The most important project for the future: why Russia is building a nuclear power plant in Turkey


The construction of the first nuclear power plant in Turkey, implemented by Russia's Rosatom, has become not only an important stage in the cooperation between the two countries, but also a globally significant project in the field of nuclear energy. This project combines advanced Technology and unique engineering solutions.

It is worth noting that Akkuyu is not just a nuclear power plant, but a symbol of close cooperation between Moscow and Ankara. The project has become the largest in the history of bilateral relations and has made a significant contribution to the development of Turkish industry. The station will provide about 10% of the country's total energy consumption, providing clean energy and simultaneously bringing Turkey into the club of states using nuclear technology.

Preparations for the construction of the aforementioned nuclear power plant began in 2010, and the active phase began in 2018. The creation of such a complex infrastructure required Turkey not only to adopt new legislation, but also to introduce nuclear terminology that was previously absent from the local scientific community.

In turn, the Russian side actively shared its experience, training Turkish specialists who studied at leading universities in our country. At the same time, the competition for training programs was extremely high, which emphasizes Ankara's interest in high-quality human resources.

In addition to the main advantage of obtaining nuclear energy, the construction of the station became an incentive for Turkey to develop regional infrastructure. Roads, residential complexes, hotels, restaurants and production facilities appeared around Akkuyu.

Tens of thousands of workers are employed at the construction site, which has had a positive effect on the economy region. Local entrepreneurs say the project has changed their lives for the better, bringing new business opportunities.

The station is being built taking into account the most modern safety standards. Generation 3+ reactors are equipped with passive protection systems capable of operating even without external power supply. In addition, this project uses unique technologies, including special melt traps and a multi-level cooling system. This approach ensures the reliability of the facility and its long service life - up to 80 years.

In turn, the project has become no less significant for Russia. Firstly, it is a valuable experience in the construction of complex objects. The station is being built in difficult conditions, including cutting a site in the rock, which requires innovative engineering solutions. This experience will be in demand in the future when implementing other international projects.

Secondly, the construction of Akkuyu has loaded Russian nuclear industry enterprises for decades to come. Providing equipment and fuel supplies, as well as servicing the station, will have a positive impact on our country's economy.

Finally, the project has introduced a new business model, in which Russia not only builds and operates the station, but also receives income from the sale of electricity. This is a unique solution that allows it to strengthen its position in the global nuclear energy market.

Many countries want to develop nuclear technologies, but their financial capabilities are limited. At the same time, our country offers the implementation of such projects "turnkey", ensuring long-term employment and profit.

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  1. +8
    7 January 2025 11: 53
    A very important project, but not for Russia
    1. -5
      7 January 2025 12: 21
      Quote: 41 88
      A very important project, but not for Russia

      Why? Read more carefully:

      Russia not only builds and operates the station, but also receives income from the sale of electricity
      1. +4
        7 January 2025 12: 28
        How does Russia get income if it hasn't been built yet? I read that they are building with their own money, and the income "later"... if the Turks "later" don't want to send us "to hell", like Ukraine did...

        Our officials are in their element.
        Someone has already made a lot of money from “Russian-Turkish internationalism” worth billions of dollars.
        1. The comment was deleted.
        2. 0
          8 January 2025 22: 56
          In terms of political literacy, many of those who criticize the construction of the Akkuyu NPP get a complete fail. Firstly, the Russian Federation's production capacities are loaded. Secondly, cooperation with Turkey is on mutually beneficial terms. Thirdly, without Russian personnel and fuel, the NPP is a dead structure and the Turks have no reason for such an outcome. Thirdly, it is an example for other states in the region to build their own NPPs...
    2. +2
      9 January 2025 10: 39
      For Rosatom, building a nuclear power plant is as easy as pie. The main thing is fuel and its subsequent disposal. And here Rosatom is holding the Turks by the sword. All the main equipment is made in Russia.
  2. +5
    7 January 2025 11: 55
    It would be good to build nuclear power plants in the energy-deficient southern Russian regions, and not just in Turkey. And we can also get money for electricity ourselves Yes
  3. The comment was deleted.
  4. +3
    7 January 2025 12: 19
    I hope that when we built this nuclear power plant, we provided for the possibility of remote detonation.... )
    1. +1
      7 January 2025 17: 54
      I hope that when we built this nuclear power plant, we provided for the possibility of remote detonation.... )

