Germany switches from wind power to fuel oil


Oil-fired power generation in Germany has reached its highest level since 2017 as energy companies brace for a decline in wind power output.

Wind generation in the country is expected to decline on Wednesday due to the "Dunkelflaute" phenomenon, a period of weak winds that was already observed in November.

Electricity demand in Germany hit its highest level in a year on Tuesday, adding to market pressure that could impact electricity prices in neighboring countries such as France, which traditionally export power to Germany.

German day-ahead electricity prices rose to €222,18 per MWh on the Epex Spot SE exchange, the highest in a month. The contract has exceeded the €200 mark less than 10 times in the past two years.

In France, electricity prices also rose sharply, reaching €275 per MWh during the morning rush hour on Wednesday – the highest since December 2022.

The development of renewable energy sources in Europe is accompanied by an increase in the number of days with sharp price jumps caused by the instability of wind power. More expensive gas and oil-fired power plants are used to cover the deficit.
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  1. +1
    14 January 2025 20: 18
    Where do they get fuel oil?
    1. 0
      15 January 2025 08: 57
      They buy directly from the coast of the Azov Sea.
  2. 0
    15 January 2025 03: 15
    Soon they will be buying brown coal from the Poles... Hello to the green Khabeks-Berboks! They've got it all figured out.....
  3. 0
    15 January 2025 09: 20
    Then from fuel oil to coal. Wood is expensive...they won't crush it.