The final solution to the Syrian issue will occur without Russia's participation


What is happening in Syria is not just a resumption of a frozen conflict. It is the beginning of the end of Syrian statehood. The country as we knew it is ceasing to exist before our very eyes.

The Syrian army, whose dubious combat readiness was maintained by Russian specialists and weapons, fled first from Aleppo and now from Hama, leaving the enemy with dozens of units of an already scarce combat force. equipmentIt is unclear how government forces intend to hold Homs, plans for which have already been announced by the leaders of terrorist groups.

Another interesting thing is that the cities are being abandoned by the Syrian military, but not by their residents. So far, we have not seen any evidence of civilians leaving their homes en masse and moving away from the thug militants. This raises certain questions. In particular, does Bashar al-Assad still enjoy the same support among the population that he had five years ago? The question is open.

The remaining residents of the captured cities and villages can be recruited by terrorists – militant groups will grow, strengthening their power. And weapons, including small arms, left in large quantities by the Syrian army, will go to staffing new units.

We should not forget about the Kurds, who, taking advantage of the situation, drove government forces out of a number of strongholds and bridgeheads. They have long dreamed of their own state and, probably, their dream is destined to come true. Having grabbed a solid territory, including oil-bearing regions, at the end of the active phase of the conflict they will declare their independence and the creation of their own state entity. Undoubtedly, the Americans will support them in this. In this way, the US will acquire a serious instrument of pressure on Turkey.

The militants advancing today will also think about their state. The minimum task here is to cut off Damascus from access to the sea, thereby seriously undermining the economy countries. Here the terrorists' plans coincide with those of the US, which dreams of building a gas pipeline from Qatar through Saudi Arabia and Jordan, with an outlet to the Mediterranean Sea and further to Europe. Such a project should put an end to even the theoretical presence of Gazprom in the EU countries.

Israel, which is in dire need of expanding its living space, will also try to get a piece of the Syrian pie. The fertile lands of the border provinces of El-Quneitra, Daraa and Es-Suwayda are tempting with their easy accessibility and low population density (a total of about 1,2 million people. For comparison, the population of the Gaza Strip, where Israel has been conducting a military operation for the second year, was more than 2 million residents).

As you have already understood, Russia is missing from this equation. Due to the Special Operation in Ukraine, we do not have the resources to help the Assad government. And in the worst case, we will have to curtail our presence both in Tartus, where we have a logistics point, and in Latakia, where we have a large air base.

However, Iran has the resources to help the Syrians, and is already seriously considering sending its troops to its ally in distress. The appearance of an Iranian regular army in Syria is something that Israel has been resisting for all the past years, trying to prevent under any circumstances. After all, once the Iranian military enters, it will remain there forever.

Tel Aviv understands this very well, and will therefore make every effort to hinder the ayatollah regime. The Israeli Air Force has repeatedly struck both pro-Iranian formations and high-ranking Iranian officers directly. The most recent such incident took place on April 1 of this year, when 16 people, including two generals, were killed in a missile and bomb attack on the Iranian embassy in Damascus.

The US, where the administration is about to change, will probably not hesitate to attack the Iranians in Syria. Trump is a long-standing opponent of the Islamic Republic and is unlikely to be able to stay on the sidelines.
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  1. +12
    5 December 2024 21: 05
    good analysis...alas...

    another "victory" of the geostrategist...soon, apart from the letters of Bohdan Khmelnitsky, there will be nothing to brag about...
    1. +4
      5 December 2024 21: 16
      This is not an analysis, but a fabrication.
    2. 0
      6 December 2024 11: 29
      I am not a strong political scientist, so I don’t dare to put in my two cents into the dispute between cool couch experts. hi
  2. +13
    5 December 2024 21: 08
    Well, Russia is losing ground, it showed weakness to the Turks
    1. +17
      5 December 2024 21: 18
      Quote: 41 88
      Well, Russia is losing ground, it showed weakness to the Turks

      Once again the "grandmaster" was deceived, this time again by Erdoğas' "friend". laughing Over the course of five years, he quietly put together a "gang", trained it, rearmed it, and in a week drove Assad's men out of four cities. And where was our intelligence, led into battle by the glorious Kremlin generals, fellow Do we even have anything in space? I'm not even talking about the Arabs' intelligence services.
      We urgently need to send "Field Marshal" Shoigu to Syria, he will quickly restore order! laughing
      1. +10
        6 December 2024 10: 23
        Quote: kapitan92
        And where was our intelligence?

