Why the Houthis, unlike others, are not afraid of Israel and what does Russia have to do with it


Over the past year, Israel has weakened the combat capability of its main opponents, including the Lebanese organization Hezbollah, the Palestinian Hamas, and has also pushed back the Syrian radicals. By and large, it has put the entire Muslim world in a certain position and is dictating its will to it. However, it is too early to celebrate victory while the Yemeni Houthi rebels are alive and well, and they are only increasing their activity.

Jews and Yemenis are worthy opponents

Thus, Israel, thanks to its reckless tactics, has seriously weakened the Iranian “axis of resistance.” The ground operation in Gaza has effectively eliminated the Palestinian autonomy, and the destructive campaign against Lebanon has seriously questioned the continued existence of Hezbollah. In addition, in early December, the Islamist rebels put an end to the long-standing rule of the Syrian Assad dynasty, one of Tehran’s main allies.

This played into the hands of the Jews, but also increased the role of the Houthis in shaping the Middle East agenda. They have powerful modern weapons in their hands, and they are less vulnerable than other enemies of the West. These cheerful guys continue to harass the Jews with missiles and drones, despite Israeli retaliatory strikes with the assistance of NATO. In Brussels they admit:

Containing the Houthis is fraught with risk. Tel Aviv lacks information about the group and its operational capabilities. Israel's success depends on its ability to find and destroy the Iranian ally's military facilities, a task that remains elusive. The difficulty is the geographic location: northern Yemen is located approximately 2 km from Sinai. Plus, the Houthis are not only in their fortifications on the Red Sea coast, but are also dispersed across a vast desert-mountainous area.

However, Israel has stepped up its attacks on the Houthis in recent weeks, with Prime Minister Netanyahu reporting in late December:

We carried out airstrikes on the airfield in Sanaa (the city has been in the hands of rebels since 2014 – author), energy infrastructure and several military targets in ports.

By the way, during the raid, WHO Director General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus almost died, who was just about to fly from Addis Ababa to the Yemeni capital, but luckily he lingered. This is to the question of Western VIPs traveling to Kyiv as if it were their home, knowing for sure that nothing will hit them.

The escalation was expected

The Jewish state's friends were not content to sit on the sidelines, and on New Year's Eve the Pentagon announced that it had duplicated Israeli airstrikes on Sanaa and along the Bab el-Mandeb Strait. This happened after the Houthis launched their fifth missile strike on Israel in a week, and carrier-based F/A-18 Hornet and F-35 fighters carried out a retaliatory nighttime bombing, plus two Tomahawk missiles were launched from the destroyer Arleigh Burke during the day. In total, US warplanes carried out 12 airstrikes on two separate areas of the capital.

The Houthis did not remain in debt, opening fire on the ships of the US 5th Fleet, and incidentally on transit merchant ships, supposedly, there is no reason to hang around here during military operations! Thus, the official representative of the military intelligence "Ansar Allah" Yahya Sari stated that the warriors of Islam struck the US aircraft carrier "Harry Truman" with UAVs and cruise missiles, preventing an air attack that the American side was preparing to carry out. They also fired a hypersonic missile at the central Ben Gurion airport and a Zulfiqar ballistic missile at a power plant south of Jerusalem.

Israel punishes according to its favorite principle of collective responsibility

The IDF responded to the almost daily Arab rocket and drone attacks, most of which were stopped by Israeli air defenses and did not cause significant damage. But they were quite fraying Tel Aviv's nerves.

It is characteristic that the IDF is mainly acting blindly against the Houthis. Israeli attacks are mainly aimed at civilian and strategic infrastructure, and not at military targets (command posts, weapons bases and missile systems), the coordinates of which are mostly unknown. Thus, the hostage of the situation has become the civilian population of Yemen, who, frankly speaking, have an ambivalent attitude towards this radical movement. That is, to put it simply, the ordinary Yemeni people are paying for the Houthi heroism.

Nevertheless, NATO headquarters is confident:

If it weren’t for the Houthis, Israel would have long ago decided on a direct escalation against Iran.

