Syria, results. What will the collapse of President Assad's regime cost Russia?


So, Syria has finally fallen, finally and irrevocably. The collapse of President Bashar al-Assad's regime, delayed by military intervention from Iran and Russia, has occurred because Damascus could not hold out for two weeks on its own. What will be the price of this geopolitical catastrophe in the Middle East for our country?

Syria. Results

The long-term consequences of the collapse of Syrian statehood in its current form could be extremely serious and negative for our country. First of all, it is, without any exaggeration, a real geopolitical catastrophe. Let us recall that Syria was Russia's last official ally in the Middle East, inherited from the times of the USSR. No matter what anyone says now about President Bashar al-Assad, he, unlike other "allies", officially recognized Crimea, the DPR and the LPR as Russian.

In fact, the basis for President Putin to launch a military operation to help Damascus fight terrorist groups on September 30, 2015 was the corresponding interstate treaty on peace and cooperation. Now - that's it, pro-Turkish "rebels", who were terrorists just yesterday, have occupied the largest cities of Syria almost without resistance, President Bashar al-Assad has fled and, according to preliminary data, could have died in a plane crash.

Whoever comes to power in Damascus now will definitely not be an ally of Moscow. It can only be a creature of Ankara, which has won another victory in the Middle East, strengthening Turkey's international image as a country that wants and can solve problems, its own and others', by creating them for its enemies.

Nine years of military support for official Damascus from Moscow have gone, pardon me, down the drain. How much it cost our country is a separate conversation. In the fall of 2015, an authoritative Russian business publication calculated that 1 day of the SVO in Syria cost the federal budget about 2,5 million dollars.

As an official ally, Russia received the Khmeimim airbase and the logistics center in Tartus at its disposal. In 2017, an agreement was signed on their use for a period of 49 years. But it seems that our military presence there will not be maintained until 2066. When asked directly about the future of the Russian Aerospace Forces and Russian Navy bases in the SAR, Syrian Prime Minister Mohammed Ghazi al-Jalali, who wished to stay and cooperate with the "rebels", responded on Al Arabiya as follows:

This issue is not within my competence; it will be decided in the coming period by the new authorities.

Unfortunately, it will not be possible to remain there without the consent of the new authorities, since it will not be possible to hold these bases without supplies under attacks from the land. Russia does not need a second Port Arthur on the Mediterranean. It will be good if the "sultan" gives time and allows the evacuation to be carried out according to plan, without abandoning belongings in the Afghan style.

In turn, this will mean that Russian warships in the Mediterranean will soon have nowhere to stay unless some kind of agreement can be reached at least with the LNA-controlled part of Libya. The expulsion of Russia from Syria, which was used as a transport and logistics hub, calls into question the existing projects in Africa, military and economic.

Gas bummer

As for the economic consequences of the collapse of the Syrian state, they are not only the loss of previously made investments. The fact is that President Bashar al-Assad consistently opposed the gas pipeline project, which was supposed to connect Qatar with Turkey through the territory of the SAR.

According to this unrealized project, Qatari gas from the giant North oil and gas field was supposed to start flowing through the territory of Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Syria to Turkey, and then to Europe. Its second branch could pass through Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Iraq. The cost of building the pipeline was initially estimated at 10 billion dollars.

But official Damascus rejected this idea and gave preference to the "Islamic pipeline", which would start from the Iranian part of the South Pars oil and gas field, pass through Iraq and Syria with an outlet on the Mediterranean coast. There, in the allied Lebanon, plants for liquefying gas were to start working, which would be sent to buyers in the form of LNG by tankers.

The Iranian-Syrian-Lebanese gas pipeline was expectedly opposed by the Middle Eastern monarchies, Turkey and Israel, which had joined them, who were not interested in strengthening the "Shiite belt" in their underbelly. Soon, official Damascus naturally began to have big problems, which in December 2024 ended with the collapse of Syrian statehood, when external support from Iran and Russia weakened.

Now almost the entire territory of the SAR, except for the pieces occupied by the Americans and Israelis, is at the complete disposal of the Turkish "sultan", who once again showed the whole world how to conduct special operations. No one stands in the way of the gas pipeline from Qatar anymore, which means that Europe will be able to get an alternative source of pipeline gas to Russia.
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  1. +16
    8 December 2024 12: 29
    Because they deceived our Commander-in-Chief hi reports on the defeat of terrorists in Syria. As many as three times. And he believed crying
    1. -3
      8 December 2024 12: 33
      Quote: Strange guest
      reports on the defeat of terrorists in Syria

      The fact that they were created anew each time is unknown to you?
      1. +12
        8 December 2024 12: 36
        Apparently, he was not informed about this. Otherwise, he would have continued to smash and smash without stopping! Even in the toilet! fellow
        1. -6
          8 December 2024 12: 37
          Quote: Strange guest
          Apparently, they didn't report this to him.

          That is, there is nothing to argue.
          1. -1
            8 December 2024 12: 47
            Absolutely nothing. I don't think they reported to Him, and He replied - yes and... with them, with these terrorists.
          2. +3
            9 December 2024 13: 54
            That is, there is nothing to argue.

            There is something to object to. There was no need to pompously announce the great and final victory, the genius of PR and image. Then he would not look like this now...
            1. 0
              9 December 2024 19: 25
              Quote from Pembo
              There is something to object to. There was no need to pompously announce the great and final victory

              Quote: Dart2027
              The fact that they were created anew each time is unknown to you?
      2. +10
        8 December 2024 12: 53
        who and what created "anew" if the terrorists were initially left with the Idlib province??? where they felt great under the warm wing of Erdogan... a real geostrategist of our time (as much as I hate him)
        1. +4
          8 December 2024 14: 44
          Quote: Nikolai Volkov
          who and what created "anew" if the terrorists were initially left with the Idlib province??? where they felt great under the warm wing of Erdogan

          That's what he created. Just like the US did in the territories they occupied.

