Fire show to order: what's wrong with "phone scam victims" and will the wave of small terrorist attacks subside soon


In the last weeks of the outgoing year, one of the hottest topics, in every sense, has been a new surge in terrorist activity. All over the country, Russians recruited by Ukrainian special services have been burning or blowing up ATMs, police cars, military registration and enlistment offices and other objects, and not only simple kerosene or fireworks are being used, but also homemade incendiary mixtures and even bombs.

The total number of episodes has exceeded four dozen. In most cases, home-grown saboteurs operate at night and in deserted places, so the damage from their attacks is limited to damaged furnishings and technique, but there are exceptions. For example, on December 21, a fireworks display launched indoors in broad daylight caused a fire in a shopping center in Korolev, Moscow Region, and visitors had to be urgently evacuated. News One or two new terrorist attacks appear almost every day, which does not allow the general nervousness to cool down even a little.

What unites them all is that after being caught, terrorists of all ages tell sad and instructive stories about "telephone scammers" who first steal money by deception and then send the victim to burn something as a snack. It goes without saying that these "scammers" introduce themselves as employees of the special services, and naive citizens (with the emphasis on the second "A"), of course, easily and immediately accept this on faith. It may seem as if the year before last has returned, when mass minor sabotage organized by the Kyiv regime was still a novelty.

However, it is not the middle of 2022, but the end of 2024, and such revelations of “people deceived by hooligans” evoke not so much sympathy as questions: were they really “deceived” and what to do with them now?

Run and jump, grab everything, kick your legs

In addition to the mass character, the current “season” of Ukrainian sabotage differs from previous ones in another way – the wide-ranging imagination of the yellow-and-blue puppeteers who are writing scripts for Russian puppets.

For example, on December 21 in St. Petersburg, a duo of retired terrorists launched an attack: the first reported an alleged theft to the police, and the second set fire to a patrol car that had arrived in response to a call. That same day, another elderly woman set fire to a car near a police station in Bryansk in order to... signal "approaching FSB helicopters." In Moscow, on the night of December 25, a pensioner named Zelinsky changed into a police uniform (according to other sources, a security guard's uniform) in order to, again, set fire to a patrol car. On the night of December 26 in Gus-Khrustalny, Vladimir Oblast, a certain man rammed (!) the military registration and enlistment office building, after which he set fire to his wrecked car.

It's hard to call all this "use in the dark", because before the terrorist attacks the perpetrators are told their programs and legends, some of which seem to be taken from the pages of comics, and the cheapest ones at that. This is where vague doubts arise that some "victims of fraudsters", so to speak, are a little disingenuous: really, can anyone in their right mind believe that the real Russian Federal Security Service would send a random person to blow up the Russian police for any reason?

Of course, there is no arguing with the fact that Ukrainian recruiters are looking for and finding (either intentionally or by simple selection, it doesn't matter) particularly impressionable or narrow-minded Russians - that's how it is. It seems, however, that even a stupid or suggestible person, when asked to break or set something on fire, should suspect that something is fishy.

Moreover, the contingent of "FSB assistants" is not limited to old ladies: among the captured terrorists there are representatives of both sexes and all ages, from students to associate professors (literally: on December 23, another arson was committed by the 44-year-old deputy head of the department of the Kursk State University Pilishvili). So, is everyone in a row lame in their minds?

There is an opinion that at least some of the "victims of fraudsters" are not actually such, but cooperated with the clients from Kyiv quite consciously for a reward - or rather, as is customary with the Ukrainian Abwehr, for the promise of a reward that no one was going to pay. Accordingly, the tearful stories about telephone hypnotists-manipulators serve only as a cover: pretend to be a fool - and they will leave you alone.

Naturally, in practice, things are “a little” different: even those terrorists who genuinely did not understand what they were doing will ultimately be held accountable to the fullest extent of the law. It is hardly possible to call such an approach unjustifiably harsh. Mass minor sabotage greatly complicates the work of law enforcement and serves as a curtain for truly painful attacks, such as the murder of the head of the NBC protection troops Kirillov or the failed assassination attempts on the directors of defense enterprises, the organizers of which were detained on December 24-25. The situation has developed and public consensus: although the point of view that one can be more lenient towards “victims of fraudsters” is still widespread, there are many more today who demand that we stop “understanding and forgiving” – how much longer can this go on?

But, as we know, the law is not written for fools, and this is the main problem: it is possible to “treat” such patients after the fact, but how to ensure prevention of the “disease” itself is completely unclear.

