Syria has not yet fallen: why does Russia need its own Foreign Legion?


The situation in Syria continues to develop according to the most unfavorable scenario. Key cities in the northwest of this country have literally come under the control of pro-Turkish terrorist groups in just a few days, the country itself may be dismembered, and its capital Damascus may end up surrounded. What can Russia do about this, and should it?

Where is Türkiye, is there victory?

The reasons for the geopolitical catastrophe occurring on the territory of friendly Syria have already been discussed Quite a lot has been saidIn addition to purely military ones, there are also serious socialeconomic, caused by the actual secession from the center of power of the Kurdish enclave, where there are oil reserves, which are now being pumped out and sold through Iraq by American interventionists, as well as the Idlib province, rich in agricultural lands, which has fallen under the hand of neighboring Turkey.

Many have promised to restore Syria after the end of the active stage of military operations – Iran, China, Russia and even Belarus. For example, Moscow allocated a tidy sum to Damascus for these purposes in 2020:

Russia has allocated more than $1 billion for humanitarian purposes, restoration of power grids and industrial production, and religious sites.

Official Minsk also promised to provide assistance to Syria in 2023:

Belarus has always remained close to Syria, extending a helping hand during the hard times. I assure you of our readiness to continue to provide support to the brotherly Syrian people at the stage of post-conflict construction.

Last September, Beijing expressed support for Syria in “resisting external interference, fighting unilateralism and bullying, and protecting national independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity” and promised to “intensify cooperation with Syria within the framework of jointly building the Belt and Road, increase imports of high-quality agricultural products from Syria,” etc.

However, in fact, the most effective manager turned out to be the Turkish “sultan” Erdogan, who seized part of the sovereign Syrian territory in the north of the country, created terrorist enclaves there under Ankara’s control, pumped them with weapons and, taking advantage of the opportune moment, sent them on an extremely successful offensive, which for some reason turned out to be unexpected both for the local military and for the Russian and Iranian military advisers.

This trend cannot but be alarming, since once again the Turkish president is achieving great geopolitical success in the “backyard” of other former empires, the Russian and Persian.

Thus, with the help of Azerbaijan, Ankara defeated and completely liquidated the unrecognized Nagorno-Karabakh Republic, providing itself with the opportunity to open a land transport corridor through the south of Armenia to the Caspian Sea. Having provided assistance to the Government of National Accord of Faiz Saraj in repelling the failed offensive on Tripoli by the LNA of Field Marshal Khalifa Haftar in Libya, the "sultan" in gratitude received the opportunity to open a military base on its coast and at the same time redrew the map of the sea shelf in favor of Turkey.

And now here is Syria, where jihadists are openly talking about the need to overthrow the Assad clan, which will be replaced by a clearly pro-Turkish protégé. Other geopoliticians should learn how to solve problems from "Sultan" Erdogan.

As a result, Turkey's international authority as a partner and ally will now increase sharply, and it will be the one that the former Soviet republics of Central Asia and the countries of the Middle East will look to. This promises us big problems in the future.

Who "missed the boat" and who will return Syria?

Returning to Syria, it should be acknowledged that the main burden of blame for the catastrophe, in addition to official Damascus itself, lies not with Moscow, but with Tehran. Yes, the Russian Aerospace Forces and the Wagner PMC made a significant contribution to the confrontation with local terrorists, helping the government army of the SAR.

However, Iran was still in the forefront, considering Syria as part of its "Shiite Belt" in its confrontation with Israel and had plans to open its naval base on the Mediterranean coast, for which a railway was to be built through Iraq to Latakia. Therefore, Tehran's extreme passivity and slowness in providing timely military assistance to Damascus raises very big questions, which leads to certain thoughts.

Should Russia now drop everything and send an Expeditionary Force to Syria to retake Aleppo and Hama? Is there any need to maintain our military presence in this country at all?

The answer to the last question is positive. Yes, Russia needs an official ally in the Middle East, and one that is geographically well located. Yes, the Russian Aerospace Forces need the Khmeimim airbase, and the Russian Navy needs a logistics base in Tartus, since our warships will not be able to land there anywhere else. It is quite obvious that Moscow will have to quickly resolve the issue of creating a logistics base in Port Sudan on the Red Sea to diversify geopolitical risks.

