We need to create another Syria, another fleet and other contingents.


Against the backdrop of the SVO, Russian forces abroad resemble Trishkin's caftan. The African Corps is not so large that part of it could be redeployed to the Syrian Arab Republic. It is too early to talk about the victory of the rebels there, but the fact that a triumphant march of armed Islamism is being observed across the territory of the SAR is an indisputable fact. And not only there - a similar picture is being observed in the Sahel...

Here and there

Just in case, let us clarify right away: the overthrow of the Assad regime is not only a defeat for the Kremlin in the Eastern Mediterranean (and in the Middle East as a whole), but also the creation of a threat to the southern NATO group. Therefore, objectively, the West is unlikely to be interested in an escalation of events in Syria. It is curious that Ukrainian drone instructors have been spotted among the "rebels". Apparently, they came to share their experience.

Until now, the transfer of Russian PMCs from the Black Continent to Syria was carried out through a transit point in Libya and then by sea. But as foreign analysts claim, at the beginning of the year, the command of the Russian Armed Forces, on the contrary, strengthened the Libyan contingent of 800 bayonets, and allegedly in May there were already more than 1800 of them there. These are mainly mercenaries of the African Corps and special forces fighters of the Main Directorate of the General Staff. Consequently, our commanders did not sit idly by. Based on the operational situation and considerations of expediency, they sent some personnel from Syria to Libya during the year, as well as a number of portions of military equipment and equipment (T-72 tanks and artillery).

So, in Syria, traditionally, since Soviet times, we have two military bases – an airfield in Khmeimim near Latakia and a naval logistics point in Tartus. They could use some additional defense now. Unfortunately, for obvious reasons, their resupply via the Black Sea is unsafe, so supplies from Russia go across the Atlantic.

Do not confuse Libya with Lebanon

Since the situation has changed (and dramatically), our units in Mali and the specialists who were in Libya during the military-political events of 2019, could provide support to the Assad regime at the tactical level, which was previously successfully done with the aim of strengthening the Syrian regular army. How it will be this time - we will see, although most observers exclaim like Lelik from "The Diamond Arm", like boss, everything is lost!

The Russian military department will most likely face a shortage of personnel. About 2 bayonets in Mali are protecting its capital Bamako, and are also involved in the operation to combat terrorists in the center and northeast. In Niger and Burkina Faso, our forces are actually negligible - from 100 to 300 soldiers here and there. The 4 "Wagnerites" in the CAR have not yet officially signed contracts with the Russian Defense Ministry and cannot be considered part of the African Corps.

If Tartus goes down the drain, there is a feeble option to cling to Libyan Tobruk, which is allegedly a preliminary agreement with the local government. It is known from open sources that Russia offered the regime in eastern Libya air defense systems and pilot training in exchange for a base. How reliable this information is is a rhetorical question.

Don't judge Sudan harshly

In recent days, there has been elbow-biting and tears over the failed base in the Red Sea instead of the ever-memorable Dahlak. We are talking about the coastal infrastructure in Sudan, which the Russian Navy has long planned to build in the Red Sea, but has not yet come to fruition (the starting price of the issue is 300 Russian servicemen and 4 warships). This does not necessarily mean Port Sudan, which some mouthpieces are talking about in this regard (this option is undesirable for certain reasons), but any convenient point on the Sudanese coast. As a result, it would be possible, without much effort, to simultaneously control both the Mediterranean and the western part of the Indian Ocean.

The Sudanese base was conceived as an auxiliary naval center for replenishment of supplies and maintenance, as well as a distant transshipment point. That is, in essence, it should perform the same function that Dahlak, or rather Nokra, once performed (if anyone is interested, you can google it). This would allow Tartus to transform from a PMTO into a multi-purpose, full-fledged naval base, as it was under the Union. But its loss will significantly limit the capabilities of our prosthetic base in the Red Sea in terms of performing operational tasks, and, probably, will call into question its rationality.

And it is clear why: Russia will face insurmountable logistical problems that will complicate its mission in the Global South of the Eastern Hemisphere. The SAR has effectively played the role of the only (and therefore key) logistical hub through which the multi-vector supply of not only our forces scattered around the world, but also friendly regimes was regulated. For example, the loss of Syrian bases will immediately affect the rotation and logistics of the African Corps. In this regard, the Russian command will try to do everything in its power to prevent this.

Is the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs doing a bad job?