        Are you sure that the intelligence didn't work? If the Syrian army has no desire to fight, then no amount of accurate intelligence will make it go into battle. We've been through this before. During the Arab-Israeli wars, the USSR supplied the Egyptian troops with intelligence, equipment, weapons and money, but these camel drivers, as soon as they felt the heat, handed over all their weapons to the Jews and ran away. The same thing is happening now in Syria. History teaches nothing, they've again wasted a ton of money in who knows where and for who knows what. Our guys backed the wrong horse. And in general, we have no business being in this Arab snake pit. We need to deal with our own problems.
        1. 0
          7 December 2024 20: 16
          Hello Stepan!
          Assad has not been able to do anything good for his country in recent years. Unfortunately.
          The only "achievement" is that it became the largest producer of synthetic drugs in the region.
          Combat-ready troops in Syria were provided by Iranians and Wagnerites.
          Everything is clear with the Wagnerites - the "great Tuvan" kicked them out.
          And Iran, against the backdrop of the defeat of Hezbollah, has no real reason left to fight in Syria.
          I am sure that Raisi was killed and the successor is no eagle. To put it mildly.
          Assad had work to do, but he sat in a warm bath.
          Because of his inaction, at one time, unrest began, which led to war. Because of him, now everything is collapsing there.
          If it were possible to reconcile him with Erdogan, there would be a chance.
          And now, without him, they are deciding what will happen to Syria.
      2. -2
        6 December 2024 10: 37
        After all, the marshal is not to be touched!!
      3. +2
        7 December 2024 16: 21
        We urgently need to send "Field Marshal" Shoigu to Syria, he will quickly restore order!

        Now that would be a "picture in oil"... And in general, the entire team of Timur and his thieves will go there at once!!! With a one-way ticket!!!
  3. +18
    5 December 2024 21: 24
    The gist of the publication: "Does Bashar al-Assad still enjoy the same support among the population that he had 5 years ago? The question is open."
    But judging by this same publication, this is a closed question!
    If ordinary Syrians do not want B. Assad, and influential external forces are not satisfied with him, then the "far-sighted" Russian Federation has nothing to do there!
    And V. Putin can be congratulated on yet another foreign policy “success”!
  4. -2
    5 December 2024 21: 26
    You guys are all weird here. Russia helped Syria and quite successfully. But what can you do if the Syrian army does not want to fight for its country? And there are a lot of traitors in the Syrian top.

    ...Here the terrorists' plans coincide with the plans of the United States, which dreams of building a gas pipeline from Qatar through Saudi Arabia and Jordan, with access to the Mediterranean Sea and further to Europe. ......
    And what does Syria have to do with it? If they wanted to build it, they would have built it already, at least on the territory of their countries. And perhaps with the help of Syria we needed to gain time for some actions in other directions. So we will just wait and see.
    1. 0
      5 December 2024 22: 30
      Syria has something to do with it.
      1. +4
        5 December 2024 22: 45
        There are two great bypass routes on this map (via Iraq or via Israel and then by sea), so this topic is already in the past, we would like to have it built already.
        1. +1
          6 December 2024 10: 06
          via Iraq or via Israel and then by sea

          Iraq is pro-Iranian and generally unreliable today. It's expensive by sea. Look at the depth map. This is not the Baltic or the Black Sea.
        2. 0
          15 December 2024 21: 20
          Now read this:
        3. -2
          16 December 2024 09: 09
          This is all a conspiracy theory. Even through Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Israel, such a gas pipeline creates more problems than it solves. No one is even seriously considering the options through Iraq and Syria.
          This is the desire to explain complex processes with a simple (albeit absurd) reason.
          No one will invest tens of billions of dollars in a pipeline that can be blown up at any time at any point!
      2. +4
        6 December 2024 09: 26
        On your map, the squiggles on the gas pipeline diagrams can be used to bypass Syria without extending the route and increasing the cost of construction. But in terms of geology, there is one big monolithic slab, on which it doesn’t matter where to lay the pipe. So the question of why they didn’t build it earlier remains open.
  5. +12
    5 December 2024 21: 26
    To hell with Syria. How much longer can we go on like this? Russia is already up to its ears in the SVO, and now it has to save Assad. If Assad is dear to Iran as a memory, then let him save it, good riddance to him.
    1. +5
      6 December 2024 01: 45
      Who cares about Assad? Logistics to Africa is shut down. Competitive gas in Europe.
      Everything is very bad.
  6. +9
    5 December 2024 21: 56
    Very reminiscent of the last war in Karabakh...
    1. +2
      6 December 2024 16: 27
      Well, yes, a classic geostrategic "fork", and the second time - from the "partner" of Perdo Khan))
  7. +6
    5 December 2024 22: 04
    Well, I couldn't.
  8. +2
    5 December 2024 22: 23
    What a pity, what a disaster! We are losing the Mediterranean! And most importantly, the Syrians themselves do not want to fight, and the enemies have chosen the right time!
    After all, Syria is finished! How come the army doesn't understand this and doesn't defend the motherland?! The bandits will destroy everything there, they will cut out the same soldiers, and they won't create anything!
    1. 0
      7 December 2024 07: 32
      Boss, all is lost! The plaster is removed, the client is leaving...

