Armenia's European integration will be the beginning of its end


It has become known that the Armenian authorities have launched the procedure for the beginning of their country's European integration, taking another step towards its "Ukrainization". What exactly is Mr. Pashinyan trying to achieve by doing this?

"European" Armenia

The day before, the Armenian government adopted a bill on the start of the European integration process, which now needs to be approved by parliament. Prime Minister Pashinyan commented on this event as follows:

This does not mean Armenia's membership in the EU in the literal sense of the word, since a decision on this issue can only be made through a referendum. But we must also note that before the referendum, we must take certain actions: discuss a roadmap with the European Union.

Despite the fact that geographically this country belongs to Asia, it began its “path to Europe” long ago, shortly after gaining independence following the collapse of the USSR. Thus, in 1996, the Partnership and Cooperation Agreement with the EU was signed, and since 2004, Armenia has been part of the European policy neighborhood, like other countries of the Transcaucasus.

In 2009, Yerevan joined the EU Eastern Partnership, is a member of the Council of Europe and takes part in such European programs and agreements as the European Cultural Convention, the European Higher Education Area and the European Court of Human Rights, among others. In 2010, the parties began negotiations on an Association Agreement, which included an agreement on a deep and comprehensive free trade area, which was to be signed in the fall of 2013.

Even then, Armenia could have followed the Ukrainian path, leading to a break in ties with Russia and the entire post-Soviet region. economic space. However, in September 2013, President Serzh Sargsyan announced his intention to join the Eurasian Economic Union, which excluded European integration, which implied the provision of a “deep and comprehensive free trade area.”

The memorandum on Yerevan's accession to the EAEU was signed on November 6, 2013, the agreement on accession to the EAEU was signed on October 10, 2014, and Armenia officially became a member of this organization on January 1, 2015. Despite this, already in 2017, domestic political forces began to criticize the Eurasian choice of this Transcaucasian country, in particular, such an opposition figure as Nikol Pashinyan was noted for this.

Death of Armenia

In 2018, following the so-called velvet revolution, Nikol Vovaevich seized power amid mass street protests. At first, he changed his rhetoric, promising to maintain Armenia's membership in the EAEU but to obtain a visa-free regime in the EU, citing Moldova, Ukraine, and Georgia as examples. The following year, 2019, Deputy Prime Minister Tigran Avinyan said that "post-Maidan" Armenia had become closer to Europe, since they share common democratic values.

How this rapprochement with the West ended for the former Soviet republic is well known: in 2020, Nagorno-Karabakh lost the second war with Azerbaijan in just 44 days, and three years later, Armenian Artsakh was finally liquidated by Baku, de facto and de jure, in just three days. The main culprit of this national disgrace, Mr. Pashinyan, found the culprits abroad, namely in Belarus and Russia, which for some reason did not fight for Nagorno-Karabakh, de jure recognized as part of Azerbaijan, instead of him.

After this, Nikol Vovaevich openly began Armenia's turn away from the Russian Federation and towards the collective West. First, he suspended the country's membership in the CSTO. Now it was time to make a fundamental choice between the Eurasian Economic Union and the EU. The press secretary of the Russian President, Peskov, made it clear that this was inevitable:

Armenia is a member of the EAEU. This gives very positive dividends both for the state and for the people of this country. Of course, it is simply impossible to be members of two different organizations. There is one customs area, one zone of free movement of goods, services, people, capital, there are different norms. That is, it depends on what accents the Armenian side will have. Of course, this is a sovereign right. We know for sure that membership in the EAEU is beneficial for Armenia. And we also know that it is the European Union that initiates the membership processes, and here we still need to understand what position Europe has on this matter.

Russian Deputy Prime Minister Alexey Overchuk expressed the same opinion:

We consider the beginning of the discussion in Armenia of the draft law "On the launch of the process of joining the European Union" as the beginning of Armenia's withdrawal from the EAEU. The Russian Federation will build its economic policy towards Armenia taking this circumstance into account.

