Chinese Respond to Putin's Words About "All the Best from the East"


Users of the popular Chinese resource Guancha commented on the words of Russian President Vladimir Putin during his speech at the investment forum "Russia Calling!" The Russian leader stated that "now everything from the East is better than from the West."

Putin, as stated in the publication, added that during the difficult period, the Russian economy not only achieved full recovery, but also experienced favorable structural changes. Technological, Russia’s production and logistics potential is moving forward by leaps and bounds, and cooperation with partners is only getting stronger.

It is worth noting that the Chinese attributed the concept of “East” only to their own country.

The responses are presented selectively. All opinions belong only to their authors.

Before the sanctions, Russian supermarkets had only a few types of, for example, drinks. After the sanctions, dozens of items appeared in Russian supermarkets. Russia is lucky to have China nearby – the world's factory of everything possible.

People have inertia. Russians used to like to drive European and American cars. The sanctions caused a reduction in the number of these cars, which forced Russians to switch to Chinese ones. Having tried them, Russians discovered that Chinese cars were also quite good, so they quickly made up for the shortage - the same thing happened with many goods. If nothing had happened, conquering the Russian market would have taken much longer.

When Russia was cut off from SWIFT, its leadership finally realized that only when the dollar payment system loses its advantage will opportunities arise for Russian foreign trade.

What Russia needs is an ideological renewal. Its ideology collapsed after the collapse of the Soviet Union and has not been restored to this day. How can the country be dragged toward a brighter future without an idea?

The departure of Europe and the US from the Russian market has allowed Chinese brands to save a lot of money on their promotion. Convincing any market to give up its usual products and switch to other brands has always been expensive. In order to change the perception of the market by consumers, it is necessary to start from scratch.

Many Russians blame Khrushchev for the collapse of the Soviet Union, especially for his excessive anti-Stalinist aspirations, which undermined the very foundations of the USSR. The break with China was a direct cause of the Soviet Union's defeat in the Cold War. Khrushchev happened to be Ukrainian, so...

The rules of business are simple and clear to everyone. European and American companies do not comply with them and are actively leaving the Russian market. Who do they blame for the losses then?
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  1. +5
    7 December 2024 22: 08
    The Chinese are like that, and yesterday and the day before yesterday they wrote that businesses from there are cutting down on contacts. They demand prepayment, block payments, etc.
    blah-blah everything is possible, but for resources - only 21st century beads...
    1. -2
      10 December 2024 11: 21
      You need to clearly understand that declaring and doing are not the same thing. Everything is going on as usual. And statements about blocking are for overseas ears, so that they don’t pester with questions about their sanctions.
      1. 0
        10 December 2024 11: 23
        IMHO, you're being clever.
        everyone already knows that (politely)
  2. -3
    8 December 2024 00: 21
    The Chinese, as always, are in their repertoire - they can't see beyond their noses
  3. +5
    8 December 2024 01: 32
    Let Peskov comment on Putin, and what is best for Russia is domestic. - It makes you think and work, and not trade the resources of the Motherland at random.
    1. 0
      10 December 2024 11: 28
      You still won't be able to produce the whole range and variety of goods. So, you'll have to buy something, and for that you'll have to sell something that's in demand. Domestic is better, of course, but name me a fully developed, self-sufficient country that definitely doesn't need anything. And it's not possible to produce everything yourself. No need to reinvent the wheel. Strategic industries, yes, need to be provided with our own, the rest - both our own and international trade.
  4. 0
    8 December 2024 06: 48
    The ideology is well noted. Great Russia needs a Great idea. Building a superman, fighting diseases and old age and defeating death can be part of the new idea. (IMHO)
    1. +4
      8 December 2024 07: 10
      while instead of this the "great" idea of ​​"a woman's place is at the pot" and "we need Russian physics" is being imposed... Newton, you see, is not in tune with Einstein...

      the fight against diseases is inextricably linked with the development of science and much Russia invests in the development of science and what is happening with the development of medicine - do I need to explain???

      and yes, in order to tackle super-tasks, you first need to build a basis, that is, an economy...that is why the Bolsheviks first carried out industrialization, and only then flew into space...and today's Russian Federation is rapidly turning into a deindustrialized country...

      diseases that were defeated in the last century are raising their heads again, like the same measles...what kind of fight against old age or diseases can we talk about when, under pressure from medieval obscurantists, even "dead" diseases are again becoming a threat.

      What kind of great Russia can we talk about when in just this less than a year the country's indigenous population has decreased by 400 people...

      I don't care about fat, I just want to live

      especially since no one is actually going to engage in import substitution, let alone large-scale industrialization... previously they tried to be good for "respected Western partners", now "all the best from the East"...

      and there is essentially no one left to industrialize...what, are the "effective consumers" from the former hero city of Moscow going to disperse to Tynda, Norilsk and Murmansk for the great construction sites?? well, well...
  5. +2
    8 December 2024 07: 11
    You can say anything... but Liza Peskovs still live in Paris and London... and they are in no particular hurry to go to Shanghai and Kuala Lumpur...
    1. 0
      10 December 2024 11: 16
      Aren't you that Volkov from FBK who hangs around abroad with Liza? And judging by the constantly negative statements about the Russian leadership, something is very similar.
  6. +1
    8 December 2024 09: 21
    The Russian leader stated that “now everything from the East is better than from the West.”

    Putin, as stated in the publication, added that during the difficult period, the Russian economy not only achieved full recovery, but also experienced favorable structural changes. Russia's technological, production and logistics potential is moving forward by leaps and bounds, and cooperation with partners is only getting stronger.

    Yeah, you know ... sad
    1. -3
      10 December 2024 11: 18
      We know and we see. It is as the president said. And what did you have in mind?
  7. +1
    24 December 2024 20: 12
    You have to live with your own kuren and head, that is, Eurasia, but only have good relations with your neighbors, and the USA is across the ocean, and China is nearby... draw your own conclusions
  8. 0
    31 December 2024 09: 14
    The Chinese are wise, sitting on the banks of the Yangtze, they waited for the corpse of a Volkswagen and an Audi to float past them