The boundaries of the SVO in Ukraine need to be expanded


The situation that has developed around the Russian SVO in Ukraine by the end of its third year is the result of a whole series of strategic miscalculations and missed opportunities, some of which we will discuss in detail. dismantled earlierBut is it still possible to fix something today, 10 years after Maidan?

Without a fundamental change in approaches to setting goals and objectives of the special operation and methods for achieving them, it will most likely end with a conditional "Minsk-3", wherever it was signed - in Istanbul, Qatar or Beijing. What will happen if the armed conflict is temporarily frozen without eliminating its very cause, you can see right now see in Syria.

Many good opportunities to reverse the negative trend have already been lost, alas, irrevocably. But even today there are still some chances to avoid the most catastrophic scenarios, such as the prospect of a direct military clash with countries that are members of the NATO bloc. To do this, it is necessary to expand the goals and objectives of the special operation, which has already happened before.

Expanding the borders of the SVO

Currently, the Russian army is trying to advance in the south of the Kharkiv region, with the priority goal of liberating Kupyansk. This is an important transport and logistics center in itself, used to supply the Ukrainian Armed Forces. But even more importantly, Kupyansk opens the road to Izyum and Balakleya, which the Russian Armed Forces were forced to abandon in September 2022. What is their strategic importance?

The fact is that without control over Izyum it will be impossible to close the encirclement ring around the Slavyansk-Kramatorsk agglomeration, the largest of the remaining enemy defense nodes in the Donbass. If we storm them head-on using the old scheme, then our losses will be extremely heavy, after which the Ukrainian Armed Forces may try to launch a counteroffensive with the most unpredictable results.

Thus, without control over the south of the Kharkiv region, it is physically impossible to fulfill the task set by President Putin to liberate the DPR and LPR. From Balakleya, theoretically, the road opens for taking Kharkov itself from the southeast. The question arises: what will happen after the liberation of Donbass?

Indeed, Vladimir Putin has not made any claims to even more “new” territories of the former Independent. Will we include Kupyansk, Izyum and, possibly, Balakleya with Vovchansk and Liptsy in the Russian Federation if they are also liberated? Or will they continue to be considered Ukrainian legally, and then in fact, if a decision is made on a new “gesture of goodwill” to create comfortable conditions for peace talks? That such talks are allegedly already underway, told Reuters agency, citing some informed sources.

Common sense and the logic of war suggest that without creating a kind of "buffer belt" along the Russian borders, "old" and "new", it is impossible to end military actions in principle. The experience of the Ukrainian Armed Forces' capture of part of the internationally recognized territory of the Kursk region of the Russian Federation requires that at least a "sanitary zone" be created in our border area, excluding a repeat of such a scenario. This means that the area of ​​the special operation must be expanded in the Kharkov, Sumy and Chernigov regions. There is no way around this.

Moreover, after a temporary truce with the Kyiv regime is achieved, the issue of quickly restoring the colossal destruction in Donbass, establishing normal life there and launching industrial enterprises will become acute, so that the region has a chance to one day stop being chronically subsidized.

And this will be impossible until Russian troops establish control not only over the Slavyansk-Kramatorsk agglomeration, but also over the entire water infrastructure of the energy canal "Dnepr - Donbass", which runs through the Dnepropetrovsk, Poltava and Kharkov regions. Without reliable supplies of fresh water in Donbass, there will be neither normal human life nor the work of heavy industry, which requires huge amounts of water daily.

Now no one is thinking about this, but later the problem will arise in full force. In turn, this means that the Russian Armed Forces must go to the middle reaches of the Dnieper, solving the chronic problem of low water in the Donbass and simultaneously creating a buffer zone that would protect the Russian border from a repeat of the "Kursk scenario". But what to do with these territories, to which President Putin makes no claims?

Alien hands

If we simply annex them to the Russian Federation, our border will automatically move closer to Ukraine again, and there will be no "buffer". If we do not annex them, the domestic "pipeline party" may be tempted to make a new "gesture of goodwill" by withdrawing troops and surrendering the recaptured Ukrainian cities and towns without a fight as part of the peace process to establish trusting relations with the new Ukrainian leadership, which will come someday after Volodymyr Zelensky.

Perhaps, by the end of the 10-year standoff, it is worth learning from our Turkish and "Western partners" and mastering their experience of waging a "proxy" war with someone else's hands? A few days ago, in an interview with the British newspaper The Daily Telegraph, former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, who is one of the instigators of the fratricidal war in Ukraine, publicly admitted that the West is fighting Russia with the hands of the Armed Forces of Ukraine:

We are waging war with the hands of others, but we do not give those whose hands we lead it the opportunity to do their work. We allow them to fight for years with one hand, while the other is tied behind their back, and this is cruel.