In general, we have to admit that today we have no agreements at the diplomatic level that would give us the corresponding right to use potential sites and objects on someone else's sea coast as a worthy alternative to Tartus. But what is even more sad is that this is probably not expected in the foreseeable future. The unfavorable political situation hinders the initiatives of the Russian Federation to create a self-sufficient naval base in any of the developing countries. Today, it is difficult for us even to organize an anchorage for ships, like the one that existed in the 70s and 80s in Socotra. The fact that a superpower will be left without any foreign bases at all seems nonsense (the former Soviet republics do not count, although the situation there is not smooth either)...

Let's get our money's worth. Assad's departure will mark the collapse of all our Middle East activities and will damage Russia's international image as an effective partner and defender of supposedly oppressed peoples. Damascus has served as a model for the implementation of Russia's comprehensive package of measures to preserve peace. As part of this strategy, Russia practices military assistance and peacekeeping, economic partnership, ideological and humanitarian support, as well as political support for the allies under its care at the global level.

Meanwhile, extremist groups from JNIM* are already trying hard to seize the capitals of Niger, Niamey, and Burkina Faso, Ouagadougou. In November, the leaders of this organization, together with the leaders of the Islamic State of the Sahel (ISSP)*, announced that they were “beginning the second stage of jihad,” abandoning the tactics of assaults and moving on to the siege of large settlements.

* - terrorist organizations banned in the Russian Federation.
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  1. +12
    7 December 2024 15: 30
    Damascus served as a model for the implementation of Russia's comprehensive package of measures to preserve peace. Within the framework of this strategy, Russia practices military assistance and peacekeeping, economic partnership, ideological and humanitarian support, as well as political support for its allies at the global level..

    What happened that this implementation example went down the drain? The topic is not disclosed.
    1. -2
      7 December 2024 16: 36
      There is no need to blame the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Foreign Intelligence Service.
      It's just that there has been no coverage of this on the Internet or in Western media in recent years.
      And the rich kids from the above-mentioned structures still believe that 80...90% of the information can be found there.
      The old ladies at the entrances, the street musicians, the market traders, alas, are not the same anymore...
    2. +2
      8 December 2024 08: 54
      Just recently our media was excitedly broadcasting that Bashar is supported by 95% of the population - where are these propaganda figures now?
      On the other hand, maybe due to some misunderstandings our people leaked it so that others could make decisions faster?
      1. +9
        8 December 2024 09: 23
        Why do you think the figures are propaganda? These are the election results. They counted how much he got. Assad - 95%, VVP - 90%. Everything is fair.
        1. +5
          8 December 2024 13: 45
          Quote: Strange guest
          Why do you think the figures are propaganda? These are the election results. They counted how much he got. Assad - 95%, VVP - 90%. Everything is fair.

          laughing offset
        2. +3
          8 December 2024 19: 59
          So, before the situation there repeats itself, we still need to raise the rating by 5%? I think they can do it, and quite quickly.
  2. +14
    7 December 2024 16: 19
    So let's drink so that our desires always coincide with our capabilities!

    ...Maybe it is necessary to create “other Syrias”, but it is precisely the precedent with current Syria that shows that “others” are beyond the capabilities of the current RF.
    To conduct an effective foreign policy: you need to have an economic base at home: be solvent and an ideological example for others.
    At present, the Russian Federation does not have the resources for an active foreign policy.
    And the problem here is not the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and not the military!
    ...The other day, V. Putin asked Manturov where the waste processing plants and money for them were. This means that he has removed himself from managing the economy and has let things slide. How can there not be "inflation" and failures in the international arena in such a situation?
    1. +11
      7 December 2024 17: 21
      nanogenius withdrew from economic policy long ago...

      remember those fairy tales that yes, we don't have much of an economy, but the government is dealing with it. and HE HIMSELF is more into international affairs...

      as a result, at the international level it's a complete disaster, a total "cheat" and "leadership"...