          Quote: Nikolai Volkov
          a true geostrategist of our time

          Well, how can I say it? Turkey has been unable to solve the problem with the Kurds for who knows how many years now - now the Kurds have a free hand in Syria, and the US is protecting them. How do you think this will end?
        2. +10
          8 December 2024 15: 38
          I will add to your comment that this greatest strategist of our time, like a jackal, stabbed us in the back back in 2015 by shooting down our plane. And in return, our propagandists began to accustom us with all their might that Erdogan is our friend and partner.
        3. 0
          9 December 2024 10: 11
          You are right. Ours is as far from him as the moon. Especially in terms of selecting the perpetrators. You look at the criminal cases in the department of the former furniture maker and the hushchenetovich and wonder how this hasn't happened here yet. The key word is "yet".
    2. +16
      8 December 2024 12: 40
      Well, what can I say - the great grandmaster, instead of an elegant endgame, got hit on the head with a board... And what was he thinking when he sat down to play the game - that he was playing against purely refined gentlemen? And it's not the first time he's gotten it... I wonder - isn't he tired of it? He could have at least put on a helmet or something...
      1. +6
        8 December 2024 12: 49
        Well, I was sitting down to play with my friend. With Sultan. I never expected such a trick. crying
        1. +4
          8 December 2024 12: 53
          Yeah... You might have realized by now - the Sultan is a real bastard. It would be better to sit down on the Moscow-Sochi train and play a game of preference with strangers for a little money than to play chess with this guy...
          1. -7
            8 December 2024 13: 01
            Nothing! For one beaten, two unbeaten are given fellow
            1. +6
              8 December 2024 13: 11
              They've been beaten here so many times - there's probably already a battalion of undefeated people...
        2. +3
          8 December 2024 13: 22
          Quote: Strange guest
          Well, I was sitting down to play with my friend. With Sultan. I never expected such a trick. crying

          Imagine, imagine, he never expected...
          How many times has it been said that Arabs are not warriors, they are traders. Everyone who wanted to had them since the time of Rome
      2. The comment was deleted.
      3. 0
        9 December 2024 10: 12
        Apparently he likes being deceived. It means he has to think less.
      4. -1
        9 December 2024 18: 14
        I have never heard that Putin plays chess. Perhaps he is not a fan of this game. But this game teaches you to think several moves ahead and, most importantly, for your opponent.
      5. 0
        10 December 2024 10: 04
        Ay well done.
    3. -1
      8 December 2024 15: 04
      There is no need to lie. The Barmaleys were pushed to the Turkish border and Erdogan vouched for them, as for the Turkomans. There were agreements. The Kurds were not particularly touched then either, the Americans began to intercede for them and they reconciled with Assad. So Putin knew exactly what was happening in Syria. Besides, well, don't consider Russian intelligence to be suckers. It always knew what was happening there and reported to the president.
      There, everything is still unclear. The impression is that Syria was surrendered by the army itself and part of Assad's entourage. In addition, the elders of many enclaves declared that they accepted neutrality. Why did Iran not intervene for Assad, when it supported him through its proxies?
      There is some kind of multi-move going on there. And our president is calm. We'll live and see.
      Time will pass and we will find out what and how.
      1. +10
        8 December 2024 15: 23
        Well, the president is always calm when he gets another knife, or rather a kick in the back, then he sits quietly, waits until everything calms down
      2. +8
        8 December 2024 15: 34
        Totally agree! drinks Our President is always calm! Yes Nothing can disturb his calm. negative to reach those mountain peaks where his power of thought hovers negative the minds of earthly people have not yet reached the level of understanding of our President! fellow
      3. +10
        8 December 2024 15: 42
        Lately we are learning more and more - Armenia, Kazakhstan, Abkhazia, Syria, Serbia......
        As Gagarin said: LET'S GO!!! hi
        1. +5
          8 December 2024 16: 36
          Abkhazia is superfluous in this number...whatever the shady dealings may be, they are not anti-Russian...they cannot have any other patrons except Russia, because everyone else considers it Georgian territory...

          unless Erdogan gets cunning again...and he might
        2. -5
          8 December 2024 18: 36
          That is why it is necessary to break the back of the root cause of the chaos in the world - the USA, and coddling every capricious neighbor will not solve the problem radically.
          1. +1
            8 December 2024 18: 56
            But how can you break the back of a hegemon that has the overwhelming majority of trump cards in the world? Therefore, the back must be broken over time through the dollar and an alternative to the global economic system of the Anglo-Saxons. And this takes a long time, so you will have to endure it for a long time.
            1. +1
              8 December 2024 19: 09
              So, to break it, you need authority, support from the world community, they won’t support a wimp - the loss of bases in Syria (especially if US bases remain there) - the loss of authority, which only began to be developed with the beginning of the SVO.
            2. +10
              8 December 2024 22: 57
              Quote: Irokez
              But how can you break the back of a hegemon who has the overwhelming majority of trump cards in the world?

              All the vice..., all the former Yeltsin's, have long been in the States and Europe with their households, having successfully stolen under the wing of the "hegemon" in Russia. "Rodniny", being deputies, did not refuse the green card, the property and accounts of those in power are abroad. Who will break the back there?
              At this rate, Putin's entourage will soon surrender just like Assad.

              Therefore, the backbone must be broken over the long term through the dollar and an alternative to the global economic system of the Anglo-Saxons.

              Through the dollar? So all Putin's buddies, "Sechins, Millers, Deribasks" etc. even have their salaries in dollars. We import 70-90% of the seed fund, 70-80% of medicines, 90% of medical equipment, I won't even mention cars, machine tools, etc.
              Will they sell it for rubles or yuan?

              Quote: Irokez
              And this takes a long time, so you will have to endure it for a long time.

              Our people can do this, the school is good. But for how long???
              1. -6
                8 December 2024 23: 00
                Not all at once. Moscow was not built in a day.
                1. +1
                  8 December 2024 23: 02
                  Quote: Irokez
                  Not all at once. Moscow was not built in a day.

