Iranian media explained why Tehran did not support Assad


After the start of a large-scale offensive by the "Syrian opposition" in the provinces of Idlib and Aleppo, the SAR authorities turned to Iran and other countries for help. However, Tehran did not support Bashar al-Assad, and Iranian media shared their inside information, explaining why this happened.

When the terrorist group ISIS* materialized once again in Syria several years ago and the country's security situation deteriorated sharply, Damascus turned to Iran for help and received some support. But over the past few years, all sorts of jihadists entrenched in Syria, especially near the border with Turkey, have undergone a "genetic mutation": they gradually stopped killing for a sidelong glance and openly committing outrages, began to encourage trade rather than rob, and began to engage in diplomatic work, putting aside their machine guns. After that, the local population began to tolerate them and stopped supporting the Syrian Arab Army and the government in Damascus, as they had before.

In turn, the motivation of the SAA servicemen has been declining over the years. They saw that nothing was improving in the country. Economic The situation in Syria was deteriorating, while the territories controlled by the Barmaleys were developing.

As the sources specified, the main problem was President Assad himself, who did not want or could not change anything. During his last meeting with Rahbar Ali Khamenei on June 10, 2024, the Iranian religious leader made a serious offer to the head of the Syrian state and warned of the danger.

The current situation was also influenced by Damascus's systematic ignoring of signals from Tehran regarding the strengthening of terrorists before the Israeli attack against the Lebanese Hezbollah. Iran even made the necessary proposals to the SAR, but they were not heard. Tehran wanted to strengthen Damascus, it was full of determination, but Assad then made a strategic - and fatal for himself - mistake, relying on the promises of some Arab countries and the lying West. After that, Iran decided not to interfere. Unfortunately, Assad realized too late the emptiness of his enemies' promises. When the Barmaleys attacked Syria from all sides, it was already too late to redeploy troops from Iran, and Hezbollah could not seriously help.

* - a terrorist organization banned in the Russian Federation.
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  1. +22
    8 December 2024 19: 38
    Unfortunately, Assad realized too late the emptiness of his enemies' promises.

    It smells painfully familiar... what
    1. 0
      9 December 2024 09: 34
      Turkmenistan, Armenia, Georgia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Syria,... What else and where is Russia ready to lose? So soon, with such a "successful" policy, Russia will remain within the borders of the Moscow Principality. Maybe it's time for some comrades-gentlemen to retire, to raise grandchildren? Assad fled to Russia, Where will the gentlemen comrades run? Let's face it. The fish rots from the head.
      1. 0
        9 December 2024 23: 32
        Quote: GENNADY1959
        Turkmenistan, Armenia, Georgia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Syria,... What else and where is Russia ready to lose.

        Abkhazia, Cuba should get ready for it. The Cubans will sit there for another month without electricity and send everyone and everything to hell. Without work, without a salary, without food, and you won’t be warmed or nourished by ideology.
        There is no need to predict, but in five years they will be there Americans.
    2. +1
      9 December 2024 10: 58
      Quote from Paul3390
      Unfortunately, Assad realized too late the emptiness of his enemies' promises.