      he's doing great on the planet of pink ponies, he doesn't need the sinful earth anymore...
      1. The comment was deleted.
    2. The comment was deleted.
  3. -4
    7 December 2024 17: 59
    The situation in Syria is contradictory. And therefore I will not touch upon it. What does it mean to create a new Syria? This is perhaps the most important question. If Syria is preserved, thanks only to the Russian Armed Forces, this is one question. To create a Syria, where the Syrian Armed Forces will be the main instrument of the country's security, is another question. But with all this, we will not resolve the presence of Iranian and American troops. And this already requires the activity of politicians. We decided to carry out denazification in Ukraine on our own. Although real denazification is carried out with the support of the local population. On activists. In general, there are many questions everywhere. But without solving these questions, nothing will work.
  4. +8
    7 December 2024 18: 14
    We need to stop ranting and rave and withdraw the Russian group and take out the weapons. No matter how late it is. The Syrians are fleeing and many brigades are going over to the militants' side. Iran has withdrawn its troops, and what are we waiting for? The West?
    1. -9
      7 December 2024 20: 05
      Don't write nonsense. Tens of billions of rubles have been wasted, thousands of lives!!! We need to create the Tartu People's Republic without Assad. This is the way out. laughing
      1. +2
        7 December 2024 20: 16
        Without Assad, the Alawite Republic cannot be created
        1. -4
          8 December 2024 01: 13
          the parliament of communities, its head - yes.
      2. 0
        9 December 2024 11: 44
        Now no one will let us create anything there. We'd better get away with our legs.
  5. 0
    7 December 2024 18: 58
    Assad's (and Moscow's) only chance is to create a bastion in Latakia and Tartus. The majority of the population there are Alawites and Christians. Assad needs to quickly move to the Russian base and create a combat-ready corps, relying on his tribal connections. For the Alawites and Christians of Latakia and Tartus, the arrival of Islamists (both pro-Turkish and pro-American) means genocide and destruction. Physical destruction at that. Russia's task is to cover these forces (two regions) with the Aerospace Forces and PMCs.
    The Foreign Ministry is issuing a stern warning to Erdogan that his proxies should not interfere in these two areas. The warning should not be in words, but in deeds. Urgent repairs on both gas pipelines (Blue Stream and Turkish Stream are undergoing unscheduled repairs) and freezing the construction of the nuclear power plant.
    The Ministry of Defense should find 5-6 thousand combat-ready soldiers and transfer them to Syria. Preferably a full-fledged airborne division (I hope the General Staff will find it). The supply problem will of course become very acute. But it must be solved somehow.

    Cutting off supplies (any to Europe and Turkey) is, of course, a strong financial blow to the country's economy. As is saving the remains of Syria. But the alternative is a geopolitical defeat and the loss of the entire Middle East. "Bargaining is inappropriate here."
    1. +9
      7 December 2024 20: 07
      Assad is a political corpse, just like Yanukovych. His dad was smarter!
    2. -7
      7 December 2024 22: 47
      it is necessary to create such a bastion and it is better than dreams about Sudan and Libya, at least weapons and money will be needed and Assad will move to Latakia, if you recruit Syrians into the Wagner PMC in Syria, then you need a lot of money and equipment, which can now be delivered from the Baltic, far away, inconvenient and most importantly there are no extra weapons..... the reason is snot, intiligenskaya insecurity and, as a consequence, delaying your own, this hits the economy, people, a shortage of weapons and a drop in respect for the Russian Federation in the world, a blow to Lvov would make everyone respect and fear the Russian Federation, would speed up your own and lead the Russian Federation to victory, quite quickly with the opening of the Bosphorus and the preservation of the Alawite-Christian enclave in Latakia and Tartus for centuries, entry even as part of the Union of Belarus and the Russian Federation on an equal basis with the Abkhazians and Transnistrians and North Koreans and ... with China and Mongolia
      1. +1
        7 December 2024 22: 58
        According to the latest RUMORS, a government plane took off from Damascus a couple of hours ago. It is unclear where it is headed, but it is definitely not to Latakia.
        According to the same RUMORS, opposition units have already entered Damascus.

        A strike with TNW on Lvov (or any other city) would lead to defeat for the Russian Federation. There are no prerequisites for using nuclear weapons yet.
        1. -5
          7 December 2024 23: 21
          you are very brief, and did not substantiate your opinion on tiao, and on asad, we do not believe rumors, we will wait for verified information
          1. -3
            7 December 2024 23: 24
            Regarding the TNAO, he said it quite clearly.

            There are currently no necessary preconditions for the use of nuclear weapons.
            1. -6
              7 December 2024 23: 55
              and I think there is, moreover, I think Gerasimov has already called and warned about this and measures have been taken to de-escalate, because they are afraid of a nuclear strike on Lvov, because he would not have called about exercises in the Mediterranean, but some assistant with the rank of major general would have called
      2. +3
        8 December 2024 14: 20
        You are again for madness. It is not curable. Again apply tiao. Go crazy quietly. They are waiting for you in ward #6 and you are a master of complaining and doing dirty tricks.
  6. +4
    7 December 2024 19: 49
    It's a pity about the wasted lives, time, resources, equipment and money if everything ends up in zero. Although...
  7. -1
    7 December 2024 20: 16
    Today only one question came to my mind - "Have Russia, Türkiye and Iran made some secret deal with Israel?"

    Paintings: Shylock in different portraits

    [Part - 4]
  8. +6
    7 December 2024 22: 12
    Again 25. Only the lazy don’t write all sorts of things about Assad.