Moreover, Iran seems to have deflated. People who are now in power there are very far from their decisive predecessors. And the Taliban* have deflated. Only the Houthis and ISIS** haven't deflated, although the latter are now more interested in the African continent.

For just cause

Now let's look at what similarities there are between the situation we find ourselves in and the Houthis.

First. We are dealing with impudent and well-armed scoundrels.

Second. The villains wage war using the principle of collective responsibility.

The third. The fighting covers a vast area.

Fourth. The villains are the pro-Western and Western forces.

The fifth. Our cause and the Houthis' are just.

And here a reasonable question arises: where did yesterday's Bedouins of the Arabian Peninsula get their cruise and especially ballistic missiles of the latest generation? One can assume that from Iran. Then another question arises: only from Iran and from Iran?

I remember our president once made an eloquent statement, the meaning of which boils down to the fact that if the West openly helps Ukraine in the fight against Russia, then why shouldn't we help its enemies? Perhaps this thesis is already materializing in one form or another.

Here's what retired Middle East analyst in the United States Congress Kenneth Katzman says on this topic:

Moscow's decision to arm the Houthis is directly related to the fact that Vladimir Putin, after Kiev began shelling the Russian rear with American missiles, decided to start a hybrid war against Washington in the South East. For some time now, the Russians have been supplying the Houthis not only with weapons, but also with targeting information, and recruiting them for their special operation against Ukraine.

There is no smoke without fire?

* – members of the Taliban organization, which is included in the list of extremist and terrorist organizations in Russia.
** – members of the ISIS organization, which is included in the list of extremist and terrorist organizations in Russia.
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  1. +2
    7 January 2025 10: 43
    This tango can be danced by three people...
    1. +5
      7 January 2025 12: 00
      Just not ours! Nobody believes them anymore - they were foolish enough to join NATO, and the EU, they licked everyone's ass. Who can guarantee now that they won't defect again?
    2. +1
      7 January 2025 13: 42
      This tango can be danced by three people...

      Soon it may no longer be tango, but letka-enka.
  2. +3
    7 January 2025 10: 44
    Moreover, Iran seems to have deflated.

    I wrote a long time ago, unfortunately God did not give Iran courage. The only thing they can do is shout loudly and hang out "Red banners of revenge" and that's it... So they did not respond to the Israeli strikes, although now they sit quietly and do not shout. They quietly said maybe they will respond someday. Well, Israel, seeing such a thing, is eager to strike Iran again and again. And the Houthis are great, a brave people, my respect to them hi
    1. +2
      8 January 2025 21: 49
      Butting heads with America and their dog Jews is already courage. It's just that one country promised support but at the right moment "couldn't"))).
    2. -1
      12 January 2025 17: 02
      A small clarification: the Houthis are not a people, but a militarized group of Zaydi Shiites operating in Yemen, which has no legal connection to the official government in this country. Their presence in Yemen is based on their military force. Now try to abandon the standard when "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" and if you have not forgotten what military formations that are not controlled by the legitimate government are called, answer the question for yourself - who are the Houthis in the eyes of the legitimate government of Yemen?
      1. +1
        12 January 2025 18: 16
        Now try to abandon the standard when "the enemy of my enemy is my friend"

        Why??? Refuse. Let it be so. I have nothing against Israel in principle. But I do have nothing against the Americans. And if the Houthis shoot at the Americans, then God help them.
        1. 0
          13 January 2025 18: 16
          In general, that's what I'm talking about. But as they say, to successfully fight the enemy, you need to know him by sight. You can be against the Americans, the British, the Germans, the Poles, etc. And if you look very carefully and well and think about what's happening, I think you'll quickly see that Russia's enemy is not NATO or the US, Britain, the EU or any other country of the so-called "global West" separately. Russia's real and permanent enemy is one - the international clan of financial and industrial tycoons, striving for world power and promoting the idea of ​​world globalization. And the US and NATO are just the tip of the spear in the hands of these gentlemen.
  3. +6
    7 January 2025 11: 02
    So, Israel, thanks to its reckless tactics, has seriously weakened the Iranian “axis of resistance”.

