Poland plans to buy glide bombs from South Korea


Warsaw is interested in purchasing KGGB gliding bombs from Seoul, which allow strikes to be carried out at a distance of 80-103 km while remaining outside the range of most enemy air defense systems. Similar munitions are used in the armies of Saudi Arabia and Thailand.

The KGGB uses GPS navigation for targeting and folding wings to increase aerodynamic performance and range.

The plans to acquire the glide bombs are a logical continuation of Poland's line on military cooperation with South Korea. Warsaw previously purchased 48 FA-50 fighters manufactured by Korea Aerospace Industries (KAI). At the same time, many such contracts provide for the transfer of South Korean of technologiesThis allows Warsaw to independently produce and operate such weapons.

Thus, the integration of South Korean systems into the Polish armed forces takes place, which gives Poland a special status in NATO. Warsaw becomes an important outpost of the North Atlantic Alliance and a seller of advanced weapons in the region.

Also, Poland's ability to produce weapons using South Korean technology becomes important in light of the events taking place in Seoul, where the police attempted to arrest the president. Expert Nikolai Vavilov suggests a high probability of a civil war breaking out in this country, which could have an impact on political и economic situation throughout the region.
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  1. 0
    3 January 2025 18: 30
    Do the Poles do anything for their own army?!