      It smells painfully familiar... what

      The East is a delicate matter, damn it, and where it’s thin, it breaks. feel
  2. +18
    8 December 2024 19: 57
    It was like a complete reshuffle in mid-jump, the terrorists aren't so bad and Assad isn't so good... And the Islamists are called the opposition...
    1. +4
      8 December 2024 23: 20
      There, in fact, the population of Syria supported them, you can see from the video, even if only the Muslims, and in my opinion they make up 46 percent of the country, well, let them learn what Sharia is
      1. -2
        9 December 2024 16: 10
        There are portraits of Putin and Assad at every step, no one has torn them down! This means that the population of Syria is not for the Basmachi.
  3. -4
    8 December 2024 20: 20
    And for the common people the bogeymen turned out to be even better than Assad.
  4. +11
    8 December 2024 20: 24
    Somehow I don’t believe all these secret stories “from our people”!
    That Assad, after so many years of being bullied by the West, the Turks and the Arab sheikhs, believed their promises and did nothing?! He didn't want to rebuild his country and improve life, and that life would become better in the territories controlled by gangs of fanatical mujahideen?! Did he want to lose everything and be killed?! Maybe Assad also believed the Jews and put his hopes in them?!
    He screwed Iran and now he's making up some fake excuses!
  5. +2
    8 December 2024 20: 47
    Quote: Twice-born
    Somehow I don’t believe all these secret stories “from our people”!
    That Assad, after so many years of being bullied by the West, the Turks and the Arab sheikhs, believed their promises and did nothing?! He didn't want to rebuild his country and improve life, and that life would become better in the territories controlled by gangs of fanatical mujahideen?! Did he want to lose everything and be killed?! Maybe Assad also believed the Jews and put his hopes in them?!
    He screwed Iran and now he's making up some fake excuses!

    Tell me, why did their army flee without a fight? Iran bought them, otherwise it’s hard to understand.
    1. +8
      8 December 2024 21: 03
      Without superficial judgment, a deeper game is underway. B. Assad was "thrown" by everyone, including his allies, in collusion, he was too troublesome and narrow-minded, and the prospects with him are only eternal troubles. Now another game will be underway to divide Syria between Turkey, the USA, Iran, Israel and others who want to warm their hands. Russia, as always, is a loser, because nothing is in sight, only the loss of influence in the Middle East and military bases. It is high time for our team of chess strategists to change their "grandmasters".
      1. 0
        9 December 2024 10: 44
        It shines - it shines. Erdogan is not against Russian bases. He understands more about scales than Iran.
    2. +4
      8 December 2024 23: 11
      Who knows! Assad and the ruling elite are not an army. It would be better to ask journalist Mahmoud Abbas about this, he is Syrian on his father's side and Russian on his mother's, he knows.
      The hohols, everything is rotten, they've been stealing for 33 years, there's smoke, they oppress the people, and their lives are getting worse and worse. They even hold back money for the soldiers. Somalia, damn it! Life is probably no better than in Syria, and they've been fighting like hell for 3 years! Why?
      Because they were brainwashed by ideology and a systematized idea brought to mindless fanaticism. And Assad apparently did not have this.
      1. 0
        9 December 2024 15: 20
        What makes you think that life in Khokhlostana has been getting worse and worse for 33 years? I used to visit my relatives there almost every year until I was 22, and I can refute your words. In the 90s and 00s, it was gloomy there, just like here. In the 10s, it got better, especially for small businesses. During Poroshenko's time, I saw the best Ukraine after the collapse of the USSR. By the way, after 2014, many small businesses in the trade sector closed down, but they didn't see a single empty space for trade, there were clothing stores, shoe stores, food stores, perfume stores, stationery stores at every step, and what I noticed was that there were always people in the stores. Is it really because people are hanging around in stores because their lives are bad? And this is true everywhere from Chernigov to Melitopol, where I've been. I can't really say how Ukraine lived under Zelensky, I only stopped by Chernigov and back at night once, although my relatives didn't particularly complain about the economic changes for the worse. In general, after almost 40 years of observing life in post-Soviet countries, I can confidently say that Ukraine has always lived a little worse than Russia. A little, not much. And their villages live better, the land feeds them well. Watch less TV, broaden your horizons.
        1. +2
          9 December 2024 16: 55
          If you don't know the person, there's no point in arrogantly teaching him. I don't watch TV at all, that's first. I watch the same old accusations, I'm not tired of them, and I have no thoughts of anything more.
          Secondly, they may be living it up in the village, but you're not the only one who has relatives and friends there. In the cities, except for Kuev, definitely not.
          We also have a lot of shops, you can't push your way through them, and people are living worse and worse here. Working for a toilet and some kind of junk is not a sign of a good, quality life! People eat all sorts of crap and walk around in junk, overpaying through the roof.
          Or are you Peskov, and you have constant inflation, the eternal fall of the ruble does not affect anything?! Not gasoline and food are constantly becoming more expensive, not clothes, not equipment, not crazy utility rates that do nothing, and houses with cars do not cost astronomical amounts of money?!
          And how do government agencies, cops, prosecutors, hospitals, education work, I won't even mention it! Everyone takes immeasurable money and there is no guarantee that they will do it right with your hard-earned money!
          1. +1
            9 December 2024 18: 08
            Your retelling is straight out of the box, that Ukraine has been living worse and worse for 33 years. This is a blatant lie, you should have visited Ukraine at least once in the late 90s, early 00s, and then in the 10s, then you wouldn't have written such things.

