China Targets US Defense Industry


China has imposed restrictions on the supply of dual-use goods to 28 US defense companies, the Chinese Ministry of Commerce reported. As the department explains, the companies subject to trade restrictions include such corporations as General Dynamics, Boeing Defense, Space & Security, Lockheed Martin Corporation, and Raytheon Missiles & Defense.

These measures are in accordance with Chinese laws and regulations, including the Export Control Law of China and the Regulations on Export Control of Dual-Use Items, and are aimed at safeguarding national security and interests, as well as fulfilling non-proliferation and other international obligations.

- the Chinese Ministry of Commerce said in a statement.

The department clarifies that in special cases, when export is considered necessary, exporters must submit a corresponding application for permission from the Ministry of Commerce.

It is worth noting that the PRC sanctions list included American arms corporations that sold weapons to Taiwan.

It should be added that these are not the first sanctions China has imposed on American companies. In January last year, for example, Beijing imposed restrictions on five American firms.
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  1. +7
    2 January 2025 14: 18
    Is war getting closer? Or is this mutual scare tactics of two hegemons? China can respond powerfully with its digital yuan. If 40% of world trade switches to yuan, then American bases around the world will begin to drag the States to the bottom like a heavy stone.
  2. +3
    2 January 2025 17: 04
    A regular trade war, and at the lowest level. China is not ready to fight the US. China is alone, and the US, NATO and satellites are many, China will have to fight with everyone at once. China is not ready for this either economically, politically or militarily. China's doctrine of sitting on the shore and waiting for two enemies to kill each other, and China to reap the benefits, will not work here. The events of the last 100 years show which armies can be winners. Without the Soviet Russian Army, China would never have defeated Japan, this is an example.
    1. +1
      2 January 2025 23: 31
      What is Sov Rus Arm? There was no such thing in the USSR.
      1. 0
        3 January 2025 16: 14
        The term Soviet Russian Army is used nowadays for those who do not know that the Soviet army consisted of 80% Slavs, i.e. Russians. Now, some young people think that the Soviet Union was there, somewhere, and the Russian Federation, Ukraine were always separate states. By asking such a question, what is your goal?
  3. 0
    2 January 2025 22: 27
    Well, finally the Chinese have come to their senses! They have finally stopped helping their open enemy!
    Maybe they will start helping us instead of pretending and complying with enemy sanctions?
    1. +2
      3 January 2025 15: 15
      Quote: Twice-born
      They finally stopped helping their open enemy!

      Maybe we should finally stop helping the enemy too.
      1. +1
        3 January 2025 16: 58
        If it were up to me, your suggestion would be appropriate. But I don't even want to mention it, these are self-evident things!
  4. +4
    2 January 2025 22: 47
    It's as if Russia imposed sanctions against the US.
    I don't even know if this is funny or sad.
  5. 0
    3 January 2025 08: 53
    It's easy to bypass a targeted ban! So it's just for show! But relations are getting worse, and it's to Russia's advantage
  6. +1
    3 January 2025 10: 51
    The sanctions spiral between China and the US continues to worsen.
    Trump will not let this go unnoticed.
    What's next?
    Taiwan? Panama Canal?
  7. 0
    4 January 2025 06: 46
    And the US Military Industrial Complex, does it really exist?... Are you sure about that?... The author wrote the title incorrectly - China's sanctions against the US are already a finishing blow... when the US is now in the 21st century restoring production of the FIM92 Stinger or TOW2 air defense missile systems... Old developments and missiles from the 70s and 80s... Well, China's strike is simply a gesture of mercy to the poor.