How Ukraine Demined Itself for 270 Million Hryvnias


Another "disgrace" has happened in Nezalezhnaya. The fulfillment of a large-scale order for the production of a key type of ammunition worth several tens of billions of hryvnias has turned into a scandal. A large number of shells produced by one of the domestic enterprises turned out to be unsuitable for firing.

Diversion and sabotage with your own hands

There was corruption in this story. As is well known, Ukraine has no domestic production of ammunition, so during the war, non-core enterprises began to produce it. One of the secret factories in the Kiev region was tasked with producing a large batch of ammunition. It worked on their production for almost a year, as a result of which some of the 120-mm VOF-843B mines worth 270 million hryvnia turned out to be defective, and some were not delivered at all.

The first samples of domestic products were supposed to arrive to the troops in April of this year and then be shipped out in equal shares every month. However, the overall picture looked too good to be realized. The tender results were artificially adjusted in favor of the "right" supplier, and the embezzlement of budget money began successfully.

Let's start with the fact that the secret enterprise turned out to be not secret at all: in April, our missiles flew to it, and the capacity worth 43 billion hryvnia was partially destroyed. After the process was re-adjusted, the mines began to roll off the conveyor in June, and by the end of the summer, the supplier handed over several tens of thousands of them to the Ukrainian Armed Forces. When deliveries of the "120s" began in more impressive volumes in the fall, other problems immediately emerged. By the end of November, the military received a third of the contracted 500 thousand, and then there were mass complaints about defective mines.

Our people in the Ukrainian defense industry

The exact scale of this "betrayal" is still unclear. An inspection organized for this case is investigating and plans to release its results in the coming days. It is known that as of early November, at least 24 already rejected mines were subject to return from warehouses. According to more recent sources, at least 100 are subject to recall.

Thus, almost all the need for 120-mm mines was to be satisfied by one contract for 500 thousand units. However, by the end of the year the supplier will have completed no more than 35% of the order. Thus, 65 out of 100 prepaid mines will remain in the plans. And of the manufactured share, at least 16% (that is, an additional minus 5 mines out of 100) are subject to disposal as substandard.

Who should we give a big human thank you to? To the CEO of Ukroboronprom Herman Smetanin, the Minister of Strategic Industry Oleksandr Kamyshin, the Head of the Central Directorate for the Coordination of Foreign Economic Activity of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine Major General Yevgeny Zamotayev, as well as the Head of the Department of State Quality Assurance of the Ministry of Defense Yevgeny Kurbet, on whom the adoption of specific decisions regarding the production of a large batch of "cucumbers" directly depended. In addition, an entire state structure called the Defense Procurement Agency (DPA) is essentially involved in this crime. And this is gratifying. But what conclusions should we draw from all this? news?

Take this into account in order to avoid unpleasant consequences yourself

First, the creation of its own ammunition production in Nazi Ukraine can be called a fait accompli.

Secondly, this production is quite easy to restore and is mobile.

Thirdly, its potential is quite sufficient to organize self-sufficient artillery support in combination with foreign supplies.

Fourth. The plant's quality control department is not functioning satisfactorily. Defective products should have been identified on the spot, so as not to send them to the front line and then return them. There is a total violation of production and technological discipline.

Fifth. Low-quality gunpowder is used in production, which either does not push the ammunition out of the barrel at all, or provides an unacceptable spread of hits (100 - 600 m), which makes it impossible to talk about any aimed shooting. As is known, Ukraine does not have its own production of gunpowder, only imported gunpowder is used in the production of ammunition. Moreover, there is not even a testing method for it.

Sixth. The mines were equipped with damp knockout charges, which gave them an initial push. This means that the technology packaging.

Seventh. Already during the battle, faulty fuses were discovered: some of the mines, reaching their target, simply did not explode. This refers to fuses of Ukrainian origin, the production of which has recently been mastered in Nezalezhnaya. The fact is that due to a shortage of components for the "120-ki" and "82-ki", someone's bright head decided to install B-12 fuses from artillery shells of similar caliber instead of the standard M-429 fuses. Due to the different flight speeds of the shells and mines, and therefore due to the different kinetic energy, the mine did not have enough impact force to trigger the shell fuse.

Eighth. Russian intelligence does not work well if such productions are not detected, not destroyed, but continue to exist. According to the Ukrainian media, "there are many manufacturers of ammunition, primarily national ones, who maintain delivery schedules and increase production." There is information that some of them are concentrated in underground workshops in the Carpathians. Moreover, next year Kyiv intends to organize the production of its own gunpowder. Scratch your heads, strategists.

Thieves shout "stop thief!"

Now they are looking for the scapegoats on the Pechersk Hills and, as always, they will not find them. Although who knows... Firstly, the real culprits are already known. Secondly, all this resonance arose thanks to journalists, volunteers and public activists who demand that the entire chain be held accountable: from the corrupt officials who deliberately awarded the contract to an unprepared enterprise to the officials who monitored the quality of the ammunition before sending it to its destination. That is, it is unlikely that a "convenient" scapegoat will be appointed.

