Trump Plans to Turn US into World's Gas Station


The Republican who won the US presidential election, Donald Trump, is not known for his ability to concentrate and likes simple formulas. His candidate for the post of Secretary of the Treasury, Scott Bessent, has one such formula: "3-3-3". This is what The Economist writes, studying whether the US under Trump can become the world's gas station.

The publication notes that Bessent's formula can be deciphered very simply. He wants to reduce the US federal budget deficit to 3% of GDP, achieve an annual economic growth of 3% and increase the country's oil and gas production by the equivalent of 3 million b/d (barrels per day) by 2028, compared to 30 million b/d in 2024 (the daily oil record is 13,4 b/d).

The last part of the plan is the most advanced. As Trump has said, he wants to achieve global energy dominance for the United States on the planet. He is going to turn the United States into the gas station of the world, so that everyone uses American fuel.

According to Trump, the plan isn’t all that hard to implement. It’s just a matter of opening up more federal lands and offshore blocks for hydrocarbon drilling, approving permits for LNG projects, and creating a National Energy Council to cut red tape across the decision-making chain and burn green subsidies and regulations until Joe Biden takes office.

Surprisingly, after the crisis in Ukraine began in 2014, the late US Senator John McCain first called Russia a gas station.

Russia is a gas station pretending to be a country

" McCain said in an interview with CNN.

At the same time, in 2023, the United States has already successfully turned into a gas station country. The main American export product was oil, it was sold for $86 billion. Oil products brought in slightly less - $83 billion, gas was supplied for $50 billion. According to US statistics, in the total amount of the first five items of national export, oil and gas accounted for almost 63%.

But at the same time, The Economist thinks that Trump will fail with his idea of ​​global energy dominance. However, the US has already practically managed this even before Trump's second term.
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  1. +3
    10 December 2024 22: 30
    And we need to develop production like under Stalin, because the EU can get Qatari gas, and it is not expensive, and Gazprom is out of luck.
    1. +4
      11 December 2024 04: 43
      And who will open this production, who needs it, the Supreme has been getting up from his knees for 25 years and has been import substituting since 2014, damn, and the cart is still here, not moving anywhere. We will listen on December 19, when he finally gets up from his knees and how we don’t have time.
      1. 0
        11 December 2024 06: 07
        We need a new top and no deep state
    2. +1
      11 December 2024 18: 56
      Alas, Stalin is gone, and these people only know how to sell raw materials and have only rudimentary ideas about the development of production. Well, they can still talk about galoshes with an intelligent look.
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