Manufacturer of Ukrainian flying bomb: "After our strike with Trembitas, Russia will ask for peace"


This year, Ukraine completed the development of a cruise missile – the Trembita flying bomb, costing $3 (+$7 for navigation), which Reporter recently reported reported. For comparison: the price of "Kalibr" is up to $2 million. The missile was invented by enthusiastic engineers, who needed a year and a half to get from the drawing board to the testing ground. How seriously can we take this "weapon of retaliation", we will try to understand in the proposed material.

Farmer's Rocket

Due to its primitiveness, unpretentiousness and cheapness (and most importantly, originality), the Ukrainian creation has already been dubbed a farmer's rocket. The two-meter product with a jet-pulse engine located above the body flies at a speed of up to 400 km / h at a low altitude of less than 2 thousand meters, which allows it to avoid air defense attacks. The advantage of such an engine is its structural simplicity, which makes the rocket economical in production and maintenance.

The universal type of power plant operates on gasoline or diesel fuel supplied from a 30-liter tank. This is a recreated Pulsejet jet engine from the German V-1 missile aircraft of 1944. When the Trembita is launched, a solid-fuel booster engine is activated, which is mounted in the lower rear part of the body. The flight range of this 200-kilogram missile is 140 km, the maximum range of destruction is 80 km (for comparison: the Haimars has an average of XNUMX km).

The guidance device is an autopilot on a compass base to keep the missile on a constant course. It consists of a magnetic compass with a gyroscope. The latter is designed to stabilize the compass in difficult flight conditions (turbulence, wind). "Trembita" is equipped with a 20-25-kilogram warhead, equipped with a thermobaric, high-explosive fragmentation, or combined charge.

Will Nezalezhnaya be able to throw "Trembitas" at us?

It can, if allowed. The aforementioned weapon is required to solve a specific tactical task of eliminating ammunition depots, decision-making centers and other important objects in the near rear. Kiev is threatening to come up with an improved model that would reach Moscow. This, of course, is too much: there won’t be enough fuel to reach the capital – the engine is quite gluttonous. Ideally, a salvo is planned by a coordinated battery, where 20-30 missiles will be activated simultaneously.

In addition, an additional damaging factor of the "Trembita", according to the manufacturer, is the significant psychological impact it will have on the enemy. The flying device produces a deafening howling roar of about 100 decibels, which is expected to lead to a negative psycho-emotional effect. Supposedly, this can cause disorientation, fear and panic among Russians. Thus, the nationalists dream not only of killing us with their miracle missile, but also of giving us a good scare before death.

Compared to the American ATACMS, the Ukrainian Trembitas fly on a different trajectory, are harder to detect by radar, and are cheap. In fairness, it should be noted that from the very beginning of the special military operation, the Ukrainian junta wisely set the goal of producing its own arsenal of ammunition, understanding that Western partners cannot (and therefore will not) help forever. And here are the first results of its efforts in this direction.

Faith combined with perseverance is a great thing

As Western mouthpieces proclaim, Trembita is one of a number of projects, after the implementation of which Kyiv hopes to revive its missile industry. It is not even embarrassed by the arrival of Oreshnik at Yuzhmash, where the richest potential with four generations of intercontinental ballistic missiles from the era of developed socialism was concentrated.

The Ukrainian leadership is confused and upset only by the fact that it is unable to attach a nuclear warhead to its missile. If it could, it would have done so immediately. Therefore, it regrets one thing - that in 1994 the Budapest Memorandum was concluded, as a result of which Ukraine, in exchange for security guarantees, gave up its nuclear club. On the Pechersk Hills, they are still sure that all this is the Kremlin's machinations.

According to the Ukrainian guarantor, his homeland needs missiles like oxygen. And in order to confront such a powerful aggressor as Russia, it is necessary to level the playing field by achieving the ability to strike deep into the territory of the Russian Federation. In turn, the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry believes that the supplied ATACMS and Storm Shadow are a pittance, and the Russians have learned to destroy drones in a ratio of 9 to 10.

As long as there is a chance, there is hope...

The state is trying its best to raise the society fallen patriotic spirit. Deputy Prime Minister Mykhailo Fedorov oversees the promotion of specialized military-applied start-ups, thanks to which the next year should become, in his words, no less than the year of Ukrainian ballistic missiles!