            I don't have any relatives in Kyiv, just a childhood friend whom I often visited along the route. But in Chernigov, Zaporozhye, Melitopol I still have relatives. Also in Ivano-Frankovsk, but I was there only in the 90s. But I also have relatives in Russia, and not only in Moscow. And my job is such that I have traveled almost all over Russia, including Sakhalin more than once. Therefore, I have something to compare with, not only the capitals, where you can arrange a good life everywhere.

            We do have a lot of stores, but as a small business owner in trade, after 2014, many of my colleagues and acquaintances closed, and the number of rental offers increased sharply, and on the streets on the windows you can often see posters "for rent" of the premises where some stores had been until recently. And in trade, I noticed that people began to spend less money, began to take more goods on credit, expensive goods began to leave the shelves less often, people began to save more often. And my suppliers, quite large ones, closed. And this is Moscow and the Moscow region. Therefore, I know about small business firsthand, and when I walked in Melitopol, far from the capital, I was amazed at why they have working points at every step and people teeming in them.
  6. +8
    8 December 2024 20: 51
    Everything in Syria is over. Who needs Iran's excuses now? Let's hope that the Russian leadership will draw the right conclusions and that relations with Iran will be simply pragmatic. Maybe it's time to stop playing hugs with Iran, Turkey, and Israel.
    1. +5
      8 December 2024 21: 48
      It's all just beginning there, it seems to me: Europe will now accept a couple million refugees, the Turks will squabble with the Americans over the Kurds, Israel has got the Barmaleys on the border and they are unlikely to keep quiet; the Barmaleys have already attacked the Kurds, etc., etc. In short, a war of all against all.
      1. +4
        8 December 2024 23: 16
        The Barmaleys did not appear and do not live on their own, they are subordinate to the Americans, just like the Turks. So Israel, which controls the States and Naglia through the ruling Jewish clans, is not afraid of them. Americans They will be sent to Russia, through Central Asia, the Caucasus and Turkey. God grant that I am wrong!
        We have already been driven out of the Mediterranean Sea and all of Central Asia, and now from global influence, now the next stage.
      2. 0
        9 December 2024 10: 46
        The Turks, unlike Iran, understood this and will try to grab a bigger piece of the pie for themselves by relying on the Russian Federation.
  7. +8
    8 December 2024 20: 56
    There is some kind of turbidity in all of this, but the West achieved its goal, unlike Putin, Syria fell, Assad was expelled, everything was done as they wanted
    1. -2
      8 December 2024 21: 18
      unlike Putin

      - Are you sure you know what he's trying to achieve? I'm definitely not sure of anything.
      1. +11
        8 December 2024 21: 37
        Are you sure that he himself knows what he is trying to achieve? Personally, I have some doubts...
      2. The comment was deleted.
      3. +11
        8 December 2024 22: 05
        Putin placed his bets on Assad, declared several times that ISIS had been defeated in Syria, even hosted a parade for the withdrawal of our contingent, but as usual he didn’t finish anything, he drove all the bogeymen into one province and agreed with the Turk that he would clean everything out there, but Putin was deceived again and now he is a man who keeps his word.
    2. +2
      9 December 2024 04: 29
      Syria, thanks to Assad! Fought for 15 years!
      In Russia, the war with the West has only been going on for two years!
      By all accounts, Russia is already "on the way" like Syria! The next Iran!
      1. +1
        9 December 2024 10: 59
        Quote: Breard
        Syria, thanks to Assad! Fought for 15 years!
        In Russia, the war with the West has only been going on for two years!
        By all accounts, Russia is already "on the way" like Syria! The next Iran!