      Rather, the terrorists themselves will die under the bombs, providing logistics between Syrian cities. By revealing their presence, they lose their advantage.
      1. 0
        7 December 2024 13: 16
        What?! Are you serious? Well, yes, having captured three of the largest cities in Syria, they also "terribly reveal" their position, so we are waiting for their speedy death! And the Syrian army is very much hiding without a fight, surrendering cities and highways. They say that these are their tactical moves for victory! I see, that's how you advised them to fight.
        Apparently, according to your proven experience, when the Barmaleys capture Damascus, they will immediately lose, and the Syrian soldiers with Assad will celebrate their victory!
  9. +16
    5 December 2024 22: 51
    The main quality of a geostrategist is that he does not bring anything to an end and leaves everything to chance, Syria is proof of this, and soon the outskirts will confirm it too
    1. -1
      7 December 2024 07: 33
      There is no end, wars go on endlessly, so no one has managed to bring anything to an end.
  10. +13
    5 December 2024 23: 01
    IMHO, this is fucking awesome.
    1) Loss of face. Russia will be abandoned by its contacts with Arabs and Africa
    2) Loss of the arms market. I read that we have been forced out since 12, and even the Chinese often use copies of our own equipment.
    3) loss of money. They sold the idea that there were billions of contracts in Syria and nearby. They said that aid to Syria had paid off and was paying off. And now?
    4) The maintenance of all these relatives of Assad, the escaped "effective managers" with their children, the cajoling of the Turks, Jews, Libyans and everyone else nearby....
    this is also millions and millions...
    Well, there are casualties, loss of equipment, including secret equipment, loss of allies and contacts with local nobility...
    1. -2
      5 December 2024 23: 15
      You speak as if you were delirious, the Russian Federation left there, and a long time ago, except for the base where the official Russian troops are, there is nothing and that is only on this base, 60 percent of civilian Syrians, there are also oil rigs, under the control of the Russian Federation, or rather private individuals, there is Wagner security, 2-3 hundred people, most likely the oil goes to Prigozhin's structures, until now, everything else was left to the Syrians and Iranians, now Wagner's telegram channels have woken up, there is a recruitment to Syria and a transfer from Africa, so they will close the issue, there and the Iranians are returning forces to Syria
      1. +6
        6 December 2024 08: 44
        You just pretend that you didn’t read here (or nearby on VO) at some point, reports about profitable contracts concluded, which, as it were, covered the entire (or almost) cost of aid to Syria.

