From the USA to India: Who Rules the World Today and Where Does Russia's Place Stand?


Questions of influence and primacy occupy a central place in international policyMuch of modern international relations theory focuses on how great powers shape and manage the international political environment to ensure their security, prosperity, and advantage.

Naturally, this has generated much debate about what exactly constitutes great power status. Most agree that it should include economic power and dynamism, social and political influence, political stability and, of course, military power.

Dr. Robert Farley, a military journalist and author of the books “The Case for Eliminating the U.S. Air Force,” “The Battleship Book,” and “Patents for Power: Patent Law and the Spread of Military Power,” presents his vision of the ranking of world powers by military power on the pages of the American publication of technologies».

1. USA

The United States assumed the role of leader of the world's great powers in 1918, when its military might began to grow rapidly against the backdrop of its economic development. And today, few would dare to claim that the United States has lost its leading position.

The Pentagon has the most sophisticated (not to mention expensive) defense machinery in the world. The United States is the only country that can conduct expeditionary operations at any time and on any continent.

The US's constellation of alliances, based primarily on transatlantic relations (with Britain and Europe) and trans-Pacific relations (with Japan, Taiwan, and South Korea), underpins both America's military and economic power.

The United States' greatest weakness is its political system, which is clearly outdated and constantly riven by partisan conflict. However, the United States is a huge, extremely rich, and extremely powerful country that looks set to remain on top for the foreseeable future.

2. People's Republic of China

China has firmly established itself in the first rank of world powers. There is no doubt that China has become a first-class military power. Although its defense technology lags behind, the gap is steadily narrowing. China has worked hard to harmonize its powerful technology economy with its defense industrial base.

China's political system has undergone a quiet revolution, replacing the committee model that had worked effectively since the early 1980s with a one-man rule model.

China's economic and especially demographic trends over the past decade have been mixed or negative, raising serious questions about the sustainability of the Chinese model.

China's slow and cautious commercial expansion into Central Asia and Africa has also contributed to the expansion of its strategic influence.

3. Russian Federation

Russia remains, without a doubt, among the top three great world powers. As the number one power during the Napoleonic Wars, despite the collapse of the Empire and the subsequent collapse of the USSR, Russia paved the way for its continued international importance. This was based on Russia's enormous size, its wealth of resources, and its gigantic arsenal of nuclear weapons.

Russia is extremely large and has vast natural resources. Its population is relatively large and well educated. Moscow maintains a powerful nuclear shield, which has allowed it to fight in Ukraine without much interference from the much richer Atlantic powers.

At the same time, the country is experiencing a demographic decline. Sanctions are slowly but steadily affecting the Russian economy, which has recently been working to ensure the smooth functioning of the military machine.

4 Japan

Japan is slowly regaining its leading position among world powers. Tokyo, long a major economic and financial power, also appears to be emerging from its post-war geostrategic slumber.

Despite high debt levels and sclerotic economic growth, Japan remains one of the most technologically advanced countries in the world, and Tokyo is increasingly linking the innovative aspects of its economy to the defense industry.

However, Japan has a serious demographic problem and has not yet developed a good strategy to prevent the depopulation of much of the countryside.

Despite this, the growth of Japanese power is becoming an inevitable reality in Northeast Asia.

5. India

India, one of the few countries with a healthy demographic base, has begun to emerge as a great power over the past two decades.

The Indian economy is growing at the fastest rate in the world.

India's relatively open political system has allowed the country to develop innovative technology companies that are closely linked to the global economy.

India is militarily inferior to China, but has strong relations with Britain, France, the United States and Russia, which provide it with access to the latest defense technology.