                  Well, yes! Communism was expected in the 80s. laughing
            3. +2
              9 December 2024 10: 24
              This is a long time and the people will have to endure it for a long time, tighten their belts and endure it... The main thing is that the "breakers of this world hegemon" are doing well financially, both during their friendship with the hegemon while he is leading them by the nose, and after their "epiphany"
      4. +9
        8 December 2024 16: 34
        Well, Russian intelligence, yes, it knew exactly what was going on in Syria...

        and before that in Ukraine, and before the Kursk invasion on the Sumy border... and the intelligence knew, and he himself knew... it's just a cunning plan... Syria will freeze in the winter and come crawling back... yes, yes, that's exactly how it will be...
      5. +1
        10 December 2024 10: 05
        That's it...everything is quiet and calm here, like in a cemetery
    4. +5
      8 December 2024 16: 27
      Because they deceived our Commander-in-Chief

      Ah, tricking me is not difficult
      I am glad to deceive myself.
    5. +3
      8 December 2024 18: 42
      These fables are of no interest to anyone anymore. They deceived us with the Minsk agreements, and now with Syria (as many as three times).
      1. +10
        8 December 2024 19: 39
        Yes, not three times, but rather thirty-three times through ... they threw.
        A complete scam, to say the least.
        The Tobacco Case.
        But every single day there are Forums: sometimes in St. Petersburg, sometimes in Valdai, sometimes in Vladivostok.
        Yaroslavna's lament for the German auto industry, and other "chatter".
        1. 0
          9 December 2024 14: 02
          After our auto industry fell by 22% in April 98 and recovered only to 46,5% in 23 from the 21 level, we can only mourn the German auto industry.
      2. 0
        9 December 2024 22: 12
        Well, of course, they deceived us in Minsk. They deceived us about four new regions. And they deceived us about Syria not three times, but twice (about the naval logistics center and the air base), since the new authorities have already declared that they want to have normal relations with Russia. They didn't touch the embassy and aren't going anywhere near the bases. The arguments of the anti-Russian manual that Putin has screwed everything up and that it's a disaster, a disaster, a disaster, need to be more subtly and cleverly implanted into the consciousness of Russian people. And there was no need to rush. They should have waited three or four days, maybe there would have been grounds to shout disaster, disaster. But so far there is no sign of that for Russia. It's a disaster for Assad, but not for Russia. And you continue to follow Navalny's advice - "don't analyze or check, just spread."
    6. +4
      9 December 2024 10: 21
      How gullible he is, someone is always leading him by the nose... And then the population pays for these delusions.
  2. +7
    8 December 2024 12: 36
    Ankara's creature, which has won another victory in the Middle East

    There is another question here - to what extent does Erdogan actually control this entire Barmaley gang... what
  3. The comment was deleted.
    1. -4
      8 December 2024 12: 51
      If to the origins - then to the Monarch. In any case, it existed longer than the Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars. Yes
  4. +3
    8 December 2024 12: 38
    The fact is that President Bashar al-Assad has consistently spoken out against the gas pipeline project, which was supposed to connect Qatar with Turkey through the territory of the SAR.

    Only under Assad was such a gas pipeline possible. Now, with the end of Syrian statehood, the construction of such a gas pipeline has the same chances as through Afghanistan.
    1. +1
      8 December 2024 18: 04
      If it had been possible under Assad, there would not have been this war. There would not have been disagreements between Syria and Turkey. Now Syria, or rather its resources, will be divided up
    2. +1
      9 December 2024 02: 43
      Quote: Colonel Kudasov
      The fact is that President Bashar al-Assad has consistently spoken out against the gas pipeline project, which was supposed to connect Qatar with Turkey through the territory of the SAR.

      Only under Assad was such a gas pipeline possible. Now, with the end of Syrian statehood, the construction of such a gas pipeline has the same chances as through Afghanistan.

      It seems to me that a second Somalia is about to begin there. There will be no time for gas pipelines.
  5. +9
    8 December 2024 12: 43
    This can only be a creature of Ankara, which has achieved another victory in the Middle East, strengthening Turkey's international image as a country

    Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan
    signed a new law
    All Turkish citizens who have reached 65 years of age
    are provided
    private home,
    free health insurance,
    $300 monthly allowance for life from the Turkish government

    Terrorists get a salary of 300 USD, while Assad's army gets 40 USD. When Putin drove all the terrorists to Idlib and didn't destroy them, but came to an agreement with Erdogan, what was he thinking? When all the oil is in the Kurds and the Americans' hands, and what should the Syrian economy be based on? Did Putin think about that? An ignoramus is an ignoramus. In chess, you have to think, not just move the pieces.
    1. +14
      8 December 2024 13: 22
      Do you think Putin didn't understand something?
      The tactics are exactly the same as Gorby's in the late 80s. He, too, was ultimately deceived.
      1. +2
        9 December 2024 10: 26
        The main thing is that some are being led by the nose, while the lives of others are getting worse. (And for these gullible people everything is always good)
    2. 0
      8 December 2024 14: 47
      Quote: steel maker
      Putin drove all the terrorists to Idlib and did not destroy them, but made an agreement with Erdogan, what was he thinking

      That it is of course possible to start a war with Turkey in Syria, but how can we fight it if it has a land border with Syria, and we need to deliver everything by sea
    3. -11
      8 December 2024 15: 11
      It was not Putin who should have thought, but Assad. Putin is the president of Russia, not Syria. Our people in Syria have done everything that was necessary, as the president of Syria asked, and then it was up to him.
      And because many of you here are "carried away" against Putin, many of you do not live in Russia or have fled it. Well, I think that some of those here are simply writing for grants, raising a wave against the Russian president. He is successful and has raised the country, and many of you are simply nobodies.
      1. +11
        8 December 2024 15: 37
        Quote: svoroponov
        It should have been Assad, not Putin, who was thinking... raising a wave against the Russian president. He is successful and has raised the country.

        You are wrong. A boss must always think.

        And I don't give a damn who is "successful" and who is not. What is important to me is that Russia is successful.
        I will gladly agree if they explain to me what benefits Russia has achieved in Syria over the past 10 years? Why did Russian soldiers die there?

        Criticize the author instead and don't bother collecting information about where each commentator lives. It's none of your business! Those who are supposed to know, know.
      2. +10
        8 December 2024 16: 39
        He is successful and has raised the country.

        raised the country to where? to an unprecedented rate of extinction of the indigenous population and its replacement by migrants???

        here yes, no questions...

