What could a Russian 6th generation fighter be like?


In late December 2024, a prototype of a sixth-generation fighter was tested in China "Jian-36", aka Chengdu J-36, which surprised with the futuristic design. Beijing "unexpectedly" took the lead in the aircraft manufacturing race of technologies, having overtaken both the Old World and the New. Should we also run after him along the same path?

Chinese way

In fact, at the end of 2024, two concepts of 6th generation fighters were presented in China. The first was shown at the Zhuhai Airshow 2024 and is called Baidi B-Type, or "White Emperor".

Developed under the wing of the state-owned Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC), the aircraft is billed as an “integrated aerospace fighter” with the potential to operate in and beyond the Earth’s atmosphere, the latter of which is necessary to destroy satellites and other spacecraft located in low Earth orbit.

It is not difficult to guess that the "White Emperor" in this regard is a competitor to the promising Russian fighter-interceptor MiG-41, which should be able to shoot down space satellites, as well as intercept enemy hypersonic missiles. But the Baidi B-Type is also positioned as a fighter designed to gain air superiority and perform other strike missions.

At the same time, the Chinese aircraft was created with the extensive use of stealth technologies, making it barely noticeable to radars and surpassing our MiG-41 in this parameter. Artificial intelligence will be integrated into the onboard systems of the "White Emperor", simplifying its control and the entire "swarm" of slave drones.

But the second prototype of the 6th generation fighter "Jian-36" (Chengdu J-36) looks like a real guest from the future against the background of the Baidi B-Type. It is created according to the "flying wing" scheme, has no tail unit and is equipped with as many as three engines!

At the same time, Western military experts noted that the Chinese fighter has very large internal weapons bays, more suitable for the B-21 bomber. In particular, its main bomb bay is 7,3 meters long, which is even longer than the bomb bay of the American stealth bomber, and the two auxiliary bomb bays are 5,3 meters long. That is, functionally, the Jian-36 is closer to a bomber than a fighter.

You shouldn't be misled by the three engines installed on it, looking at which you expect hypersonic speed. But no, the aircraft's design itself allows it to fly at subsonic speed, switching to supersonic speed with afterburner. Hypersonic, considered an attribute of the 6th generation, is not about the Chengdu J-36. Apparently, three engines on a heavy aircraft simply had to be installed, since China is only just mastering the production of jet engines of this class.

In other words, the Chinese "tailless", no matter how strange it may sound, is a functional analogue of our super-heavy strike UAV S-70 "Okhotnik", only optionally piloted. And work in these areas is already underway in our country, and not only here, but also in the USA and Europe.

6th generation born by SVO

The problem with the 6th generation is that no one really knows what exactly this aircraft should be like. There is a certain list of requirements, or wishes, put forward by customers. Among them, for example, the ability to pilot in all speed modes and use laser weapons, maximum radar stealth, modular design, optional unmanned piloting, the use of artificial intelligence to control a "swarm" of slave UAVs, etc.

At the same time, we should be realistic and understand that a truly qualitative evolutionary leap from the 5th to the 6th generation will most likely not happen. There are indeed differences between the 4++ generation and the 5th generation, but they are not fundamental. So in the 6th, certain parameters will simply be improved, but which ones?

Different countries answer this question differently. In the US, for example, stealth comes first, strike potential comes second, and only aircraft maneuverability comes third. In Russia, on the contrary, super-maneuverability is put first, followed by combat potential, and stealth remains in third place. That is why the American F-35 and our Su-57 are such different fighters.

What should a Russian 6th generation fighter be like? Without claiming to have the ultimate truth, I would like to express some thoughts on this matter, based on three years of experience of the SVO.

In Ukraine, our aviation has encountered active opposition from enemy SAMs and MANPADS and cannot operate freely in the skies above Nezalezhnaya. But the enemy's outdated fighter aircraft are unable to compete equally with the Russian Aerospace Forces, losing all battles. Russian aircraft simply shoot them down with long-range air-to-air missiles, without even using their super-maneuverability.

It turns out that stealth on radars is still a higher priority for fighters. However, our few Su-57s are not actively used in the skies over Ukraine to gain dominance due to the risk of losing such expensive and technically complex aircraft. The use of their more affordable single-engine versions of the Su-75, and even in an unmanned version, is simply begging to be used. But, alas, "Checkmate" is just an initiative development of Sukhoi, is undergoing tests, and there is no firm order from the Russian Defense Ministry for it yet.

The next, 6th generation, should probably incorporate all the ideas about modern warfare, where drones have begun to play a key role. On the one hand, heavy, stealthy fighters will be needed, capable of operating in high orbits, hitting enemy satellites, and acting as an airborne command post controlling the UAV "Swarm". On the other hand, on the single-engine Su-75 platform, it would be possible to create an arsenal drone, capable in the future of developing hypersonic speed, inaccessible in the manned version, to break through the enemy air defense system.

