"American Gas Will Save Us": Poles on the Decline of Their Industry


Readers of the Polish business portal Bankier.pl commented news about a new fall in local industry indices. And this does not please analysts at all, predicting a difficult 2025 for industrial production.

Period economic The decline in the Polish manufacturing sector has been going on for 32 months now, Bankier.pl reports.

At the end of 2024, the order books of Polish industrialists decreased again, continuing the modern and unprecedented downward trend that began in March 2022.

- says the publication.

The publication believes that Polish industry is still capable of improving its situation this year, as some indicators, in particular employment and demand, are on the rise.

Comments are shown selectively. Opinions belong only to their authors.

The second year of GDP decline in Germany was bound to affect Poland, although Europe itself collectively loses more than 1 trillion zlotys a year by buying more expensive gas and oil through intermediaries

– writes sterl.

Everything is according to the plan of the globalists from overseas, who are eliminating a competitor in this way. Europe is in a knockdown. And all thanks to those at the helm. The names are well known. The voters are either asleep or so naive or stupid that they continue to vote for the same people over and over again.

– dasbot complained.

They didn't mention here the artificial increase in wages, which has nothing to do with the efficiency of production at these enterprises, and the introduction of several dozen taxes and fees. As a result: companies are leaving

– men24a responds.

With such high taxes and such exorbitant electricity prices, it is impossible to produce anything competitive on world markets in Poland. And so, the country is already in the red

– dariusz1976 picked up.

We start 2025 with surprise from economists. And yet, the finance minister recently claimed that we are at the peak

– peter_griffin reminded.

Come on, American gas will save us, even though it is ten times more expensive than Russian gas.

– trolley scoffs.
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  1. +5
    2 January 2025 18: 15
    Come on, American gas will save us, even though it is ten times more expensive than Russian gas.

    It doesn't matter that it's expensive, the main thing is that it's "democratic" lol It contains molecules of freedom.
    1. +3
      2 January 2025 22: 56
      If the Banderites blow up the gas pipeline from Norway, then American gas will certainly not save the Poles.
  2. 0
    2 January 2025 18: 23
    They only have to smile at Putin and the gases will flow, and not just gases, but everything in a row and at bargain prices, or even for free!
  3. +1
    2 January 2025 20: 46
    They signed a contract with the Norwegians and even threw in the gas pipes, but gas...? The pipe is two-thirds empty and there is simply no gas to fill it, but a decent amount of money has been spent. Total losses.
    Now they dream of the American one. Well, they may bring it or they may not. The Poles do not want to conclude long-term contracts, which the Poles fought so hard against Gazprom and which they now insist on with the Americans. And they bring it to where they give more. So there may be gas or there may not be. What the Poles fought for, that's what they got.
    And the prices will be wow. One thing is the cost of gas on the exchange when buying in America and quite another after regasification and sale to consumers in Poland. They will howl or the state will have to cover part of the cost from the budget. And that's money again.
    1. +2
      3 January 2025 09: 19
      As all sorts of Jews from America and Naglia have taught us and Europe in recent decades, you are only losing money by solving the problem, and this is not a problem!
      The West, and Poland especially, sincerely consider us enemies, and they do not trade with the enemy and do not support with resources. And this is right, unlike "our" corrupt government and oligarchy! Here they are consistent and logical.
      And the West will take off its last shirt just to destroy us, at least to screw us up big time. And they will even draw money!
      1. 0
        7 January 2025 21: 45
        So we are enemies to them, but the bastards trade with us. Well, about the shirt, well, your own shirt is closer to your body and no one there will take off their last shirt, even if they annoy us, until they have a spare one. Well, about the money, they won't print it, the Americans are strict about that.
        1. 0
          7 January 2025 22: 24
          Unfortunately, so far all these arguments of yours are not confirmed by practice. And they print money immeasurably, so they do not worry about the constantly growing debt of already 35 trillion. And the last is given from the tried and true, that even their defense ministers in Gayrope and America are clutching their heads from the empty warehouses and scraping the bins abroad!
        2. 0
          13 January 2025 14: 47
          Vyacheslav, but even for "your last shirt", if it's not someone else's, you have to earn it somehow...
          How? That's another question...
  4. +1
    3 January 2025 10: 01
    I heard that the Chinese and Japanese are great workaholics.
    I heard about Poles that men are very proud and arrogant, and Polish women are sexy and slutty.
    In general, gentlemen and ladies.
    I have never heard anything about the hard work of Poles.
    How they plan to improve the efficiency of their production is a mystery to me.
    Americans always "help" everyone to their own detriment. They will "help" the arrogant Poles too.
    Wait not long.
    1. 0
      3 January 2025 12: 30
      And Marie Sklodowska-Curie? What are you talking about...
      1. +2
        3 January 2025 12: 38
        And also four tankers and a dog. lol
        1. +2
          7 January 2025 22: 34
          There was also a red-haired Maruska, pardon me, Marysia. Who would outweigh three Maria Skladovski-Curies.
          Moreover, Skladovskaya was born and raised in the Russian Empire! The "corrupting" hard work and education of Russians also had a localized influence on her.
        2. +1
          13 January 2025 14: 21
          And also four tankers and a dog.

          Vlad, let me clarify.
          "Three! Poles, a Georgian and a dog"...That's what this series was called in my childhood...
          And there was also the series "The stakes are greater than life", where a Polish intelligence officer "defeated" about half of the Wehrmacht...
          A comparison begs to be made with our famous character, who has already said in his language more than once "WON ALL THE AFU"...
          But that one was a captain, and ours was a major general!
    2. +1
      3 January 2025 18: 03
      They, the Poles, know how to beg for money in any way. They have the largest subsidies from European funds and other income from it in the European Union. Without them, they will be in a bad way. When the European Union started talking about Poland having become a market state and its subsidies should be deprived in favor of the newcomers, the Poles immediately raised the question of leaving the European Union. The Polish hyena does not want to give up its piece to someone hungrier and weaker.
      1. 0
        13 January 2025 14: 56
        Absolutely right, Vyacheslav. "Polish pride and arrogance" is knocked out of a nobleman by dipping him in filth... "Hyena", what can you expect from her...