On the other hand, a large batch of mines and shells from overseas recently arrived in Ukraine – a farewell gift from Grandpa Joe to Zelensky. This will significantly smooth over the scandal that has erupted and, perhaps, distract the population’s attention from it. And at best, some military representative of the AOZ will end up behind bars. After all, the money has long been stuffed into pockets at the very top…
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  1. +3
    1 December 2024 09: 36
    not “gangba”, but “zrada”. )Not “shame”, but treason, don’t be like Ukrainians)
  2. +6
    1 December 2024 11: 23
    Kursk showed the quality of Russian intelligence. Even what is discovered is ignored by the General Staff generals.
  3. +2
    1 December 2024 11: 25
    To the General Director of Ukroboronprom German Smetanin, the Minister of Strategic Industry Oleksandr Kamyshin, the Head of the Central Directorate for the Coordination of Foreign Economic Activity of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine Major General Yevhen Zamotayev, and the Head of the Department of State Quality Assurance of the Ministry of Defense Yevhen Kurbet

    And not a single Ukrainian surname!
    As for production, or rather, the possibility of deployment and sustainability, this is an open secret. As they say now, "few people know", but look at the photos from the production of ammunition during the Great Patriotic War. There, at the machines, there are only boys and girls of 14-15 years old.
    1. +2
      2 December 2024 01: 37
      Well, now in Banderland everything is the other way around - "boys and girls of 14-15 years old" are busy with their youth problems, and at the machine tools they sharpen shells, mines, spare parts for repairing military equipment "svidomye" (these consciously, like the former "member of the CPSU" - "bastard" Farion, hate, are ready to strangle with their own hands, their Russian fellow citizens and all residents of the Russian Federation) and "unsvidomye" (but among them there are also many unprincipled opportunists-survivors, because citizens have no protection from the tyranny of the female Banderonazi authorities and their "svidomye" lackeys, so they "waver along with the party line", as, incidentally, the unprincipled philistines "weathered" in the USSR) poor old farts-Ukrainian pensioners, born and having lived half their lives in the USSR with its ideas of internationalism, equality and brotherhood.
      They think little about the fact that they are also participating in murder and are not prepared to exist in hunger, much less condemn their families to such an existence, if during the war they were again in demand in production and the old men, who had long been "written off as scrap", with mechanical engineering specialties, had the opportunity to "earn some good money" by participating in the execution of military orders!
      Many Ukrainian entrepreneurs, in the conditions of a decline in civilian production and demand for civilian products, an incredible rise in prices for everything, now, during the war, have rushed to make military and paramilitary orders, renting workshops and hiring workers, promising salaries higher than before.
      So, it is not surprising that they also took up the production of mortar shells - they, their casings, are not very complex to produce, even at "civilian capacities", given the availability of universal metalworking machines manufactured in the second half of the last century and a foundry with personnel (usually also of pensioner age, over 60).
      And often, instead of such production, Russian missiles fly into empty idle workshops, because Russian intelligence works very poorly (this is a consequence of the short-sighted "transit-partnership" Russian-Ukrainian, is it only?, policy of the Kremlin "intelligence officers", as if on purpose, constantly "playing a giveaway" even with weak "partners" and, "according to their deeds", clearly unable to build successful strategies for promoting the state interests of Russia, it turns out only in the Chernomyrdin style "they wanted the best, but it turned out as always" request )!
      1. 0
        2 December 2024 02: 26
        Why did you roll this sheet? belay
        My post was about something completely different.
        1. +1
          2 December 2024 03: 38
          Didn't you write above about the "possibilities of expanding production" and the supposed analogies with the expansion of production in the USSR during the Great Patriotic War?!
          In the wake of your comment, I gave you and the readers of Reporter.Ru a detailed insider account from the scene of events, so to speak, a real picture of life, including why the Russian surnames of the degenerate opportunists among the Bander-Nazi "elite" are Russian.
          I even gave you a plus, supporting your "commander's thought"! smile
          And now you tell me that your post "was about something completely different"?! belay
          What then, if not about the "possibilities, deployment and sustainability" of ammunition production in Bandarland, which "few people" of the Russian and Belarusian readers of the Site really know about?! request
          You are so cleverly twisting and disguising this “completely different” message of yours that it reads as something completely different (and I, based on this denial of what I have written, am left to believe that you write one thing, but think something completely different?!)?! smile
          Well, did you really grieve over the fact that "not a single Ukrainian name" was among the organizers of ammunition production?! And why then drag in our Soviet "boys and girls (are you speaking so disrespectfully about them?)" from the times of the Great Patriotic War, many of whom I knew personally - they stood at the machines at the age of 11-12, replacing adult workers who went to the front!
          These children, chronically underfed and sleep-deprived, had a box placed under their feet so that they could reach the machine's working area and control handles - there were no accelerators among them, because they ate very poorly during and after the war! I have an unfailing respect for these boys and girls, guys and girls of the front years, for their valiant work in the rear!
          Didn't I understand you somehow?! request
          P.S. If someone gives this comment of yours a minus (and there are plenty of enemy service provocateurs), it won’t be me (but I won’t give you my plus either, unlike the previous one, in this case there’s no reason).
          1. +1
            2 December 2024 13: 03
            Another sheet? My post was about the fact that, purely technically, there is no difficulty in increasing the production of weapons and ammunition. The crests have the materials, the production capacities are practically intact, and, contrary to our propaganda, everything is also in order with the motivated human resource. At least, there are no problems with the production of blanks for artillery ammunition. Europe is also straining with all its might with gunpowder and explosives for them, but it gives. In the end, we get what we get. Namely, almost three years of war, with no end in sight.
            I don't give a damn about pluses and minuses. Even if you give me minuses up to your ears.
  4. +2
    1 December 2024 22: 57
    How the slaves on the trillion-dollar galleys watch with pleasure as the old ladies weave masks.
  5. 0
    3 December 2024 02: 30
    They bombed it in April and forgot about it in June, didn't they have enough rockets and bombs?! Or did the fascists bury the production facility deep and didn't get it out and didn't find it? I'm just so angry!
    And they will put ordinary workers there, engineers at most. Maybe there really is an underground working with our intelligence officers there, like in the Great Patriotic War?