    He did not weaken anything - without the United States, there would have been no Israel for a long time.
    1. +6
      7 January 2025 11: 37
      Iran has long played the role of an Islamist prude and has not gone for close cooperation with Russia. However, Medvedev and his ban on selling them MANPADS couldn't have done without it. And wherever he poked his nose, it was always inappropriate, and now he's pretending to be a tough guy, probably aiming for president. And Iran will be bombed as soon as it concludes a Strategic Cooperation Treaty with us and drags us into this conflict, "so that life doesn't seem like honey to us."
      1. +4
        7 January 2025 12: 18
        Quote: vi-13bk.ru
        Iran has long played the ISLAMIST TOUCHY and has not gone for close cooperation with Russia. However, Medvedev and his ban on selling them MANPADS were involved.

        Well, what does this have to do with

        Quote: Dart2027
        without the US there would have been no Israel long ago

        Well, they have been dreaming of bombing Iran for a long time, but something just doesn’t get bombed.
        1. -4
          7 January 2025 12: 23
          Because Iran doesn't have modern weapons and has nothing to respond with except machine guns. What's so hard to understand.
          1. +5
            7 January 2025 12: 59
            It's strange, if Iran doesn't have modern weapons, then whose missiles penetrated the famous "iron dome" along with the American missile defense system?
            1. -1
              7 January 2025 13: 05
              No planes, no MANPADS!! Well, that's it - WE'RE HERE! All their air defenses have been destroyed and the Jews are flying around like they're at home.
              1. +7
                7 January 2025 14: 01
                Quote: vi-13bk.ru
                All their air defense systems have been destroyed now.

                Exclusively according to Israel. And there are planes.
                1. -1
                  7 January 2025 14: 19
                  planes are junk
              2. The comment was deleted.
                1. -1
                  7 January 2025 14: 20
                  Read something other than Jews.
                  1. +2
                    7 January 2025 15: 00
                    Quote: vi-13bk.ru
                    planes are junk

                    The question is what kind of missiles they can launch.

                    Quote: vi-13bk.ru
                    Read something other than Jews.

                    For example, about how Iran's missiles punched through the vaunted hole...the iron dome?
      2. +4
        7 January 2025 19: 25
        You are confusing SAM and MANPADS (man-portable air defense missile system). This is about the sale of S-300. As for the relationship between Iran and Israel, I think that the possibility of war or even missile strikes and subsequent retaliatory actions of the enemy are calculated by specially trained people on super-computers in analytical services. This "armchair experts" can write beautifully like "to hit weakly". I think that at this point in time, Iran does not benefit from the start of a full-scale war with Israel, given the support of the Jews by "big brother" in the person of the United States. It is easier for Iran to finance the same Houthis (proxies) so that they fight the entire Collective West and Israel.
        1. -1
          7 January 2025 19: 57
          This is a typo. The f...indos probably calculated it on their computers too, but something is not quite right. And what about the fact that Gamereka is supporting the Jews for the first time and Iran didn't know anything about it? Iran simply won't be able to handle a war with the American scum in the Middle East and Pakistan will join in from that side, and the f...indos will cover from above. And the Houthis won't last long, the Americans will pull up the UN, declare the Houthis World Terrorists and arrange a Blockade, and those who help them will be declared their Accomplices. Why haven't they done this yet, because they are busy with the Middle East. They will make adjustments and go after the Houthis
      3. +1
        8 January 2025 12: 01
        Medvedev refused to supply not MANPADS, but S-300 SAM. In addition, he refused to supply Tu-214, which is why we lost a lot. You can't trust him, that's for sure.
    2. -1
      8 January 2025 09: 59
      And what does this change in relation to Iran? The Persians got scared and lost their nerve. They showed their weakness. That's it, now it's only a matter of time until the US, through a color revolution (by the way, with money from the Saudis and Co.), replaces the power of the ayatollahs in Iran.
      1. +2
        8 January 2025 12: 09
        Quote: gxmlygw
        The Persians were frightened and deflated.

