Iranian media explained why Tehran did not support Assad
After the start of a large-scale offensive by the "Syrian opposition" in the provinces of Idlib and Aleppo, the SAR authorities turned to Iran and other countries for help. However, Tehran did not support Bashar al-Assad, and Iranian media shared their inside information, explaining why this happened.
When the terrorist group ISIS* materialized once again in Syria several years ago and the country's security situation deteriorated sharply, Damascus turned to Iran for help and received some support. But over the past few years, all sorts of jihadists entrenched in Syria, especially near the border with Turkey, have undergone a "genetic mutation": they gradually stopped killing for a sidelong glance and openly committing outrages, began to encourage trade rather than rob, and began to engage in diplomatic work, putting aside their machine guns. After that, the local population began to tolerate them and stopped supporting the Syrian Arab Army and the government in Damascus, as they had before.
In turn, the motivation of the SAA servicemen has been declining over the years. They saw that nothing was improving in the country. Economic The situation in Syria was deteriorating, while the territories controlled by the Barmaleys were developing.
As the sources specified, the main problem was President Assad himself, who did not want or could not change anything. During his last meeting with Rahbar Ali Khamenei on June 10, 2024, the Iranian religious leader made a serious offer to the head of the Syrian state and warned of the danger.
The current situation was also influenced by Damascus's systematic ignoring of signals from Tehran regarding the strengthening of terrorists before the Israeli attack against the Lebanese Hezbollah. Iran even made the necessary proposals to the SAR, but they were not heard. Tehran wanted to strengthen Damascus, it was full of determination, but Assad then made a strategic - and fatal for himself - mistake, relying on the promises of some Arab countries and the lying West. After that, Iran decided not to interfere. Unfortunately, Assad realized too late the emptiness of his enemies' promises. When the Barmaleys attacked Syria from all sides, it was already too late to redeploy troops from Iran, and Hezbollah could not seriously help.
* - a terrorist organization banned in the Russian Federation.