        400 loss of the indigenous population in 000 months of 10 is an indicator of a “raised” state...

        and you can't blame it on Lenin or Covid...
        1. +2
          8 December 2024 18: 45
          Well, yes, he could have tried like Durov - there would have been willing women, just pay.
      3. +6
        8 December 2024 19: 56
        Are you a fan of vermicelli?
        There is no need to repeat hackneyed phrases.
        This is just a propaganda fake about kneeling and rising from the knees.
        They judge by actions, not by chatter.
        The President of the Russian Federation, V. Putin, served in the KGB of the USSR, which he always boasts about.
        If he had worked as a janitor at Lenkommunkhoz, his mistakes and errors could have been forgiven.
      4. +3
        9 December 2024 10: 28
        Of course he is successful, they have been leading him by the nose for years, and he is more and more successful. Well, apparently he can only be loved selflessly, and not loved exclusively for grants, since it is impossible to admit that there could be another opinion!
      5. +2
        9 December 2024 14: 19
        He is successful and raised the country, and you, many of you, are just nobodies.

        You don't go to the store? You don't look at your payment receipts? You're not among the 48000 who donated genetic material to identify relatives missing in the SVO? Are you a TV?
      6. 0
        11 December 2024 05: 00
        It should have been Assad, not Putin. Putin is the president of Russia, not Syria...

        Well, the bases in Syria are OURS, not Syrian! The geopolitical interest is OURS! We should have been concerned about the future of our presence there.
        What were the options? Even kicking Assad's generals so that they don't relax, but engage in combat and political training with personnel, so that they master drones, pass on our experience of modern warfare to them... Yes, we should take care of this first and foremost, and not rely on Assad.
        The same with Ukraine. They traded, ate and drank, had fun, while nationalism was in full bloom there.
  6. +12
    8 December 2024 12: 47
    In one of the many articles about the situation in Syria in recent days, I drew attention to the following information: the author claimed that in many parts of the Syrian government army, they had not been issuing salaries for 4 months. This is only possible in two cases:
    1. There is nothing left to pay with, that is, the Assad regime was already bankrupt, and as has long been known, if the pan-ataman has no gold reserves, then what kind of pan-ataman is he?
    2. There was no longer any point in paying. I don't know about Bashar himself, he could have been nothing more than a representative figure, a sort of figurehead chairman, but someone from the Assad clan, having calculated all the odds well in advance, began milking not just the lion's share of the Syrian budget, but put it all into his own pocket. They milked as much as they could, and then "went into cash", disappeared from the radar, surrendering the plundered country without a fight. And of course, a considerable part of what was "honestly" stolen was Russian financial aid. Well, at least someone was able to enjoy playing geostrategy. It would have been better if this someone had launched some toy on his computer, he is clearly not mature enough for a real platform. At least once, by chance, he would have bet on the right horse, but no, he unerringly chooses the most pathetic nag - Yanukovych ... Medvedchuk ... Assad ... Does he have a nose for such people? Or some kind of attraction to losers?
    1. +7
      8 December 2024 13: 03
      You should choose girlfriends who are scarier than you. Folk wisdom Yes
    2. +2
      8 December 2024 18: 49
      I will continue your thought - state money will return to Russia and settle in personal pockets. At the same time, why do they need to go to Russia - a big pocket needs a big voyage.
    3. +3
      9 December 2024 10: 30
      Or maybe it's your own interest? Things are done, and then the people are told how the enemies deceived them 100500 times
    4. +1
      11 December 2024 05: 04
      UAZ 452 Yes, it seems like Verkhovodny chooses based on the principle of personal loyalty (or based on how well the “partners” portray this loyalty).
  7. +1
    8 December 2024 12: 50
    13 years of war. What awaits Syria? Peace or further military showdowns? No one can answer this question now.
    1. +16
      8 December 2024 13: 24
      Quote from: unc-2
      13 years of war. What awaits Syria?

      The same as Libya and Afghanistan
      1. 0
        8 December 2024 15: 37
        I am not a prophet. The future will show.
  8. +3
    8 December 2024 13: 07
    Everything is said correctly. Then, as usual, division and all the undesirables on their knees, someone's head will be cut off, someone will lose everything. No need to guess, everything is clear that the Jews, Turks, Anglo-Saxons will apply combined forces to expel Russia from the Mediterranean Sea, to deprive the RF of military bases in Syria. The only hope is for the Arabs, that they will not expel the Russians, many still have memories of the Soviet Union.
    1. +16
      8 December 2024 14: 04
      Quote: vlad127490
      The only hope for the Arabs is that they will not expel the Russians; many still have memories of the Soviet Union.

      Today's Russia is not the Soviet Union.
      1. +6
        8 December 2024 16: 42
        and the wrong Arabs came to power...they have already replaced the red stripe on the flag with a green one...they are religious fanatics...

        What do they have to do with the Soviet Union? About the same as Bin Laden's fighters
  9. +3
    8 December 2024 14: 02
    Yes, of course it would be a shame if we lost the bases.
    1. +6
      8 December 2024 16: 43
      on the other hand, now there is someone to rotate at least the combat personnel of pilots to carry out missions in Ukraine...

      It's true that the level of the pilots from there is not clear...they worked there without active counteraction from air defense
    2. +5
      9 December 2024 10: 32
      Well, this is not the first base that Russia has lost during VVP's rule (Cuba, Vietnam, etc.)
  10. +7
    8 December 2024 14: 07
    What conclusion should be made? What Russia really needs is an effective mechanism that checks the condition of significant leaders. At all levels. Which would assess their condition, check whether they react adequately to external events, whether they make decisions that are vital for the country quickly enough. And if not, then they would be replaced by others who are conscious and ready to work for the good of the country.

    I wonder where Assad has rushed off to? Will he settle next door to Yanukovych? Or will he settle somewhere warm?

    And where will ours rush to when the time bombs planted all over Russia start to explode. With his participation.
    1. +4
      8 December 2024 16: 35
      Will rush to Haa... oh, what a quiet city.
    2. +4
      8 December 2024 18: 53
      The system you proposed is called “keeping on the hook,” and according to this system there are no officials left in Europe working for the people and the state.
      1. +4
        8 December 2024 22: 13
        I have not suggested anything like that. And in general I am not expressing any specifics, except for pointing out the necessity of the very fact of some kind of control over the very top. Over their ability to act, and loyalty to the country.

