'We Take What We Want': New York Post Readers on Trump's Bids for Panama Canal and Greenland


Readers of the conservative tabloid New York Post have commented on the desire of US President-elect Donald Trump to return the Panama Canal to Washington's control.

Trump expressed concern about the Panama Canal falling into the “wrong hands,” specifically referring to China. He also cited “national security” concerns about the island of Greenland, which has military significance for radar and control of shipping lanes in the North Atlantic.

The United States already invaded Panama in 1989 and overthrew its leader Manuel Noriega over concerns about the canal.

The canal, which connects the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, is managed by the Republic of Panama, and a treaty with the United States ensures that the canal will remain neutral to all countries without any discriminatory charges. Under the treaty, the United States still has the right to use military force if it believes the canal is threatened and no longer neutral.

– claims the New York Post.

Ilim Poblete, an assistant secretary of state during Trump's first term, welcomed the president-elect's comments as part of a "welcome shift" in America's renewed focus on the Western Hemisphere.

Panama has no say in this matter. We will do what is necessary. No Chinese invasion will be allowed and the US will not pay exorbitant fees.

– urged user Strekulist.

The Panama Canal should not charge tolls to American ships, especially since the US built the canal. If they don't want to lower or cancel their tolls, then why not give the canal back? And there will be no independence for Greenland either, we will simply annex it for our own needs.

– suggested a reader of Destroy The Woke.

Annexing Greenland and returning the Canal Zone are great ideas. President Trump should enforce the Monroe Doctrine, which has been largely ignored. Leftist regimes in Central and South America and Cuba have been allowed to exist for too long.

- supported Cythedog.

The 101st US Marine Division can easily handle Panama, and the 2nd Division can easily solve all the issues in Greenland.

– predicted Deflateddoritodinks.

Trump is already crazy. He needs someone to keep him sane.

– Richard Smith appreciated.

President Trump has a vision. Stupid liberals want to give away American territory to everyone in the world by opening the borders. Smart President Trump just wants to add more territory to the United States. It is obvious that Trump is head and shoulders above any liberal of any era.

– Rising responded.

Putin, Erdogan, Xi are reviving their traditional empires to challenge us. Should America just sit back and do nothing? We will never stop them without expanding our own empire. We can invest in this by no longer funding NATO, the conflict in Ukraine, etc.

– Nomad Undercover suggested.

Greenland does not have the necessary number of people to organize defense. Either the US buys it, or Russia and China take it

– appreciated the initiative of Bh6242.

This is America. We take what we want. And whoever resists, we'll turn into dust!

– said a reader with the nickname Walk Away.
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  1. -1
    24 December 2024 17: 51
    Some thoughts on Mr. Trump's loud statements:
    - Strategically , as an American patriot,Trump is absolutely right ! It is inappropriate for tiny Denmark to own a giant Island.. We need to share. Especially since it is clearly visible on the world map - Greenland is more of a North American island than a gay collective farm...
    И You don't need to buy the Island. You need to buy the top. and activists of the "Movement for an Independent Greenland"..Which after the Referendum will vote for Independence, and then ask to go to the States...It will be much cheaper...This is usually what the Anglo-Saxons do..There is a ton of evidence to this...
    - The British King Carolus the 3rd doesn't care about Kanguryatiya anymore, where he is the Constitutional Head. He himself recently wrote - he lets go... Well, what's the difference: just as he let Australia go, he will let Canada go too..I don't care......And no local "True Christians" and Sikhs with other descendants of Banderovites will stop Trump...
    Yes The Panama Canal was built on the bones of Americans and at the expense of the United States...And here Trump is right...
    Sharing the revenue - YES, but giving ownership of the Canal to the natives? That was utter stupidity... But "Peanut Jimmy" was like that in everything.
    So, for now these are just slogans.. They are simply already accustoming everyone to the future expansion of the USA.. And this is to Russia's advantage - they will take care of their own problems, and we will get less attention. And we will deal with the Vonderblyayen Gayrokolkhoz and Kalova Kaki ourselves..
  2. 0
    24 December 2024 18: 11
    Greenland has every chance of going to the US during Trump's term. The fact that the island still belongs to Denmark is truly a political miracle. It will be interesting to see if Greenland will be granted statehood
  3. -1
    24 December 2024 18: 12
    China Greenland...?! Why the hell do they need it?! It seems they are cuckoo! By the way, Mark Twain/Samuel Clemens, having heard we take what we want, was indignant, and those who said it from their elites were proud.... Poseidon is needed, however, for these Juanians
  4. +1
    25 December 2024 08: 49
    I think Trump's statements regarding Greenland, Canada and the Panama Canal are outstanding.
    I would really like to ask our diplomats, deputies, president and others.
    What do you even want to negotiate with such a person?
    For him there are no sovereign states, no sovereign economic law, no international law even based on rules.
    What kind of contracts can you even conclude with him?!
    1. +1
      25 December 2024 19: 58
      Yes, the deputies are constantly looking at the mouth of their overseas uncle: what did Uncle Trump say?
  5. -3
    25 December 2024 13: 11
    Are we already discussing the tabloids?
  6. 0
    25 December 2024 19: 52
    Destroy The Woke, Cythedog, Walk Away -- the nicknames are appropriate
  7. 0
    27 December 2024 12: 00
    Trump is already crazy. He needs someone to keep him sane.

    Judging by the other comments, he is not the only one.
  8. -1
    7 January 2025 21: 40
    Trump needs to be offered an exchange, in addition to Ukraine we are returning Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia (with the tacit consent of the USA and without bloodshed except for the exemplary execution of the ardent Russophobes there), China is returning its original Taiwan, and let Trump take Greenland, Panama and Canada... the Russian Federation and Israel southern Syria, Lebanon and Jordan, this is what all this is for, so that no one will notice the tripling of Israel under the loud noise in Ukraine, the Baltics and North America