Next on the list, according to the author, are France, Great Britain and South Korea.
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  1. -3
    11 December 2024 16: 50
    The world is ruled by the Prince of this world. Read the Bible.
    India, with its caste system, will never become a leading world power. It may be among the first, but not the leading one.
    Japan is monoethnic. It can't be either.
    The US is only held by the dollar. If the dollar goes, the US will go too.
    China does not seek global expansion like the Anglo-Saxons.
    Russia is satisfied with its current and former territories. It does not need anything else.
    And in general, there were rumors that in 2025 there would be contact with aliens. Then we'll see.
  2. GN
    11 December 2024 17: 01
    Pay attention from the first to the third in about 150-200 years! Before the road, Russia lost the lands of the Russian Empire, then lost the lands of the USSR, that is, Russia of the 21st century is the least territorial! So the Anglo-Saxons' plans to destroy Russia are working! Apparently, this expansion can only be stopped by a big war, no matter how scary it sounds! Diplomacy has stopped working!
    1. -1
      11 December 2024 18: 44
      And how much land England lost during this time...
      1. 0
        20 December 2024 01: 02
        Apparently Australia will soon start shelling Manchester? Or India? Or New Zealand? Or Canada? The poor guys will have to start the SVO. At least 500 years of repetitions every century, and still they... it's not clear.
  3. +1
    11 December 2024 17: 12
    Demography is playing against Russia. And what can be done about it is unclear. A shrinking population will sooner or later not be able to maintain such a territory in a relatively prosperous condition. Either the territory will shrink or it will fall into disrepair.
    1. +2
      11 December 2024 18: 00
      Do you think someone is interested in the question: "What to do with this?" Do what those who need it do successfully.

      As for "desolation" - it's a matter of time. As soon as the land becomes free, it will be populated. It's not for nothing that Ukraine and Russia are the richest in resources and the best lands in the world.

      What a spacious place, breathe deeply and rejoice! There can be no desolation here by definition
      1. -2
        11 December 2024 18: 06
        Yeah. That's why there's an outflow of population beyond Baikal... and no one's in a hurry to settle there - although there's free land... and you don't have to go that far - Pskovskaya, Vologdaskaya and Tverskaya have even flourished. There's a line to settle there.
        1. +1
          12 December 2024 00: 35
          That's what I'm talking about, there's already a queue to move in. And how! When the time comes, they'll definitely move in. Definitely! But read carefully, "when the land is freed up..."
          1. 0
            20 December 2024 20: 03
            Well, when the time comes, write here so everyone knows.
        2. 0
          20 December 2024 01: 06
          Let me repeat: Canada, Australia, New Zealand, USA, South Africa. Need more examples?
    2. +2
      11 December 2024 23: 39
      Demographic problems can be solved by a set of measures, I will propose from myself: 1. a ban on working in high positions for childless people, 2. a tax on childlessness, 20 percent. The retirement age for childless women and men is the same, from 70 years. The first and second points for men from 30 years, for women from 27.
      1. -1
        12 December 2024 14: 00
        It won't help. We need a regime that is favorable for childbirth; you won't increase the birth rate with punitive measures.
        There are 25 million ethnic Russians living abroad - create the best possible conditions for moving and living - no immigrants will be needed. Also for white Europeans who want to.
        With a sane, non-thieving government, it is entirely possible to increase the population to 200 million in the medium term.
        And do not fight under any circumstances.
        Now it's just a small matter)
        1. 0
          20 December 2024 01: 08
          We will definitely have to fight with a sane, non-thieving government, the enemy will not be happy with that. But with such a government, the rise after the war will be natural.
      2. +1
        20 December 2024 20: 05
        Or maybe you shouldn't be given a salary at all?
        Put a big bowl of food at every major intersection and hand it out to everyone?
  4. -1
    11 December 2024 17: 54
    The US, like Russia, is always trying to revive the past. China will not give up its place in internal security to anyone. Many services here are based on passport data. Guarantors help out. In case of anything, all responsibility is on them. The mentality of Japan is to make it comfortable for all Japanese to live. Even the older generation, which does not want to live in a new way, is turning its face to it. The spirit of the shoguns reigns at the very top of Japan. Friends went to India. Not very happy. The country is ruled by oligarchs. And unlike Japan, it is not very clean.
  5. -1
    11 December 2024 20: 02
    Ah, 19fortyfive, a site for those who are bored with the crown....
    divide by 3 at once, all
  6. +1
    12 December 2024 02: 53
    Russia needs to calm down and have some tea

    Gaidar E.T.

