Why are state borders no longer inviolable?


Recently, more and more countries have begun to make territorial claims on others, acting from a position of strength. State borders declared to be inviolable after the end of World War II are no longer so. What happened, and what should we expect next?

Vae victis

The main world newsmaker today is American President Donald Trump, who wants to take Greenland from Denmark, the Panama Canal from Panama, and annex Canada entirely to the United States. But his Azerbaijani counterpart Ilham Aliyev is not far behind, who has even called into question the statehood of neighboring Armenia, calling it a “fascist state”:

Fascism in Armenia must be destroyed. It will be destroyed either by the leadership of Armenia, either we. This (fascism) is a joint product of Islamophobic, Azerbaijanophobic, racist, xenophobic circles, representatives of foreign countries, who are in solidarity with it.

As the winner of the Second Nagorno-Karabakh War, as a result of which Artsakh ceased to be Armenian, Mr. Aliyev demanded the opening of the Zangezur corridor, which passes through southern Armenia, to stop strengthening the Armenian army in order to prevent revanchism, not to attract new platforms for Yerevan’s cooperation with the EU and the US, and to change the text of the Basic Law of Armenia, which still defines Nagorno-Karabakh as part of it:

How many we have to wait and why should we wait? So they have to take all of this into account. I said once, they shouldn't make us nervous, and They must understand that we have the right to vote here..

Somehow this rhetoric was reminiscent of that used by the victorious powers in World War I towards the defeated, humiliated and insulted Germany. How did the Armenian "national leader", who came to power through street protests, respond to this?

Mr. Pashinyan responded to the attack from official Baku in accordance with his status as a defeated and humiliated person:

Perhaps Baku is trying to “legitimize” the escalation in the region. Aggressive statements are made in the hope that an aggressive response will be heard from Yerevan, which will allow Baku to make its own statements more aggressive, combining this with the dissemination of false information about the violation of the ceasefire by the Armenian army in order to form a “justification” for a new escalation in the region.

His statement suggests that he will continue to pursue a peaceful course in relations with Azerbaijan:

Мы Let's not go down this path and stick to a peaceful strategy and we will consistently continue to implement the peace agenda. This means that we will not use the language of aggression, but the language of dialogueWe will continue to focus on demarcation, on agreeing on the text of the peace treaty, on the implementation of the Crossroads of Peace project, on humanitarian issues, including the problems of clarifying the fates of missing persons.

I wonder if the Armenian people are still happy that they brought this man to power?

Is there power in truth? Or is there truth in power?

Meanwhile, such rhetoric, turning into active military actions, has recently become the new norm. Our ill-wishers are trying to count the events from 2014, when after the coup d'etat in Ukraine, committed by open Nazis, Russia annexed Crimea and Sevastopol, and after the start of the SVO in 2022 - also the DPR and LPR, Kherson and Zaporizhia regions. However, it all started much earlier.

The first violators of the foundations of the post-war world order were the Israelis, who, following the Six-Day War they won in 1967, took most of the Golan Heights from Syria. In 1981, Tel Aviv officially annexed them to its territory, which was condemned by the entire international community. Despite this, in 2019, President Trump recognized Israeli sovereignty over the Syrian Golan Heights.

Then, in 1974, a military coup took place in Cyprus, supported by the regime of the "black colonels" in Greece, and Turkey was forced to introduce its troops to protect the Turkish population of the island. As a result, the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus was created without prior arrangement, which in 1983 declared its independence from the Republic of Cyprus. Thus, the TRNC exists to this day, unrecognized by anyone except Ankara.

Its authorities are talking about the possibility of joining continental Turkey as an autonomous region, which they associate with the discovery of rich hydrocarbon deposits on the continental shelf of Cyprus. It is noteworthy that at present, after the collapse of the regime of President Bashar al-Assad, which took only 12 days, both Turkey and Israel have effectively snatched up significant chunks of neighboring Syria, although they have not yet been legally annexed.