        "Keeping on a hook" is a management method that is already inherent to the gangster-oligarchic hierarchy, practiced in Russia. I am personally familiar with this, and at one time I did not fit the requirements. When I was young and held a certain position, a new boss who came to me told me that it was impossible to work with me because he did not have a "hook" for me. Of course, "hooks" become ineffective closer to the top of the hierarchy.
    3. +1
      9 December 2024 10: 48
      The point is not in the mechanism, but in understanding the interests of the ruling class, and you need to look not at what politicians say, but what they do. Otherwise, you can use the media to tell the population about patriotism and that we are all one bunch/family/boat, while at the same time trading with enemies and working for your own pocket/entourage/bosses, and not for the benefit of the country.
  11. +11
    8 December 2024 14: 43
    Unfortunately, we have to admit that the current Russian leadership is simply incapable of responding to the challenges and problems of the modern world. This is no longer the malicious yapping of armchair fighters, but an established fact. I wonder how the Kremlin will get around the fact that in 2017, the Russian president, at the Khmeini base in Syria, announced to the whole world that Assad had won the war?
    1. -4
      8 December 2024 15: 30
      "Assad's victory", excuse me, but the facts confirmed Putin's words. The organized resistance of the "barmaleys" was broken. Assad, of course, assured that now he would retain control and so on.
      But in fact: he blew it all
      1. +8
        8 December 2024 16: 39
        But in fact: HE blew it all.
      2. +8
        8 December 2024 16: 45
        Is it broken? or were they just given a break to strengthen?

        Many military bloggers noted that the ammunition of the Barmaleys of 15 and 24 was, to put it mildly, different...

        and what were Assad and his allies doing? one reigned lying on his side, others sent incompetent jellyfish there...

        here is the result...

        By the way, it's about the same in 2014, the militia (with vacationers) drove the Ukrainian formations into cauldrons...

        I won’t talk about 2022...
        1. 0
          8 December 2024 21: 06
          Quote: Nikolai Volkov
          Is it broken? or were they just given a break to strengthen?

          Many military bloggers noted that the ammunition of the Barmaleys of 15 and 24 was, to put it mildly, different...

          and what were Assad and his allies doing? one reigned lying on his side, others sent incompetent jellyfish there...

          here is the result...

          By the way, it's about the same in 2014, the militia (with vacationers) drove the Ukrainian formations into cauldrons...

          I won’t talk about 2022...

          In 2014, Ukraine's army was so-so. They were driven into cauldrons by regular Russian units.
    2. +3
      8 December 2024 16: 38
      Unfortunately, we have to admit that the current Russian leadership is simply not capable of responding to the challenges and problems of the modern world.

      I wish I was as smart as my Sarah later.
    3. -6
      8 December 2024 18: 51
      Is this information 100 percent from the very top or is it the personal invention of a typical liberal?
      1. 0
        11 December 2024 05: 14
        Quote: Dormidontov_Dormidont
        Is this information 100 percent from the very top or is it the personal invention of a typical liberal?

        With this government we will not see victory

        I. Strelkov, said at the beginning of the SVO.

        Is Strelkov a liberal? By the way, he also said about Syria at the time that we (or rather THEY) would most likely screw it up, so the air force should be transferred to the SVO. As if Strelkov had predicted it, much of it came true.
    4. +2
      9 December 2024 10: 50
      This statement will be bypassed in the same way as (retirement age, constitutional amendment)
  12. +1
    8 December 2024 14: 44
    Assad turned out to be weak in the knees. The commander-in-chief abandoned his army, the Iranians, Iraqis, Libyans and Russians and preferred to run away. Now the treaties and negotiations will begin. And then we'll see. Syria has lived more or less calmly these years, now a new test has come for the destroyed country. Their president refused help from other countries, and said, I don't want to, I'm tired, I'm a fly-by-night, destroy the country, do nothing to restore it, dump everything on others, and he himself is tired, I'm a fly-by-night, I went to rest and play tennis, this is so familiar to us. The British and the Israelis have never given the Middle East a chance to recover and get stronger. They didn't give it this time either. The Middle East has burned and will burn constantly until someone stronger destroys the Western outpost in the heart of this entity, and for this everyone needed to unite, but they cannot overcome their own contradictions in the face of a common threat. The slogan "divide and rule" continues its destructive policy.
    But there is hope that now, having abandoned Ukrainushka, all the attention of the Westerners will shift there. And in principle, this is good for Russia, because the West will have to work its ass off and will have to invest quite a bit there, and we will continue to help the Iranians and restore order in the historical territories of Russia. For us, the main thing is our own security and strengthening our own borders, and restoring order within Russia itself, because our migrants here have become naughty and have started to take on too much, have forgotten where they are and who they are dealing with. And now, with the Middle East, new ones can rush here. Restoring order is simply not possible.
    And let them fight there, if necessary, we will throw more weapons there for them, let them throw bombs at each other, if they could not and did not manage to unite and bring order and peace at once.
    1. -4
      8 December 2024 18: 57
      I support it, but only Latakia should be part of Russia.
  13. +2
    8 December 2024 14: 48
    The general conclusion from the official Russian media in 2015 regarding the sending of the Russian Armed Forces to Syria was as follows:

    Moscow and the West have different positions on Assad's fate. The West insists that the Syrian president must step down. Russia, while not formally supporting him personally, nevertheless constantly emphasizes that it is in favor of preserving the legitimate government in the country, and that the Syrian people must decide their own fate.

    By siding with Assad in the fight against ISIS, Moscow is, on the one hand, prolonging his political life, and on the other, strengthening its own negotiating positions on who could replace the Syrian president in his post.
  14. +3
    8 December 2024 15: 07
    And who is at the head of the Russian Security Council? Shoigu. Who led the Russian Army in Syria, right, the general who surrendered the Kharkiv region in six days in 2022…. V. Vysotsky wrote correctly at the time

    Don't scold him, drive him away...
    1. -3
      8 December 2024 21: 08
      Quote: Dust
      General who surrendered Kharkiv region in six days in 2022

      If a general doesn't have enough soldiers, then the question is not for the general.
  15. 0
    8 December 2024 15: 17
    Putin can't seem to get anything done. Maybe it's time to change his peacemaker tactics???
    1. +9
      8 December 2024 16: 42
      Putin can't seem to get anything done. Maybe it's time to change his peacemaker tactics???

