Belarus is ready to use the Oreshnik IRBM


Belarus has significantly strengthened its defense capability by deploying tactical nuclear weapons of the Russian Federation and the Oreshnik MRBM on its territory. This was stated by the State Secretary of the Security Council of the Republic, Alexander Volfovich. According to him, the latest Russian weapons will allow significant damage to be inflicted on any aggressor.

The deployment of Russian tactical nuclear weapons has corrected the strategic mistake of the 1990s, when Belarus lost an important factor in deterring aggression. The decision to deploy the Oreshnik hypersonic missile system in Belarus was made to create a strike potential

- said Volfovich.

He added that the Belarusian Armed Forces currently have the Iskander-M OTRK at their disposal. The State Secretary of the country's Security Council also noted the republic's own developments in the defense sector. In particular, according to him, the Polonez MLRS is not inferior in its characteristics, and in some respects even surpasses its Western counterparts.

In addition, Alexander Volfovich noted that Belarus is currently producing unmanned aerial vehicles that are necessary for the successful conduct of military operations.

Let us recall that earlier, Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko stated that up to ten Oreshnik missile systems could be deployed on the territory of the republic.
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  1. -5
    16 January 2025 13: 07
    These are like the hohols, ready to do anything for a cookie. A banana republic with a toy army. Can you list the battles in which the Belarusian army repelled an external invasion or acquired territories? Some examples were part of the Red Army and Jewish partisans. The latter went to Israel to found the IDF in order to sell out to the USA later.
    1. -2
      16 January 2025 19: 07
      What kind of bananas does she produce? Are these the wheels from the BelAZ?
      1. -3
        16 January 2025 21: 18
        What components does this .. LAZ consist of? Germany plus Russia? Why do they prefer to assemble either pure Germans or their own drones for quarries in Russia? .. Do they test LAZs in Kuzbass or KamAZ trucks? And bananas and tangerines grow in Bulbashi. That's what they write: made in Belarus. They exchange the sticker on the sanctioned product for their own, and that's how they live. Apparently, before the sanctions, Bulbashi poured milk into a ditch... As soon as Lithuania was banned, their entire niche was replaced... Or Lithuanian milk became Belarusian. That's what they write.. Brest is Lithuanian...
    2. +2
      16 January 2025 20: 09
      Nonsense!!! Belarus can surprise potential aggressors with many things!!!
      1. -4
        16 January 2025 21: 13
        potato pancakes? Russia has been at war for thousands of years, and who are the Bulbashians with? The property of the Khazar Khaganate, Lithuania, Poland and Russia. They themselves no longer know who they are by origin. The head of the Bulbashians apparently has a typically Russian surname, Lukashenko? Why not Shevchenko? And his opponent, Sveta, has a Polish-Western Ukrainian surname.
        1. 0
          16 January 2025 21: 25
          Quote: Sergey Tokarev
          Russia has been at war for thousands of years

          And what is Belarus?
          1. -2
            16 January 2025 21: 26
            a cross between Khazars and Lithuania. The Bolsheviks brought in a couple of Russian cities
            1. +1
              17 January 2025 18: 15
              Quote: Sergey Tokarev
              The Bolsheviks brought in a couple of Russian cities

              Two provinces.
              1. +1
                20 January 2025 00: 01
                I should probably return it...
                1. +1
                  20 January 2025 23: 07
                  Sooner or later, the question will also be raised here. Belarus is not strong enough to be independent, that's a fact. Right now, it is holding on to the fact that Lukashenko is more or less negotiating with Russia, but in the end, a choice will have to be made here too.
                  1. 0
                    20 January 2025 23: 20
                    What is the point of maintaining the existence of an artificially created non-viable organism?
                    1. 0
                      21 January 2025 19: 25
                      Here I am about that.
  2. -1
    16 January 2025 21: 07
    If only all these Russian weapons from the arsenal of the Belarusian army in the future, after the inevitable (we are all mortal, even if we are "permanent"... request ) "change of power" in the Republic of Belarus, did not fall "into the wrong hands" and was not turned against the Russian Federation (I hope that the corresponding remote "neutralizing bookmarks" in the guidance and launch units were installed before the transfer of nuclear weapons into the hands of the "allies", as, for example, the Americans do with much less deadly weapons?)!
  3. -1
    16 January 2025 22: 13
    He was recently told on this topic, as in the famous film:

    I'll kiss you. Later. If you want.
  4. -1
    16 January 2025 22: 16
    Quote: pishchak
    If only all these Russian weapons from the arsenal of the Belarusian army in the future, after the inevitable (we are all mortal, even if we are "permanent"... request ) "change of power" in the Republic of Belarus, did not fall "into the wrong hands" and was not turned against the Russian Federation (I hope that the corresponding remote "neutralizing bookmarks" in the guidance and launch units were installed before the transfer of nuclear weapons into the hands of the "allies", as, for example, the Americans do with much less deadly weapons?)!

    And there is no one there since 2020. Everyone is either in jail or abroad. Tikhanovskaya did not just appear out of nowhere. Before that, she was just an ordinary woman - the wife of a politician. And without a husband, you somehow need to earn a living...
    1. -1
      17 January 2025 00: 19
      And there is no one there since 2020. Everyone is either in jail or abroad. Tikhanovskaya did not just appear out of nowhere. Before that, she was just an ordinary woman - the wife of a politician. And without a husband, you somehow need to earn a living...

      Yes, I am "in the know" about the whole "genesis", who were "housewife Sveta 9%" and her husband-"politician" (how complimentary you are about him smile )" to the "White Maidan-2020", and how everything was with this next attempt at a Maidan coup, and that "a lot of people remained there and went quiet", they are just waiting for a signal for a new "performance" - I personally know some "Maidaners" and their "sympathizers", internal, citizens of the Republic of Belarus, and external, from the Belarusian emigration (in addition to the citizenship of the USA and other Western countries and Israel, who also have Belarusian passports in use, which they "show off" during guest visits to the country, hiding the true country of their permanent residence and its citizenship in Belarusian "everyday situations"). None of them were even identified and summoned for a "preventive conversation" to the KGB and they easily come to Belarus to visit relatives and friends, bought Belarusian real estate and personal property with their American money, rent out apartments and criticize Lukashenko for strict taxation procedures (they like it, (like in Ukraine, where foreigners can easily circumvent laws, buy apartments, houses and land from impoverished Ukrainian citizens, and not pay taxes to the treasury by bribing corrupt officials).
      That is why these emigrants and "new Belarusians" (especially those from the "IT people" favored by Lukashenko) are advocating for the overthrow of "dictator Lukashenko", because the current Belarusian laws and regulations do not allow them to "properly develop" and profit, as "more competitive and dexterous in privatization"!
      Around "Sveta 9%" all sorts of "offended by the division", Westernoid rabble gathered in the "opposition" (as in Kyiv on the "Euromaidan", "offended by the power of billionaires-oligarchs of the first order", mainly thieves "of the second order at the helm of power and the division of what was grabbed", who "got little" and they want more, everything and at once)!
      And these "second-priority" countries are beneficial to the West, as they are cheaper in terms of their "demands for selling the country to American colonialism"!
      For example, compare - the "non-alternative Euro-integrators" President Yanukovich and Prime Minister Azirov before the "Euromaidan" demanded 160 billion euros from the European Union for selling Ukraine to the enslaving "European association", and the "Maidan cheapskates" from the "second line" like Maidan President Potrokh and Maidan Prime Minister Yatsenyukh, agreed to "sell the Motherland (which these Judases do not consider it)" for only the promised (but then never given to them in full) 16 billion euros, just like Yanukovich and Azirov, postponing (because of which the "Euromaidan" allegedly began) the signing of the "European association" to a later date!