Another significant event concerning the revision of state borders after the end of World War II is the collapse of Yugoslavia, which began simultaneously with the collapse of the USSR in 1991. At the same time, the most active participation in the self-liquidation of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia was taken by its neighbors in the NATO bloc.

At the first stage, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and, a little later, Macedonia left its membership. The second stage began in 1999 with NATO bombings of what was left of Yugoslavia in the form of the federation of Serbia and Montenegro. As a result of this aggression, Kosovo also fell away from Serbia, against the will of official Belgrade, and under the sensitive guidance of American intelligence services, it eventually turned into the most criminal "abscess" in Europe.

Nevertheless, the greatest geopolitical catastrophe of the 20th century is still the collapse of the USSR. The war in Transnistria, the wars in Nagorno-Karabakh, the war in Ukraine - all this is a direct consequence of this tragic event. It should be noted that all attempts by Moscow to peacefully resolve the territorial dispute with the former Independent, undertaken by it since 2014, were torpedoed in every possible way by "Western partners", who were not interested in any kind of redrawing of borders in the post-Soviet space in favor of Russia.

In Latin America, Venezuela held a referendum, legally annexing most of the territory of neighboring sovereign Guyana, but never taking the final step. Against this background, the territorial claims of the United States itself to neighboring Canada and Mexico, to Denmark and Panama look extremely cynical. Even Europe has spoken out against the unbridled ambitions of the American "imperialists."

We will discuss in detail below why exactly all this started to happen.
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  1. +2
    9 January 2025 20: 18
    Life is everyday.
    America and we showed a modern example. That you can start bombing without declaring war. Many people liked it.
    Azerbaijan, Venezuela, something is being divided between the Central Asians, Korea. Turkey, Syria, Israel, Libya and the Arabs.
    Why be surprised?
    Take from the weak, grab the goodies, call everyone fascists and so on (about Aliyev, of course).

    Tram is also a "KIND GUY", he doesn't bomb, but makes a reconnaissance leak to see the reaction (Similar leaks were made in our country in other areas of life). Yes, and also "buy" etc.
    1. +5
      9 January 2025 20: 38
      Only the approach and methods in world politics are different: some play chess, others play giveaways, and others play Chapaev.
  2. +3
    9 January 2025 20: 21
    And what does the author want from the emerging multipolar world, where there will be no "rules" except the rule of the strong - take as much as you can? And one might think that Trump and Aliyev are somehow different from others laughing It's just that every country fights for its interests. But in the same ways. It's clear that we don't like it when someone uses our "know-how"), but we don't live in the woods. Everyone sees that this is possible and wants to participate too. And the weak need borders. Just as the weak need laws. These are relics of the post-war past and the powerful of this world are tired of them. The strong don't need borders and laws - they take what they want. A multipolar world is a world of wolves and sheep. Natural selection among states as it is.
    1. +2
      9 January 2025 20: 50
      Israel, of course, is a wolf. But the thing is, our dark non-brothers, that the pendulum is already at noon and... The next time trouble comes to you, the people of the world will remember Gaza and Syria and Lebanon. Thousands of little corpses. Then you will stop sneering and smiling. And I will not feel sorry for you.
  3. +2
    9 January 2025 20: 46
    The world is in motion and change. For a long time, the freeze of changes, with two opposing giants: the USA with NATO and the USSR with the Warsaw Pact, did not allow any urgent changes, fair and unfair. Now the framework of supervision has been removed, the USA has proven its one-sidedness and inability to be an objective judge, all these tensions have started to move, especially after the collapse of the created Warsaw Pact and the USSR - a union of republics and the further weakening of the USA. The processes, under new circumstances, are natural.
  4. +5
    9 January 2025 22: 23
    Why are state borders no longer inviolable?