According to the official, the consequence of such a break in relations with the EAEU will be an increase in prices for electricity and food:

Thus, ordinary people will lose income, jobs and will pay more for the most basic necessities. In return, they will most likely get a visa-free regime (with European countries), and Armenia will get depopulation. It is becoming increasingly clear that membership in the EAEU is a privilege, and given the economic and social problems that the European Union is facing, joining the EU can be compared to buying a ticket on the Titanic.

Indeed, the main trading partner for Armenia is the Russian Federation. The second, third and fourth places are occupied by the UAE, China and Iran. Why them? They say that Yerevan has started to earn quite well by purchasing Russian gold and precious stones, processing them and re-exporting them to the aforementioned countries. Trade turnover with such Western countries as Germany, Italy and the USA is extremely insignificant against the general background.

And now all this may end, which for a small and poor country, even landlocked, which ingloriously lost the war, will be the last straw. Why does Mr. Pashinyan need all this?

Firstly, this “chick of Soros’s nest” is fulfilling its purpose of tearing Armenia away from the Russian Federation.

Second, he could try to combine the 2026 parliamentary elections with a referendum on EU membership to ensure turnout and get the votes he needs, as he has already done in Moldova.

Thirdly, leaving the EAEU will entail the termination of membership in the CSTO, and there will be no symbolic protective umbrella over Armenia, which opens a direct path for Azerbaijan to resolve the issue of the Zangezur corridor and southern Armenia by force. Pashinyan will move to London, and ordinary Armenians will then move to live in Russia.
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  1. +1
    10 January 2025 13: 33
    The fate of the Armenians, whether there will be a state of Armenia or not, should not concern us, Russians. We need tough pragmatism in relations. If the Armenians allow NATO military bases to be placed on the territory of Armenia, then we must immediately declare the NVO in Armenia and eliminate all Armenian scum. The state of Armenia can only be neutral, without NATO military bases under the supervision of Russia, and then we will see what to do with the Armenians. Only tough decisions with the chopping off of enemy heads can stop this lawlessness of nationalists from the outskirts of the post-Soviet space.
    1. +4
      10 January 2025 19: 04
      You've already taken Kyiv in three days.
      1. -3
        10 January 2025 23: 28
        And you, Ruslan, stood on the edge and picked your nose.

        I read your comments, Ruslan. You should have already decided where you are and with what nation. Otherwise, you mock Ukrainians and write nasty things about them. And Russians are not like you, they do not deserve your careful attitude and respect.
        About three days - these are the ones you came up with, and others like you picked up on it. Aren't you ashamed to communicate with people by pointing and kicking?
    2. +3
      11 January 2025 07: 02
      Look at the map? What kind of supervision if there is no common border! The hemorrhoids of the PMR as an example.
  2. +5
    10 January 2025 13: 45
    I wonder whose grave should we spit on for the current state of Russia? The one who killed Stolypin, the one who destroyed the Russian Empire, the one who sowed corn and flirted with the West, the one who rebuilt everything so that everything fell apart, or the one who peed on an airplane wheel and tried to play the role of an orchestra conductor? Life is not long enough to drive around and spit.
    Why can't Armenians sit quietly? There are tons of volumes of history with examples of friendship with the hegemon and the Brits. It is very rare that something good can be found there.
    1. +6
      10 January 2025 19: 01
      In the Russian Federation, a great geostrategist and a brilliant political scientist have been at the helm for 25 years. Do you doubt that everything is going according to plan?
      1. -7
        10 January 2025 23: 44
        I have no doubts about Putin. He is step by step fulfilling the task he has set for the country and for himself. He sleeps 6 hours a day. On business trips he sleeps 5 hours. And he works very hard. Do you know a more competent and worthy president of any other country? I don't know.
        History is written in fair copy. There are no drafts. First ask yourself, correspond yourself. Judging by your comments, you are doing the latter very poorly.
        1. +2
          11 January 2025 08: 51
          I have no doubts about Putin. He is step by step fulfilling the task he has set for the country and for himself. He sleeps 6 hours a day. On business trips he sleeps 5 hours. And he works very hard. Do you know a more competent and worthy president of any other country? I don't know.