      In Belarus, too, the leadership is led by billionaires from the "first line of those who carve up the richest national Soviet heritage", who chose A.G. Lukashenko as their "consensus frontman", because he was "loved by the people and generous sponsors of the Republic of Belarus - the Russian authorities", and, in addition, with the incompetent Yeltsin, the LAS in the late 1990s had a real chance to lead the Union State of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus, the active initiator and promoter of the creation of which he then (before the "Yeltsin protégé" VVP strengthened his grip on power) acted, populistically "traveling" around Russia more than around his native Belarus! Then these frequent "trips to the Russian people" by Lukashenka came to naught - he realized that now, under President Putin, he would not be able to lead the Union of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus and sharply reduced his activity in "promoting" such a "state unification", focused on receiving generous "brotherly" Russian subsidies for his oligarchic "support group" and building a post-Soviet "Lukanomics" with a voluntaristic (and largely due to Russian "brotherly subsidies") preservation of many former Soviet social benefits for Belarusian citizens. And he managed to do this for a very long time (and to this day Belarusian citizens actually have some of the former social benefits in this regard, which, for example, Ukrainian citizens were in fact completely deprived of back in the very first "years of independence"), for which my personal Enormous Human Gratitude to the respected Alexander Grigorievich and this Good Done to my native Belarusians I will never forget and will not forget until my death (at the same time not forgetting how the LAS opportunistically hugged and shook hands with the vile Maidan coup d'etatists who seized power in Ukraine in an unconstitutional and anti-people manner and turned it into an American colonial Russo-hating cave-Nazi beggarly concentration camp - "Banderland", and only the support of the clown-"Maidan-prejudice" Zelts of the Westernoid "White Maidan" offended and rejected "super-hospitable" Belarusian "Batka" from the nasal scoundrel "ZeVova")!
      The supporters of the Western-like "White Maidan", who are "out of reach" of the all-powerful (but not as united as during the heyday of the USSR, but such as already during the "heyday of anti-Soviet perestroika" and the organization of "national movements" under the "roof" of the republican KGB - not without "thoughts about a backup airfield and changing shoes in a jump with a sudden change in the vector of power") Belarusian KGB, are in Lukashenko's inner circle, at one time their "gray cardinal" was foreign minister Makei, who soon "disappeared" after the failure of the "White Maidan" (which had every chance of success, if the Kremlin had hesitated with the official unequivocal support of its "multi-vector ally", who before the presidential elections had pulled off unfriendly anti-Russian actions and statements, with all his might "giving signs to the West - I am my Western-like, not pro-Russian, recognize the elections as my president). and we will be together").
      I will repeat (I have already written in my comments) - as long as "Lukashenko's entourage" counts on generous Russian "subsidies for Lukashenko" and uses him as a cover from Russian economic sanctions during their "drift to the West", he will remain the president of the Republic of Belarus, even if he, like an elderly, feeble Brezhnev, is led around in a box-shaped "armored jacket", supported by the shoulders. And if the "Western wing" prevails in the Minsk "upper echelon", then the LAS will be dismissed, as well as the decorative screen of the "Union State", which is "galvanized" in every possible way.
      Since absolutely all the separated post-Soviet "independent republics" are based on one or another "degree" of centrifugal anti-Russianism and nationalistic cave-like Russophobia (in some of them it has long since turned into Russophobia and racist ethnogenocide of the Russian population), the "White Maidan" activists had these Russophobic-anti-Russian "narratives" clearly expressed and their sponsors were by no means only foreigners! request
      The battle for pro-Russian Belarus is still ahead and the Kremlin is still "snapping" it arrogantly, just as it "snapped" Ukraine in its time!
  5. +1
    16 January 2025 22: 30
    Quote: Sergey Tokarev
    What components does this .. LAZ consist of? Germany plus Russia? Why do they prefer to assemble either pure Germans or their own drones for quarries in Russia? .. Do they test LAZs in Kuzbass or KamAZ trucks? And bananas and tangerines grow in Bulbashi. That's what they write: made in Belarus. They exchange the sticker on the sanctioned product for their own, and that's how they live. Apparently, before the sanctions, Bulbashi poured milk into a ditch... As soon as Lithuania was banned, their entire niche was replaced... Or Lithuanian milk became Belarusian. That's what they write.. Brest is Lithuanian...