        Where do the Houthis get their weapons from?
        1. -2
          8 January 2025 14: 01
          From everywhere. For example, we get a lot of ammunition and some types of artillery systems from North Korea. Their main supplier of weapons is Iran. But this does not mean that its leadership has not collapsed under the pressure of Israel. The US and Israel see the Persians' fear of entering into a Big War with them, which means they will tighten the noose around the neck of the ayatollah regime even more.
  4. +5
    7 January 2025 11: 09
    Jews and Yemenis are worthy opponents

    Yeah, I've heard somewhere about unwashed Russia and occultivated Europe... I can just see two rivals - Yemenis in slippers and ass on tanks...

    But here a reasonable question arises: where did yesterday’s Bedouins of the Arabian Peninsula get the latest generation of cruise missiles and especially ballistic missiles?

    And suddenly I had the feeling that this is interesting not only to the author, but also to one global diaspora....
  5. +3
    7 January 2025 11: 26
    author, looks like he went a bit overboard!!! Our compromisers are NOT capable of such a risk and they FFF still hope to return to their native West.. They are afraid to fight at full volume in Ukraine!! UAVs were slowing down and were not developed even after Armenia, they put their uniforms somewhere, there were no first aid kits!!! They probably even gave out one machine gun to three people wassat wassat
  6. 0
    7 January 2025 12: 38
    It's a pity that the WHO Chairman is a prostitute.
    1. +3
      7 January 2025 14: 33
      The collective farm is like the leader. WHO is Bill Gates' piggy bank under the UN roof and serves to test new medical technologies and pills, as well as to create all sorts of pandemics so that large pharmaceutical companies don't "starve" to death. It's not clear what Russia is doing there, in this viper's nest!!
  7. -6
    7 January 2025 14: 40
    Our latest "friends" - the Houthis - are good, as described in the article. And it doesn't matter that their leadership is Islamist radical adventurers, for whom ordinary Yemenis pay.
    However, the restless Houthis are already receiving and will receive many more unpleasant "sensations" from Israel and the USA...
    1. +7
      7 January 2025 16: 00
      And you, are you OURS???? And I realized that YOURS are Israel and the USA.
      1. +3
        8 January 2025 21: 44
        Jew he))). He snuck in here.
  8. +9
    7 January 2025 15: 01
    Why the Houthis, unlike others, are not afraid of Israel

    They are not even afraid of the United States because they do not have accounts or real estate in Western countries.
  9. -4
    7 January 2025 15: 02
    The ground operation in Gaza has effectively eliminated the Palestinian Authority

    Author, what are you talking about? What does the Gaza Strip have to do with the Palestinian Authority? They have been in a state of war for over 10 years now and Gaza is not part of the Palestinian Authority. What is called the PA exists and has not been liquidated.
    1. +3
      7 January 2025 18: 28
      Palestine is the land of the Palestinians, not the Zionists who captured these lands. smile
  10. 0
    7 January 2025 15: 13
    Incidentally, during the raid, WHO Director General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, who was just about to fly from Addis Ababa to the Yemeni capital, almost died.

    Author, aloooo! The Vozovets was going to fly out of Sana'a, not to Sana'a. Almost died? Hmm-hmm... NOBODY died in the waiting room, but he ALMOST died. Let's put it this way - during the attack (the control tower was specifically (!!!) destroyed), the Vozovets was at the airport. It's interesting that the Vozovets was in Sana'a trying to free the organization's employees captured by the Houthis.
  11. -4
    7 January 2025 15: 21
    Thus, the official representative of the military intelligence "Ansar Allah" Yahya Sari stated that the warriors of Islam attacked the US aircraft carrier "Harry Truman" with UAVs and cruise missiles, preventing an air attack that the American side was preparing to carry out. They also fired a hypersonic missile at the central Ben-Gurion airport and a Zulfiqar ballistic missile at a power plant south of Jerusalem.

