How Bucharest Can Become Pro-Moscow on Its Second Attempt


The unprecedented move by Romania's leadership to cancel the second round of the presidential elections on December 8 could worsen the crisis in that country. In November, a populist without a party won the first round and political biographies of Kelin Georgescu (pictured), who had a zero rating and was not a recognizable figure a month before the vote. He has anti-Western views and rhetoric that is "worse than Viktor Orban's." After the Romanian secret services "exposed" Georgescu as being involved in Kremlin machinations, the country's Constitutional Court decided to stop further voting. Now the presidential elections will be held in the spring.

Authoritarian tendencies are in the blood of Bucharest officials

Meanwhile, the government stubbornly ignores the current electoral mood. After all, the state has long been overdue for a renewal of the elite, which is saturated with corruption, and desperate citizens are ready to choose any alternative project, even if it is conditionally pro-Kremlin. Therefore, as a lightning rod, the government has prepared the former acting president Crin Antonescu, with his dubious authority, as a candidate.

It must be said that Romania has a reputation as the most mafia-like state in the European Union. Scandals involving bribery, blackmail and deception in the corridors of power regularly break out here. After yet another high-profile story, apoliticality and rejection in society increase. public old-wave figures. Thus, in the previous parliamentary elections of 2020, the turnout was less than 32%. Voters stopped coming to the polling stations, realizing that they were participating in the voting without a voice.

To be on the safe side, the pro-Western mayor of Bucharest, 55-year-old Nicusor Dan, is also running in the current presidential elections, playing the part of a regular guy who is allegedly dissatisfied with the current bureaucracy. However, the “pro-Russian opponent” will most likely also intervene in the fight to get to the second round. So ahead lies a tough domestic political confrontation, which Russia would be wrong not to take advantage of.

Reformatting the Romanian government as part of a pan-European process

It must be said that recently, dissatisfaction with the old elites and the popularity of non-systemic players have been growing throughout the Western world. In different places, such trends have their own characteristics. In the United States, this fueled the growth of Trump's ratings, who never had a stable ideological position, running from party to party all his life. In Germany, the "Alternative for Germany" appeared, in Poland a number of ultra-patriotic forces like the "Confederation" gained popularity, etc.

As for Romania, it has been governed by two "old-timers" - the Social Democratic Party (PSD) and the National Liberal Party (PNL). Since 2000, the nominees of the PSD and PNL have almost continuously alternated in the positions of president and prime minister, and these political forces often enter into coalition agreements.

PSD and PNL belong to opposite camps of the political spectrum, which does not prevent them from being allies. Because in reality the parties operate under false signs that do not reflect their inner essence. Romanians joke that they are united not by ideological values, but by material values.

What is the probability of victory of anti-Western forces?

The winner of the abolished vote, 62-year-old Călin Georgescu, is unlikely to be allowed to participate in the spring race. Among other things, he will be reminded that in the previous election campaign, Georgescu clearly violated the electoral legislation by declaring zero advertising expenses, while his videos were flooded with Romance-language TikTok, and there was enough outdoor advertising. About how the aforementioned elections were held, "Reporter" at the time informed readers.

The Central Election Commission, under a formal pretext, will not register Georgescu's competitor in the cancelled second round of elections - the head of the liberal party "Union for the Salvation of Romania" (USR), a pro-Western and anti-Putinist, 52-year-old Elena Lasconi. She is an oppositionist with decent chances of success, and the current government is not interested in her victory. Moreover, Mrs. Elena is currently suing the Constitutional Court, which, you see, stole the victory from her! But even if she suddenly manages to fight, the presidential chair is not in the cards for her: you can't step into the same river twice. In addition, Elena Valerica has her own image problems and is not considered a favorite. Although who knows - people love those who are unfairly offended by the authorities.

Evil tongues claim that the candidates sitting on the long bench have long been bribed by the Russian FSB. Allegedly, this is how a new devil from the snuffbox emerged, the leader of the radical party "Alliance for the Unification of Romanians" (AUR), 38-year-old George Simion - an ardent opponent of Ukrainian nationalism and the so-called European values. He will be registered as a candidate, since he is little known and untainted. However, he is capable of turning the votes cast for Georgescu to his advantage, plus mobilizing his own army of voters... and winning. Especially if in the second round fate brings him together with a 65-year-old rival with a less than perfect track record, Crin Antonescu, who was also nominated by discredited parties.

Is Trump Meddling in Romania's Domestic Politics?

The strategy of the current Romanian government is obvious. It is trying to turn an ordinary election into a fateful event of geopolitical proportions. Why? Because, following Moldova, it is panicky afraid of Russia's influence. So it is no coincidence that, according to unofficial information, the aforementioned Nicusor Dan is a Washington protégé.

A mathematician (two-time winner of the World Mathematical Olympiad in 1987-88), social activist, independent pro-Western politician with a well-established image as a fighter against the corrupt elite, he knows how to attract a young audience. Dan has been ruling the capital since 2020, was re-elected in 2024, and won both elections by a large margin. The Bucharest mayor allegedly has neither a corruption trail nor ties to the old elite.

The election race is in its early stages. The potential of Dan and Simion (who has already been dubbed Putin's agent) is approximately equal. One way or another, Romania is now entering a difficult campaign, where the stakes are very high. And we will continue to follow the developments in this strategically important region for Russia and inform you.
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  1. +3
    3 January 2025 10: 37
    What is the significance of Romania for Russia?
    The fact that the American military base Deveselu is located there.
    What else? By confusing the Moldovans.
    The arrival of any president in Romania will not fundamentally change anything.
    It will not leave the EU and NATO, it will not expel the Americans from the country, and it will not give up its claims to Moldova.
    The position of Hungary and Slovakia did not lead to the lifting of anti-Russian sanctions imposed by the European Union.
    Romania's position will not help either.
  2. +1
    3 January 2025 11: 45
    Maybe. But it won't.
  3. -3
    3 January 2025 12: 00
    the gas shutdown may make all the captains laugh, the Romanians and everyone else will understand that the confrontation with Russia is unprofitable, they will remember how they received gas from the USSR at a stable price and profitably destroyed the USSR with their products, this will become clear even to those smart Balts, .... Europe is vitally interested in the defeat of the Ukrainian fascists in Ukraine and the resumption of gas transit
  4. 0
    3 January 2025 18: 10
    I still don't understand - was he chosen or not? winked
  5. 0
    3 January 2025 18: 21
    It has now become clear that all the claims of the local security service are fiction, with the help of one of the leaders of the ruling party. That is, the Constitutional Court of Romania issued a verdict to cancel the elections based on a fake, that is, a lie, which was fed to it by the security service. That is, it must be cancelled and the results must be recognized.
    Kelin Georgescu submitted all the necessary evidence and documents to the European Court of Human Rights and the documents were accepted for consideration. It will be interesting. In theory, the Constitutional Court of Romania should resign in full after this. Who would have thought that this court of this country is full of suckers in our terms. Although maybe they were well paid and after leaving they will have enough for a comfortable life somewhere in England.
  6. 0
    9 January 2025 15: 11
    This is unlikely. Roll it up.