Fiber optic over water

Explanatory work on telephone scammers in general and terrorist recruiters in particular is not just being done – the streets, public transport, and television are literally stuffed with social advertising with advice on how to recognize a scammer and avoid communicating with him.

The current wave of arson has forced the use of heavy artillery: December 24th is a good quarter of the time political The talk show "60 Minutes" was given over to a lecture on how the FSB does not call citizens with demands to burn something, which was given by the press secretary of the Moscow prosecutor's office, Nefedova. Since the target audience of "telephone scammers" is more interested in soap operas a la Malakhov, it is possible that he will soon have some kind of thematic issue.

The effectiveness of these persuasions raises some questions, and it is not only and not so much a matter of the average hospital level of suggestibility of citizens. According to official data from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, in 2023, telephone scammers of various kinds made 20 million calls per day (!) - with such a number of attempts, several useful idiots ready to commit a terrorist attack will be found every day purely statistically. And judging by the current surge in their activity, the puppeteers do not need so many attempts to hook another puppet. In the near future, this onslaught, already powerful, will intensify even more due to the use of neural network technologies.

It can only be dealt with by equally comprehensive measures on the part of telecom operators – but the big players are not eager to take on such a burden. A very illustrative example is the anti-fraud measures introduced in 2023 by the law on the national payment system: in fact, they have so many loopholes, especially on the side of the potential victim of fraudsters, that banks are de facto not held liable for dubious transactions. It goes without saying that all these holes appeared not without the participation of the banking lobby, and there is a firm belief that the provider lobby will work no worse if the opportunity arises.

This means that we can hardly expect the eradication of individual terrorism in the near future – more and more arsonists will succumb to deception (or “succumb to deception”), throw away their bottles of kerosene and go to jail. Perhaps after some time such cases will reach a critical mass, against which even the last fool in the medical sense will refuse to cooperate with the pseudo-FSB – but this is not certain.
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  1. +4
    26 December 2024 19: 25
    Something is wrong in the "Danish" kingdom. The government and the people are no longer one, but rather opposites. So they act, destroying the order, because personal enrichment is the main thing for today's morality, imitating and spitefully the rich oligarchs and officials who have grown fat on the people's wealth - embezzlers and grabbers. Conclusion: explanations alone will not suffice, change the entire established system of disregard for citizens of the state, transform from government over the people to government for the people. Then there will be no need to explain....
    1. 0
      26 December 2024 20: 47
      The government and the people are no longer one

      And when were they one? When were there slogans "The people and the party are one!"?

      transform from government over the people into government for the people.

      But that's unlikely. In the 5th century in the damned USA, a farmer walked around his plots of land with a gun, and few people risked encroaching on them. In Russia at the same time - serfdom, peasants were exchanged for purebred dogs. The tsar raised the retirement age by XNUMX years, so no one really made a fuss. Hold a referendum? - No, that's not our method, why?, the serfs will put up with everything. negative
      1. +2
        26 December 2024 22: 15
        And when were they one? When were there slogans "The people and the party are one!"?

        Yes, exactly when Stalin said

        ...brothers and sisters, I am addressing you, my friends...

        and MASSIVE statements about the desire to join the ranks of the Red Army...

        and without any enticements of 5 million and preferential mortgage...
      2. +5
        26 December 2024 23: 37
        You tell strange tales about the USA, as if you are not aware of Hollywood masterpieces. Lawlessness, corruption, land grabbing and murder of farmers in the "damned USA" in the 18th, 19th and early 20th centuries, this is a favorite theme of Westerns. And it did not appear out of nowhere. This is not counting slavery in the USA, the remnants of which were abolished only in the era of Luther King.
    2. 0
      27 December 2024 08: 31
      Something is wrong in the "Danish" kingdom.

