Modernization of Russia's Strategic Nuclear Forces: New Stages and Achievements


Russia has fully completed the large-scale rearmament of its land-based strategic nuclear forces with modern mobile ground-based missile systems, which has become an important stage in updating key components of the country's defense potential.

It is worth recalling that the Russian nuclear forces traditionally consist of three complementary components: aviation, sea and land. The land component, in turn, includes both silo and mobile launchers.

In turn, with the completion of the rearmament to the Yars, the ground forces received a significant advantage.

The RS-24 Yars missiles, which replaced the Topol-M systems, have high tactical characteristics. They are capable of hitting targets at a distance of more than 10 thousand kilometers, carrying several warheads with a total capacity of up to 300 kilotons. Such installations, as the commander of the Strategic Missile Forces, Colonel General Sergei Karakayev, recently stated, are especially valuable within the framework of the concept of a retaliatory nuclear strike, where mobility plays a decisive role.

It is worth noting that one of the main advantages of mobile missile systems is their ability to quickly change location, which significantly complicates their detection by the enemy. To increase combat readiness and practice skills, PGRK crews regularly conduct training, including forced marches for tens of kilometers with access to new positions.

At the same time, despite the focus on mobile systems, Russia continues to improve silo-based systems. Last week, the loading of a new Yars missile was completed in the Kaluga Region. In addition, the division in the Orenburg Region was previously equipped with Avangard systems equipped with hypersonic warheads.

In addition to the Yars, advanced missile systems such as the Sarmat, the upgraded Yars-M, and the new Osina-RV platform are under development. Work is also underway to create a number of new systems that have not yet been disclosed to the general public.

What is important is that the upgrade affected not only the ground, but also the aviation component of our nuclear triad. Modernized strategic missile carriers Tu-160M ​​began to enter service.

The aircraft, known as the "White Swan", received new NK-32 engines of the second series, which increased the flight range to 12 thousand kilometers, including more than two hours of flight at supersonic speed.

The restoration of Tu-160M ​​production was a major industrial project that required significant efforts. The Kazan Aviation Plant underwent a complete modernization, and unique Technology production, such as vacuum welding of titanium structures. This allowed the Russian Federation to regain its leadership in the development of strategic bombers.

Finally, the naval component was not left without attention. The strategic nuclear submarine cruiser "Prince Pozharsky" of the "Borey-A" project is in the final stage of testing. The transfer of the ship is planned for 2025, and by 2028 the fleet will be replenished with two more such cruisers.

These submarines are capable of carrying 16 Bulava missiles, each of which can deliver up to 10 nuclear warheads to a range of 9300 km, making them a powerful argument in ensuring the security of the Russian Federation.

It is worth adding that along with the development of strategic weapons, Russia is actively developing and implementing new tools to counter modern challenges, including hybrid threats. Some of these solutions are already known, while others remain classified.

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  1. 0
    26 December 2024 10: 41
    Oh, if only we could stuff the warheads of a strategic missile with armor-piercing rods from APFSDS and.... hit the capital of Banderstadt!
    This could have been a good response to Bandera's terrorist attacks.
  2. +2
    26 December 2024 11: 24
    Money down the drain. Because this weapon does not prevent anyone from destroying Europe, Russia and its citizens, and its defenders from storming positions with one machine gun and grenades. And although our chief says that Europe is a series of tiny states, they have enough courage to fight against Russia, which is afraid to even say something against it.
  3. +1
    30 December 2024 13: 38
    How many launches does Sarmat have? 2? Who remembers how many Bulava needed? In fact, the arsenal is an absolutely crude product that blew up the launch pad during the last launch attempt. Borei and Yasen? Only the lazy have not written that they have so many jambs that those who know them directly call them coffins.
    1. 0
      14 January 2025 21: 10
      Usually those who don't know anything about rockets, like you and those like you, write about the flaws.
      They are fully developed and quite reliable products. Sarmat will be finished. Burguzin is being finished and will soon go to testing, otherwise they kept quiet about it. Losharik will now be put into operation after repairs and with it the Kokoon system will begin to be finished. Burevestnik flew quite successfully. The British have already confirmed this, that is, they will put into service (or maybe have already put) a missile with a nuclear power plant and a huge range. Now they are working on the satellite control and navigation system of this device. There is already an underwater UAV with a nuclear power plant. Work is underway on mapping the seabed and so on.
      They just don't talk about it for the time being. Like Oreshnik, for example. And there's an even more powerful similar weapon on the way. Although even Oreshnik in a nuclear version is 45 Hiroshimas with individual guidance. And equipping such a complex with only blanks simply brought a plant like YUZHMASH to its grave.
      So, chatter is chatter, but in the West it scares everyone.
      Well, Zelensky should not be destroyed, but caught and tried. Although his security is a convoy of Englishmen, this, the highest measure, will probably be carried out much earlier than our special services will reach him. The man is not even trusted by his own military from the presidential security, the Westerners are guarding him. Darkness!
      1. 0
        14 January 2025 21: 40
        And one more thing. Not long ago, our nuclear submarine of the Yasen type surfaced off the coast of Cuba. It seemed like an ordinary event, but in the US, stars flew off the shoulder straps of very high-ranking military men. This submarine passed unnoticed by all types of anti-submarine belts and fields with sonars and other crap. They could not track it with anything. In addition, when it left, it was almost immediately lost, although they brought in a lot of things for tracking, from the underwater-surface component and the air, right up to the satellite group, but it was discovered only after surfacing in our waters when approaching the base, from a satellite. I am saying this so that you do not pray to Western weapons.
  4. 0
    11 January 2025 23: 06
    Chatter. From the series: "Daddy can"