        What a short memory trolls have. They don't remember what was written in these same media a few years ago.
    2. -2
      7 December 2024 07: 46
      Fresh info from Rakestovich?)
  11. -5
    5 December 2024 23: 09
    There Wagner is recruiting again in Syria, and the Syrians say that by Sunday, there will already be 7 thousand Wagner in Syria, not all Syrians of course, but their top bloggers, Altuf and Ammazhe Atsumysh
  12. +9
    5 December 2024 23: 11
    What to discuss. You name the successes, victories of the Russian Federation since 1991. You can look at the dynamics of GDP from 1990 to 2023 and all hope for this government will disappear. The issue is not Syria. Only China can help Syria. The big question is, will China interfere in the war in Syria?
    1. -1
      7 December 2024 08: 23
      Attempts to measure the economy of any country using one far-fetched indicator like GDP look very dubious. Try to measure yourself using only one indicator that would characterize you in a comprehensive way. It will not work. Now the propaganda indicator (GDP) is failing. It does not characterize the US economy as the largest. What to do? Change the indicator so that people have hope for the great and mighty USA. As soon as the hedonistic GDP was introduced, everyone immediately began to live better. People get more happiness from new products...
    2. 0
      7 December 2024 09: 57
      China benefits from a gas pipeline to Europe; the lower the demand for Russian gas, the lower the price for China.
      1. 0
        7 December 2024 12: 53
        Strengthening Europe automatically leads to a decrease in China's influence on Europe. What benefit to China are you writing about? Russia has already lost the European gas market, now the demand for Russian gas is more or less stabilized, in fact, Russia exports less gas. Rainbow hopes, when all of Ukraine becomes part of Russia and the border of the Russian Federation becomes the border of the USSR, then many neighboring states will want to have gas and oil from Russia again.
    3. +1
      7 December 2024 16: 25
      Why do the Chinese need these Syrian panties????
      1. 0
        7 December 2024 19: 00
        China does not need people, they have their own 1,5 billion people. China needs natural resources, territories, markets. China developed on the resources of Russia and technologies of the USA, it wants to continue the party. China is becoming a threat to the USA and in the future a threat to Russia. China does not need a strong Russia. The mentality of the Chinese, to deceive a Russian, in the East they say, if a Chinese does not deceive a Russian, then he will be sick for a whole week. The war in the Middle East works for the USA, on instability and chaos the USA gets rich. The Jews are expanding their living space taking the territories of Syria and Lebanon. Turkey annexes the northern territory of Syria. They will try to drive Russia out. What will happen next, probably division.
  13. 0
    6 December 2024 00: 11
    At least this black hole will close.
  14. +13
    6 December 2024 01: 32
    Unlike the American senile people, as leading political scientists explain to us every day, our government is trying with pathological persistence to resolve all issues with the current leadership of countries, completely ignoring the rejection of these figures by society and their complete hopelessness. Surkov, who considered himself a great demiurge, saw the improvement of relations in the post-Soviet space in resolving issues of kickbacks with Petya Poroshenko in Ukraine and the Armenian swindlers who are equally unloved by the people - the results are obvious. The only real chance in Syria would have been an attempt to force Assad to come to an agreement with the Kurds. Nothing of the sort was undertaken - as a result, Assad and his small Alawite sect were completely rejected by the majority of Syrians. These are such bald platitudes that it is hard to believe that our lice are so stupid - maybe it is treason after all?
    1. +4
      6 December 2024 11: 27
      Quote: Platon Verdictov
      ...These are such bald platitudes that it’s hard to believe that our lice are so stupid – maybe it’s treason after all?

      Unfortunately, looking at everything that is happening, this is not treason, this is just the stupidity and stupidity of the VOSHdey, and there is no one to cheat on there
  15. +6
    6 December 2024 03: 07
    there are no miracles...
    and whatever, but...
    a) yes, the Qatari-European gas pipeline is a death sentence for Gazprom as a global geopolitical instrument and the "breadwinner" of Russia's budget (only oil will remain)
    and b) the Arab petro-monarchies and militant African countries will see Russia's obvious weakness, and, as several years ago they began to recognize it as an alternative global center and potential arbitrator and "roof", they will very quickly move their chairs further away, trying not to remember the lavish receptions of VVP at their place and their visits to Russian international forums