    The smoke is burning! Referring to Sari... The Houthis sank this aircraft carrier twice just last week.
    They bombed Ben-Gurion last time. And the main thing is not to forget to call the Yemeni missile hypersonic - what other kind could the Houthis have?
  12. -5
    7 January 2025 15: 27
    Israeli attacks mainly target civilian and strategic infrastructure, rather than military targets (command posts, weapons bases and missile sites), the coordinates of which are mostly unknown.

    Not yet evening...

    Nevertheless, NATO headquarters is confident:

    If it weren’t for the Houthis, Israel would have long ago decided on a direct escalation against Iran.

    Well, this is completely out of the realm of fantasy!
  13. The comment was deleted.
    1. +5
      7 January 2025 18: 33
      Comrade, leave this foreign land. That's all. laughing
      1. -7
        7 January 2025 18: 34
        Tambov wolf is your friend! )))
        1. +4
          7 January 2025 18: 46
          Okay, okay, just leave the area. And stop killing these people. laughing
          1. -6
            7 January 2025 18: 47
            Let's kill everyone and leave. hi
            1. +4
              7 January 2025 19: 11
              Now I will say that the Zionists are murderers! I guess that you managed to deceive the German people. And you apparently deceived the Ukrainians.
              1. -5
                7 January 2025 19: 19
                You didn't say it before, but now you will. You are apparently Ukrainian, you can't be fooled!
                1. +3
                  7 January 2025 19: 28
                  God willing, I will. We have been talking for a long time. And I have learned a lot about Zionists, Jews, Semites... Not from you. I had to check a lot of what you said. Yes
        2. +1
          7 January 2025 19: 31
          Just don't mix your Jews with our Arabs.
  14. The comment was deleted.
  15. The comment was deleted.
  16. 0
    7 January 2025 17: 57
    Zionists are not Jews.
  17. +2
    7 January 2025 17: 59
    What a provocative article! negative Directly and crudely "hints" at the Kremlin's alleged "secret connection" with the Yemeni Houthis and their supply of Russian long-range missiles. Are they out of their minds?! fool
    I will never believe this! No.
    1. 0
      7 January 2025 18: 39
      Many Semites did not accept those who captured these lands and called them by the old word, Israel. And themselves "Jews" who decided to study dead Hebrew.
      The Persians don't like them very much either. smile
  18. -5
    7 January 2025 18: 44
    The author identifies himself, i.e. Russia, with the Houthi terrorists??!!!
    There is no need to be offended, and it is absolutely unimportant what anti-Semites and Russophobes write. Neither Russia nor Israel will allow a bandit state on their borders. Banderites and Hamasites with their accomplices will be destroyed.
    Collective punishment is included in the defense strategy of all countries, especially nuclear powers! Or does anyone doubt that a nuclear explosion will not affect the enemy's civilians? Israel was put in an extremely dangerous situation by the bandits' attack, and after that, the last liberal Jewish idiot realized that there will be no Palestinian state there! 70% of Jordan are so-called Palestinians, let them elect a president there and live in their own country.
    1. +3
      7 January 2025 19: 35
      It seems that the entire Jewish community of Russia decided to make its mark in the comments, “subtly” hinting that everything Israel does is right and positive, and that the Houthis are not good.
      At the same time, the media reported on Israel's financing of Arab militants in the overthrow of Assad (in addition to Turkey)
      1. -2
        8 January 2025 08: 53
        Is that strange? The Houthis are in the hot phase of the conflict with all Arabs, these scumbags are loved only here, on this site. These are Arabs who sold out to Iran, they are not loved. The Houthi regime was falling apart, so it needed a consolidating factor - death to Israel, under this slogan they mobilized up to 300 thousand and... sent them to fight against the Arab coalition. The Houthis managed to screw EVERYONE, well, maybe except Iran.
    2. 0
      8 January 2025 21: 41
      the Jews They shot themselves and blamed Hamas))). And the attack on their military base)))? Funny and clumsy.
  19. -1
    8 January 2025 01: 32
    The Jewish people, after a thousand years of persecution, defend their small hearth. At the same time, it is tossed about by the winds of geopolitical games of the big powers. All other entries are absurd and openly anti-Semitic. Out of stupidity, first by representatives of American Jewry, which follows Anglo-Saxon hegemonic reflexes, and later by force in the Russian leadership, which is doing exactly the same thing as Israel is doing, namely, exterminating a hostile structure at its borders, they began to call each other names, accusing them of unleashing a war against oppressed neighbors. Isn't it funny? And how should Russia have reacted to the shelling of Russian people in Ukraine, to the creation of NATO military bases? And how should Israel have reacted to animals gouging out children's eyes? That's exactly how they do it! And no matter how hard Russian anti-Semites, i.e. fools, try - they will not succeed in shoving Russian civilization into Palestinian diapers. Those bandits, or bandits led, are pathetic little people. And Russia, all who threatened it, was wiped out in the toilet, and therefore grew a little. So, the author is weak...
  20. -1
    8 January 2025 01: 54
    The Jewish people, after a thousand years of persecution, defend their small hearth. At the same time, they are tossed about by the winds of geopolitical games of the big powers. All other entries are absurd and openly anti-Semitic. Out of stupidity, first the representatives of American Jewry, who follow Anglo-Saxon hegemonic reflexes, and later, out of compulsion, the Russian leadership, which is doing exactly the same thing as the Israelis, namely, exterminating the hostile structure at their borders, began to call each other names, accusing them of unleashing a war against oppressed neighbors.

