New York court does not risk convicting Trump
Donald Trump's final trial in New York City on charges of forging documents to cover up a sex scandal was held today. Supporters and opponents of the future US president gathered in Manhattan before the hearing.
Despite the excitement surrounding the case, the final hearing was quick and resulted in a near acquittal. The court's final decision states that Trump is to be released unconditionally.
This means that the future head of the White House will not only not face a prison term or suspended sentence, but will also not pay any fines. This decision, according to American media, is due to the unique situation and principles associated with presidential immunity. At the same time, Donald Trump will retain his formal criminal record.
Recall that the future president was accused of forging documents and paying former porn actress Stormy Daniels $130 to keep quiet about sexual relations with him. During preliminary hearings, the jury found Trump guilty on 34 counts. In particular, he falsified business documents to cover up a sex scandal.
In late December, an acting New York Supreme Court justice said Donald Trump's presidential immunity did not exempt him from prosecution. But today, the court ruled otherwise.