"Su-57 is not needed": India told what kind of aircraft it wants for its Air Force


India is not satisfied with the Russian Su-57 fighter jet and would like to see another aircraft, namely one of Western manufacture, in its air force, EurAsian Times writes, citing Indian experts.

In addition to the Russian Su-57, New Delhi is currently considering the Swedish JAS-39 Gripen and the French-made Rafale. The list also includes the American F/A-18E/F Super Hornet, F-15EX Eagle II and F-16.

The reasons why the Russian technique New Delhi is not satisfied with, are also named. Firstly, these are sanctions, which Washington constantly threatens for cooperation with Moscow. Secondly, India believes that the Russian Federation is not generous enough in sharing the latest technologies with it.

In addition, it is stated that the Su-57 “did not participate in combat,” which sounds especially strange given that the aircraft has long been involved in special military operations – literally from the first months, which even Western resources acknowledged.

It is worth noting that due to the insufficient amount of technology being transferred, as well as the complexity and high cost of maintenance, India also abandoned the F-35.

The Gripen E may be preferable for India's needs, as Saab is reportedly offering maximum localisation of production on Indian soil.
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  1. +21
    16 December 2024 17: 37
    You can't force someone to be nice, if they don't want to, well, to hell with you, we ourselves would like to fill our Air Force with this wonderful machine.
    1. +9
      16 December 2024 18: 02
      The East is a delicate matter - well, it's time to understand these...!
      1. +1
        21 December 2024 18: 21
        India is not the east, but rather the south.
  2. +6
    16 December 2024 17: 39
    Well, no, then no - you can't force someone to love you! Yes
    Just like in the joke: "Your Masha is a capricious girl!" smile
  3. +12
    16 December 2024 17: 58
    A US military ally is not allowed to have an aircraft from Russia.
    1. +4
      17 December 2024 02: 36
      India is no one's ally.
    2. +3
      17 December 2024 11: 36
      The fact that the US periodically tries to bend India does not make them allies. hi
      1. +1
        18 December 2024 14: 40
        This is quite a professional...
  4. +4
    16 December 2024 19: 07
    And thank God! But they will try to dance everything back, and ours will be happy.
  5. +6
    16 December 2024 19: 36
    and there is no need to offer it to them........
  6. +7
    16 December 2024 21: 36
    These gypsies are all about singing and dancing in garlands. They themselves can't come up with anything worthwhile at all. Good luck to them.
  7. +4
    16 December 2024 22: 31
    Why arm the Indians with modern weapons? Then it is unknown who they will point them at, they have been feeding everyone for a long time.
  8. +4
    16 December 2024 23: 18
    Su-57 is too much for a country like India. The face-to-face manners of the filthy people. The components of the scientific equipment are crooked and low-tech, we have not communicated with the Indians for many years. They cannot be entrusted with the production of even simple consumer goods components. Russia must communicate with them at a distance, especially, there should be no transfer of technology, although there will be no obvious harm, the Indians are not capable of training and high-tech production.
    1. The comment was deleted.
  9. +8
    17 December 2024 07: 33
    Well, let them buy from the West, let's see how they will share technologies. Being a victim and being deceived is in the Indians' blood, apparently. They wanted 126 fighters, got 36 without technologies and their own assembly. As it turned out, the Indians cannot guarantee its quality.
    We need to stop bending over backwards for them, it was a mistake to get involved with them and the PCR. If you want, take it, if you don't want, don't take it. Getting involved in a special Indian bazaar with their intrigues and dances, doesn't respect yourself.
  10. +4
    17 December 2024 08: 28
    I haven't heard anything about the Indians' breakthrough technologies in the military industry. But they want everything foreign for pennies or for nothing.
    1. +4
      17 December 2024 10: 43
      They are basically masters of pills! Well, and for fun, I suggest you look on the Internet at the daily procedure of opening/closing the border crossing with Bangladesh... There is the whole Indian mentality there!!!
  11. -1
    17 December 2024 09: 29
    Well then the Indians will be kaput... China will not miss the chance to get its territories back, and we need the MiG-41, I'm waiting for news about it, oh how we need it am
    1. +2
      18 December 2024 14: 05
      The MiG-41 will not appear before 2027.
  12. +5
    17 December 2024 09: 29
    It is simply unacceptable to squander our technologies on the Indians for pennies, since they demonstratively withdrew from this project, then let them not hope that we will give them our advanced technologies for free, there was no need to behave so stupidly and impolitely.
  13. +9
    17 December 2024 10: 10
    Swedish planes are the last century... The main goal of the Indians is to get technology. And for this it is necessary to criticize, refuse, make the Russians themselves beg to take their planes... Such numbers have worked before. At one time, the Indians rented a nuclear submarine from Russia. When it was returned, Russia had to write it off, because the Indians "picked apart" everything in it... in search of technology.
    1. +1
      21 December 2024 12: 56
      This is yet another reason not to trust the Indians and not to fall for their cheap tricks, this is our most modern development and it would be the height of extreme stupidity to take and provide technologies to those who can easily squander them on the West and appropriate them for themselves, as if this is their personal achievement, after all, they are already saying something similar about the Su-30 MKI, let them buy ready-made aircraft at the price that we consider necessary for ourselves, and if they don’t want to, then no need, we need to value our technologies and our capabilities, and not sell them to everyone right and left on very dubious terms, they had a chance to take part in the joint development of the Su-57, they did not take advantage of it and withdrew from the project on their own initiative, what can we even talk about now, they are now in no position to set their own terms for us.
  14. +1
    17 December 2024 10: 39
    Don't worry about the dirty ones! They don't fight seriously with anyone. They can do it even on donkeys...
  15. -1
    17 December 2024 11: 25
    Their purpose in life is to be elephant scavengers. So let them scavenge.
  16. +1
    17 December 2024 11: 33
    India Doesn't Need Russian Su-57 Fighter Jet