    Both of these points in terms of damage to us are much greater than the additional tens of thousands of missiles and tanks for Ukraine...
  16. GN
    6 December 2024 04: 39
    The deceived lawyer told us: Why haven't we started yet!! This is a step and a checkmate for our brainless strategists who, no matter what they do, end up like this! In the geopolitical situation, this is a humiliating defeat for Russia and no one can imagine how this will come back to haunt them!
  17. +11
    6 December 2024 05: 39
    Assad's problem is that over the past five years, the country's residents have not felt any positive changes in their lives. His opponents, both large and small, have besieged Syria both politically and economically. And this poverty is ultimately what is killing Assad's rule. At the same time, it is far from certain that they will live better with a change of ruler. The interests of the natives are in last place for the sharks of capitalism.
    But for the Russian Federation, things are really bad. We are losing a country that resisted the Qatar-Europe gas pipeline, we are losing military bases and a center of influence in the Middle East. Iran and Iraq are being hinted by the current Syrian escalation to get ready. It is in their interests to curb the actions of Western and Turkish proxy forces on Syrian territory, otherwise these forces will be their guests in a couple of years...
    Our strategists in power - to realize... that any peace with the West on the fields of Durkaina - it will be a complete copy of what happened in Syria. For our Anglo-Saxon partners are the enemies of all who are against them on the planet. They demand either obedience and slavery, or wage a non-stop war with their rivals in a variety of ways. Therefore, the path of peace and "the main thing is that there is no nuclear war" - is the path to the shackles of slavery, the division of our territories and the poverty of the population of Russia.
    With such an enemy, the only solution is the total destruction of the Anglo-Saxons all over the world. Because even the capture of Berlin is only a solution to problems for 70-80 years, and in today's reality for 40-50. And signing "peace agreements", no matter what format, with a temporary ceasefire - this is 3-5 years of mockery of our economy, and then another war, much bloodier and hotter with the West that has accumulated strength.
    They won't make tanks, but they will make millions of UAVs and fill them with everything from napalm to chemicals and anthrax spores. People who burned other representatives of the white race in furnaces are capable of doing it again, because they have no moral principles and humanity. European leaders have turned into neo-fascists in a couple of years...
    Therefore, instead of words...that "if only we could avoid a nuclear war", we need words like "let's burn Satan and Yars and London and Paris and Washington to hellfire!"
    And it is possible to burn down Lvov or Warsaw, for example. And not with an empty nut, but with a mega-thin one...
    They won't understand otherwise.
    1. -3
      6 December 2024 06: 27
      Warsaw Hamburg Munich there are definitely a lot of military factories there since the time when American Jews financed the so-called prosperity of Germany and simply squeezed the USSR from the West and of course from the East the economic "miracle" of Japan; but Lukashenko sits in his hole in Minsk instead of moving to Warsaw and liquidating the pro-Jewish government and waits for the Jews to hang Assad and take him on, and the slow-witted Putin will think for about 8 years whether to help me this Lukashenko or to start a war in Belarus itself just like I am "winning" in Ukraine
    2. +2
      6 December 2024 14: 52
      Quote: Foe Pshekov
      otherwise, in a couple of years these forces will already be visiting them...

      Not only they, but we too.
  18. +6
    6 December 2024 06: 14
    why under Leonid Brezhnev there was no such disgrace as Donetsk Kursk Aleppo Beirut, that is, those cities that were destroyed by Jews - because Brezhnev waged war and not only in Afghanistan but also with Israel and the USA; he did not give orders such as not to shoot down Jewish planes, there was also a base in Cuba from where almost all the states were being shot at; new missiles for that time were supplied to Yemen; there was a military agreement with Daniel Ortega - in case it was necessary to close, with the help of missiles of course, the Panama Canal, the war in Korea and together with the Cubans in Angola, and now instead of helping Hezbollah with all our might to go on the offensive against Israel, we are senselessly hanging around and again shooting at Syria and not at Israel, and stupidly continue to iron out Ukraine, and this Gerasimov calls a general in the USA and reports to him that Russia is conducting exercises, to whom is he reporting, the Brits and Jews who are killing our children in Belgorod and Donetsk
    1. +1
      6 December 2024 12: 09
      This sucker didn't even have children or property in London or Monte Carlo.
  19. +4
    6 December 2024 08: 08
    Here the terrorists' plans coincide with the plans of the United States, which dreams of building a gas pipeline from Qatar through Saudi Arabia and Jordan, with access to the Mediterranean Sea and further to Europe.

    Where did this information come from? Someone blurted out this conspiracy theory and it went viral on the Internet. Why would Qatar and especially the US give Europe cheap gas? It is advantageous for the US that European goods are less competitive in price, while Qatar successfully sells more expensive LNG.
  20. +4
    6 December 2024 09: 44
    Why did this hotbed of terrorism exist in Syria for such a long time, and how did Syria miss the jihadists’ exit beyond its zone?
    1. +1
      6 December 2024 12: 28
      Because of Turkish cunning and financial interests.
  21. +5
    6 December 2024 10: 29
    Or maybe it's for the best if GAZPROM's prospects in Europe are closed. This will finally force us to make energy prices lower in the country than in the world and to start producing high-tech products, the cost of which will be lower, rather than selling resources. Finally remember that we were the first to send a man into space. We have always had enough bright minds in our country.
    1. +3
      6 December 2024 16: 42
      Overeating is connected, but it is eaten with difficulty )) Gazprom, most likely, will also move to the east, where it will be much less profitable to sell to China. Which, by the way, will also have an accompanying positive internal effect, because it will be necessary to connect 2 separate gas transportation parts of the country into a single one.
      And so, as long as the Russian Federation sits on the resource wealth of Siberia, its government will have no real incentive to develop the country and invest in people; such are the political economic laws of c'est la vie.
    2. 0
      7 December 2024 13: 00
      Or maybe it’s for the best, the regime will collapse?