        My opinion, as a couch expert, is that Syria held on not thanks to Assad, but the main merit in this goes to Hezbollah, the Iranian guards, they fought on the ground and our Aerospace Forces and Special Operations Forces, and the Syrian army showed what it is capable of in these 2 weeks
  8. +1
    8 December 2024 21: 08
    Assad realized too late the emptiness of his enemies' promises.
    I get it! Putin and Assad are brothers! What a plot! Just like an Indian movie!
  9. +3
    8 December 2024 21: 18
    The article may not be the whole truth, but it certainly is a large part of it. Modern Hayat Tahrir al-Sham has its roots in ISIS. It is no coincidence that Hayat Tahrir al-Sham has already received congratulations from ISIS. There are complex processes there that are difficult for us to understand from afar. At one time, Al-Qaeda gave birth to ISIS. Then they disagreed on fundamental issues. Then Hayat Tahrir al-Sham had ISIS as its patron. And several years ago, they also parted ways with the leadership and separated themselves. Now modern "barmaleys" from Idlib are trying on the toga of fair fighters for civil society. And little by little, without advertising, they are cutting out all dissenters. As Shakespeare wrote, "A plague on both your houses." Unfortunately, there are more than two houses there.

    ISIS is a terrorist organization, but it is also a mafia structure that exploits the decades-old “gray” transnational markets of oil and arms trade. It is an armed formation made up of soldiers whose combat effectiveness has astounded the American military. It is a sophisticated intelligence gathering organization whose employees infiltrate enemy structures and recruit their top officials before defeating them in battle and capturing their territory. It is a skilled propaganda machine that effectively disseminates official messages created within the organization and recruits new recruits to its ranks using social media. Moreover, ISIS is the heir to an enemy even older than al-Qaeda. Most of its top decision-makers served either in the army or in the secret services of Saddam Hussein. “Secular” Baathism has returned to Iraq, but in the guise of Islamic fundamentalism, which, upon closer examination, does not seem like such an obvious contradiction.

    But the most important thing ISIS presents itself to the oppressed Sunni minority in Iraq and the even more oppressed Sunni majority in Syria as the last line of defense against all their enemies at once. — the “infidels” of the United States; the “apostates,” which are the Arab states of the Persian Gulf; the Syrian Alawite dictatorship; and the Rafidites, one based in Iran and the other in Baghdad. At the same time, as is customary in all conspiracy theories, ISIS relies on bits of truth and complex geopolitical realities to talk about a worldwide satanic conspiracy against it.

    It is also possible that Assad was seduced by the West's promises. Both Saddam and Gaddafi believed the West in their time. Both ended badly. There is no clarity about Assad yet. It seems he is already in Moscow.
    1. +5
      8 December 2024 21: 31
      Note. On the explanation of ISIS actions. Such a deep strategy can only be developed by structures with long-term experience and great potential. The Arab revolutionary world will not be able to handle such a level, which means that all these Islamist movements are the work of aliens, and the first "highly likely" are the British, they have a huge experience in such games since the times of colonialism...
      1. +3
        8 December 2024 21: 47
        The quote is from the book by Michael Weiss and Hasan Hasan "Islamic State. Army of Terror". The book was written a long time ago. About ten years ago. Much has changed. But the book gives the history of the creation of the Islamic State and the relationship between the leaders of the movement and the leadership of Arab countries. And of course, the United States provided enormous support in the creation of ISIS. At one time, Damascus also supported ISIS.

        What's interesting is that even in 2011, when the "Arab Spring" began, many Syrians supported and welcomed ISIS. Everyone was so fed up with the policies of many Arab monarchies. By the way, the war in Syria began with the dispersal and arrest of students demonstrators. Then the country's chief police officer distinguished himself with his statements.