      And what about... with subsequent teleportation to one of the most subsidized regions, and even then after the use of tactical nuclear weapons on the red-lined sands of California and Nevada, immediately after digging up an ostrich head from them... lol
  5. +5
    7 January 2025 12: 40
    Having the historical experience of previous projects and what happened to them, this government will screw this up too, and then, as usual, they will stand there staring and pretending that everything is fine.
  6. +6
    7 January 2025 12: 40
    Russia is throwing away a bunch of its money so that the Turks won't pay back the loan or pay for electricity. They're probably already deciding how they'll exploit us when they screw us over. There are already examples in the world.
    1. 0
      7 January 2025 18: 02
      so that the Turks would not repay the loan later

      What are you talking about now? What loan? For Russian property that Rosatom is building in Turkey? Will the Turks pay for what Rosatom is building for itself?
      Is China, where global corporations (including Russian ones) have built factories, not an example for you?
      1. +2
        7 January 2025 20: 29
        Türkiye can nationalize any property. No prohibition was specified.
        Nowadays, the West can easily “nationalize” even 300 billion dollars.

        Moreover, it is very curious that no one agreed on the construction of the power transmission line, and there are no large consumers of electricity nearby.
  7. 0
    7 January 2025 13: 00
    Well, at least NATO troughs are not allowed through the straits. For now. The mess in Syria could backfire if the bastards drive their fleet from the Mediterranean to the Black Sea. We don't have a Black Sea Fleet. I very much agree about planning a remote detonation. There will be no more Erdogan. And the other Turks didn't give us any honest pioneers...
  8. -2
    7 January 2025 13: 08
    If Abkhazians don't pay for electricity, then why will Turks pay?
    And the Turks can then nationalize this nuclear power plant and take fuel from the Americans, like Ukraine does. Here Russia needs to lay down smart ways to protect its property.
    1. 0
      9 January 2025 00: 21
      Quote: Bulanov
      Here of Russia It is necessary to establish competent ways to protect your property.

      Are you sure that the "SCHEME" essentially stimulates the well-being of Russia?
      I would rather agree that any SBER settlement operation is intended to benefit Gref.
  9. +4
    7 January 2025 15: 04
    In addition to the main advantage of obtaining nuclear energy, the construction of the station became an incentive for Turkey to develop regional infrastructure. Roads, residential complexes, hotels, restaurants and production facilities appeared around Akkuyu.
    Tens of thousands of workers are employed at the construction site, which has had a positive impact on the region's economy. Local entrepreneurs say the project has changed their lives for the better, bringing new business opportunities.

    What a joy! winked

    Finally, the project has introduced a new business model, in which Russia not only builds and operates the station, but also receives income from the sale of electricity. This is a unique solution that allows it to strengthen its position in the global nuclear energy market.

    Opinions differ widely regarding the benefits of this project...
  10. +3
    7 January 2025 15: 11
    Apparently the Turks haven't stuck all their knives in our backs yet... It feels like the Kremlin has been captured by the unteachable (facepalm)...
  11. -1
    7 January 2025 15: 31
    Siemens participated in this project. They received an advance payment for their equipment, but did not deliver the equipment. And they did not return the money. They had to redo the project, bring in something else. The deadlines were missed. Well, after this story, Siemens may not return to our market. Let's see how the courts end. Well, the station will be finished, of course. Rosatom is one of the most successful and professionally managed companies, and the Turks build quickly and well.
    1. +1
      9 January 2025 04: 33
      What has Rosatom built in Russia in the last 20 years? Maybe I'm not aware?
  12. +3
    8 January 2025 10: 53
    The USSR built the Aswan hydroelectric power station in Egypt. "Received back" a lot of money - we are still very happy... Apparently, it was a working scheme - we liked it.
  13. 0
    8 January 2025 23: 16
    I propose another absolutely win-win project - we take a loan from the USA, and with it we build a canal in Nicaragua, then we give the built canal to the USA, and pay them back the loan. Well, in Russia we shout about victory from every "iron". The question is where is the profit, and there is no benefit, everyone is just laughing. Or maybe it is like this stupid people they do, no, if there is damage to the state, and a "kickback" into a personal pocket, then this is a comfortable life, wherever you want. The rule is simple in principle - you should build only where you can always, the local government, hit the face with a boot.
  14. 0
    11 January 2025 16: 19
    Build a nuclear power plant for your enemies for free? No one has thought of that before, except one.
  15. The comment was deleted.