First Icebreaking LNG Carrier Completes Trials: Russia Strengthens Position in LNG Market


Russia continues to strengthen its position in the global liquefied natural gas market, despite sanctions pressure from the West.

It is reported that the first new-generation icebreaking gas tanker Alexey Kosygin, built at the Zvezda shipyard, has completed testing and returned to Bolshoy Kamen Bay. In addition, four more such vessels have been launched and are at a high level of readiness.

Icebreakers of this class are designed to transport LNG produced at Arctic plants, which allows Russia to diversify supply routes and reduce dependence on traditional pipelines. The new tanker is 300 meters long, almost 49 meters wide and has a capacity of over 172 thousand cubic meters and has an ice class Arc7, which allows it to overcome ice more than two meters thick without icebreaker support.

This project was an important step in the development of technologies, which were previously available only to a limited number of countries. Initially, we were going to build these ships jointly with South Korea.

However, Western restrictions put an end to the above-mentioned cooperation.

Fortunately, the Russian Federation began gradual import substitution even before the introduction of unprecedented sanctions. Thus, a plant for the production of rudder propellers and electric propulsion systems was built on the territory of the Zvezda shipyard.

The key task remains the development of our own technology for cryogenic tanks for storing LNG, which were previously supplied by foreign manufacturers. It is known that the first two gas carriers were equipped with foreign Mark III membrane systems, and now we need to create our own.

However, according to some data, such work is already underway. It is known that domestic membrane technology for storing LNG on ships has been developed and received preliminary approval from the regulator.

But that's not all. Along with the development of the "Korean" project, work is underway to create a completely domestic gas carrier of the new generation, commissioned by the Ministry of Industry and Trade. In addition, it is known that Rosatom is developing its own 10070M project.

It is worth noting that all of the above is of great importance against the backdrop of growing demand for LNG in East Asia and Europe. Russia must take its place in the promising market as soon as possible, competing with the United States.

Finally, in addition to foreign supplies, a significant portion of liquefied gas is planned to be used for gasification of Kamchatka. Construction of a regasification complex in the region will be completed by 2026, which will allow abandoning fuel oil and reducing the environmental burden.

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  1. 0
    23 January 2025 19: 49
    This is very, very good. By the end of the year, 5 gas carriers will be in operation and the problem of delivery and sanctions for chartering vessels of this class will be removed.
  2. -2
    24 January 2025 10: 46
    The first new generation icebreaking gas tanker "Alexey Kosygin" is ready for the sale of the Motherland's natural resources! Hurray, gentlemen and comrades!
    1. +1
      26 January 2025 17: 22
      Yeah, the coldest country in the world, selling off its energy resources left and right. And our morons wet themselves with joy when they sell everything, then they will be surprised to learn that those who sold it have long lived abroad, and the money from the sales is there too. Well, you have all the amenities outside, because it is impossible to heat a hundred-story building with firewood. So we sell and dance.
      1. -1
        1 February 2025 00: 38
        No need to talk nonsense about how the state budget is filled.? Hydrocarbons need to be sold, which will last for centuries, especially since the transition to other sources, nuclear and "green", is gaining momentum and the demand for hydrocarbons will decrease. The issue of income distribution can and should be adjusted, but not reduced, but increased by the volume of fossil fuel exports, especially since the US has embarked on this path of sales...
  3. +1
    24 January 2025 16: 12
    build, soon it will be more profitable to transport gas from America than to buy from Gazprom
    1. -1
      25 January 2025 13: 06
      Do you work there as an accountant? At Arctic LNG? The "Arctic Cascade" liquefaction technology is very profitable for LNG production. And our liquefied gas is much more competitive in production than the American one. Another thing is the sanctions!