      Or maybe it’s not the tactics that need to be changed?
    2. 0
      11 December 2024 05: 20
      Maybe it's time to change the peacemaker tactics???

      Yes, he is not a peacemaker anymore, but he still has no luck. Neither with partners, nor with military leaders. They are all either traitors, or cowards, or incompetents, or all together! How can you manage a galley in such a situation? :))
  16. 0
    8 December 2024 15: 20
    Author, Assad's collapse violates the "status quo* and this is, by and large, a loss: for Russia, China and in the future, an extra headache for the" Sultan. The formation of Kurdistan, the "Sultan" will like as a dog likes a stick.
  17. The comment was deleted.
  18. +2
    8 December 2024 15: 34
    And Russia doesn't have intelligence???

    1. +7
      8 December 2024 19: 22
      And what do you think if the attack on Kursk was unexpected? And it is oh so much closer to Moscow than Damascus.
    2. 0
      11 December 2024 05: 24
      And Russia doesn't have intelligence???

      I keep asking myself this question. If no one has been punished for all the numerous problems of intelligence, then maybe there is no intelligence at all! There is no one to punish!
  19. 0
    8 December 2024 15: 53
    However, I want to think positive and consider that the old regime was too old and too compromised with the past and with no possibility of renewal for the New Course of History. Those who draw up the Plans for History replace the Leaders who cannot embrace the New Course; I do not know the future plans for this specific quadrant of the World (Syrian specific), but knowing instead the finish line I know that it will still eventually turn, directly or indirectly, to Russia's advantage. "Not all evil comes to harm."
  20. +3
    8 December 2024 16: 27
    These are all sad results of the incompetent Shoigu..., we will have to pack up, we will not be able to handle the second front with such a small army, which in three years has not even liberated the DPR and LPR, only 1/6 of Ukraine has been liberated, so consider that at this rate we will have to fight for another 15 years to take Odessa, Nikolaev...
    1. 0
      11 December 2024 05: 30
      At this rate we will have to fight for another 15 years to take Odessa, Nikolaev...

      What Odessa? It is calculated that during this time, i.e. by 2045, we will take only Donbass and half of Zaporozhye. If nothing changes in six months, it is better to drain and freeze the SVO than to lose people in this meat grinder.
  21. +4
    8 December 2024 16: 56
    They cut off the pipeline in the Baltic, but they will drag it through Syria
  22. -1
    8 December 2024 17: 29
    The president of the community ran away, "it's easier for the horse to get off the cart
  23. -2
    8 December 2024 18: 01
    Yes, we should be happy - thank God that we will get rid of these Syrias
  24. +6
    8 December 2024 18: 21
    Significantly less than the guarantor's beloved, staunch Central Bank, which gives its enemies 300 yards of green for free, but that is, of course, different.
  25. +1
    8 December 2024 18: 29
    …these bases cannot be held without supplies under attacks from the land…

    Is this a question of the author's opinion? Or is it a question of Russia's authority and the process of breaking the US hegemony that it has started? This is not a question of the second order, but of the NVO order. A question of will and nothing more. There is no problem holding the coast, it is cut off by a mountain range from the rest of Syria, and borders Libya in the south. The mountain range is 20 km from the coast, the front along the range is 80 km. It is possible to fail to hold this enclave only by completely betraying Russia's interests, for this it is enough to set up reinforced checkpoints along the range - on the passes and roads and support them with fire from the air, even use a "nut" if the bandits gather into a striking fist. And so the Airborne Forces will be enough to transfer it, this is not Afghanistan, an area of ​​20x80 km. It is not a dangerous direction from the sea. Put container ships with the necessary supply of ammunition at a safe distance from the shore and under the cover of the Navy ships and the job is done. Is there a will or has everything already been sold?
    1. 0
      8 December 2024 18: 31
      The amendment is not Libya, but Lebanon - I apologize.
    2. +3
      8 December 2024 21: 11
      Quote: Ales
      Place container ships with the necessary reserve of ammunition at a safe distance from the shore and under the cover of the Navy ships and the job is done.

      And the Ukrainians will sink them with their BEKs.
    3. -1
      9 December 2024 03: 29
      Putin won't quarrel with the Sultan. If he allows it, then maybe we'll keep the bases.
  26. -2
    8 December 2024 18: 42
    Well, we've waited, the exchange "almost" happened... Syria was given up without a fight, now the question is when our conquests in the hoholland will be legalized...
    1. -1
      8 December 2024 19: 30
      And when?
    2. -1
      9 December 2024 03: 30
      Quote from: serivolkf1
      Well, we've waited, the exchange "almost" happened... Syria was given up without a fight, now the question is when our conquests in the hoholland will be legalized...