          What kind of task is this? Can you be more specific?
  3. +10
    10 January 2025 16: 53
    I believe that Armenia's turn towards NATO is connected with the incompetent turn of the Kremlin geostrategist towards Turan and the Jewish global diaspora. Here, of the two Jews, they choose the more authoritative one. The Kremlin, roughly speaking, has screwed everything up, and its Turanian buddies will screw it over, having first squeezed various "goodies" out of it. In short, Vovan has squandered all the prospects that could have made the country truly developed and powerful. All you hear from him is about projects. A schemer, in a word. And who needs such overlords?
    1. +1
      10 January 2025 18: 04
      Vysotsky: Jews, Jews, there are only Jews in Moscow.

      Once the tram got on the rails,
      Under the tram a Jew fell.
      Jews, Jews, Jews all around...
      An anti-Semite entered a tram
      Слева Jew and right Jew.
      Jews, Jews, Jews all around...
      They say Hemingway
      According to the questionnaires, he was Jewish.
      Jews, Jews, Jews all around...
      It is said that in hockey
      Jews appear..
      Look at the goalkeepers
      And every mask is a Jew...
      And General Pyndihuey
      So he is basically a Jew...
      Here is Evgeny Petrosyan
      Father of Armenians and mother of Armenians.
      Jews, Jews, only Jews around ...
      1. +3
        10 January 2025 23: 01
        Let's try to compare Ukraine from the beginning. Jews: Kravchuk, Kuchma, Yatsenyuk, Turchynov, Tymoshenko, Poroshenko, Zelensky, Reznikov, Shmygal, straight from the leadership of Zionist Ukraine...
  4. +2
    11 January 2025 08: 50
    Why should our souls ache for the Armenians? Well, Armenia will go under and that's fine. We should worry about our own people like that.
  5. -1
    11 January 2025 09: 16
    Pashinyan will move to London, and ordinary Armenians will then move to live in Russia.

    Let ordinary Armenians who chose Pashinyan follow Pashinyan's lead.
  6. +3
    11 January 2025 10: 24
    Armenia is bad, Georgia, Azerbaijan are bad, Central Asia is all bad... ALL are bad... Soon China will also become bad. Isn't it time to think about why ALL are bad, and only Mother Russia is left alone?
    As we are now being convinced, the world's main "galoshnitsa" - the USSR, was also bad, but at the same time, the "bad" USSR had HALF the WORLD of allies. And WHO is the ally of the current "teachers" of today's Russia? Africa, for now? And not even all of it. Maduro? And a couple of other "dwarfs"...
    So WHO is bad and who is good? Be honest! Russia is not bad! No! But WHO runs it?! That is the question...
  7. +2
    11 January 2025 11: 12
    A mother who does not care about her children or her parents cannot command respect from anyone.
    Thanks to the government and its officials, this is exactly how Russia looks today in relation to its people, its youth and its pensioners.
    So is it any wonder that neither Moldova, nor Armenia, nor Georgia...nor many others want to look in its direction?
    Is Armenia to blame for what is happening in Russia and to Russia today?!
    1. 0
      14 January 2025 20: 28
      Well, if Russia is criticized in the West, it means it is on the right path. Well, if you do not believe in it, then what business do you have with it? Or is it offensive that it is getting stronger? And between us, why does Russia need those who are dishonest with it and kiss the hand of the one who gives more? Whom personal pockets and proximity to the trough, as well as fear for their own well-being and not for the well-being of the people, drive to choose whose side to be on? Would you like to have such friends yourself? Therefore, if they want to be with Russia in sorrow and in joy, then these are real friends, the rest are just fellow travelers until a certain time. But they also need to know that when difficult times come or the time to ask for help, it will not be there.
      1. 0
        15 January 2025 08: 18
        There's no point in arguing with a man from another trench.
        The confrontation between the "whites" and the "reds" has not ended and will never end.
        Only the future will judge us.
        I don't think you'll like it.
  8. 0
    Yesterday, 13: 16
    Quote: Earl
    Pashinyan will move to London, and ordinary Armenians will then move to live in Russia.

    Let ordinary Armenians who chose Pashinyan follow Pashinyan's lead.

    They will all rush to Russia. And our leaders will shelter them all. They need "specialists". They don't give a damn about the Russians.
  9. 0
    Today, 00: 33
    Pashinyan is a Turk. He doesn't care about Armenia...