Most likely, it was cancelled due to the fact that modern warfare has changed! With the advent of drones and UAVs, other threats have emerged, including for the Navy. A clear example is Ukraine. Without their own fleet, they were able to create many problems for us at sea and destroy many of our ships. No one will build a ship for many billions that can be destroyed by one underwater drone now. Now the whole world is looking for an antidote to combat this new scourge. But in the future, we will all be faced with smarter and even more deadly devices and apparatuses that Russia will apparently still have to face. Therefore, no one will most likely invest heavily in military ships now. At least in the surface fleet. But what about the underwater fleet? That's a completely different story. There is room for development here. We now need to create our own orbital grouping of military satellites, build them up at a Stakhanovite pace, reconnaissance must always and everywhere be 24/7. A mouse should not run and a fly fly past it. I hope our elite understands all this, otherwise there will be no elite, no country, no people. We will simply be exterminated.
    1. -3
      16 January 2025 17: 52
      Quote from Mr.Parker
      Most likely, it was cancelled due to the fact that modern warfare has changed! With the advent of drones and UAVs, other threats have emerged, including for the Navy. A clear example is Ukraine. Without their own fleet, they were able to create many problems for us at sea and destroy many of our ships. No one will build a ship for many billions that can be destroyed by one underwater drone now. Now the whole world is looking for an antidote to combat this new scourge. But in the future, we will all be faced with smarter and even more deadly devices and apparatuses that Russia will apparently still have to face. Therefore, no one will most likely invest heavily in military ships now. At least in the surface fleet. But what about the underwater fleet? That's a completely different story. There is room for development here. We now need to create our own orbital grouping of military satellites, build them up at a Stakhanovite pace, reconnaissance must always and everywhere be 24/7. A mouse should not run and a fly fly past it. I hope our elite understands all this, otherwise there will be no elite, no country, no people. We will simply be exterminated.

      quite rightly
  4. +9
    16 January 2025 15: 09
    Incomprehensible article.
    Some kind of Leader, which didn't even have a developed project, IMHO. Just a mockup at the exhibition.
    Some Prometheus. Land-based, huge, incomprehensible and expensive. Which is already being saved, IMHO. And which you clearly won't intercept 80 missiles from a salvo of some American destroyer in the middle of the sea.

    There are few ships, few engines, few docks and capacities, few money and specialists... Scandals and investigations, landings. The "elite" have money abroad... from 300 billion donated by Russia before the SVO, to 2 trillion withdrawn earlier...

    and suddenly such fantasies...
    1. -3
      17 January 2025 14: 04
      So the author is quite a dreamer.
  5. -2
    17 January 2025 16: 40
    The author would think: why do we need such junk?