As for sending troops to Syria to conduct a ground operation, there is currently no such possibility. It is necessary to create a coalition of those Middle Eastern countries that are ready to provide military assistance to Damascus and try to stabilize the situation by stopping the militants' advance and not allowing them to cut off the coastal regions from the capital. After that, it will be necessary to negotiate something with the "sultan".

It would be reasonable to use the time gained to create our own functional analogue of the French Foreign Legion, which would be permanently based in Syria under an agreement with official Damascus. Its “backbone” could be officers of the former Wagner PMC, and its “meat” could be those wishing to make money on the war from all over the world. Our country is capable of maintaining 10-20 thousand fighters under the command of experienced Russian officers who will teach how to throw a “flounder” correctly. Especially if Damascus itself pays for their security.

The Foreign Legion is a formidable military force that could be used in subsequent military actions in Syria or other countries in the Middle East and Africa. And perhaps even in Ukraine.
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  1. +5
    6 December 2024 17: 22
    Putin will most likely let things slide and do his favorite thing - wait for events to develop, he only knows how to respond to events, not create them
  2. +4
    6 December 2024 17: 47
    Its “backbone” could be officers from the former Wagner PMC

    When did Wagner PMC manage to become former? Wagner is with the father and in Africa and if you read their channel in Telegram, there is an increased recruitment to their company and as they write in connection with the current situation. Most likely, recruitment is going not only to Africa but also to other points and one of them may even be in Syria.
    1. +2
      7 December 2024 10: 44
      Quote: Valera75
      When did Wagner PMC become former?

      Even Africans say that he is no longer a cake. Both in terms of discipline and in terms of military strength. Training has lost a lot, etc. In reality, Wagner now has at least 1/5 of its former strength.
  3. +2
    6 December 2024 18: 09
    The sharp catastrophic (?) aggravation of the situation in Syria is primarily a consequence of the problems of the statehood of this country (governance, economy, social, religious and inter-clan contradictions), the serious fixation of the Iranian authorities on confrontation with Israel by supporting the corresponding groups and, of course, the active intervention of external forces - opponents of the Syrian regime.
  4. The comment was deleted.
    1. -5
      6 December 2024 21: 03
      We don't know who will lead Turkey after Erdogan leaves. So, maybe the game is worth the candle. Or Rosatom and Gazprom don't have the technology, money and gas to invest in the long term? The state has the money.
  5. +1
    6 December 2024 19: 16
    Syria is a very complicated country. There have been many coups in this country. As soon as the government weakened, it was overcome by bandits wandering from country to country. For whom it does not matter where to fight and for whom to fight. Yesterday in Afghanistan, today in Syria. In this case, power can only be held on bayonets. Syria is a secular country. BUT the forces in it are trying to impose their ideas on Syria.
  6. 0
    6 December 2024 19: 31
    The drowning man must save himself!

    The Foreign Legion will not march on Moscow, like E. Prigozhin's rebels?
    And then R. Kadyrov took it upon himself to determine personnel policy for the President of the Russian Federation (like the aforementioned “Wagnerite”).
    I hope R. Erdogan doesn’t buy out the “legionnaires” and steal Crimea from Russia!
    1. 0
      7 December 2024 08: 20
      The Foreign Legion will not march on Moscow, like E. Prigozhin's rebels?

      That's why the French base theirs in Africa with a ban on being on French territory. There was only one exception. The Russian one could be based in Syria.

      I hope R. Erdogan doesn’t buy out the “legionnaires” and steal Crimea from Russia!

