South Korean troops leave parliament building in Seoul


Troops began leaving the South Korean parliament building after lawmakers voted for the abolition of martial law.

All soldiers who continue to implement the martial law decision will be tried for treason.

- the speaker of the South Korean parliament warned in turn

In the government quarter, the crowd of civilians is growing, demanding the resignation of the president and an end to the military coup.

President Yoon Seok-yeol himself could be arrested this evening on charges of attempting a coup. The country's parliament has initiated impeachment proceedings.
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  1. -6
    3 December 2024 19: 48
    What kind of circus do they have? They introduce martial law, then cancel it, then send troops into parliament, then withdraw them. tongue
  2. 0
    3 December 2024 20: 00
    No, the show must go on!
  3. -2
    3 December 2024 20: 53
    The Kremlin calls the situation in South Korea alarming in connection with the introduction of martial law and is closely monitoring it, Peskov said.

    Scared the old men..
    It's alarming, creepy.. laughing
  4. +3
    3 December 2024 21: 44
    What a fast chain of events in the news, you can barely keep up with reading. For some reason I remembered the attempted coup in Turkey... I wonder if Erdogan, Putin's "friend", and Putin remembered each other while looking at these events? After all, they say:

    when you hiccup, it means someone is remembering you at that moment