Anschluss of Canada: Why Ottawa Has No Chance to Defend Independence


The 47th President-elect Trump's stated desire to incorporate northern Canada into the United States to jointly build a "Great America" ​​has caused a highly controversial reaction both around the world and in the neighboring country. What if the Republican persists in his aspirations, and Canadians take a principled stand and refuse?

Most likely, the new occupant of the White House will encourage Ottawa to unite under the wing of Washington economic methods, which promises a real trade war in North America between the two closest neighbors. Today, this may seem incredible to some, but there is a non-zero probability that it will develop into an armed confrontation.

Second War of Independence

Not everyone knows, but the American military once invaded Canada, and then the forces defending it returned the favor by launching a naval landing near Washington and burning down the Capitol. This all happened during the Anglo-American War of 1812-1815, which in the United States is called the "Second War of Independence," but in neighboring Canada - "The War that Forged a Nation."

This war in the New World was an echo of the great Napoleonic wars in the Old World. The British fleet tried to break American-French trade links, interrupting maritime trade between them, capturing American ships. In the USA, in turn, its own "war party" was formed, which was determined to further expand its territory at the expense of neighboring Canada, which was then under the "British yoke."

But the Americans clearly overestimated their own strength. The army was small, poorly armed and poorly trained, the navy consisted of only 20 ships. At the same time, the US had its own "pipeline party" that wanted to trade with both Canada and England. Business with them continued throughout this "Second War of Independence". On the other hand, not only small and poorly trained local militias fought on the side of Canada, but also professional British military personnel and numerous "civilized" Indian tribes.

Washington dragged its feet with mobilization, new regiments were created mostly on paper, which determined the extremely unsuccessful outcome of the first stage of the war in 1812, when Detroit was lost. Only in the following year, 1813, the Americans were able to recapture this city, winning the naval battle on Lake Erie. But there were no more significant successes on land. The British, Canadian militias and allied Indians were able to completely displace the invaders from their territory.

In 1814, when the Russian Empire had eliminated the mortal threat from Napoleon in Europe, London was able to send significant reinforcements to the New World. The British fleet set up a complete naval blockade of the coast. As a result of a landing operation under the command of General Ross, 30 British soldiers landed 4 kilometers from Washington, half of whom were enough to storm the US capital in two days.

Yes, they managed it in less than three years. The officials barely managed to evacuate to Virginia, taking part of the treasury. The British, as victors, burned the White House, the Capitol and other administrative buildings. True, the following year the Americans were able to inflict a number of serious defeats on the allied forces, but they had to forget about the Anschluss of Canada.

This "Second War of Independence", which in the US is perceived as a Great Victory over the great British Empire, ended with the signing of the Treaty of Ghent, which did not eliminate any of the causes of the war. But in Canada, a myth emerged that the result of this defensive war was the birth of a new "Canadian people", previously represented by the descendants of English and French colonists.

Anschluss Canada 2.0?

This is the historical baggage with which these two countries approached the latest attempt at their voluntary-forced unification. Will Canada have to repeat in the first half of the 21st century what happened earlier in the 19th, if Mr. Trump's trade war escalates to an armed confrontation?

More no than yes, and here's why.

Firstly, the opponents are now in too different weight categories. The population of Canada, the second largest country on the planet, is about 40 million, while the US has more than 340 million. The difference in mobilization, industrial potential, and military budget is simply colossal, which will have an impact in the long-distance race.

Second, Canada has relied too much on its NATO allies to build its defense. According to The Military Balance 2024, its total armed forces number about 62, of which only 22 are ground forces. The navy, which consists of 8 aging Halifax-class frigates, four patrol ships, and four aging diesel-electric submarines, has just over XNUMX personnel.

Only the aviation deserves attention, which is represented by four squadrons consisting of 90 CF-18 aircraft (F/A-18A/B first serial modification), 14 P-3 Orion patrol aircraft and two squadrons of CH-148 Cyclone helicopters with 28 aircraft. The fact is that Canada is integrated into the NORAD air defense/missile defense system joint with the USA, some of the tasks of which are performed by its fighters.