      No, that's not how it's done. First the chairs, then the money.
  27. +3
    8 December 2024 19: 08
    How can they not be ashamed, these deceivers of Putin?! After all, everyone knows that deceiving him is the same as taking candy away from a child! After all, it is not difficult to deceive him... How many times has Putin complained that he is being deceived every now and then! Shame! It should be shameful to deceive such a sweet, trusting, naive president - the head of an entire state! How difficult it is to live on planet Earth!
  28. +1
    8 December 2024 19: 08
    Let's not cry, what happened in Syria is a fact. Let's be pragmatic and benefit from the real situation. Task No. 1 is to retain military bases in Syria. Any new Syrian government will understand that a break with Russia will only bring costs to Syria. There is also a defeated Iran, which will not accept defeat. The united Jews, Turks and Anglo-Saxons will do everything to ensure that there are no Russians in Syria. The united Jews, Turks and Anglo-Saxons are waging a proxy war in Ukraine against Russia. Where on the map of the Soviet Union will the next coup be? Comprador power contributes to the development of situations like the one in Syria.
  29. -1
    8 December 2024 19: 19
    Well, if everything is so messy for the Sultan, as the author writes, we need to take into account the Kurdish factor and, accordingly, use it for the purpose of creating a Kurdish state next to Turkey. Of course, Iran will not like this, but it is unlikely that there will be a better way to resist the Sultan than to support the statehood of the Syrian Kurds.
    1. The comment was deleted.
    2. 0
      8 December 2024 22: 05
      Buddy, are you that out of touch with reality? Kurdistan already exists. And it is loyal to US and Israel. Turkey's main goals are to prevent Kurdistan from expanding and reaching the Mediterranean, and to bring back 2,5 million Syrian refugees. The US and Israel are a serious threat to Turkey. Russia has not helped Erdogan in this. Putin has thrown Erdogan a few bones, but mostly kept him in check because there is no trust between Ankara and Tehran. That's what you got. Russia and Turkey could have behaved very differently in Syria. Russia would have kept its base, and Esad would have stayed in power.
  30. -1
    8 December 2024 19: 56
    Assad paid money - a debt for supplies during the USSR, so we stationed our contingents there and paid money to our servicemen for business trips, combat, etc. Money was also spent on military bases and towns. Now we will leave gradually, we will take everything out through Turkey. But with finances, it looks like the debt will remain unpaid.
  31. -3
    8 December 2024 20: 24
    To those writing that “they deceived our Commander-in-Chief again”!!!
    You can at least analyze the events of the last 5 years - at least in the Middle East.
    A lot has changed in the last 5 years.
    And if we take only Russia and Syria, then:
    We have a war right next door that is draining all our resources, and we are not the United States, which can easily print dollars and fight in several countries.
    We did not have enough RESOURCES for another war and support for an unpopular elite for the local population in Syria.
    By the way, have you noticed that in recent years propaganda about Bashar al-Assad and his Syria has disappeared from TV?? Yes, I did! And if propaganda disappears, it means Russia has stopped allocating money for it, which means that changes are coming soon.
  32. 0
    8 December 2024 22: 15
    If we believe the predictions of, for example, Vanga, Casey and others, then the fall of Syria marks the beginning of the 3rd World War. At the same time, the SVO will end as a sweet cup of poison for Russia. Under Putin, Russia will be divided. Part of the Russian population will become cannon fodder for the war with China. The other part will fight with the European NATO. And only in the 30s, what remains of Russia will begin to reassemble into a new country. This is what the prophets say.
  33. +5
    8 December 2024 23: 10
    Quote: Irokez
    But how can you break the back of a hegemon that has the overwhelming majority of trump cards in the world? Therefore, the back must be broken over time through the dollar and an alternative to the global economic system of the Anglo-Saxons. And this takes a long time, so you will have to endure it for a long time.

    Damn you, breakers. Breaking starts with a desire at the top, and no one is going to do it there. They blew a ton of money on their beautiful life, not on the country. What have they brought the army to? They started their business on a lame armored vehicle, without understanding what we were getting into. And now they haven't put anyone in jail, and they haven't returned those who fled by the scruff of the neck. And? Is everyone happy with everything?
  34. +4
    9 December 2024 00: 22
    Well, once again, having received a resounding failure, the "great geopolitician" is bashfully keeping quiet....
  35. +2
    9 December 2024 01: 22
    Who's next to fly out? Where should our guys run?
    1. 0
      10 December 2024 08: 31
      If it were ours, then such a policy towards the population would not be carried out.
  36. +1
    9 December 2024 01: 23
    Life teaches this grandmaster nothing.
    He does NOT have several independent sources of information, he does not have several independent analytical departments, he is like a primitive primitive chief of some Ussuri regional KGB, yawning, reading reports from the same subordinates and that's it! But he still does not understand why... It's all his Minsk, streams, Syria instead of Donbass. This is absolutely, categorically indecisive leadership in the Russian Federation. It's just awful... They don't understand with their own firebrand what kind of reputation they are earning all over the world!!! You won't be able to wash it off later! They respect the strong, and destroy the weak.
    1. 0
      10 December 2024 08: 33
      What you write is what they show you, but in reality they may have completely different interests.
  37. -2
    9 December 2024 03: 12
    Instead of supporting a 50-year-old dynasty that is being passed down from father to son, Russia needs to focus on improving its own economy, reducing inflation, and fulfilling the president's orders to increase the average age in the country (which has only increased by 12 months in 6 years).
  38. 0
    9 December 2024 03: 16
    Quote from: serivolkf1
    Well, we've waited, the exchange "almost" happened... Syria was given up without a fight, now the question is when our conquests in the hoholland will be legalized...

    What does "gave away" mean? The people living on this land came to power
  39. 0
    9 December 2024 03: 19
    Quote: Ales
    …these bases cannot be held without supplies under attacks from the land…

    Is this a question of the author's opinion? Or is it a question of Russia's authority and the process of breaking the US hegemony that it has started? This is not a question of the second order, but of the NVO order. A question of will and nothing more. There is no problem holding the coast, it is cut off by a mountain range from the rest of Syria, and borders Libya in the south. The mountain range is 20 km from the coast, the front along the range is 80 km. It is possible to fail to hold this enclave only by completely betraying Russia's interests, for this it is enough to set up reinforced checkpoints along the range - on the passes and roads and support them with fire from the air, even use a "nut" if the bandits gather into a striking fist. And so the Airborne Forces will be enough to transfer it, this is not Afghanistan, an area of ​​20x80 km. It is not a dangerous direction from the sea. Put container ships with the necessary supply of ammunition at a safe distance from the shore and under the cover of the Navy ships and the job is done. Is there a will or has everything already been sold?

    FOR WHAT ?
  40. The comment was deleted.
  41. +1
    9 December 2024 06: 44
    A natural outcome. Instead of solving problems near its borders, Russia left the Russians from Donbass under the blows of the Nazis for 8 years. And it itself went to help the natives in the desert. As a result, they also squandered their statehood, and the Nazis at the borders grew stronger, the war with them has been going on for the third year. I applaud, bravo! Bravo!
    Well, at least they had the courage to recognize the LPR and DPR, otherwise in 2022 I thought that they would hand us over to the Ukies and pretend that nothing happened.
  42. -8
    9 December 2024 06: 56
    There were 13 wars with Turkey. So what if they gave them Syria? We'll give it back in 10,20,30, 9, 2 years. What is the author whipping up for XNUMX years down the drain? This is geopolitics, Alyosha (Seryozha), the ambitions of a great empire are not measured in money. XNUMX bases, influence on Africa and the Middle East, that's what we got. Control over the Mediterranean and a threat to NATO's southern flank. Not enough? Mali, Libya, Burkina Faso, Niger, Chad, our PMCs are there.
    1. 0
      10 December 2024 08: 36
      Any policy that takes place on earth is, by default, GEO... There are no PMCs of yours, there are PMCs that belong to their owners who finance them and use them in their own interests, and these interests can be quite opposite to yours, for example
  43. 0
    9 December 2024 08: 03
    President Bashar al-Assad has consistently opposed the gas pipeline project that would connect Qatar with Turkey through Syrian Arab Republic territory.