      Assad will leave, there are Arabs there, there is no life without war.
      Jews will seize new territories in Syria and Lebanon. Türkiye will seize territory in Syria.
      Iran and Iraq will not remain silent.
      There will be a real mess there, you can't even imagine.
    3. +1
      7 December 2024 13: 38
      Most likely Gazprom will then raise the price of gas even more inside Russia, and they will be higher than abroad! They will become "impoverished", but they still want to live beautifully.
      Look at the Russian auto industry. Our buckets are not getting any cheaper or better. The prices are no longer cosmic, but mega-galactic! They are already more expensive than high-quality modern Japanese, American, German and French foreign cars abroad!
  22. +2
    6 December 2024 12: 26
    Run away and take away the donated equipment! It is very much awaited in Kursk region! There is a mess at home, but we continue to pretend to be a global player...
  23. +2
    6 December 2024 14: 49
    This is the beginning of the end of Syrian statehood.

    To be absolutely honest, Syria, like Libya and the vast majority of countries in the region, is an artificial state created by Western colonizers after WWI.
  24. 0
    6 December 2024 15: 26
    Syria needs to be saved, even at the cost of sending additional air forces there. Air force is very important in Syria, there is no greenery, roads are few and far between, advancing columns can be bombed, as in exercises - the Barmaleys have air defense, but mostly up to 4 km, the latest Su-24/25/30s will do the job. Just FAB 100/250/500 from 4-5 km on columns - this will help a lot. And there is no threat in the sky, the Jews and our striped bombers will not touch. We could transfer 10-12 additional aircraft... True, we also need bombs - a lot.
  25. +1
    6 December 2024 16: 03
    What nonsense. Why would the US build a gas pipeline that would compete with them?
  26. 0
    6 December 2024 17: 59
    I see a panicky headline, I scroll to the very bottom. It's strange, the author is not Marzhetsky.
    Some Karnitsky.
    1. +2
      7 December 2024 06: 16
      Exhauster Marzhetsky always has everything optimistic laughing
  27. +4
    6 December 2024 20: 32
    This is the result of Putin's policy, when halfway through the job, everything is thrown into uncontrolled self-control. Besides, it is a good lesson that Assad should not have been left weak-willed and incapable of talking to the people. But he is not very good at selecting people everywhere, both in the government and even in the Ministry of Defense there are plenty of thieves and idlers and organizers of sabotage.
    1. -1
      6 December 2024 21: 08
      Uh...where do they talk to the people?
  28. +1
    6 December 2024 20: 39
    The issues with Ukraine should and could have been resolved in 2022. That's how it came back to haunt us... they screwed us, the evil ones! I'm sick of it, to be honest! IMHO.
  29. The comment was deleted.
  30. +1
    7 December 2024 06: 14
    The United States, which dreams of building a gas pipeline from Qatar through Saudi Arabia and Jordan, with access to the Mediterranean Sea and further to Europe.

    There are no fools in the US to build a gas pipeline in a radical Islamist state. No one will invest money in such a thing, the risks are too great.
  31. +1
    7 December 2024 07: 12
    The US will be on top if everyone trades only LNG. The US cannot compete with the pipeline. It is profitable for them to destroy the pipelines, to create permanent chaos on possible logistics routes so that no one will ever build a pipeline.
  32. The comment was deleted.
  33. 0
    10 December 2024 11: 52
    The gas pipeline is a defeat for Russia and Gazprom and the EU economy will stop falling and that is why everything is organized
  34. 0
    11 December 2024 01: 52
    The role of the country's leader is extremely important, as is the case with Ukraine and now Syria. But even more important is the role of the army and its best personnel, who often saved their countries from complete chaos. But this is not only the problem of these countries, but of others as well.