        Of course, Assad was not the most democratic ruler. But as Academician Krylov said, "A nightingale can't care less about something birdless." Others were even worse. So Moscow had to support Assad. As well as Tehran, although Assad was strangling the Shiites of Syria. Ten years of support = already good. Now the main thing for Russia is to hold on to the bases in Tartus and Latakia. At least for a couple more years. At least until the end of the war in Ukraine.
        1. +2
          8 December 2024 21: 55
          Reply. A mass manifestation of indignation and disobedience is enough for such embers to be picked up and skillfully fanned into a big fire. This requires both money and the skill to "fan". Those who have this, again, are "highly likely"...
          1. +2
            8 December 2024 22: 09
            That's true. You need a structure, an organization. The same Al-Qaeda was created Americans for the war in Afghanistan against the USSR. ISIS was helped to create Americans. Personnel were recruited in American prisons in Iraq. Even Hamas was initially created under the leadership of Israeli officers. As a counterweight to the PLO.
            Later, these structures switched to self-financing, trading heroin, oil and other assets. And the personnel grew up independently. Modern "Idlib barmaleys" were raised under the supervision of Turkish special services.
      2. +4
        8 December 2024 21: 53
        Who provided support to terrorists was written about back in 2015
        Is the US Friends with ISIS? Another Fact
        1. +3
          8 December 2024 22: 49
          Reply. One well-known political observer G. Borovik, who worked both in England and the USA, said in an interview that Americans are straightforward and like children, compared to the English. Then he paused and added, they are so-so.. (I personally remember the interview). Why, perhaps the English are using the USA in their cunning and twisted plans...
          1. +3
            8 December 2024 23: 00
            It's hard to say who is using whom. But Americans hardly allow themselves to be used. They themselves are "oh- ...

            Returning to our sheep. Why is everyone surprised by the success of the Barmaleys and the fact that Assad's army has fled? This has all happened before. From the same book.

            When ISIS stormed Mosul, the capital of Iraq's Nineveh province, in mid-June 2014, the world was thrown into disarray, if not shock. These people, ..... had seized a territory in the Middle East almost the size of Great Britain. Just 1000 militants entered the central Iraqi city, which was defended by a garrison of 30 American-trained Iraqi soldiers and police. They retreated, leaving behind American-made Humvees and Abrams tanks worth tens of millions of dollars.
        2. KNF
          8 December 2024 23: 35

  10. +2
    8 December 2024 21: 22
    Former Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has arrived in Moscow, Russia has granted him asylum, TASS reported, citing a source in the Kremlin. He arrived with members of his family. This information was later confirmed by another state agency, RIA Novosti.

    "Syrian President Assad and members of his family arrived in Moscow. Russia, based on humanitarian considerations, granted them asylum," the source said.

    According to the agency's source, Leaders of the armed opposition guaranteed Russia the security of military bases and diplomatic institutions in Syria. The source emphasized that Moscow hopes for a continuation of political dialogue for the sake of the interests of the Syrian people and the development of bilateral relations between Russia and Syria. "Russia has always advocated for a political solution to the Syrian crisis. We proceed from the need to resume negotiations under the auspices of the UN," he said.
    What is highlighted in the quote is highly questionable. Only Erdogan can give such a guarantee. And he is a real Janus...
  11. 0
    8 December 2024 22: 16
    Ha! By inertia they blame everything on the "false promises of the West"
    what, what, it is unclear.
    and they are already starting to blame Iran. They say - it is only its fault
    He warned and made advantageous offers. ...
    by the way - he warned and made lucrative offers, supposedly also as an endogen...
    what, what, unclear