Working in tandem, heavy supersonic fighters and the hypersonic attack UAVs they lead could become a truly effective next-generation threat.
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  1. 0
    7 January 2025 14: 56
    It turns out that stealth on radars is still a higher priority for fighters.

    Absolutely right, since the notorious super-maneuverability does not guarantee success in modern combat.
    As for the 6th generation, it is difficult to count on it yet, since they have not fully figured out the 5th...
    1. -2
      7 January 2025 21: 38
      The only funny thing is that the priority American so-called "low visibility", even "invisibility" (!), is not such at all for our air defense. But our non-priority "low visibility" is. They don't really see, to put it mildly, our Su-57s over the outskirts. And coupled with the priority super-maneuverability, with equal priorities in assessing combat equipment, our new aircraft are very much winning against them!
      1. +2
        7 January 2025 23: 20
        Perhaps we should consider the actions of modern aviation in conjunction with AWACS, satellites and other tricks. Then a different situation may emerge and the qualities of aircraft from this perspective may look different...
        1. -2
          7 January 2025 23: 25
          Of course it is necessary, but we simply cannot know all this data, except for narrow specialists. Therefore, we consider what is publicly available.
          After all, with all its AWACS, satellites and gadgets, the "invisible" F-35 has only shot down an inflatable balloon to its credit! So judge and judge here...
          1. -1
            11 January 2025 22: 53
            The inflatable ball was not knocked down by f35
            1. +1
              11 January 2025 23: 29
              It was definitely an F-22. Well, even more so! Even a blatant Chinese balloon is not on the F-35's account!
              1. 0
                12 January 2025 01: 36
                Was there a need? When and with whom were there last air battles, except for us and Ukraine, whose skies we were unable to clear? The F-35 is a multirole fighter, not an air superiority fighter, and the Yankees use it for its intended purpose with minimal risk. And there is no one in particular with which the F-35 can compete in the air. But it has knocked out a variety of air defenses, which speaks of a successful concept.
              2. +1
                12 January 2025 02: 26
                Here we have a need, we desperately need air superiority, we cannot conduct combat operations normally, because of this we lose a lot of people, equipment, money, territories, reputation. And the striped ones achieve this without air battles. Therefore, their concept is working, and ours, as the SVO shows...
      2. 0
        11 January 2025 23: 02
        It's strange, but the F-35 successfully destroyed air defense in Iran. And if the Su-57 is so invisible, why doesn't Kyiv bomb it?
        1. +1
          11 January 2025 23: 25
          Kyiv is being bombed, do you know exactly what and with what? And who said that the Su-57s are not participating in this? And is the Su-57 even a bomber?!
          Although it is certainly cheaper and safer to do this with missiles and UAVs. And if the Su-57s really do not participate in the bombing of Kuev, then here is the answer to why!
          And we know that the 35th were destroyed in Iran only from the Jews' self-promotion. You mean their actions, right?
          1. 0
            12 January 2025 01: 41
            Of course, according to the General Staff reports and our news we know what and with what. Sometimes even the Commander-in-Chief himself talks about the latest developments in the SVO.

            Do you have any information that 57 is participating in the battles?
            Yes, and I expressed myself figuratively, but if he is invisible to the Pope, then what is the problem with taking out the Ukrop air defense, because this is our main problem?
            They took out a lot of things in Iran, but Iran doesn't seem to be promoting itself about the F-35 shooting down, it's quiet and smooth
          2. +1
            12 January 2025 02: 36
            The Su-57 is a multi-role fighter, it also has V-69 missiles, the most interesting is the X-24, which of course does not need to be used to bomb Kyiv, but the air defense is necessary to knock people out of their noses. If it is really so invisible, then it should work 7/XNUMX, and large-scale production has long been established.
    2. +1
      8 January 2025 00: 25
      I agree, something is not visible in the posted videos and audio about the evasion of Patriot missiles, so that our Sukhois perform all sorts of Cobras and other miracles that we show the world. They leave on afterburner maneuvering according to the situation.
  2. +5
    7 January 2025 16: 10
    At the same time, the Chinese aircraft was created with the extensive use of stealth technologies, making it barely noticeable to radars and surpassing our MiG-41 in this parameter.