    Isn't it funny? What's the difference between Banderovites and Hamasites?
    And how should Russia have reacted to the shelling of Russian people in Ukraine, to the creation of NATO military bases?
    And how should Israel have reacted to animals gouging out children's eyes?

    That's exactly how they do it! And no matter how hard the Russian anti-Semites, i.e. fools, try - they won't be able to force Russian civilization into Palestinian diapers. Those bandits, or the pathetic little people led by the bandits, want nothing more than the destruction of Israel - .

    And Russia, what about Ukrainians? No! But all those who threatened her, she wiped out in the toilet, and therefore grew a little.
    Israel is not at war with the Arabs either. On the contrary, there are no problems with most Arab states. But those who are against the existence of Israel have to be destroyed. And if they hide behind their children while shooting at Israelis, then they are twice as criminal.

    So, the author, in my opinion, has misunderstood a lot of things.
    1. 0
      10 January 2025 14: 20
      The term "anti-Semites" must be used within the framework of the Russian language, comrade.
      Anti-Semites are those who are against Semites. The rules of the Russian language are higher for me than the desires of Zionists to seem Jewish. Zionists are not Jews. They have a revived language, and the Palestinians have it from their mother and father, those from their grandmother and grandfather, etc. Palestinians are, of course, Semites. Who are the Israelis who came from different parts of the world, being citizens of other countries to learn the revived Hebrew, it is difficult to say. smile
    2. 0
      10 January 2025 19: 28
      Anti-Semites against Semites. Zionists insist that against Jews. We can draw conclusions. I will clarify that scientists defined this group of languages ​​in 1776. It was called the Semitic group of languages. There are discrepancies with the Bible. Zionism appeared in the nineteenth century, when the language of the ancient Jews was already dead. The ancient Jews were legally classified as Semites. I try to speak so that more people understand me. smile