    Assad didn't listen, and it's his own fault.
  12. +6
    8 December 2024 22: 25
    Russia is becoming a haven for failed Presidents who have lost themselves and their countries without a fight and by losing their face.
  13. 0
    9 December 2024 07: 17
    Because... Who needs it?
  14. -1
    9 December 2024 08: 31
    Assad didn't want to change anything, he only wanted to live "beautifully", just like ALL his "helpers" - so he got what he deserved as a result... And of course we shouldn't have saved another "our" son of a bitch
  15. The comment was deleted.
  16. +1
    9 December 2024 10: 00
    Assad also has a house in the Rostov region? And a rake, one for both.....
  17. 0
    9 December 2024 10: 46
    Those who criticize Assad's "administrative impotence" should take a closer look at the situation in Syria's economy. The main oil fields are under enemy control, as are the main agricultural territories. What sources will ensure the country's restoration and the growth of the Syrians' well-being?

    The most radical in his judgments is he who is least informed in details.

    Experts, damn...
  18. 0
    9 December 2024 11: 55
    Absolutely, everything is the same as in Russia... Life is getting worse, the government doesn't want to change anything... Where will we end up?
  19. 0
    9 December 2024 12: 39
    Against the backdrop of the 2011-2015 war, everyone forgot that B. Assad lived in London for many years, he is an Anglophile and cooperation with Iran and Russia was forced on him. In recent years, information has been coming from Syria that the locals are burdened by friendship with the Persians, and as a result, we have what we have.
  20. 0
    9 December 2024 12: 44
    Assad's incompetence in everything has become tiresome to everyone in the Middle East. He remains an authority only for Putin, who treats incompetence with trepidation. We see this everywhere in our country.
  21. -1
    9 December 2024 13: 31
    What does Iran have to do with it? Iran doesn't give a damn whether the gas pipeline to Europe from Qatar will go through Syria, Iran doesn't need a naval base in the Mediterranean. Russia will lose huge amounts of money forever if Europe starts receiving gas from Qatar in a year, Russia will lose its only naval base in the Mediterranean, or rather, it has already lost it. We need to call things by their proper names - this is a complete failure of Putin's policy in Syria. Alas, it is not the only one and not only there. 9 years of huge expenses, victims, everything has gone down the drain.
    1. 0
      9 December 2024 14: 22
      Are you sure that these events came as a surprise to our military in the SAR? You can look at it differently, because Qatar is now striving to join BRICS and what difference does it make which side of the dying European Union you milk? American LNG, for example, will definitely go down the drain and we have already reoriented ourselves to the Asian markets, there are a lot of oddities here... By the way, we could also make a curtsy to Turkey - since we now need a counterweight to the almost French Armenia. Looking at the events on the surface - this is not about politics. About the bases - I think our and American bases will remain (after all, this is a source of income for some new government). So we'll live and see, if we're going to tear our hair out - it's definitely not the Russian Federation. I think the biggest problems have arisen for those who considered themselves the winners - decades of chaos lie ahead. All of Syria's neighbors will now not sleep a wink at the borders.
  22. -1
    9 December 2024 19: 17
    In turn, the motivation of the SAA servicemen has been declining all these years. They saw that nothing was improving in the country. The economic situation in Syria was deteriorating, while the territories controlled by the bandits were developing.

    Our wonderful, beloved guarantor of the Central Bank, like Sharikov in the cleaning, strangles this high-tech, strangles, and everything else too - he is preparing the fate of Syria for us. The legs of all troubles grow from here.
  23. 0
    10 December 2024 17: 14
    One by one, all the eastern countries will collapse
  24. 0
    10 December 2024 19: 06
    Americans created a disco in Syria, now the Saudis will obediently sell oil for dollars, otherwise the bandits will come running. In this chaos the West will quietly profit
    1. 0
      11 December 2024 07: 27
      barmalei will come running

      In Saudi Arabia, they value their well-being too much to tolerate the bogeymen
  25. 0
    11 December 2024 07: 24
    Assad is to blame for what happened. His father left a prosperous country with the unquestionable authority of a leader.
    Bashir decided that it would always be like this and completely lost control of the country.
    As a result: breastfeeding began
    Russia and Iran saved his regime, Bashar took it for granted and again did not pay attention to governing the state. We see the result