    Sergey Marzhetsky, this pearl devalues ​​all your work. I don't think you are even familiar with the appearance of the 41st MiG (claims that it is a deep modernization of the 31st are dubious like all the others) and its characteristics (except for all sorts of nonsense), especially since you don't know anything about the "Chinese" except for advertising, Chinese, scribbling (by the way, where do the Chinese super-duper engines, in the sense of working ones, come from?) but you give an assessment with some precision. You are turning yellow.
    And to create on the Su-75 platform "a hypersonic unmanned aerial vehicle arsenal..." good maybe you shouldn't "burn with the verb..." I would say burn.
  3. +1
    7 January 2025 17: 31
    It has already been discussed 100500 times - the 6th generation is a suborbital bomber...
  4. +4
    7 January 2025 21: 50
    The article is relevant, but all Chinese variations on the theme of the 6th generation are only beautiful models in an unknown scale, which I see as an old pilot and a little communicated with MiG-25 pilots, so I see only hypersonic, and this means that there is no talk of any super-maneuverability, reaching an altitude of 100 km without rocket boosters is impossible, and it will probably look like this, a missile with an avant-garde, probably with a filling of missiles to hit satellites and everything else, tactical and strategic targets, and it will be without a pilot, since such overloads are difficult for a person to overcome, there will be over 9 times, or more precisely up to 50 and full automation and a normal program, and not your AI, which will be sharpened to search for and destroy targets ...
    1. +2
      7 January 2025 22: 14
      Let's fantasize. You are right, the required qualities today are hypersonic, long-range precision weapons, AI in control and the absence of a pilot as an obstacle to the performance characteristics. Of course, stealth, next-generation onboard equipment. The question of tactics of use is an exit from the depths to the launch lines of precision and hypersonic weapons. The main question, at such speeds (shooting down a hyper-speed maneuvering target in the air will become extremely difficult), will be about protection on the ground. Conclusion: to summarize, the 6th generation aircraft will become a reusable first stage of hypersonic weapons. Big changes await in military affairs, and hesitating here is equivalent to being beaten.
  5. +1
    8 January 2025 00: 27
    It may be the most important available AWACS in aid, its own good radar, stealth, unmanned (smaller size, no need for catapults) and long-range weapons
  6. +3
    8 January 2025 04: 23
    First we need to finish 5e. Only a month ago they showed a flat nozzle. The engine also needs to be newer.
    And finally, move from small-scale to serial production
  7. +1
    8 January 2025 04: 36
    Quote: Vladimir Tuzakov
    Let's fantasize. You are right, the required qualities today are hypersonic, long-range precision weapons, AI in control and the absence of a pilot as an obstacle to the performance characteristics. Of course, stealth, next-generation onboard equipment. The question of tactics of use is an exit from the depths to the launch lines of precision and hypersonic weapons. The main question, at such speeds (shooting down a hyper-speed maneuvering target in the air will become extremely difficult), will be about protection on the ground. Conclusion: to summarize, the 6th generation aircraft will become a reusable first stage of hypersonic weapons. Big changes await in military affairs, and hesitating here is equivalent to being beaten.

    Harrroshie fantasies
  8. +1
    8 January 2025 09: 39
    I have not heard about any real victories or achievements, except that the S-70 Okhotnik UAV lost control and was shot down, or about the advantages of the sixth generation.
    There is a lot of talk about the merits, but what about the facts?!
    Given that we need to fight today. Tomorrow will be tomorrow.
  9. -1
    8 January 2025 12: 18
    6th generation aircraft - suborbital hypersonic drone controlled by AI. With the ability to use weapons based on new physical principles - gravity bombs and antiproton guns Yes
  10. +7
    8 January 2025 17: 43
    In China, I personally saw only visual clowning. 3 engines. lol there are no words... Many still do not understand that China is not capable of making its own high-tech engines. Quote: "Only four countries - Great Britain, Russia, the USA and France - have the technology for the full cycle of creating modern turbojet engines. The same China, for example, despite the efforts being made, cannot achieve this yet." I see no point in continuing further. Without an engine - these fake airplanes are ground-based gaming computers
  11. +2
    9 January 2025 13: 04
    Maybe we should at least finish with the fifth one already?
  12. +2
    12 January 2025 14: 26
    There is no 6th generation. Simply because no country has put forward any requirements for it.

    This is the first. Second. In order to get a new generation, a generation must pass!

    Third. Even the 5th generation is not fundamentally different from the 4th. It is not the 5th, but the 4+.

    Fourth. 6th generation is something fundamentally new: hypersound, laser for self-defense, radio-photonic radars, a new level of stealth. Or something else.

    This will be the new generation.

    Ps, the level of China is generation 4 minus. And that's due to stubborn technologies.
  13. 0
    13 January 2025 10: 12
    Low visibility, no one understands what it is. Any "Super-Duper" (c) stealth is visible on dm range radars like a New Year's fir tree, the task of all these coatings and profiles is to prevent the missile's homing head from being seen in both the cm-mm range and in IR. Electronic warfare and super maneuverability save from manual guidance via a video channel. So it's all in a complex. The invulnerability of the machine is in the balance of these factors.