    Bastards, you've ruined my appetite, I can't swallow a bite, and I won't even mention my mood))
  17. +4
    17 December 2024 12: 27
    You can be sarcastic for a long time - but India is one of the largest arms markets. And to fly out of it means losing a lot of money. Everyone is fighting tooth and nail for it. There are enough arms manufacturers - but there are few independent buyers of expensive and high-tech products with money. A batch of ten vehicles is one thing, and a couple of hundred is quite another. After all, there is also the maintenance, which in fact results in a sum no less than the delivery of the equipment itself.
  18. -1
    17 December 2024 13: 49
    Maybe biplanes would be better? You can attach archers to the wings.
  19. -2
    17 December 2024 14: 46
    The main reason is probably that this plane is nothing special, except for the price. And the Swedish Grippen and the French Rafale are most likely no worse in terms of characteristics. The Swedish Grippen also did not participate in any combat operations, and it is unlikely that the Swedes are happily transferring their technology, but this does not prevent India from buying it.
    1. +2
      23 December 2024 00: 06
      The Swedes have joined NATO. Now the Americans will impose theirs on them, so they can resell their Grippens to India. The Indians seem to have bought Rafales, but they are not being given the technology to produce them, and they seem to have stopped buying them. The Indian Air Force or Defense Minister lobbied for the Rafales.
      Regarding our submarine. They didn't pick it apart there. They just started a fire when they were replacing the batteries from ours to others. That's it, the submarine was returned.
      And in general, complex technology in the hands of a savage, a piece of iron!
  20. +3
    17 December 2024 16: 37
    The various "Times" write little, so there is no need to be led by various insinuations. The Indians are a difficult buyer and often demand too much, but time will tell... SVO is in its third year, and has somewhat tarnished the reputation of the Russian Federation in armament, but also given impetus for further development... Conclusion: everything in the world is relative and unstable.
  21. 0
    17 December 2024 19: 22
    Indians don't understand that no one will sell them technology...
  22. +4
    19 December 2024 01: 32
    And that's good. More planes in the VKS before a big war.
    We need to think about how to provide our residents with a normal life, and not how to ensure the protection of India, Honduras and Paraguay.
  23. 0
    20 December 2024 19: 42
    India won't consider buying this plane until the cockpit has places for incense and a separate monitor for TV series.
  24. 0
    23 December 2024 12: 04
    Yes, these gypsies can go somewhere far away, let the French give them another 200-300 Rafales for a certain amount of money, so that they will be left without pants.
  25. 0
    10 January 2025 16: 23
    In addition, it is indicated that the Su-57 “did not participate in combat”...

    If in Syria, we saw how our pilots work, then in the SVO specifically regarding the Su-57, nothing is clear and for many in Russia.