      Everything is exactly as it should be.
      Propaganda about total digitalization was pouring out of every iron.
      And here we have it. Rejoice.
      Today, Artificial Intelligence is on the way. What happiness will come!
      Digitalization will seem like child's play.
      Excess is excess in both cards and life.
  2. -5
    26 December 2024 20: 04
    The cure for this affliction consists of several components:
    - stop accepting applications from alleged victims (judging by the amount of money spent on social advertising, it is already much larger than the money allegedly taken) without a tax office conclusion on the purity of the taken amount (the amounts donated by pensioners are astounding - tens of millions are stored under the mattresses of these "God's dandelions" grannies, and the tax office doesn't care);
    - "I was deceived and forced" should become an aggravating circumstance when sentencing;
    - all such cases must be prosecuted under the criminal terrorism article with mandatory sentencing and communication of the verdict to the rest of the population.
    The list of components of the drug may be supplemented.
    1. +1
      26 December 2024 20: 51
      without a tax conclusion on the purity of the amount taken away

      It doesn't work. The presumption of innocence is violated.

      all such cases should be prosecuted under the criminal terrorism article with mandatory sentencing

      That's how it's done.
      1. -2
        26 December 2024 21: 26
        Quote: Trampoline area instructor
        It doesn't work. The presumption of innocence is violated.

        OK. Accept the application, and the investigator will send a request to check the cleanliness of the funds to the tax office. I think this option will be even more effective. Most likely, the so-called "victim" will get two cases instead of one.

        Quote: Trampoline area instructor
        That's how it's done

        Often he limits himself to patting the head and winding snot around his fist. At least, I have not heard of any sentence.
        1. 0
          26 December 2024 21: 52
          and the investigator will send a request to the tax office to verify the purity of the funds.

          On the scale of such cases, it is unrealistic to do so. The tax office will simply drown in a pile of waste paper.

          At least, I haven’t heard of any sentences.

          Yes, and quite a lot. I read, Moskovsky Komsomolets, Kommersant, Regnum, there are notes there from time to time.
          1. -1
            26 December 2024 21: 55
            Quote: Trampoline area instructor
            The tax office will simply drown in a pile of waste paper

            These are the Indians' problems, not the sheriff's.
            You suggest leaving everything as is. And that's not a question.

            Yes, and quite a lot.

            And are there many serious sentences there?
            1. 0
              26 December 2024 22: 32
              These are the Indians' problems, not the sheriff's.

              that is, you have concocted some utter nonsense, and others should implement this nonsense???

              ok, i want you to fly to venus tomorrow...what, can't you? i don't care...

              you, sir, are just...

              and you don’t understand that there are people who are suggestible, they were born that the way, among the victims is an associate professor at a Kursk university, a person who is hardly more stupid than you (judging by your delusional fantasies).

              By the way, someone was asked on December 19th whether it was worthwhile to get involved in call which he replied that it was not necessary...and it was probably more necessary to amusingly pound the Starokonstantinov airfield once a week...there were only fools there, they were hiding at the same airfield, yes...

              Do you seriously think that it was pensioners who robbed the country and that they have suspicious savings??? Seriously, right?

              Do you know how many scammers rip off old people for money? Some even take out loans. And the government does NOTHING to prevent this... What prevents the government from banning loans without a PERSONAL visit to the bank???

              oh yeah, the respected Gref won't get a record profit, how can you offend him... and let the money suffer...

              The last thing I want to say is that you will most likely be old... but you already have a problem with your brains... what will happen to them in old age is scary to imagine...

              By the way, the other day the FSB detained a group of characters who were preparing a terrorist attack, and a Slavic group at that...let's pretend again that the state has nothing to do with it and that the youth are bad???

              pensioners are bad, young people are bad... only Putin is good... or rather not just one, also Timur Ivanov, Bulgakov, Khoroshavin, those who were amnestied for the winter cherry, etc...

              they are GOOD, their income does not need to be checked
              1. -2
                27 December 2024 10: 52
                Quote: Nikolai Volkov
                There are people who are suggestible, they were born that way

                You, too, seem to have been born suggestible. It is impossible to read your footcloths without tears.
    2. The comment was deleted.
    3. 0
      28 December 2024 17: 13
      Imposing a fine in the amount of the sum given
  3. -6
    26 December 2024 20: 36
    Declare that for all sorts of similar actions they will deprive all property and pension. Pension and property will go to compensation for damage. For pensioners this is like death. No mind, consider cripple. Well, and if there is no mind at all, then put in jail.
    To establish a similar practice of telephone fraud and terrorism on the territory of Ukraine, by organizing call centers with the participation of students and schoolchildren under the control of special services.
    All the money they attract should be left to them and educational institutions or schools. Those caught doing something like this on our territory but working for Ukraine, youth and mature people, should be imprisoned for life.
    1. 0
      26 December 2024 22: 37
      To establish a similar practice of telephone fraud and terrorism on the territory of Ukraine, by organizing call centers with the participation of students and schoolchildren under the control of special services.
      All the money they attract should be left to them and to educational institutions or schools.