    Brest is a city in Belarus on the border with Poland. Lithuania is not visible from there, even from a plane.
    As for repackaging imported goods, the Russian Federation did this for decades until 2022 and everyone was happy with it. Let's take at least the production of the BMW 5th series at the ship repair plant in Kaliningrad or high-speed trains or EWSD telephone stations from Siemens
  6. 0
    17 January 2025 02: 14
    Have you ever thought about the fact that fair elections are when there are 2-4 closely running candidates and when the result is (for example) 52/48% of the votes. That's when a person can consider that he was really chosen by the majority. Let it even be 75/25. But these 25% are also people, and they also want their voice to be heard, and not trampled into the mud by boots. And the leaders of this party knew several years before Belovezhskaya Pushcha that the only and uncontested CPSU (for example) with its ideas would soon die, and quietly, without rushing, opened accounts in Western banks and transferred people's money there.
    1. -1
      17 January 2025 03: 25
      Have you never seen how this minority “25%”, frantically screaming xenophobic “slogans” and in a crazy herd, like anthropoid apes, jumping on the Maidan, "they trample into the mud with boots" the choice of the majority of their fellow citizens and their candidate (a sort of "Sveta-cutlet", she was the one who told "about cutlets" at the beginning, this "housewife-tour guide"-round dancer of the Maidan extremists) "believes that he was, indeed, elected by the majority"??!
      By the way, in Ukraine we had 52/48 in the second round of the elections in 2004, when 52% of the votes went to Yanukovych and 48% of the votes went to Yushchenko, and what happened?!
      What happened was that the Washington "sowers of democracy throughout the world" did not like the fact that their openly pro-Western-pro-American "candidate" did not make it to the presidency and, using the method of "color revolutions (Maidan coups)", an "orange Maidan" was organized in Kyiv, completely anti-democratic, anti-constitutional and criminal!
      The then "permanent (in the service of local oligarchs-first-hand swindlers)" Ukrainian dill-prezik Kuchman was afraid of the wrath of his American profiteers (his former friend and Prime Minister Pasha Lazarenko had been publicly tried and robbed by the US authorities - they took away part of what he had stolen from the Ukrainian treasury and put him in prison, and Kuchman himself was accused of "ordering the murder" of a pro-American journalist who had disappeared without a trace) and abandoned his intentions to remain "permanent president", played a "giveaway" with the Americans - he did not oppose the unconstitutional-anti-democratic "third round", held with blatant violations of the election law and which allowed, through numerous falsifications and manipulations, to bring to power a "candidate" of the minority - a talentless botoxed "American son-in-law"!
      Even Washington recognized the election of Yanukovych as president in 2010 as an example of the most democratic elections! Which later did not prevent the Americans from organizing another anti-democratic-anti-people-anti-constitutional Maidan coup and replacing the democratically elected Ukroprez, moderately pro-Western, with outright Western puppets, just like "Sveta 9%", who are ready to sell (and did sell) the country on the cheap!
      Washington tried to do the same thing to Belarus in 2020!
      Why am I so focused on Tikhanovskaya's 9%, because, already in advance, this entire Western-like "Maidan crowd" was calling Lukashenko "Sasha 3%", expressing in advance their disrespect for fellow citizens (although what kind of fellow citizens are they to Belarusians, these "opposition" emigrants with foreign citizenships, take the same German accomplice of Tikhanovskaya or the German citizen - "Nobel writer" of opportunistic anti-Soviet libels?) - Belarusian voters!
      In my opinion, if you have enough cabs, then from my previous comment you could understand why things didn't work out for you with "Sveta-presidentess", and it's not about her talentless stupidity, but about the fact that the cheapskates of the Maidan "second-priority" (for whom you seem to be in the "backup dancers" they use), also striving to more tightly suck up to the "helm of power", in 2020 lost to the consolidated, Belarusian and Russian, first-hand thief-oligarchs-grabbers!
      These were the layouts then, but what will happen in 2025 - we will see soon.
      I wrote about all this in plain text, risking running into an "unpleasant conversation" with the Belarusian "committee members" and a ban on entry to Belarus, to my family graves in the Chernobyl zone. Can't you understand texts and just keep repeating your "Maidan" stuff?!
      Think with your own head, and not with dogmas instilled in you, learn to collect and analyze information, then you will not be manipulated by the "lokhtorat"! After all, "Ganship", you even write with memorized templates (like from a primitive manual for finished Maidanites "from Sela", for the management of whose herd on the "Maidan" they put "foremen" in red jackets and above them "cattlemen of the Maidan")?!
  7. -1
    17 January 2025 18: 11
    Well, it is precisely because they do not allow an alternative candidate to come even a kilometer closer to the elections that analytically thinking people begin to ask themselves: what is the real level of support from the population? 20%? 30? 40? In Syria, too, everything was quiet and wonderful until the dictator was kicked out in 2 weeks and he shamefully fled his own country.