      Zionists are not Jews.
      1. -2
        10 January 2025 22: 23
        Have you tried using ELEMENTARY logic? A Kazakh who doesn't speak Kazakh is not a Kazakh? Try to understand the difference between a Jew and a Judaist, try to understand that most languages ​​have only one word and it is closer to the concept of a Judaist. Try to understand that Ethiopian Jews are ethnically black. Try to understand that a Judaist is a religious, ethnic and not at all linguistic concept. A Jew can speak any language while remaining a Jew, he can even use artificially created Jewish languages ​​- Ladino and Yiddish.
        Try not to litter here with stupid conclusions at the level of childish formal logic. Read more and write less.
        1. +2
          10 January 2025 23: 20
          Comrade, don't make people laugh. You won't be able to pass off your nonsense as conclusions using formal logic. laughing love
          P.S. ...and not even very formal. Only if it's for children, but that's for a psychiatrist.
  21. -1
    8 January 2025 15: 35
    Russia is more likely to strike the Houthis because they have caused problems with shipping in the Red Sea, which is our main route for oil trade with Asia. In addition, the Houthis are our enemies in the conflict in South Sudan, where our PMCs in the ranks of the RFS are fighting against the government, which supports Iran and the Houthis.
    And Israel suddenly found itself on our side, because after the fall of Assad it bombed all the Syrian ammunition depots, and all of this could easily have gone to Ukraine.
  22. 0
    10 January 2025 16: 34
    The term "anti-Semites" must be used within the framework of the Russian language, comrade.
    Anti-Semites are those who are against Semites. The rules of the Russian language are higher for me than the desires of Zionists to seem Jewish. Zionists are not Jews. They have a revived language, and the Palestinians have it from their mother and father, those from their grandmother and grandfather, etc. Palestinians are, of course, Semites. Who are the Israelis who came from different parts of the world, being citizens of other countries to learn revived Hebrew, it is difficult to say. smile

    But don't pretend that the Semites are white and fluffy, they are cutthroats, if you believe their Old Testaments, and vindictive, bastards. For 2000 years they were ratting under the poor-unfortunate, beaten and humiliated, and as soon as they got what they wanted, their essence was revealed. As for the Israelis, you can't fool genes and DNA. As they say, the call of blood will not deceive, and if there are any strangers among them, then if you call yourself a mushroom - climb into the basket.
    1. 0
      13 January 2025 23: 49
      It is you who came to the Semites and kill them. And you kill the Persians. Apparently this is the call of blood. laughing
  23. -1
    12 January 2025 13: 12
    A third of Israel's population is Russian-speaking, 20% are Arabs.
    Brainwashed people, wake up and deal with the bandits on your borders, and the Jewish-Zionist-Semites will ensure the security of their state - agreed?
    1. 0
      12 January 2025 15: 40
      All that remains is to calculate the percentage of English-speaking Israelis and Arabs and we will see a new layer of knowledge.
    2. 0
      13 January 2025 11: 26
      ...and the Jewish Zionists-Semites will be...

      What does it take to be a Semite, comrade? laughing
  24. 0
    12 January 2025 18: 37
    Yemenis should not be afraid of the Zionists who insist that they are Jews, as if by nationality. Let me remind you that today Israel is a national state. The Houthis are those who do not recognize the false Israel, among them there are many Yemenis. No census was conducted. And the Yemenis have lived their entire lives with those who are today called Palestinians. Yes
    1. -1
      12 January 2025 20: 51
      What business is it of yours who the Yemenis recognize? Mind your own business.
      1. 0
        12 January 2025 21: 26
        Let me try to explain. When the Zionists unilaterally proclaimed Israel, then soon some Yemeni families became citizens of this new entity, called by the old word Israel. And they lost, already in Israel, a little more than a thousand children. Not long ago the Zionists acknowledged this fact and agreed to pay reparations. But they do not say where the children went.

        Maybe their genes are needed to convince people of the existence of such a nationality as Jews. Or for some other reason, or maybe the Houthis... In short, the topic is interesting. Can you imagine who these Houthis might be? Especially in our time of advertising and scammers. smile
        1. 0
          13 January 2025 03: 25
          According to the research of A.A. Klesov, haplogroup R1a among Arabs reaches 9% of the male population, including in such famous clans as the Quraysh clan, from which came the prophet Mohammed (aka Muhammad), the founder of Islam, and his clan is mentioned in the Koran.
          So even with the Arabs, things are not so simple; nearby are Persia, Pakistan, India and thousand-year-old trade relations with them.
          1. 0
            13 January 2025 23: 54
            Zionists are not Jews.
            1. +1
              Yesterday, 03: 02
              Nazis are not Germans.
              1. 0
                Yesterday, 13: 38
                It's good that you understand this.
                But the Zionists receive reparations for the Nazi extermination of the Jews. And the German people pay. Yes
                1. 0
                  Yesterday, 16: 21
                  Nothing is eternal under the Moon...