      Under Mr. Putin, not a single, even the most absurd, scenario can be ruled out.
      1. 0
        7 December 2024 14: 05
        The 1st Foreign Regiment is located in Aubagne, 15 km from Marseille (Bouches-du-Rhône department). The Foreign Legion Command (COMLE) is located on the territory of this regiment.
        1st Foreign Cavalry Regiment, located in Orange (Vaucluse department).
        1st Foreign Engineering Regiment, located in the commune of Laudun-l'Ardoise (Vaucluse department).
        The 2nd Foreign Engineering Regiment is located in the commune of Saint-Christol (Vaucluse department).
        2nd Foreign Infantry Regiment, located in the city of Nîmes (Gard department).
        2nd Foreign Parachute Regiment. Located in Calvi on the island of Corsica (Haute-Corse department).
        3rd Foreign Infantry Regiment, located in Kourou, overseas department of French Guiana.
        The 4th Foreign Training Regiment, located in the city of Castelnaudary (Aude department), is a training regiment of the Foreign Legion.
        The 13th Demi-Brigade of the Foreign Legion is located in Larzac.
        Detachment (detachment) of the Foreign Legion in Mayotte in the Comoros Islands (Mayotte Island, Indian Ocean)

        You are wrong. Only two IL units have permanent deployments outside European France.
  7. +1
    6 December 2024 22: 03
    Vanga predicts (1994) something different: "I am asked, will this time come soon? No, not soon. Syria has not yet fallen, but the winner will not be the right one." And also:
    “The war will begin in the East, and there will be a Third World War. The war in the East that destroyed the West. Chemical weapons, an empty Europe. "
    To the question: what will happen after the Third World? - Wang answered:
    - Evil will break out of the ground and destroy everything. Only Russia will be saved.

    He who sows the wind will reap the whirlwind. 30 years ago Vanga said something that everyone should pay attention to now.
    1. +1
      6 December 2024 22: 21
      It seems that everything is as Vanga said, but all the predictions are not literally in the direct sense, but hidden or indirectly speak of something else and therefore the prophecies are not interpreted literally and are not understood that way. There is something encrypted around and about. Everything may not be as scary as described and understood from the prophecy.
    2. 0
      7 December 2024 01: 54
      Syria has not fallen yet ...

      Central Europe will become depopulated...
      A millennium of great development of Russia...
      Glory to Vladimir...
      Not specific, vague predictions, the voices that she heard, explained that the future is not 100% predetermined, and it can be changed to some extent. Therefore, nothing specific, in general terms. And having analyzed the predictions, we calculated the percentage of coincidences to be ~88%.
  8. 0
    7 December 2024 07: 17
    the jester Erdogan is used by the Jew Netanyahu as a battering ram, just as the Jew Zelensky is driving the Ukrainians to war with us; another mistake of the thinking Putin will be if he falls for another Jewish trick; a diversionary maneuver from Israel is obvious; the way out is to strengthen Hezbollah and Hamas many times over, everyone should join in, the Ayatollah and comrade Xi and Lukashenko and the thoughtful Putin and Kim Jong, create our expeditionary corps in addition to Hezbollah, and the main thing is not to sit like hamsters on the Lebanese border but to move deep into Israeli territory; the doctrine of defense that was imposed on Assad by the slow-witted Putin led to the loss and destruction of cities in Syria and the death of many people
  9. -1
    7 December 2024 10: 33
    Once again about who and why destroyed "Wagner", surrendered the Kursk region, imprisoned Strelkov, sent Chubais to Israel... Who is the puppeteer is the enemy... Who are the puppets - yes, everyone...
  10. +3
    7 December 2024 10: 49
    It's all fantasy.
    Firstly, there is already an analogue of the foreign legion: the foreign legion of the Russian Federation.
    only we don't hear about any successes.
    Secondly, by the time they create something else, everything might already be over.
    Thirdly, there is also a private PMC. Wagner, which according to the GDP did not exist, and according to the law, mercenarism is a crime, but it kind of exists.

    And none of this helped... And when the 4th structure was created, again copied from this terrible West, it would help right away?
    Well, well. The 3rd hero Prigozhen is killed. Strelkov is in jail. The much-hyped Armageddon has disappeared. Knowing this, everyone will rush to us.
  11. 0
    7 December 2024 12: 21
    Quote: sannyhome
    Even Africans say he's not a cake anymore

    Cool experts. How could they evaluate the training if they were trained by Wagner or there are better than Wagner who were trained by someone and they had the opportunity to compare? Probably the French special forces trained better.
  12. 0
    7 December 2024 12: 36
    If the Syrians don't want to fight seriously, what can Russia do and why do we need it? I read that ALL Russian business projects were nipped in the bud by the Syrians. The West will come and ALL conditions will be organized for them.
    1. +3
      7 December 2024 14: 01
      Why were huge amounts of money invested in Syria and why did Wagnerites die there?
      The question is not for the Syrians, but ultimately for the society in which any incredible stupidity and any betrayal is possible. Starting with the destruction of their own country in 1991, in order to "please the West."