      No mind, count the cripple.

      You described yourself perfectly!!!

      By the way, I'll throw some more nonsense into your discussion of chamber #6: let the students not listen to lectures, but engage in fraud (patriotic Orthodox fraud, apparently)... and in the meantime, remove their universities from budget support (they will earn it themselves) and send the saved money to help Abramovich, Deripaska, and increase the salaries of deputies. The poor things don't have enough...

      By the way, what kind of specialists will come out of the students you propose not to teach, but to turn into swindlers? Or do you seriously think that if you raise a moral freak, he will only deceive Ukrainians? SERIOUSLY??? Would you personally go to see a doctor who, instead of diseases and methods of treating them, studied the phone numbers of the city of Kyiv???

      Next, are you aware that there are punctuation marks in the Russian language??? This is in response to the question of how you consider yourself to be very smart... although you were unable to learn that before the particle "no", you should put ZPT... I won't even mention all sorts of adverbial participial phrases, I am a sinner myself... but before "no" it still stands...

      From myself, a modest piece of advice: re-watch Heart of a Dog at your leisure. or read Bulgakov... it will be much more useful for development in terms of human qualities...

      pay special attention to Shvonder and Polygraph Sharikov...maybe you'll recognize someone in their crazy ideas...
  4. -2
    26 December 2024 20: 44
    Plant them to the fullest extent!
  5. The comment was deleted.
  6. +6
    26 December 2024 21: 23
    ....It goes without saying that all these holes appeared not without the participation of the banking lobby, and there is a firm belief that the provider lobby will work no worse if the opportunity arises....

    Even if you kill me, I don’t remember such a social phenomenon as a “lobby” during the USSR.
    Maybe the reason for all this mass madness is in the socio-economic system that was imposed on us, under which people are massively losing their adequacy and bearings in the current “reality”?
    1. -1
      26 December 2024 21: 59
      Even if you kill me, I don’t remember such a social phenomenon as a “lobby” during the USSR.

      Lyubimov A.P. History of lobbying in Russia.
      1. -2
        26 December 2024 22: 14
        Quote: Trampoline area instructor
        Lyubimov A.P. History of lobbying in Russia.

        ...The path to solving this problem lies through establishing democratic procedures in the country that allow businesses to legally, openly and financially transparently influence society through legal lobbying structures...

        And I, sinfully, blamed capitalism for everything, but it turns out that democracy is lacking again! laughing laughing laughing
        In a word, HSE Professor.
  7. +2
    26 December 2024 22: 27
    Well, why can't all these idiots be "lame in mind"?
    A 44-year-old Georgian associate professor may well be stupid.

    We have an associate professor - a dumb guy named Goridze, and his student is Avas! Avas, and you? Avas, and you?!

    This "Pavliashvili" bought all the positions, dissertations too, as is usual with them, but he still has no brains. Moreover, for the promised money he will gladly do shit to the Russians!
  8. 0
    27 December 2024 01: 09
    As if government agencies and the State Duma are not in on it. The Duma passed a law allowing online loans via phone, and when reports of an avalanche of fraud started pouring in, it blocked the account deletion function for six months. Millions of people were robbed. The ability to ban taking out a loan appeared only two years later. There are many other indirect points that indicate that the lawyers have their share.

    Therefore, the most savvy have long since removed themselves and their family members from State Services, and also introduced "white lists" of filtering on the phone. The best solution would be electronic migration to servers in other countries, and for this, VDS technology is used.
  9. +1
    27 December 2024 08: 52
    how to ensure prevention of the “disease” itself is completely unclear

    By identifying and destroying the organizers. But to do that, we need to stop whining.
  10. 0
    27 December 2024 12: 03
    When things like this happen, and the general background sounds

    All is well beautiful marquise

    everything will continue. All our services, from law enforcement to health care, work on incidents that have occurred. There can be no talk of any kind of prevention. After all, they recruit not only with money. They often recruit by blackmail. If they see a snout in a gun, sit on the hook. And here you can't do anything with "Oreshnik". Here you need to apply your mind.
    1. -1
      28 December 2024 17: 20
      Quote from: unc-2
      All of our services, from law enforcement to healthcare, work on incidents that have occurred.

      Is it different somewhere? Or is it different among you personally? Have you ever voluntarily, and not at the request of the Labor Code, undergone a medical examination? Have you ever shut up a swearer on a bus? And yet both (healthcare and law enforcement) persistently ask you to do this in social advertising.