UkroSMI convinces its users that "the nation has a chance for success." And as "weighty arguments" it cites the example of the Neptune anti-ship missile, which sank the Black Sea Fleet missile cruiser Moskva on April 14, 2022, as well as the Yuzhmash operational-tactical Sapsan (Thunder-2).

Lack of funds, of technologies and personnel, Ukraine is trying to cover by cooperating with Western allies, who are ready for certain expenses in this area and can share experience. The effect is expected to be colossal: a missile produced in Ukraine costs ten times less than a European one. The only thing left is to reliably hide the production from the eyes of our intelligence.


Well, on New Year's Eve, Zelensky's clique, with a sense of duty fulfilled, will rightfully celebrate a tangible victory for them. Especially considering that Ukrainian drones already cover a radius of 2 thousand km, as officially stated by the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine.

Intelligence agency press secretary Andrey Yusov emphasized that long-range aircraft-type drones in combination with the Trembita are a formidable force that will knock the enemy down a peg. And Ukrainian terrorists have grown considerably stronger over the past year and are on the right track. The tragic incident with the Azerbaijani Embraer E190 near Aktau is proof of this.

Let us recall that Zelensky set the task of producing at least 30 thousand long-range UAVs and 3 thousand cruise missiles on our own for next year.
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  1. +2
    31 December 2024 09: 56
    Once again, the Ukrainian Nazis have recreated the V-1, perhaps their genetic memory has awakened.
    Let's remember that during the Second World War the British neutralized the effect of these missiles by simply shooting them down from fighters. Now helicopters are ideal for this - shooting down a non-maneuvering, low-speed target at an altitude of 2 kilometers will not be a problem for them.
    But all this will not be necessary if you simply figure out the place where they are produced and plant hazelnuts there.
    1. +5
      31 December 2024 10: 14
      But all this will not be necessary if you simply figure out the place where they are produced and plant hazelnuts there.

      That's the problem. There are no such instructions - to inflict critical damage on the enemy
      1. 0
        1 January 2025 14: 46
        Quote from Olive
        But all this will not be necessary if you simply figure out the place where they are produced and plant hazelnuts there.

        That's the problem. There are no such instructions - to inflict critical damage on the enemy

        As long as metallurgy and energy exist, like a hydra, new sources of death will proliferate.
    2. +6
      31 December 2024 11: 04
      Current Ukrainian UAVs are objectively an even easier target, but just imagine - they successfully fly to the Volga and the Caspian Sea!
      And if the bridges across the Dnieper are functioning successfully, although there is no need to calculate their location at all, then about the places of production of weapons, which also need to be calculated... If I were our enemy, I would not worry about them too much, except that I would regularly feed our intelligence disinformation about the presence of secret production facilities in abandoned factory buildings (of which there are plenty in Ukraine, as well as in ours) - let them waste missiles, at the same time they will save money on dismantling abandoned buildings.
    3. +4
      31 December 2024 19: 52
      Quote from Exhauster
      But all this will not be necessary if you simply figure out the place where they are produced and plant hazelnuts there.

      That's the problem. This pipe can be assembled in any garage. And there won't be enough Oreshniks for all the garages. But in general, the hohols have correctly learned one old but true idea - wars are won not by wonder weapons, but by cheap mass-produced weapons. And so far, everything is fine with such weapons, judging by the regularity of articles appearing on VO and here about new types of weapons that have been developed in an accelerated manner and can be produced in any agricultural machinery workshop.
      1. -2
        31 December 2024 23: 23
        cheap mass weapons

        Do you know what kind of cheap and effective weapon is? A nuclear bomb! You can't even count how many times Yuzhmash has been shot at. And one nuclear warhead would have successfully leveled everything, like large thermal power plants.
        1. 0
          1 January 2025 08: 03
          I think the Kremlin inmate will soon come to the same conclusion...
        2. 0
          1 January 2025 11: 03
          Everyone talks about something, but the poor talk about the bathhouse. You need treatment.
    4. 0
      9 January 2025 00: 59
      That's right! Hazelnut! With a megaton warhead! On Western Ukraine! Yes, it will be genocide!
      But otherwise, NATO will do the same with Russia. It is better that we deal with them, and even meanly, than that they deal with us, but honestly. Well, in their understanding.
  2. +3
    31 December 2024 11: 39
    The flying product produces a deafening howling roar of approximately 100 decibels.