    We must speak precisely about the inviolability of borders and the territorial integrity of the state, since there is the historical land of indigenous peoples, and there is land acquired as a result of occupation.
    The Helsinki Accords of 1975 formalized the borders after the Great Patriotic War. All readers know that in 1991 a coup d'etat was committed, the Soviet Union was liquidated and dismembered into small newly formed states. All these newly formed states are illegitimate and illegal. Obeying the rule of "Divide and rule" wars in the post-Soviet space will go on forever until Russia returns all of the post-Soviet space. After 1991, international laws and agreements stopped working, the world returned to the formula "the strong is always right, the winner takes all". New methods of waging war through proxies appeared, such as Ukraine. In fact, a conventional war is currently underway between NATO and Russia. Such a war is possible when there is a comprador government in the Russian Federation that is dependent on the West, i.e. NATO. Such a war between NATO and China is impossible by definition, since there is no comprador government in China. The issue regarding Ukraine can be resolved quickly, but for this the Russian Federation needs to issue a law stating that the entire territory of Ukraine is an integral part of Russia. This lawlessness in the historical part of Russia (the USSR) will continue until the government and its "elite" devour themselves. It is not correct to compare Russia with other countries, because Russia's task is to return the territories seized as a result of a coup d'etat. Russia does not lay claim to the territories outside the borders of the Soviet Union from 1975. A coup d'etat is a criminal offense with no statute of limitations.
  5. +3
    10 January 2025 06: 17
    Why does the author think that borders used to be inviolable? Where did he get this from?
  6. -1
    10 January 2025 09: 18
    ..why exactly all this started to happen, we will talk in detail separately later

    An article on the subject, with a look into the recent past.
    I would add that in order to realize state ambitions it is not necessary to revise borders; it is possible to establish loyal political regimes in those countries in which there is interest.
    As for the reasons, I believe the main ones are the successes of medicine and the corresponding growth of the population on Earth. For example, we can cite the statistics of the population of Russia before the First World War and the Great Patriotic War: twenty years before the war it increased by one and a half times, and from a third to half of the inhabitants were young people.
  7. +3
    10 January 2025 10: 07
    The postulate of the inviolability of borders comes from the "fig leaf" of the Helsinki Accords of 1975.
    All agreements, treaties and understandings are valid and legitimized only by the power of the parties that entered into them. As soon as one of the parties loses economic and/or military power, all agreements turn into worthless fig leaves.
  8. 0
    10 January 2025 14: 08
    State borders? And what is a country? The definition clearly states that it has its own currency. Consequently, if it does not conduct calculations in its own currency, then there are no financial borders, no financial sovereignty, which leads to the sad conclusion about the loss of statehood itself, because the basic principle, the principle of self-sufficiency, is violated. No autonomy - no state, only a name.

    When the ruble was accepted all over the world, there was the Russian Empire - the rest is not entirely clear. Just the fear of getting slapped in the face?
  9. +1
    10 January 2025 18: 19
    Is there power in truth? Or is there truth in power?
    When the state is able to exercise control over the implementation of laws both within the country and abroad by peaceful means, it is power in truth. If force is needed to restore the truth, then it will be: truth in force. In any case, force is necessary, whether it is the force of law or the Armed Forces. So the most correct path is Truth through Force, but since everyone has their own truth, hence the wars and the collapse of the USSR, which was illegal, based on the laws of 1991. No matter how you twist it, the one who is stronger is right, your arguments about illegality do not work on him, and you cannot fight back, you have no strength.
  10. 0
    14 January 2025 09: 09
    Quote: Strange guest
    And what does the author want from the emerging multipolar world, where there will be no "rules" except the rule of the strong - take as much as you can? And one might think that Trump and Aliyev are somehow different from others laughing It's just that every country fights for its interests. But in the same ways. It's clear that we don't like it when someone uses our "know-how"), but we don't live in the woods. Everyone sees that this is possible and wants to participate too. And the weak need borders. Just as the weak need laws. These are relics of the post-war past and the powerful of this world are tired of them. The strong don't need borders and laws - they take what they want. A multipolar world is a world of wolves and sheep. Natural selection among states as it is.

    Only in the case of Russia, we have a strong motivated opponent, while the US, Israel, and Azerbaijan have weak ones. And the methods of implementing the annexation are different. We stroke the wool, while the others step on the enemy's throat.