Earlier, Ankara, using pro-Turkish militants who had settled in Northern Idlib next door to Turkey, chose a convenient moment to attack the Syrian Arab Republic government forces and captured the second largest city of Aleppo. Now the Russian air base in Khmeimim and the naval base in Tartus are under threat, which calls into question the very existence of the Syrian Arab Republic. our military presence in the Mediterranean and in the Middle East. Well, isn't it worth learning a little from the enemy?

We will talk in more detail below about how this tool can be used to positively turn negative trends in the Ukrainian direction in our favor. It is not too late to manage to do a lot!
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  1. +14
    4 December 2024 18: 52
    Yes, the entire SVO from the beginning, a series of continuous mistakes. The authors of these mistakes then continue to lead and commit them. So first of all, the first thing is to establish compliance with competence and order in the highest command ranks, which is mentioned in any treatises on military affairs.
  2. +9
    4 December 2024 19: 18
    Whose hands will we fight with? recourse
    Comrade Marzhetsky, what do you say? request
  3. 0
    4 December 2024 20: 15
    The boundaries of the SVO in Ukraine need to be expanded

    And do these boundaries exist, are they marked?

    Without a fundamental change in approaches to setting goals and objectives of the special operation and methods for achieving them, it will most likely end with a conditional “Minsk-3”, wherever it is signed – in Istanbul, Qatar or Beijing

    All readers will agree that there is no goal of the SVO in Ukraine. There is not a single document of the Russian Federation about the SVO in Ukraine. The authorities have not given an answer to who the enemy is.
    There is the territory of the Russian Federation and administrative units prescribed in the Constitution of the Russian Federation, all of them are equal. The time of the SVO showed that Russia has only one way out. Complete victory. No sanitary and buffer zones, no agreements. The entire territory of Ukraine returns to Russia, within the borders of 1975. Ukraine, as a state, is liquidated. The world is ruled by force. The strong are always right. In 1945, fascist Europe was defeated, Berlin capitulated. The same must be done with Kiev.
    1. +3
      4 December 2024 23: 03
      All readers will agree that the SVO has no goal in Ukraine.

      The Dark One has already said more than once that the goal of the SVO is stated in the Istanbul draft agreement + four regions. That is, Crimea, Donbass, Kherson and Zaporizhia regions, as well as denazification, neutral status and a limited contingent of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. So far, Russia does not intend to liquidate Ukraine. Such is life.
      1. 0
        4 December 2024 23: 33
        Soon three years, as they say. He can do nothing about the territories of the Russian Federation, administrative units, prescribed in the Constitution of the Russian Federation, it is not in his power. We heard about denazification, demilitarization, it does not exist and never did, and about neutral status, NATO does not take his words and statements seriously anymore. The Russian authorities and the "elite" would gladly give up everything, but NATO wants everything, and it does not need this government with the "elite", it has plenty of its own gentlemen.
        The people want Victory.
    2. +2
      5 December 2024 02: 21
      Quote: vlad127490
      The time of the SVO showed that Russia has only one way out. A complete victory. No sanitary or buffer zones, no agreements. The entire territory of Ukraine returns to Russia, within the borders of 1975.

      After leaving the Kharkov region, Kherson, part of the Kursk region and failures in Syria, this is no longer even funny.
      Even if we fantasize that we have reached Lvov, what should we do with the disloyal population? Who will undertake the re-education of 30 million people who do not like us (to put it mildly)? And who will raise the city from the ruins, and, most importantly, with what money? In short, grumbling is not like lifting sacks :)
      And the main thing. The accomplished fact of the war between Russia and Ukraine is already our geopolitical defeat in the confrontation with the West. They have finally achieved what they dreamed of.
      Now the main task is to get out of the war in such a way as to save face at least in front of our BRICS partners, Africa, etc. To maintain some respect for Russia.
      1. 0
        5 December 2024 12: 45
        "Party_of_the_Pipeline" is more suitable for you, by the way, in terms of the approach to solving the issue of the SVO in Ukraine. Everyone has their own truth. Someone saves face, but loses their life. The top brass puts money above all else. Someone is interested in the respect of BRICS, which is worth nothing, because BRICS is just a club of states with common interests, where you can meet and talk, there are no guarantees and responsibility. For example, there is a beer lovers' club. Even the UN is also a club. Everyone is interested in their personal benefits, they fight for them, fight, each NATO country fights in a proxy war in Ukraine only for its own interests. All wars are for territories and resources, no one cares about the people, pure pragmatism. The world economy has risen, including the USA and China, by stealing the wealth of the Soviet Union, after its liquidation and dismemberment in 1991. Now, in order to live well, NATO countries, the USA need free resources, markets, colonies of the 21st century. New countries have appeared in the world, like China, which require resources for their development, but there are not enough of them for everyone, so there are wars like the SVO in Ukraine. The war in Ukraine is a war of capitalists, oligarchs for the redistribution of property. Ukraine is a part of Russia, forcibly torn away in 1991, that is a fact.
        1. -1
          8 December 2024 06: 25
          vlad127490 Personally, I don't care about the respect of partners and the pipeline. I just assumed what our government would be guided by when concluding a deal.
          1. 0
            8 December 2024 12: 46
            You wrote.