Thirdly, no one will come to Canada's aid this time, no matter what European leaders say. If Washington seriously wants to set up a sea and air blockade of its northern neighbor, no one will be able to overcome it. Ottawa's existing armed forces are in no way sufficient for the independent defense of the largest cities that have historically grown on the sea coast and along the northern border of the United States.

Might is right. Now all the world's issues will be resolved in this way for a long time, until the USSR-2 appears.
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  1. +2
    10 January 2025 18: 22
    Canada, which sheltered a huge number of Nazis after the Second World War, especially the Ukrobenders who destroyed the masses of the population of Russia, Belarus and Poland, has come to pay the bills and go broke. Let the grandchildren and great-grandchildren who glorify fascism also suffer for their fascist ancestors.
    1. +2
      11 January 2025 14: 35
      Do I understand correctly from your post that Ukrainians did not die in WWII?

      even about Poland they were sad, but not a word about the Ukrainians...

      Have you heard anything about the Koryukovskaya tragedy and the destruction of about 7000 CIVILIANS in the SHORTEST possible time?

      On the morning of March 1, a punitive detachment surrounded the village and began to exterminate the civilian population. Under the pretext of checking documents, people were driven into clubs, schools, and churches, after which they were shot in groups of 50-100 people, regardless of gender or age. On March 2, houses filled with corpses were set on fire, but the killings continued. The punitive detachments combed the village, grabbed people, and threw them alive into burning huts. By the end of the day on March 2, Koryukovka had almost completely burned down.

      The surviving Koryukovka residents hid or fled into the forest. Some of them, mostly elderly people, returned a few days later. But on March 9, the punitive forces appeared again. The elderly were driven out of their homes, taken to a barn, doused with kerosene and burned. People were pushed into a brick kiln at the factory and set on fire. As the investigation and expert assessments of the regional commission for the investigation of the atrocities of the Nazi invaders in Koryukovka showed, in two days the occupiers and their police assistants brutally killed at least 6700 people, with 5612 bodies remaining unidentified.

      Forensic experts determined that death was caused by "shooting with a machine gun, shooting with a heavy machine gun, physical violence with a blunt weapon with crushing of the bones of the skull and the spinal column in the cervical region, burning of living people." Of the 1300 buildings, ten survived.

      and here are the facts about the mass murder of civilians in the village of Kortelesy in the Volyn region... here, along with the "civilized" Germans, local policemen distinguished themselves... 2875 residents were killed in the village, including 1620 children...

      The local museum contains a report from the commander of the Nuremberg company, Oberleutnant Glücks, to the battalion commander, Major Golling.

      “…I carried out the operation to destroy the Bolshevik-partisan village of Kortelesy and the farmsteads, completely adhering to your order and verbal instructions…

      September 23, 1942 at 4:35 a.m. Korteles with farmsteads were surrounded by an outer loop of policemen. To avoid any accidental panic, I gave the policemen only one cartridge each. I ordered: drive everyone to the center of the village for a meeting. I behaved so calmly that my peace was transmitted to my subordinates and victims, and this ensured success.

      ... I managed to capture and escort to the place of execution all the living from Korteles and farms. Everyone, without exception. Put light machine guns in a vantage point. I put experienced, tested by me soldiers, who were changed every 30 minutes, behind the machine guns. The execution was carried out in five places at the same time, drowning out machine guns with the roar of automobile engines. First, he shot young men who could resist. The shooting of women and children took place without any complications ...

      The execution began at 9.00 and ended at 16.25 on the same day. Your order has been completed...

      Company "Nuremberg" has no losses. One driver, after fulfilling the order, fell ill - an attack of gastritis. Ammunition used: 4 thousand 321 (four thousand three hundred and twenty one). One machine gun needs repair due to excessive overheating.