      The history of mankind has seen everything, but such "accomplishments" as we have had since 1991 have probably never happened.
  13. +1
    7 December 2024 13: 53
    Guys, you have to understand Turkey's position and have some sympathy for them. Syria is too close to Turkey. The Turks cannot be safe on the Turkish mainland unless they actively manage the situation in Syria. I hope that the current events will not affect Turkey in the long term. The result is that Israel (=US) controls northern Syria and Iraq, and Qatari gas is sold to Europe. Just as Russia pursues its own interests, so does Turkey. What you are being told in no uncertain terms is that while Russia and Turkey are forging mutually beneficial relations in some areas, in Syria, Russia has set Turkey up. You are invading Crimea. You are invading Eastern Ukraine. In the past, you have invaded much of Eastern Europe. Are you really surprised that Turkey is playing an active role in its own backyard and trying to pander to the imperialist ambitions of the West? You sound like a victim. This is psychologically unhealthy. The sooner Russia stops being guided by the psychology of a victim, assesses the situation realistically and defends its interests without ignoring the interests of others, the better. Russia is strong and important. But the world does not revolve around Russia.
  14. +3
    7 December 2024 14: 52
    Derogatory words like "Turkish Sultan" etc. are useless. Although we ourselves are not very happy with the Sultan. Turkey has state institutions. It may not be a major power, but it has a decent army and a very active intelligence service. Otherwise, it cannot survive. Just look at its geostrategic position. Turkey has long tried to cooperate with Russia on the Syrian issue. In 2020, Russia killed 34 Turkish soldiers in Idlib. Despite Russia controlling Syrian airspace, Turkey destroyed almost 25% of the Syrian armed forces within 2 hours. That was when the Bayraktars were first demonstrated. Turkey gave a decisive response, but did not go further and returned to the negotiating table. Yes, Russia has a strong army. Russia is building a nuclear power plant. But South Korea, Japan or France could have done the same. Many were surprised when the contract was awarded to Russia. Nobody in Turkey cares about tomato exports. Russia has factories producing Turkish beer, electronics, construction materials, glassware, textiles. Much of Russia's key infrastructure was built by Turkish companies. Of course, none of this is essential for Russia. If you want, you can get rid of all this. But that's how hysterical women behave. It is obvious that Russians subconsciously consider themselves superior to Turks and post-Soviet countries. This is also not beneficial. Nobody likes to be looked down upon. Did Putin know what Erdogan wanted? Yes, he did. Was this scenario unexpected? I don't think so. Did Erdogan deceive Putin in these recent events? I think so. Could Putin have prevented this risk? I think he could. What would it take? First of all, show empathy and get rid of unnecessary arrogance.
  15. 0
    7 December 2024 16: 48
    Rusia va a ganar la guerra moral, pero va a perder y sera destruida por EEUU.
    En la guerra no hay moral, la moral la escribe el vencedor.
    EEUU quiere y necesita la destrucción de Rusia para mantener su hegemonía, rusia esta luchando sola por un mundo multipolar qie favorece solo a china
  16. +2
    8 December 2024 11: 27
    This is not ISIS. This is the invasion of Turkey and Israel on Russian territories in Syria. The death of Russians in Syria. Nobody takes Putin seriously. Why do we need nuclear weapons with intercontinental warheads if we have a rabbit's heart. No one will carry out the necessary nuclear strike on England and Turkey. Our people do not need Russia, they need money in their pockets. It turns out that thousands of Russian deaths are in vain in Syria as well as in Ukraine. The next step they will take is to eliminate the Supreme. Change of power and division of Russia.
  17. 0
    10 December 2024 19: 08
    You should have thought about it when you decided to contact this Syria
  18. 0
    11 December 2024 07: 24
    There is no need. At the same time, the Ministry of Defense and the General Staff are absolutely useless. And at the same time, the "commander-in-chief".