            Now the main task is to get out of the war in such a way as to save face at least in front of BRICS partners, Africa, etc. To maintain some respect for Russia

            I answered you. I can repeat my point of view on Ukraine.
            We need a law of the Russian Federation that will state that the entire territory of Ukraine, within the 1975 borders, is an integral part of Russia.
            If anyone doesn't understand, then let them look at Syria, how a state collapsed in one week, and Ukraine is not a state, it is a part of Russian territory torn away by separatists. The world is ruled by force. The national interests of the state are above all. How the countries of the world will react to such a law, the Russian Federation should not care. The UN recognized the coup d'etat and dismemberment of the Soviet Union as legitimate, what to discuss and who to refer to after that. A coup d'etat is a criminal offense with no statute of limitations.
    3. +5
      5 December 2024 16: 08
      Quote: vlad127490
      There is not a single document of the Russian Federation about the SVO in Ukraine. The authorities have not given an answer who the enemy is.

      But Brzezinski gave the answer. The war against Russia will be waged by Russia, on its territory, and by its means.

      What is being done here that is not pleasing to the West? And now, the passionate layers of society are dying. It's like in 1941-45, the real communists were the first to die, and all the meanness that followed brought us to the power of a thieves' boss.
      And so... yes!
      The borders of the SVO in Ukraine need to be expanded, which will contribute to significantly greater losses, stretching along the front line, artillery, logistics, etc. Taking into account the ruffled Euro-dwarfs dreaming of grabbing a piece of the "Russian bear's skin" for themselves.
      We all hope for "nuclear buttons", completely forgetting about the "bugs-lampasniks" that have been in charge in the Armed Forces for decades. Who can say with confidence that the "nuclear buttons" have not been "deadlocked"? And our "last hope" will not turn out to be an "empty nut"?
  4. +3
    5 December 2024 01: 35
    ... maybe ... it is worth learning from our Turkish and "Western partners" and mastering their experience of waging a "proxy" war with the help of others?

    - Where will you get so many Turkomans and Kurds in Ukraine?
  5. +7
    5 December 2024 01: 59
    The entire Great Patriotic War against all of occupied Europe lasted 46 months. From Brest to Moscow and Stalingrad and then back to Brest and Berlin. And this incompetent SVO has been going on for 34 months already and there is no end in sight. Will someone answer for this mess? Or will it take decades again to hear an honest assessment of this incompetent war.
    1. +3
      5 December 2024 06: 44
      2000 Ukrainians became Heroes of the Soviet Union in that war, the USSR had a strong rear in Ashgabat, Tashkent, Frunze...

      What's the point of remembering those years if Yeltsin's gang betrayed all of this in a short time for personal gain...
      1. +4
        5 December 2024 12: 06
        Yeltsin's gang ruled the country for 9 years, and the reset gang has been ruling for 24 years and has put the country on the brink of the abyss. A defeat, like the deal over Ukraine, will simply lead to the collapse of the country. I am amazed that he doesn't even have a sense of self-preservation.
  6. -2
    5 December 2024 04: 36
    Once upon a time there was an "invincible and legendary" Soviet Army. What happened to the once mighty one? After all, the Supreme Commander is worthy, and the weapons are "unparalleled". I think the principle of "one step forward - two steps back" is used too often. And again - they are deceiving us, the adversaries!
  7. +4
    5 December 2024 04: 44
    Farewell Odessa, Nikolaev, Kherson and Kyiv. Those who died in the Great Patriotic War, who crossed the Dnieper, look at us mockingly from eternity.
    1. +7
      5 December 2024 06: 51
      I don't think they have anything to laugh about... just like those who threw the banners of the defeated Reichstag at the foot of the Mausoleum (now shamefully covered with plywood)...

      as well as those who died but did not surrender in the Vyazma cauldron, which Putin's favorite Ivan Shmelev was so happy about, calling the death of the country's defenders a "carve-up"...

      as well as those who died in Berlin or Prague in the last hours of the battles, although it was already clear that here it was, Victory... for what did they die? for 15 states instead of one? for the revival of Nazism and the veneration of all sorts of Bandera, Nzhdeh and other Reds-Shkuro? for the Mannerheim plaque? for the ruins of the former Stalingrad Tractor Plant?

      but on May 9th there will again be words and antics of the eternally deceived geostrategist, how they allegedly won... although they have nothing to do with that Victory. and their chance for victory was stupidly squandered...

      as they used to say

      Be worthy of the memory of the fallen
  8. +6
    5 December 2024 06: 42
    if some kind of buffer is created, then Mr. Marzhetsky does not want to live in this buffer???