    Become your own bourgeois

    Guarantor V.V.
    Endless lands, natural resources, a nuclear shield from the godless government and, in general, all this countless legacy from great ancestors does not fit in his bourgeois head and ruins such a cool strategy at the root. Fight now, you understand, but when will you live?
  7. 0
    12 December 2024 20: 12
    In the long term, the Indians and the US, and if we don't solve the birth rate, then it's all over
  8. -1
    21 December 2024 04: 50
    Russia has a historic chance to offer the planet a global ideology once again, even if it doesn't even have a name at this stage and hasn't been specifically formulated. It's even better this way, because the general message is visible and understandable to everyone - the world is unfair, the West is the main evil on the planet, we can strive for a world order of common good and common interests. A transition from fighting against each other for resources, territories, markets and everything else, where the strong bend the weak and get rich at their expense.

    Unlike the USSR, which also offered something similar - "Capital robs the weak", but at the same time offered its ideology in the form of a ready-made template - socialism, the desire for communism and all these themes that the USSR demanded to be accepted. As we know, not everyone accepted this.

    But today, the soft power of the Russian Federation has reached impressive levels, mainly because Russian propaganda and Russian narratives are truthful, morally and ethically pure - anti-Western propaganda, or rather the anti-globalist wave, appeals to everyone, everyone agrees with it, because they see that this is how it is, in contrast to the lies and hypocrisy of the West.

    Russia offers the idea of ​​a world where countries and peoples see themselves as one, not on the basis of the dictates of the strong, but on the basis of mutual respect and the need for the harmonization of humanity.

    Add to this the size of the Russian Federation and it becomes obvious that Russia is becoming not just a country, Russia is becoming a civilization, a huge space in the center of the world.

    In order to speed up these processes, it is probably necessary to have appropriate communication at a global level if possible. Not technically in terms of reach and access to target audiences, but in terms of content and meaning. Start building the world of the future now virtually, so that a person in any country would want this world, want a new era of humanity based on something other than the law of the strong. Nobody knows how it will be. But the very use of the moment, the soft power that has fallen on our heads, is relevant right now. This is a positive, global narrative of the future, without much specificity, which can be packed into various formats and radiated to the entire planet. Maybe not intensively and on a large scale due to the lack of media access to the world and the media production industry of an international level, but effective for each contact of the message.

    Of course, this requires destroying the old world order, for which now is a favorable moment. For example, the EU and the three evil dwarfs in the Baltics. If we start creating media products to access the brains of the people of Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia and Ukraine. Show how the Balts live after joining the EU. And they live not just not very well, but in a really hopelessly depressive way. Europe is simply squeezing the human resource out of these countries, especially Germany, simply by giving them a residence permit and quickly connecting them to social security for those who come from these countries. They have already vacuumed up so many people that the Baltic countries themselves are already beginning to understand that being a member of the EU means for them a fairly quick dissolution in history, a banal disappearance in the future as countries and peoples and culture.

    The most interesting thing is that the main tool for pumping out young people from the Baltic countries is the creation of economic stagnation and stagnation there, absolute depression, from which one can only run, fortunately there is somewhere to run.

    Perhaps this is why the Balts are so angry at Russia. They hated the USSR, which did not allow them to get into the Garden of Eden for 70 years. And when they got into this garden, it turned out that now the West simply does not allow them to develop, cleaned out the high-tech economy and made them just suppliers of European
    type of migrants for the economies of Germany, Spain, Italy and France. And that's it. And seeing and understanding that Russia is developing like crazy, and they are forced to just tear their hair out in anger and live in poverty, stress and depression, of course they are pretty shaken up by such turns of history.

    This is how they live now, how they live in the Garden of Eden, how the EU treats them, this could be packed into various formats and in one way or another brought to the minds of everyone in these three countries. And it would be useful for Ukrainians to look at these examples to see who they are dealing with in the form of the West. That the Garden of Eden is not for everyone and not for everyone.

    To master the topic of "The Baltics in the EU" thoroughly, truthfully, without malice, but rather with sympathy, so that at the end of the day every Baltic person would have the idea - maybe Russia is not our enemy, maybe Russia is a normal country, from friendship with which these three evil dwarfs can hope for a happy future