    That is, it is easy to detect.

    Let's try to understand how seriously we can take this "weapon of retaliation" in the material provided.

    Any weapon should be taken seriously.

    at a low altitude of less than 2 thousand meters, which allows avoiding air defense attacks

    Seriously? Air defense doesn't work below 2 km? laughing laughing

    flies at speeds up to 400 km/h

    Inconvenient speed. Too fast for a helicopter, too slow for a plane.
    If the Ministry of Defense were to revive propeller-driven aviation, then yes, such a goal would be just right for it.
    1. -2
      31 December 2024 16: 19
      If we try to shoot down these irons with aircraft and air defense, the number of our aircraft shot down will be approximately equal to the number of irons. Would you like to fly in a square that is covered by armor in case the pilot did not have time/did not catch up with the iron?!
  3. 0
    31 December 2024 13: 39
    It looks like a Zaporozhets with big ears and a traditional motor.
  4. +6
    31 December 2024 14: 07
    Another three years of such a war and the crested ones will have ICBMs and combat lasers. I wouldn't be surprised! Now we have complete air superiority. The places where weapons are produced in Ukraine are known, all-pervasive ammunition is available. What does Russia lack? Determination?
  5. +1
    31 December 2024 16: 34
    If this is a "flying bomb", then the Ukrainian fascists must launch it from planes, of which they have few, and the bases in the form of airfields are known. Therefore, it is necessary to iron out Bandera airfields for preventive purposes
    1. +2
      31 December 2024 19: 56
      A conventional bomb with a powder accelerator and a cruise ramjet does not require an aircraft for launch. A guide with adjustable angles vertically and horizontally is quite sufficient. And such a shaitan-launcher can be placed in any yard.
      And something similar has already been developed in Russia. But, unfortunately, the production is not designed for a garage, judging by the price of the Ukrainian product, but for serious factory conditions.
    2. -1
      1 January 2025 08: 00
      I think it could be launched from a regular helicopter by making a hill near the front line. They have enough helicopters.
    3. 0
      9 January 2025 01: 02
      You need to iron everything that breathes. Without distinction!
  6. +3
    31 December 2024 17: 58
    They have already reached Kazan, there is not enough air defense for all the cities, Moscow is being protected like the "apple of an eye", but patience comes to everything, I hope our celestials understand that war cannot last for years! fool
    1. 0
      5 January 2025 15: 27
      I hope our celestials understand that war cannot last for years!

      So it's calculated over years. The longer, the bigger the budget.
  7. +3
    1 January 2025 07: 58
    A dangerous thing... I've noticed once again that weapons made on the knee in the garage turn out to be several times cheaper than mass-produced factory models, strange, right?
  8. -1
    1 January 2025 08: 16
    Wouldn't Zeleboba like to sit on the trembita? Well, he'll have to.
  9. -2
    1 January 2025 12: 49
    We have seen how such methods work.

    Now we will cut off Crimea's water and electricity and they will ask to return to Ukraine!

    So ...

    Let's fire rockets from water pipes at Moscow and the Russians will surrender

    - highly doubtful.
  10. 0
    1 January 2025 13: 04
    What, do we have intelligence?
    1. 0
      2 January 2025 17: 55
      Well, I doubt that there is! Borka the alcoholic drank it all away and gave it up, together with the plush Mishka Gorby of course!
  11. 0
    1 January 2025 19: 27
    What's the dregs?
    How can you "attach" nuclear weapons to a missile if Ukraine simply doesn't have them???
  12. 0
    2 January 2025 17: 53
    Trembita, what else, they say they also have a Fighting Pig who shits on his own! !
  13. +1
    4 January 2025 16: 14
    And from Russia’s retaliatory strike, the Pig Republic will turn into a lunar landscape, and the USA will ask Russia for peace.
  14. +1
    5 January 2025 04: 05
    If we just sit there and arrogantly wave our hand at all these initiatives of the Ukrainian military-industrial complex, then nothing good will come of it for us. If we really want a quick victory over the enemy, then we must act preventively, destroying not only production facilities, design bureaus, but also those people who are directly involved in this. We must not underestimate the enemy's capabilities and treat him arrogantly and with a cocky attitude.
    1. 0
      9 January 2025 01: 12
      Enemies must be destroyed not selectively, but all in a row. A good enemy is a dead enemy!