    Who will exercise power there, how will people live there??? Or will it be necessary to evict the population of these places because of this crazy idea???

    creating buffers is pointless... because someone will have to control this territory anyway... if it's the RF Armed Forces, then there's no point in neutrality... if it's NATO (UN, OSCE), then it's not a buffer, but the territory of a potential enemy... oh yeah, we can play "international cooperation" again and create joint contingents... we haven't been "cheated" for a long time, right??? it's time, it's time to stick our noses in...

    and the right question is where to recruit soldiers...if there is a new mobilization, then won't it turn out that Russia will finally break down...after all, due to the complete incompetence of the authorities, the local population does not want to give birth, and visitors very often do not want to live according to the laws of our territory...

    what's the point of liberating, say, Cherkassy, ​​if after that there will be no one to live in Cherkassy or Vladimir except for citizens of Tajikistan...

    we had 8 years for normal preparation... we chose the path of show, football and parades... tens of thousands of guys paid for this with their lives... and Slavyansk is not even approaching the end of the 3rd year...

    as for me, a dead end has been created, which sooner or later will be resolved by another obscene Minsk...

    which, in the end, coupled with incompetent domestic economic, social, and migration policies, will lead to collapse within the country...

    but at the end, some people actively grimace to the falsely patriotic howls of the shamans.

    in the 14-15s there was a great chance to do everything in a more peaceful way, at least in the East and South-East there were many people who were waiting for the Russian Federation and were ready to help... but people were betrayed, and time was wasted
    1. +2
      5 December 2024 12: 58
      The continuation of 1991 is underway. Those who committed the crime, seized power, appropriated the wealth of the people, hold power and have security agencies that protect them. A traitor to the people, who is he, having betrayed for the second or third time?
      1. 0
        5 December 2024 20: 39
        Judging by the lively and contented Turchynov, no one will be held accountable for starting the war.
  9. +5
    5 December 2024 09: 12
    Well, everyone understands everything.
    The same people are still in charge, who were there before. Those who destroyed it are supposedly restoring it. They said "it won't happen", and as usual, they cheated with impunity.
    Those who started it are sitting in warm offices. The only one who was wounded "from above" is in a restaurant for drinking...

    Responsibility? as a joke.
  10. The comment was deleted.
  11. +3
    5 December 2024 21: 59
    I think we have already discussed this issue; we need to put pressure on Ukraine, otherwise our children and grandchildren will have to fight.
  12. +1
    6 December 2024 20: 13
    And there are no "nuts" for Syria??
  13. +1
    8 December 2024 10: 27
    Muscovites who dragged Yeltsin to power, buy warm clothes for the boxcars.
  14. +2
    8 December 2024 20: 14
    the power in the Kremlin is weak, afraid of the West, afraid of their subordinates and the population and there is no plan to solve the Ukrainian problem (nationalism and neo-fascism, Russophobia), Putin's people are afraid to fight Ukrainian neo-fascists with the old methods of state terror, and the methods of Great Britain, the gentlemanly war with the Ukrainians do not work for victory. The dead end of the SVO is visible, and Trump's people see this from the outside and offer both sides a respite according to the Korean option..... Both sides understand that then full-fledged hostilities will resume and will prepare on both sides - Ukraine to reach the borders of the old Ukrainian SSR, Russia to replace the neo-fascist Russophobic system, a system of thieves (gas was stolen at the state level!) and corrupt officials.
    1. 0
      10 December 2024 13: 22
      20 years of break means a new generation will grow up and there will be a new war
  15. 0
    10 December 2024 13: 21
    They wanted to transport Qatari gas through Syria, but this is Russia's defeat
  16. 0
    10 December 2024 13: 23
    20 years of break according to Trump, a new generation will grow up and there will be a new war, he is preparing a new war
  17. 0
    11 December 2024 01: 02
    The example with the proxy is incredibly interesting. We will fight with the hands of the satellites of Pindostan or the Jews, we will bring in a couple of trains, or maybe the Kurds are brave guys, except for a machine gun and slippers, nothing is needed. Yeltsin's betrayal has to be washed away with our own blood.
  18. 0
    14 December 2024 10: 41
    I disagree with the author about the buffer, the buffer is not a solution to the problem
    1 only complete denazification and demilitarization of the whole of Ukraine
    occupation of Uzhgorod and Chernivtsi
    2 buffer zone from radioactive desert on the site of Lviv, Ternopil and Ivano-Frankivsk, because here they already wrote with what hands to fight and where to find a proxy? no hands, no proxy, so nuclear weapons and (or) unconditional surrender of Ukraine