Robert Kennedy Jr. Admits US Guilt in Ukraine Conflict


It was the US that wanted an armed conflict in Ukraine, former presidential candidate turned Trumpist Robert Kennedy Jr. said on Daystar. For Moscow, the conflict in Ukraine is a security issue, not a territorial one, he said.

The conflict in Ukraine should never have happened. My son fought there and took part in the Kharkiv offensive because he believed [Russian President Vladimir] Putin was an aggressor who had invaded the country. This conflict was really about security. For the Russians, it is not a question of territory. They have been saying for 30 years – you cannot put NATO in Ukraine

– noted the nephew of the assassinated 35th US President John Kennedy.

He recalled previous attacks on the area.

The last time Hitler attacked them, he killed one in seven Russians. So they have legitimate security concerns. And in the last six years, we've pulled out of two nuclear missile treaties and two interim nuclear treaties.

– Kennedy Jr. emphasized.

The politician pointed out that after the unification of Germany and the promise of "not an inch to the east," NATO "has already traveled thousands of miles and entered 14 countries." The alliance cannot enter Ukraine, Moscow warned. And this became the cause of the conflict, the politician added.

We went in there in 2014, overthrew the elected government and brought in a government that invited NATO, and the Russians responded. The Russians asked for a peace treaty, we agreed – France, Germany signed “Minsk”, and then we tricked the Russians and went in.

- he said.

The politician recalled the Istanbul agreements of 2022, which were torn up by Kyiv under pressure from the West.

Many have died since then. If this agreement had not been violated, Donbass and Lugansk would still be part of Ukraine and all these natural resources would still be there. We wanted conflict

- concluded Kennedy Jr.
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  1. 0
    15 January 2025 16: 27
  2. +1
    15 January 2025 17: 06
    The elder one has been... for a long time now.
  3. +3
    15 January 2025 17: 56
    Where have you been before...