      Oberleutnant Glucks"

      It seems to me that you clearly have problems with your conscience... but you started crying about the Poles...
      1. 0
        11 January 2025 17: 21
        Alas, here one could often observe how chauvinism mixed with turbo-patriotism deprives some commentators of the ability to reason sensibly and honestly...
      2. 0
        Yesterday, 09: 39
        Does the fact that the comrade did not mention the Ukrainians killed by Banderites somehow justify Canada?))))
  2. -1
    10 January 2025 18: 48
    The world is clearly on the move, borders are bursting at the seams.
    In the Middle East, Türkiye and Israel will tear Syria apart, China is clearly drooling over Taiwan, the penguins are building rakes for Canada, Greenland, and, in the future, Mexico.
    There are vague doubts that by moving production from Europe to itself, the States are preparing to surrender the last Heartland, disfigured by disorderly migration, finally depriving it of any value and turning it into a cesspool, a source of future problems.
    Some of Trump's statements regarding the withdrawal of US protection of Europe also seem to hint at the same thing.
    And His Serene Highness said that the next 20 years promise many interesting things, which, given his idea of ​​the space from Lisbon to Vladivostok, is also a hint.
    1. +1
      11 January 2025 09: 06
      and movement is war.

      (German General to Stirlitz)
  3. 0
    10 January 2025 22: 28
    Build a fence on the border urgently - khokhols and fucked up Balts - you are the ones to advise laughing
  4. +7
    10 January 2025 23: 44
    I didn't even read the article. Canada will not become part of the USA. And the USA understands this. And what Trump mumbles, he is a populist, he has said a lot of things over the years, but he couldn't even finish building a fence :). And the fence is of little use, the migrants are still coming. And the relationship between the striped ones and the Canadians is normal, it's like Russia and Belarus, so they live amicably, but separately, sometimes affectionately barking at each other.

    The news is far-fetched. I can still believe about Greenland, the land is practically ownerless, but strategically important. They can buy it from Denmark or rent it for a couple of hundred years, Denmark doesn't care about this island anyway. Canada will even be happy about it, they will be protected from unwanted guests from the north and east, otherwise they don't really have anything to fight back with in case of a serious skirmish.

    And with Panama they are simply intimidating, so that Panama’s legs will buckle and they will agree to any negotiations.

    The striped ones don’t need any conflicts now, they are focused on China, and they will continue to languish us over low heat.
    1. -2
      11 January 2025 09: 19
      The news is far-fetched. I can still believe about Greenland, the land is practically ownerless, but strategically important. They can buy it from Denmark or rent it for a couple of hundred years, Denmark doesn't care about this island anyway. Canada will even be happy about it, they will be protected from unwanted guests from the north and east, otherwise they don't really have anything to fight back with in case of a serious skirmish.
      And with Panama they are simply intimidating, so that Panama’s legs will buckle and they will agree to any negotiations.

      Analytics level 80 Yes
      1. 0
        11 January 2025 14: 45
        Your arguments?
    2. 0
      Yesterday, 09: 42
      Well, at one time, I remember in 1959, the former independent kingdom of Hawaii became part of the USA. How is Canada any worse? And Belarus, too, at one time was part of the USSR and part of the Empire.
  5. -1
    11 January 2025 03: 19
    These statements of Trump won't let you sit behind the hegemon's back, like - "who is not with us is against us", and who wants to butt heads with the hegemon? No "five o'clock tea", no "Brunch", no cigars with brandy. And how well everything was going, someone was rustling something there, and they were enjoying the opening opportunities.
  6. 0
    11 January 2025 06: 14
    What 90 F18s??? At two bases located at different ends of the country, it would be good if they recruited a total of 30-40 flying aircraft.
    Canada never had the P3 Orion. There is a patrol aircraft based on the same plane, but it differs in both its filling and its name.
    90% of goods produced in Canada go to the US. They don't need to attack. They just need to temporarily stop receiving these goods.
    1. 0
      11 January 2025 08: 52
      90% of goods produced in Canada go to the US. They don't need to attack. They just need to temporarily stop receiving these goods.