    Are there any official sources of this information? For example, officials from the European Union or Qatar have spoken out about this project.
    For some reason, it seems to me that this is a conspiracy theory. If you look at the map, it turns out that Qatar can build pipelines without Syria's participation. Yes, it will be a little longer, but for such mega projects this is not an obstacle.
    + I can't understand why Qatar needs this. There is no acute financial deficit in Qatar, they sell their expensive LNG. This gas pipeline will significantly reduce the price of energy resources, which is directly opposite to Qatar's interests.
    1. +2
      9 December 2024 11: 19
      I agree. This gas pipeline would be in the interests of Europe, which, as in the case of the Russian Federation, could receive cheap gas under long-term contracts. But why does the European owner need this? He is doing a great job of foisting his LNG on the Europeans. And he does not need cheap supplies to Europe.
      1. 0
        10 December 2024 08: 37
        Why do you think that this "cheap gas" will not belong to an American corporation?
        1. 0
          13 January 2025 17: 29
          How? We are not going to enter into long-term contracts with them.
  44. 0
    9 December 2024 08: 06
    Quote from Paul3390
    I wonder if he's tired of it? He could at least put on a helmet or something...

    Why would he get tired of it? Meat and gasoline will become more expensive for you.
  45. +6
    9 December 2024 08: 12
    Quote: Nicholas N
    There were 13 wars with Turkey. So what if they gave them Syria? We'll give it back in 10,20,30, 9, 2 years. What is the author whipping up for XNUMX years down the drain? This is geopolitics, Alyosha (Seryozha), the ambitions of a great empire are not measured in money. XNUMX bases, influence on Africa and the Middle East, that's what we got. Control over the Mediterranean and a threat to NATO's southern flank. Not enough? Mali, Libya, Burkina Faso, Niger, Chad, our PMCs are there.

    What influence? What two bases? From which we fled, losing our slippers? What do we influence in Africa and the Middle East, we don't even influence the Tajiks and Uzbeks, which of them recognized Crimea and the LPR and DPR?
    All we got from Syria:
    - a bunch of big money
    -the death of our citizens
    - and a lowered reputation. You can't rely on Russia's support, your regime will be demolished by the Basmachi in rubber slippers anyway.
    1. -2
      9 December 2024 11: 16
      Well, the Basmachi drove America out of Afghanistan)
      1. +1
        9 December 2024 16: 08
        America first said it was leaving, then it left, then the Basmachi came. At least they put on a good face.
    2. 0
      9 December 2024 19: 32
      And when did you escape from the bases?
  46. -2
    9 December 2024 08: 30
    there's a lot of conspiracy theories of course, but what happened was what the Satanists planned(((

    and the Americans are sick of Qatari gas, they don't need a competitor either, so they are unlikely to approve, and if the Arabs do build something, it will be like with the Nord Streams
  47. +3
    9 December 2024 09: 18
    Actually, if we play by the Eastern rules, we need to create a Kurdish state in the disputed territories of Syria and Iraq, with a view to unification with the Turkish Kurds who live on their ancestral lands. That's when the "Sultan's" ass would start to burn.
    A missed opportunity, though.
  48. +3
    9 December 2024 11: 15
    But does Europe still receive Russian gas?)) At least in the volumes that were before the JV was blown up. So the pipeline through Syria, with Qatari gas, in the current reality, is more likely to be threatened by LNG from the USA. But in reality, even this is not the case. At the click of the Washington regional committee, Europe will not only, if necessary, refuse Qatari pipeline gas in favor of liquefied gas mixed with molecules of freedom, but will also hang itself, if necessary))
    1. +1
      10 December 2024 08: 41
      Europe still receives Russian gas both through the pipeline and LNG. Moreover, LNG purchases are constantly growing. For example, Spain has increased purchases over the past year by 8 times. Well, it's like a war with NATO, supplying them with resources such as gas, oil, uranium, fertilizers... At the same time, the number of billionaires in the country has grown and their total income last year was 32 billion, and this year 34 billion... You were told that everything is going according to plan, and it is going according to plan
      1. +1
        11 December 2024 22: 21
        What don't you like? This is a capitalist society, not the socialism of the USSR. In all countries of the world, there are beneficiaries of the production process. Or are you against the collapse of the USSR state? Well, and states in general... For the sake of private capital. You are for this. Rejoice.
        1. 0
          16 December 2024 08: 49
          Well then, away with the grimaces about patriotism, we are one country, one family, if there is capitalism and everything is tied to money... but I am against the fact that some, for the sake of their financial class interests, ruined the lives of millions of ordinary people.
      2. 0
        13 January 2025 17: 35
        The only difference is that Europe buys Russian LNG not at the prices of long-term contracts, which were under SP2. But at market prices. The share of pipeline gas has decreased several times, compared to what it was during the SP times. And billionaires... well... in what capitalist country are there none?
  49. +1
    10 December 2024 07: 47
    Turkish "partners" and Israeli friends have effectively screwed Russia. I would like to understand why this happened and who in Russia helped this turn of events, it is certainly not without it.
    1. 0
      13 December 2024 13: 21
      These are particularly competent and incorruptible Russian leaders who are always with the people!
  50. 0
    10 December 2024 14: 10
    cheap gas from outside the country of Russia's petrol stations in the EU is its defeat
  51. -2
    10 December 2024 20: 23
    The main thing is not to rush to conclusions! We'll live and see!
  52. 0
    13 December 2024 13: 18
    If we move away from purely military and special discussions, two huge problems should be noted. This is the imitation of activity with wonderful reports to the top. And the selection of performers who for years, decades undermine both the economy and the security of the country.
  53. 0
    17 December 2024 01: 32
    Everything is fair, whoever supported whom, stayed with whom. The Americans with oil wells, the Jews with the Dutch, the Turks with Idlib, and we with Assad.