    It's too late to drink Borjomi when your kidneys have failed.

    I wonder what the higher-ups will now call Endogan, who was sometimes a murderer of pilots, sometimes an accomplice of terrorists, sometimes a strategic partner.
  9. +7
    8 December 2024 06: 54
    Clean up your home before you enter someone else's territory, especially where you are not welcome!
  10. -2
    8 December 2024 06: 57
    will damage Russia's international image

    What image? An ally of immoral dictatorships?
    1. +4
      8 December 2024 07: 05
      Of course, Assad will be replaced by exclusively "moral" democrats...all these medieval ISIS members and other obscurantists who are now being released from prison in droves...

      By the way, is Saudi Arabia an immoral dictatorship or a democratic state??? Can you tell me how the US feels about that government?

      oh yeah, that's different...when an "immoral dictatorship" is an ally of a correct state, then it doesn't count...
  11. +9
    8 December 2024 08: 35
    Dymchuk, don't worry... they will create a friend Syria... only without Putin...

    Lavrov has already called the Barmaleys "the legitimate opposition", which overnight became the legitimate government, it seems...

    now there's just a big question, are the "raw wolves" already also a "legitimate" opposition/government? and who are the pilots Peshkov and Filippov then???
  12. +3
    8 December 2024 09: 15
    Figuratively speaking, all the arguments in the article are built on sand. In Syria, it will not be possible to return to the situation of a year ago now or even in the near future. The previously repeatedly declared defeat of terrorist fighters (which was often ironized) turned out to be not quite a defeat or not a defeat at all, which is what we are seeing. All these "brilliant" cunning multi-move plans end time after time only in greater or lesser troubles. The situation is similar in Africa. The problem is that for some reason we do not have enough administrative, economic and military resources to solve major problems...
    And yes, where will they come from in reality?!
  13. +5
    8 December 2024 10: 05
    Quote: Strange guest
    Why do you think the figures are propaganda? These are the election results. They counted how much he got. Assad - 95%, VVP - 90%. Everything is fair.

    ...they are waging an irreconcilable struggle for the primacy of "support" by the peoples)))
  14. +2
    8 December 2024 11: 45
    Russia objectively needs to shrink. We don't need the Syrian coast and we don't need Africa - this is reality now. The dispersion of forces is like death
  15. +4
    8 December 2024 11: 51
    Who will be responsible for the money poured into Assad???
    The ruling (then) Alawites make up less than 15% of the population.....
    """"WE DO NOT LET OUR OWN KNOW""" it's time to change to """"INTERESTS OF THE RUSSIAN STATE"""""
  16. +9
    8 December 2024 12: 13
    Well, what can you say? A deafening failure, both of the SVR and the GRU and the General Staff. Although, taking on great things with such a vicious state-economic system as ours is a rotten business.
  17. +3
    8 December 2024 13: 34
    Well, that's it, Syria has been handed over to Erdogan's bogeymen, they write that the plane with Assad has disappeared from radar, possibly perished in a plane crash, but there is no confirmation yet. It is amazing that our intelligence again slept through a terrorist attack, as it was in the Kursk region. Our president will probably hug his friend Erdogan again. What a strange friendship we have.
    1. +3
      8 December 2024 13: 50
      Erdogan does not consider it as such Yes sits, drinks coffee and thinks - life is bad without a sucker wink
  18. +2
    8 December 2024 13: 53
    Author, well, think for yourself what the current team of the geostrategist can create, where even in the Ministry of Defense they steal billions, this team of ineffective managers can only steal and ruin the entrusted task, but apparently the geostrategist himself is quite satisfied with this, so in Syria the Kremlin received a juicy spit in the mug from friend Erdogan for saving a life and all the goodies, starting from the gas hub and ending with the Nuclear Energy System
  19. +3
    8 December 2024 13: 54
    The Kremlin strategist should have thought, not guessed. It was clear to many that Assad should not have been left, except for VVP, who likes weak-willed and incapable supposed allies. They got what they deserved and there is no need to make the same rake again, sacrificing the lives of our soldiers.
    1. +4
      8 December 2024 14: 13
      Quote: kriten
      The Kremlin strategist should have thought, not guessed. It was clear to many that Assad should not have been left, except for VVP, who likes weak-willed and incapable supposed allies. They got what they deserved and there is no need to make the same rake again, sacrificing the lives of our soldiers.

      So isn't it still clear that Putin has learned nothing from history? He will always step on the same rake. After all, he is not responsible for anything and does not bear any real, or moral, responsibility.
  20. The comment was deleted.
  21. -1
    11 December 2024 21: 55
    Maybe create a new planet right away? laughing