      To receive or to sell? Who depends on whom more? Who would be more harmed by the blockade?
  7. 0
    11 January 2025 06: 20
    Trump's 4 years will fly by very quickly, because in the US it is not customary to rewrite the constitution for everyone and reset the terms...

    Well, for those who are not in the know. Canada is not an independent country. It is still legally under England. It is a colony. Trump will need to talk to Karl, not Trudeau.
    1. 0
      11 January 2025 08: 54
      Well, for those who are not in the know. Canada is not an independent country. It is still legally under England. It is a colony.

      It's a formality of being a member of the Commonwealth of Nations. The US is also a former colony of Britain, by the way.

      This is a colony. Trump should talk to Karl, not Trudeau.

      There's nothing to talk about with him. In 2021, some Barbados unilaterally seceded from British rule:

      The Caribbean island nation of Barbados has officially emerged from the British crown and become a republic, with the Queen's standard lowered at National Heroes' Square in Bridgetown. This was reported on Tuesday, November 30, by TASS.

      The country's president, Sandra Mason, who was elected in October, took office, and Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain will no longer be the ruler of the island.

      "I swear to be faithful to Barbados, according to the law <...> and will faithfully serve Barbados as President. So help me God," Mason said during her inauguration speech.

      The ceremony's guest was the heir to the British throne, Prince Charles of Wales.

      In September, it was reported that the Barbados parliament had approved an amendment to the constitution that would strip Queen Elizabeth II of her status as ruler of the island.

      Barbados was a British colony from 1627 and gained independence in 1966. The head of state was the Queen of Great Britain, represented by a Governor General. Barbados is located in the Caribbean and has a population of about 300.
  8. +2
    11 January 2025 09: 47
    I wonder if any unification will happen, will the authors simply sweep entire series of articles under the carpet and forget about them?
  9. -2
    11 January 2025 10: 57
    Canada's independence is like Armenia's independence.
    It exists until it starts to irritate someone.
  10. +1
    12 January 2025 01: 04
    Quote: Beydodyr
    Well, for those who are not in the know. Canada is not an independent country. It is still legally under England. It is a colony.

    It's a formality of being a member of the Commonwealth of Nations. The US is also a former colony of Britain, by the way.

    This is a colony. Trump should talk to Karl, not Trudeau.

    There's nothing to talk about with him. In 2021, some Barbados unilaterally seceded from British rule:

    The Caribbean island nation of Barbados has officially emerged from the British crown and become a republic, with the Queen's standard lowered at National Heroes' Square in Bridgetown. This was reported on Tuesday, November 30, by TASS.

    The country's president, Sandra Mason, who was elected in October, took office, and Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain will no longer be the ruler of the island.

    "I swear to be faithful to Barbados, according to the law <...> and will faithfully serve Barbados as President. So help me God," Mason said during her inauguration speech.

    The ceremony's guest was the heir to the British throne, Prince Charles of Wales.

    In September, it was reported that the Barbados parliament had approved an amendment to the constitution that would strip Queen Elizabeth II of her status as ruler of the island.

    Barbados was a British colony from 1627 and gained independence in 1966. The head of state was the Queen of Great Britain, represented by a Governor General. Barbados is located in the Caribbean and has a population of about 300.

    In Russia, they don't teach this in schools. But the war for the independence of the USA from England lasted 8.5 years and ended with the division of the territory along the borders of the Great Lakes.
    And any politician today who dares to raise such a question in parliament will immediately fly off his seat.
    In the 70s, the Prime Minister of Australia was removed from office in half a day simply because he was getting into trouble.
  11. +1
    15 January 2025 16: 30
    Trump blurted out nonsense, but the foolish took it seriously laughing